Mahnoor stared at what she's painted with vindication and hauteur. Her eyes void of emotions, she blew on the now colorful canvas then place it down in a long row that she's piled waiting for the next day so she can hang them on the wall and exhibit her talent to the world. And in the next few days, she is going to shake the entire world with a stunt that will bring not only one person down but an entire family or even the whole nation, you never know what a small stunt could do.

She used to be so happy while painting back in her home but it was never a passion, after a few tries here and there, she will leave the paintings and colors. She then heard from Asad that painting really helps in earning money there in Nigeria and if she is going to do a good job at impressing the old rich folks, then her work will take her to more places than she's ever thought. And that is what she wants, connections that will get her to places so she can also swerve through them and do as she wants in Nigeria.

She's gotten a few words placed in the right ears -like Zubairu Ajuji had said- and remaining just little for her to achieve her goal which is why she is setting her plan into motion. She cannot wait longer than she had, a whole year felt like century itself so this is the end of it. Her son, may his soul continue to Rest In Peace will get the justice he deserves even though it's by sending his biological father to jail. That man is no important to humanity, he doesn't even deserve to be a dustbin.

She's seen how great he is becoming in the football world. Everyone is just singing his praises for the past year and she cannot wait to bring him down along with his obdurate and callous father. She vowed to do so and nothing can stop her.

Now that everyone thinks both the family and the footballer himself are perfect example to set out for their children, that is the time she is supposed to pummel. She will make sure everyone is flabbergasted, confounded and galvanized with the entire situation then hurl Aman into jail for life imprisonments and ruin Zubairu Ajuji's dream of becoming the future governor of Bauchi State. He thinks he can move on with her son's soul restless? He can get what he wants when he is camouflaging a murderer underneath his wings? He will see what it means to hurt a mother.

Before leaving the Ajuji manor, Mahnoor made sure to cut off all communication with the sisters right there and then. She packed up each and every single thing she's brought with her from home and left the ones she was given there in the house, she won't need not even a rag of theirs. The sisters were heartbroken when she packed up the minute her son's body was lowered into the soil. There is nothing left for her to do and the memories she's built up with him will haunt her in the house. She realized much later that her son died on 10th October, her birthday, her wedding and the first day she saw Aman.

How could a beautiful day yaw into a horrendous one filled with anguish and wretchedness? She's thought that was the best day to ever exist in three hundred and sixty five days, how naive she was. Encumbered in that day are so many daunting memories that she desperately wants to overwrite. That same day continue to haunt her for months, serving her so many sleepless nights and never ending nightmares. That is why she is going to rise now, unswayable and pertinacious than she'd been.

The Ajuji sisters cried so hard when they saw her with one old suitcase she's brought from home. She didn't see Zubairu or Hajiya Hadiza when she left and didn't request their presence since that won't do anything to her. She's also heard that Aman left the country the same night her son was killed, Zubairu Ajuji sobered him up and sent him away. The man planned everything, forced Aman to take liquor so they can prove in court that he was intoxicated when it all happened. She found that out from Asad.

He told her all that's happened after they got that phone call from the hospital. Aman told his father in fit of consternation about the murder and the man was quick to use his ingenious cranium to set things out and straighten his path.

A bitter smile had emerged then as she thought about how freely he is moving across the globe after brutally killing their son. How could he? He thinks her son doesn't have anyone to stand for him? She will prove him wrong, along with his entire family.

"Mahnoor, you shouldn't leave in this state. Can't you just stay for a bit longer? Maybe till after the seventh day or something?" Fadwa had stopped her from leaving as she stood by the gates, her eyes puffy with runny nose and a red kerchief clench between her fingers.

Jameela nodded from beside her, her shoulders sagged and face so red that Mahnoor thought blood would gush down as soon as someone poked her. They are crying so hard for her son but then, she knew they are doing it for their brother too because they couldn't believe he killed his own son. Who would believe that? She also didn't want to believe at first but after that handprints, she has no ounce of doubt that he murdered her son. He smiled at her, a bogus sneer.

"I'm leaving, Ya Fadwa. I cannot stay here and let the memories continue to haunt me. I don't think I'm ever coming back here. I don't even know where I'm going to but I'm leaving this place and going far away from here." She's left after those words and stayed in a hotel for a few days then called Asad with the phone provided in the hotel rooms. She's left the phone they bought her back in the manor.

After that phone call with Asad, she called her parents and told them she is going to be off for awhile but she'd call them whenever she gets the chance to. They were worried of course but she knew her way with her parents so she maneuvered and calmed them down the best she could. Her father threatened to come back to Nigeria if she doesn't tell him why she sounded so detached and so unlike herself but she lied that she is just going through more postpartum mood swings and he believed her.

When Asad came to the hotel, he had rushed to give her a bone crushing hug that both amused and annoyed her. She is still his brother's wife if he hasn't noticed and that aside, he is not her mahram but she understood later on where he was coming from after he ranted about how he's looked for her all around Bauchi and even Nigeria but didn't find her. Mahnoor listened attentively while surfing through what she wanted to tell him too since him coming is with her permission to discuss her own plan and not how much he's missed her.

