Mahnoor took a deep breath before leaving the confines and safety of the car as Nufaisa parked right in front of the few stairs that lead to the high court. A place she's been longing to be.
There are so many people outside waiting for them, she is not sure who but she is about to find out. The journalists are getting more anxious while waiting, questioning this person and that one. Mahnoor had no idea her case was this popular amongst people but it seems like everyone wants to find out how it's going to end.
Her, a wee lady from Niger or thee Zubairu Ajuji feared by the most powerful people in Nigeria?
As soon as their car parked, the reporters hurdled around like bunch of butterflies to flower. In this case, more like bees because they are not nice looking or kindhearted. They want to brutally get information from them and leave.
Nufaisa's hired bodyguards came forward and ushered them into the court, making sure none of the press members came close to them. Mahnoor was grateful, she wouldn't have known what to say to them.
They were asking why she didn't bring the case to court a year ago until now, she cannot give them any tangible answer since the judge is not in front of her. She is not going to clarify anything to anyone, she is done explaining herself. She wants everyone to think whatever, as long as her son's murderer is sent to jail.
They traipsed inside the court, it's filled to the brim and the Ajujis are also there. Her steps wobbled a little but she forced her feet to stand straighter and her spine to rise.
Mahnoor stopped to look at each one of them because they did the same, watching her like bunch of hawks.
Asad is not there with them but all the other siblings are sitting close to one another with their parents at the other end. All their faces were devoid of any emotion and she made sure her face is far more blank, her eyes sharp and calculating like Asad had said.
Najeeba is looking at her with something close to revulsion or maybe something far deeper than that but the feeling is mutual. Not even Fadwa gave her a smile, why else should she give them one they don't deserve? It doesn't matter what they think anyway.
She wanted to give them the middle finger but that'd be childish and she is not the other Mahnoor they knew.
Now they all want her son's justice tarnished while their brother roam around freely and earning more fame that he does not deserve. She won't watch that monster roam around scot free. For killing his own flesh and blood without an ounce of regret or guilt, he should pay for it.
Crisp acrimony bloom and fell on her like an avalanche. Her heart soared with unquenched need for revenge, to avenge her son's death.
To shred out each and every secret hidden behind their facade and show the world the beasts shrouded in that garment of riches and aristocracy. They don't deserve to live like normal people when their actions are bestial.
If only she can do something more appalling, something that will get Zubairu Ajuji himself to jail or maybe his wife and that little Najeeba. They all need to learn a thing or two. That is not her responsibility though. Her main goal is to send her son's murderer to prison.
Looking away from them, her fingers clench into a tight small fist, she followed Nufaisa and Surayya to the front where she found Asad sitting with two empty chairs beside him waiting patiently for them to arrive.
She gave him a forced smile before sitting down next to him, Surayya to her right and Nufaisa in front of them looking all too serious and unlike the person that's just finished jeering her in the car few minutes ago. She admires her professionalism and hard-work, there is no one like Nufaisa Rashidi and that's a fact.
She allowed her eyes wander around the courtroom in thirst for knowledge.
Gleaming polished wood, the paneled walls, witness box, pulpit like lectern. Two flags were exhibited; federal and state flags, a clock on the wall, tagged bags of evidences she knew about, closed circuit television.
There are two desks for the plaintiff and the defendant, a door leading to the judge's chamber, a wide central corridor in the gallery seating area for the witnesses to be brought down, highly secure windows, members of the public and law students observing the proceedings and taking notes.
Everyone wants to know how this is going to end.
Mahnoor's attention snapped back to the Nudge's words. "... accused, Mr. Aman was charged with the murder of his son under section 407 of penal code. He committed the offense at 7pm, October 10th at the premises of No. 10 Madaki Ajuji Manor, Bauchi State, Nigeria. Under section 407 of Penal Code, if the accused is found guilty, he will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.
