Mahnoor grumbled on the toilet, her throat aching from heaving. She's been sick for three mornings straight and she does not want to believe what is clearly written in front of her. She's searched the symptoms of pregnancy after Nana mistakenly blurted out that she could be pregnant with the radiant glow of pregnant women and all. Of course, Mahnoor didn't pay any heed to those words and continue to take lemon in hopes to calm her raging stomach down and keep some food down.

Oh no, that is not happening and she is tired. Everything she eats comes out the next minute, it is so unfair to her because she is a foodie. She stood up from the bathroom floor, pushing Ummi aside to mosey inside her room and lie down on the bed. Maybe she should take some medicine and sleep off the whole afternoon, that might work just fine. She didn't take medicine because of the undying vendetta between them, she couldn't but nothing will stop her now.

"Ummi, get me some painkiller." She lied down on the bed, curled herself in a ball because she is suddenly too cold to just lie there. She drew the comforter closer to her neck and closed her eyes with a breathy sigh.

Ummi behind her stood rooted and reluctant. Her mistress is pregnant and she is not willing to accept that, she needs to do something before she complicates things further for herself. She's been with her for an entire year and months to know how adolescent she can be and the strong denial she's always had in her. This is the time where she needs to step up and do something so they won't have regrets later in future with what ifs or had I done this or that.

She thought for a seconds then replied. "Alright. I'll go get some from the kitchen cabinet. Nana used the ones in your room during her last period when she didn't find the ones in the kitchen—"

"Just go and get them wherever you can find them." Mahnoor cut her off with more grumbles, her voice muffled with the covers pushed to her face. She is so cold and tired to bones, not ready to listen to Ummi's endless rants.

"I'll be right back." And she astutely hurried out of the room to the kitchen where a telephone sat. She quickly dialed Asad's number which he's given them in case of an emergency like this one.

The last two months were amazing to Mahnoor with the support of Asad. He's been there for her in every step of the way. When she's cried that her husband made love to her and left the very next day without saying a word, when her mood swings skyrockets or when she gets tired of being in the house. Things are changing rapidly with Mahnoor and they like that because she's been scooped for many months, she needs to see how their world is and Asad serve as the best distraction at that moment. Everything glided smoothly whenever he is around.

He took her on many dates. She always comes back smiling widely and giggling at a conversation she's had with him in the restaurant or on their way. She finally knew the goings around Bauchi and went to so many places. From parks, restaurants, hotels and even the new mall that's recently been launched by his friend. Mahnoor got to see the glimpses of other people's lives and befriend one of Asad's friend's wife, Ni'ima. Things got more interesting along the way and feelings are reflecting.

She often extricate herself from the fond memories she's had with Asad and compare them to her fights with Aman. She doesn't even miss her husband anymore, not after the care and attention Asad is showering upon her. She tend to forget that she is actually married to his brother who's never called her or asked how she is coping. Countless times, she's tried calling his number but it wouldn't go through so she stopped trying the third week all together. If he really wants to talk to her, he will find a way to do so.

Asad is the complete opposite of Aman's cold ruthless nature. Asad is the kind of man she's always pictured her life with. Someone cool, calm and charming with a great sense of humor. Why didn't the Ajujis got her married to him instead of that cold hearted brute they gave birth to who happens to be Asad twin? It makes her wonder how things can be so alike yet more than a bit different. Just like Asad and Aman, if not for their looks, there is nothing that would've connected them except the blood running through them.

Now that Ummi is dialing his number, she is so excited to find out if Mahnoor is really pregnant. Oh, they will have something to do instead of being Mahnoor's nanny, they will have her baby to deal with. And they will see whether she will mend her ways and stop being prepubescent and grow up for once.

"Hello. Asad Ajuji speaking." Came his cavalier and brusque voice.

He knew it was a home line but doesn't know which one which is why he answered in the first place. He is not in a good mood, his father is the cause.

Ummi gripped the phone, his voice is so sexy. At Nana's entrance into the kitchen, she got yanked off her reverie and she spoke.

"Sir, I'm calling from Master Aman's home. His wife is ill and doesn't want to go to the hospital. If you could come and get her—"

"I'm coming." He hung up then threw on his bronze blazer atop the mocha shirt he is wearing, he left the office in a rush. Throwing orders at his secretary, he drove briskly back home and to his brother's side.