"Today the prosecution side represented by Mrs. Nufaisa Rashidi while from the defense counsel side represented by Mr. Ibrahim Ado. The trial begins." The Judge adjusted himself on the large bench, his glasses neat that you cannot even see lens.
Nufaisa stood up and adjusted her black gown. "About 7pm on October 10th, Mr. Aman was charged under section 407 of Penal Code. I would like your permission to bring my first witness for this case, My lord."
The Judge who's been staring at her since she stood up nodded with a hint of smile. He's heard about this young attorney and is honored to work with her because he loves watching intelligent people debate in the courtroom. "Yes, you may."
"Thank you, Your Honor."
Nufaisa called ACP Abubakar to the witness box and he came without hesitation. Why would he do so? Zubairu Ajuji cannot do anything to him now.
And Mahnoor has managed to persuade him into telling the truth in the court after paying him a hefty amount of money and promising not to tell anyone about what's happened a year ago and how he managed to close a murder case.
She's paid him double what Zubairu Ajuji did so imagine his enthusiasm to work with her. Nufaisa scolded her for paying him, she would've just blackmailed him into saying the truth or he lost his job which she is sure he will by the end of the hearing anyway.
That is Nufaisa, she might be the youngest but she is also the ruthless and fearless attorney.
"My name is inspector Abubakar, I swear I will give the true clarification only." He stood tall, his eyes looking anywhere but at the Ajujis.
"First of all, inspector Abubakar is representing the main witness of this case, Mrs. Mahnoor Muneer, the mother of the deceased." Nufaisa raised her voice loud and clear for everyone to hear, daring.
Her eyes deep into ACP Abubakar's she inquired in the same tone that demands answers. "Inspector, where was the witness during the incident?"
"According to the witness's clarification, the witness was at the crime scene where the deceased was contrived to inhale poison." Came his answer, smooth and transparent, truth.
Nufaisa nodded. "Can you tell a little bit of information about what happened before the deceased was coerced to inhale the poison?"
"On Friday, October 10th, the deceased was laid on a bed by his mother after bathing him and she went for her own turn when the accused walked in and forced the deceased to inhale cyanide. The witness rushed out at the sound of the deceased crying then saw the accused leaving the room in quick strides, not before she saw him. The witness rushed him to the hospital where he was confirmed dead by the rapid spread of the poison he's inhaled into him." Oh, he hasn't forgotten a single scene she's told him about a year ago.
"What happened after that?"
"That was it. The accused was said to be intoxicated when he committed the scene and due to lack of proof, the case was closed." ACP Abubakar shook inwardly because if Nufaisa wants, she could just tell the whole court what has happened a year ago.
But she didn't do that. "Your Honor, this proves that the accused is the main suspect for this case; therefore, I have no further question to ask. Thank you."
"Defense counsel, do you have any question to ask?" The judge asked the lawyer Zubairu Ajuji hired for this job.
Mr. Ibrahim Ado frowned his brows in concentration. There is nothing he can ask now without blowing the cover they have cloaking them. He is only there to ask for parole and make the court see that his client was intoxicated when he committed the crime which means the punishment needs to be reduced one way or the other.
If he tries fighting this case against Nufaisa Rashidi, he will end up having a bad name attached to him. She is so confident in what she is saying so he is better off keeping quiet till everything comes to an end.
"No, Your Honor."
"Public prosecutor, are you ready for cross examination?" The Judge asked, eager to see more action from the young lawyer.
"No, allow me to call the second witness, Dr. Yusuf."
"Yes, you may." He approved, the eagerness slipping into his tone so he cleared his throat.
Dr. Yusuf, the shy and timid doctor that treated her son and told her about his death stood up from behind the court and went to the witness box.
He's changed a lot since she's last seen him but for the better. He is now bigger, a bit too much junk in his system but he told her he got married few months ago and maybe that is the reason behind the change. She was so grateful when he agreed to be her witness in the court, he was not swayed by Zubairu Ajuji's wealth and power.
Nufaisa got him into hiding knowing that is the first place Zubairu would go to. Except that the joke was on him.
"I, Dr. Yusuf, pediatrician of State Hospital, swear to tell the truth and the truth only."
"Doctor, what is your relationship with the deceased?"
"I was given the responsibility to examine the deceased before he passed away straight after he's inhaled the cyanide..." Dr. Yusuf stood straighter, remembering how the other police man did. This is his first time standing in a witness box.
The hearing went on and on for another forty minutes before it was concluded. Evidences were given to the judge and there was no way Aman could slip out of this.
The test from the hospital was there, a recording Mahnoor did with Zubairu Ajuji when she went to collect money from him, witness of the whole scenario, Asad and so on and so forth. Aman didn't try to defend himself, he has given up already so there is no use trying. He sat there looking bored out of his mind and waited for his sentence.
If his father was able to help, he would've done that but the man also looks exacerbated at the whole situation. It is time he gives up too.
He got sentenced to life imprisonment with a chance of parole. Burst of congratulations echoed from every crevice of the courtroom and Mahnoor was left all alone inside it so she can gather her thoughts and wits.
Aman was taken away by some officers, Zubairu Ajuji left with his family and when Nufaisa, Asad and Surayya offered to stay inside the court with her, she told them to go that she will be there in a few minutes, she just needs to collect and orchestrate herself.
She wanted to send Zubairu Ajuji to jail too but she cut off the recording and only give the part where he agreed that his son killed her son but not the part where he tried bribing her with money. That would've ruined the entire process because her fault will also be seen and then things are going to get more complicated.
Her main goal is to send Aman to jail and that one is done. Then humiliate Zubairu Ajuji so his reputation will get tarnished and he will be harangued by the public for awhile. They should see that he is not the eminent man they thought he was. He is a beast hidden behind fine getzner and Italian shoes.
The relief she wanted to feel enveloped her, it overwhelmed her so much that she crumbled to the floor. She is rooted to the chair, her knees brought up to her chest, her heels abandoned on the concrete floor.
Feeling hypnotized, she let out a hesitant laughter so loud, it boomed all over the walls in the quiet courtroom and bounced. A huge exhalation left her and her shoulders relaxed for the first time since last year, they really slouched in real relief. Her muscles finally reclined.
Standing up, she manage to get the right angle to do Sujud-al- Shukur with the help of her phone.
Finally, the tears rushed down their sluice like they were being chased by angry devils. She cried so hard; clutching her chest in process while resting her back supine against the plaintiff chair Nufaisa had sat on. Her head started aching, her heart beating too hard for her to comprehend what is going on.
She is coming to terms that her son is dead but justice has been served. She's won!
Knowing she is close to losing consciousness, she blinked hard against the haziness and stood up with a little bit of sway. She adjusted herself, shielding her eyes with the Ralph Lauren sunglasses she brought with her, sending silent thanks to Asad for asking her to bring them with her.
She is sure her eyes were puffy and filled with more tears ready to fall but this is not the right place. She is going back to her small house, cry her eyes out then pray some more and thank Allah for permitting such miracle to occur. It's not everyday a village girl from Niger wins a case against a well reputable and eminently respected man from Nigeria born with silver spoon dangling between his teeth.
Mahnoor wobbled her way out of the courtroom, looked around with raised brow at the sight of the Ajujis, a few other reporters hanging, Nufaisa along with her husband, Surayya and Asad.
She started making her way to where Asad and Surayya stood but then changed her mind, made her way to the Ajujis with an arrogant lilt of her head and bounce to her steps. The victory and triumph gleaming all around her.
"Good afternoon, father-in-law, mother in law and sisters-in-law. How've you been? It's been exactly a year since you..." She threw her Jimmy Choo covered right leg like she's kicking a ball- "...kicked me out, eh?" She mocked in a jeering tone, hoping to God her face isn't flushed.
Her eyes are still shielded away from other people's view so she is confident. It's all ersatz, fake bravado but the ecstasy of seeing their humiliated face made her soar to the sky. This is the sight she's been waiting for.