He entered, the door ajar for him. The maids pointed at her room and he went there without a word, found her lying beneath the duvet and shivering slightly. He frowned, the girl is so stubborn. There is no time to waste since he does not know what is wrong with her so he went to her closet, removed a hijab and came back to the room. He yanked the duvet off of her, stared at her shivery small body clasped in red maxi gown that outlined her body but there was no time to linger over that, he threw the hijab around her and pick her up bridal style.

Her eyes are closed all the while but she murmured a few protests he didn't bother listening to and place her in the backseat, lie her down so she can rest. He closed her entire body with the hijab before rushing to the driver's side and accelerated out of the compound. His sisters are present in the main mansion from the sight of their cars, he will come back and meet them. Their numbers should also be there for emergencies such as this.

Arriving at the hospital, he shouted at nurses around to get her a room which happened in less than a minute. That is the same hospital Azima's father was hospitalized, he's forgotten about her for the past week. She's been calling him quite alright but he is just not feeling much vibes with her anymore, the sparks are slowly dying down and his sister in law is taking over the space. He's distanced himself from her too the past few days, only calling once to check up on her and that is it but seeing her ill now, it's another story.

Once the doctors went in to check her, he sat down outside to wait for their return. They came out unperturbed. Asad glared and scowled at them, not getting why they just checked for a few minutes and came out when she's been shivering for more than just few minutes. This should be good news or he tatter their lab coats into shreds.

The male doctor stepped forward with a professional well-exercised smile. "There is nothing wrong with, Mrs. Aman. We've taken her blood and it will be tested. The result will be here in just a few minutes and we can find out what is really going on. From the looks of things, she is quite alright."

Asad let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and nodded his head. "You can wait there before the result comes out. Or go into the room and be with her. She should be conscious in a few minutes or so."

Asad nodded yet again, mutely walked into the room they ferried out from. He opened the door to find Mahnoor staring weirdly at the room then her tensed shoulders visibly relax at the sight of him. He gave a tensed smile of his own and went to her bedside, her hair disheveled and face filled with fear. His smile at her in a reassuring way, she should fear nothing while he is at the vicinity.

"What I'm I doing here?" She questioned, her hand flying to her scalding hot forehead to cool down the heat. She winced, lying her head back supine against the pillow.

The room with pale white walls, a bed and couch at the further end with its curtains wide open, nothing much. It is definitely a hospital room from the strong smell of sanitizer. She pinched her nose shut to not perceive the goddamn awful smell. What on earth is she doing on a hospital bed when she was lying in her room waiting for painkiller from Ummi? Had she been out for a while?

"You are in the hospital. You passed out few minutes ago. They took your blood and the result should be here soon." He went to her bedside and sat down, he stared at her hard to see whether there is any other slight discomfort from pain.

Apart from the migraine that's slowly taking over her skull, she is perfectly alright and not feeling cold anymore. Asad sighed, he was terrified and so worried that she'd pass out again and then they will call a malignant disease. He cannot watch another person he's come to care about die with some illness that have no cure like his grandfather's. He will do anything in his power to not let that happen again, he can't endure more than he had.

Mahnoor sighed, closed her eyes to sleep for a little and she did so but just for twenty minutes while Asad gazed at her like she is some price possession and a skeptical creature he cannot possess nor discard. She's been gnawing his head way too rapidly, always there to make him smile just with her mere thought. Not even Azima elicited that lovestruck reaction from him and to think he is not in love with his brother's wife. He just cared about her because she is his sister-in-law and his brother lacks the sense to do what he should. His duties and responsibilities as a husband.

He wanted to ask her to fly to Portland to meet her husband but Aman stopped him because clearly, it is for her own good. Paparazzi are hellbent on ruining his privacy and with Mahnoor as another spice, there won't be any escape. He is not ready to acknowledge her publicly and Asad understood where he is coming from albeit doesn't support the notion. She is his wife whether he wants to accept that or not so the sooner he acknowledged her the better for him.

And besides, she is the most beautiful girl he will ever encounter in his entire life. Yeah there are more gorgeous Kashmiri and Indians but they still won't be as beautiful as this girl here with hair flying all around her and hijab draped on her shoulders. Her dark beauty mark above her mouth, creating another dazzling appearance to fill up the already filled pulchritude.