None of them wanted to talk to her but like always, Najeeba cannot keep quiet. "You little piece of shit will pay for what you've done to us. You think our brother is going to rot there because the judge said so? News flash, this is our country and the government shall be fermented around the way we want them to. Because you've got a few millions to spend, you think you can stand against us? You will regret ever doing this." She leaned into her personal space while pointing a finger at her.
Mahnoor tucked her tongue into her cheek in disapproval, bent the forefinger pointed at her with leisure moves. "I'm still your sister-in-law and even if Aman has divorced me, I'm still going to be your sister-in-law again. You need to learn how to respect me as your older brother's wife. I don't go well with sacrilegious maidens anymore, so watch you mouth."
The other family members deflated at her statement. Sister-in-law again? What does that mean?
Najeeba narrowed her eyes. "Are you going to get married to Asad?"
Crossing her arms, Mahnoor took her time before answering. "Why, of course. You are quite intelligent, baby sis. A love marriage this time around. I cannot wait for it to be forthright with you guys."
Their expressions yawed to something comical as though they were saying: are you shitting us right now? But then their eyes fell on the aforementioned man striding towards them in ground eating strides. He stood next to Mahnoor like a protective shield, his scent wrapping around her like her own arsenal of weapons.
Had they been married, she would've leaned into his warmth and close her eyes to smell that intoxicating cologne of his but she continued standing with a mocking smile. They were all quiet, Najeeba not able to reply with anything this time around.
"You two are getting married?" Haleema asked instead, her eyes on Asad instead of Mahnoor which hurts more than she thought it would.
They were quiet close with the sisters so it hurts so much now that they cannot even look at her.
Just because she wanted justice for her son? Weren't they supporting her after the murder had taken place? What changed?
Now they are turning their backs on her because she is not willing to forgive their brother. Had they been in her shoes, they won't forgive him either but now they are only seeing her fault as an unforgivable wife. How hypocritical and selfish of them. They are all just like their parents.
Prejudiced, narrow minded and self centered.
She would love nothing more than for everything that's happened the past year to be a dream, a nightmare but that's the reality of her life. Who would want her alcoholic husband to kill her son? Absolutely no one even though she's started hating him then, she wouldn't wish for this upon any other person. It's so hard coming to terms to the facts but she did it anyway.
Mahnoor had loved Aman Zubairu Ajuji! She thought it was going to work out for them in a weird bizarre way but he's proved her wrong.
A slow smile graced Asad's face. "Yes, we are getting married right after I get Aman to divorce her. It won't be that hard since he is going to be there in prison for the rest of his life."
Najeeba made a look of pure horror but didn't utter a word knowing Asad can easily give her another backhand and even though her mother might slap him right back, it'll still hurt her like it did earlier. That shit was painful. So Fadwa talked this time around, her voice so gentle that you could mistaken her for Jameela if not that they are looking at her in the broad daylight.
"I don't know why you sound so bitter against your brother for the first time in your life. He's committed a crime, that's true but why so harsh? Because of a woman?" Mahnoor hid a flinch but those words hurt. Because of a woman? Is Fadwa for real?
Asad pinched the bridge of his nose. They are acting as though he hates his brother, he loves him more than any other person in the world. They are twin brothers for goodness sake, they literally grew up together doing everything and always around the other's hip.
It's just that what he's done is an unforgivable sin, they know that too but don't want to acknowledge it. Blood is thicker than water.
"I'm not bitter and I still love him but you all don't want to acknowledge what he did and it's alright. I was cut off the family tree earlier so if any of you wish to still be my relative, then you need to respect my decision and my wife." He announced with such power that made Mahnoor's chest flutter and weird tightness grip her core.
No one said anything else so Mahnoor took it upon herself to bid them adieu. "I hope this is the last time I'm going to see all of you. If this is what you call a family and how you live life, I'm glad my son didn't live long enough to see and live through such life. Have a great life ahead."
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