A knock on the door startled him out of his reverie, he went to it and draw it open. A male nurse stood outside the door with a polite smile etched across his face, Asad regarded him with one of his own that if looked deeply, bemusement is written all over it and his face too. He is so confused about his feelings and it is making his head ache, he hates feeling new things that he cannot place a name on. It shouldn't be like this at all.

"Good day, Sir. Dr. Aminatu request your presence along with Mrs. Aman." The nurse said, looking more like a courier than a nurse with a pretty white face and feminine features.

Asad yaw back to look inside the room when he saw a movement from his peripheral vision. Mahnoor is adjusting her hijab at the news. "We'll be there. Where's her cabin?"

They were shown to her cabin, Asad knocked at the door then walked inside after an acquiesce came from within. Mahnoor stood beside him like a malleable kitten, her hijab closing her from head to toe. The both of them sat down relaxed on the chairs in front of her but the anxiousness is written all over their faces. Mahnoor's stomach is in nuts at the sight of the woman's gargantuan smile, she is about to get a good news and she is not so sure if it's going to be welcomed at all.

The doctor swiveled around in her chair and yaw to look at them again with the result in her hand. "Congratulations, you are two months pregnant with a healthy baby."

Both of them held their breaths, one in astonishment and the other in shock. Mahnoor is not ready for the news but that doesn't mean she hates it too. Her eyes brimmed with tears but Asad beside her narrowed his eyes on the table in front of him without emotion. The doctor surveyed them both but didn't say a word, just allowed them to take in the information then gave her a book that consists of all the things a pregnant woman is supposed to know about. Asad settled the bills and they left together without a word to each other.

Mahnoor didn't bother filling in the silence on their way, she is too absorbed in her own bubble to think about what Asad is going through. What could he go through anyway? This is his younger brother's baby, he should be excited about becoming an uncle. Her hand went to her stomach and she caressed it idly, thinking and weighing whether Aman deserves to know about it or not. When the baby was conceived, he knew nothing about it because he left the country after doing his job, after donating semen. She clenched her small fists, he shouldn't know but his family will most definitely tell him about it. That is if Asad hasn't done that already.

She leaned her head against the window and suspire, it's going to be a long ride. Not having her parents with her will make it even longer and she is damned sure Aman won't come to her aid suddenly because she is pregnant. Will she have to keep relying on busy Asad to make ends meet? What sort of life did her parents haul her into and why are they doing this to her? This secret thing should end by now, she cannot endure more than she's already done.

They arrive back at the Ajuji manor and Asad drove her to her home. Mahnoor was too tired to notice how Asad's mood has changed at the news of her pregnancy so she allowed him to get her into the safety of her home and tucked her into bed. He didn't move from above her and she squinted her eyes at him, waiting patiently for him to either say something or leave the room. He did neither for few more minutes, just looking at her blankly.

She pouted, she doesn't like this depleted Asad because he is beginning to look like her husband. "Can you smile or let emotions show on your face? I don't like that look on your face..." He didn't say anything so she scowled and turn her back to him.

She heard his hard breath getting released before he murmured in a husky voice. "I'm just worried. Aman have an important match that will definitely hold him up for almost a year so I don't know how you are going to cope with this..." she didn't turn around to look at him but her back stiffened at the mention of her husband, she is now afraid of him to be honest.

Seeing as she is not ready to dispatch her resolve, Asad circled the bed and faced her with a stern expression she raised a brow at. He looks like an older brother scolding his younger sister for going out with a boy on a date. "Do you think we can do this without him? I know my sisters will be more than willing to help."

Mahnoor gulped, she's met the sisters only once and they didn't share any word between them but they are clearly so much older than her. When she met the matriarch of the house too, there were no words exchanged between them and it irked her. How can you not warmly welcome your daughter-in-law? And her children stood like statues, doing everything she does like puppets. That's how she found out just how cold the family is. There is no affection between the parents and children, only mastery and slavery.

And about Aman, she doesn't give a damn whether he comes back or not. He took her virtue and left the country without as much as a goodbye. How dare he think he can do what he wants just because she is from the village and not up to his standards like the women he's met in Portland? She has pride too and it was brutally bruised by his hands. She won't let this come to rest and if she could have her way, she will leave Nigeria and go back to her parents. This doesn't make sense at all!

Asad's eyes are patiently on her, waiting for her to say something about her husband's ill mannered nature. "We can do this with or without him and it'll be better if he stays there. I don't want to see his face around me or I miscarry the baby in my womb. No one should force him to come back, I don't need him neither does the baby!"

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