Her feelings for him had been nowhere to be found when her head is choked to the brim with the thoughts of how she wants to plan her own reprisal. She is filled with the need for counterblow. She is living and breathing it too. She's collected the money from Zubairu Ajuji and is surely going to use it how she is supposed to.

"I have a plan to get back at your father and brother." Asad's happy face shrunk at her words, his brows pulled in together in question because he thought she's forgotten about it after what they'd discussed with his father when she came out, took her son and left the main mansion to hers.

Moving closer to the edge of the loveseat couch, he inclined his head. "What sort of plan is this? And I thought you were not going to bring up the matter again? You know how father is with his connections."

Mahnoor let out a sardonic smile, if only he knew what she has been planning to do and how much she's already planned so perfectly. She only needs Asad's help because he knows more about politics, wealth and power and how it works in Nigeria but apart from that, she can do everything herself. He is only going to be there to help her know who and who to place the right words in their ears and who not to approach with anything against Zubairu Ajuji. He knows about his father's allies and his rivals, that should be enough for her.

"You think I'm going to let my son's murderer live in peace?" A cackle that sounded too vitriolic to his ears scraped out from her lips. She really is hurt, he noticed with keen eyes at her emotionless expression. "I'm never going to let him have an ounce of peace again in his life. I don't care whether he was intoxicated or not. But most of all, I want revenge on your father for not even trying to bring his son down to justice."

Confused as to why she wants revenge more on his father than brother, he parted his lips and asked. "But-"

He was cut off when she raise her hands up, acting so unlike the childish Mahnoor he's met. This one looks more mature, like she is forced to grow up sooner than she should. He patiently locked his mouth, too amazed by the change in her.

"Are you going to help me or not?" She asked instead, crossing her right knee over the other as she shook the one below.

Licking his lower lip, he gave a nod. And she told him all about what she's planned to do from the beginning and the ones she's done albeit reluctant. You just never know with this Ajuji family so she hid a few information from him, just in case. Like the saying goes, blood will always be thicker than water and this might be just the time where she is supposed to pump it into her head. She shouldn't be too free that because Asad likes her, he cannot turn his back against her for his family even though she trusts him more than she's ever done any human in her life. She shouldn't after what his twin did but she cannot help it.

Few months later, her feelings started developing and blooming in her chest for spending too much time with Asad changed everything. She's found an apartment with two bedrooms, a nice kitchen and living room and she is living there now around the outskirts of Bauchi State so her path won't cross with any of the Ajujis except if she wants to and fortunately, she's never crossed path with any of them. She's seen Hajiya Hadiza once at a gathering she went to to see her business partner and that was it.

She invested the money she got from Zubairu Ajuji. It was a blind move but she did it and got a positive response. Her money tripled, which was the aim and she continued to do that until she wasn't able read out the amount of money she now has so she stopped to avoid bad step that can ruin the whole plot all over. She now have enough money to do what she wants, which is to get her son justice. All she needs to do now is go out in public and exhibit the paintings everyone is waiting for. They cannot wait to see the face behind the masterpieces she's painted.

And she's become so greedy now. She wants all the wealth on earth mainly because of one person or two persons? She is not sure whom she wants to bring down now more. The murderer or the murderer's father? All of them -

Her phone rang in her jumpsuit pocket, she stuck her hand and remove the cool device. The name read out Anila and she hastily picked.

"Good news!" A smile spread across Mahnoor's face because ever since she left the Ajuji manor, she's heard of nothing but good news from the people she's met.

First from the man she's invested in his business when he called to tell her their contract has been sealed up with great interest, then the amazing feedbacks from her social media account after she posts her paintings then down to the part where she's befriended well known politicians or their children one after the other. How great are things? Super duper amazing!

"What's the good news this time around, Anila?" She nibbled with the end of her rigger painting brush as she concentrated on the painting she's just finished.

It's a painting of a determined lion, so fierce and daring and also unapproachable. Lion is strong, with compact bodies and powerful forelegs, teeth and jaws for pulling down and killing prey. The one she's drawn has yellow-gold coat, a bit shaggy manes with touch of blond and reddish brown. Lion is good at making decisions and is very goal-oriented. He enjoys challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement. Because lions are thinking of the goal, they can step on people to reach it. Lions can be very aggressive and competitive.

That was how she felt when she started painting, her mind set on what she's been working on for the past one year. It's less than a year but that's how she approximates it because few weeks from now, her son is going to reach one year since his death. That is the same day she wants to use to make sure Aman Zubairu Ajuji is locked behind the bars or hanged if possible. Things might get tampered but no matter what, she is going to avenge it.

"The good news is..." she trailed off like always then she sighed. "I'm outside your door, open the damn door and find out."

Mahnoor shook her head and stood up from her cross legged position on the floor. She locked her bedroom because she wants to surprise the girl too tomorrow when she shows everyone her recent art works. She's been pouring her whole into it now that she is about to yaw it into a full blown business. The amount of money Asad told her about is mind blowing that she doesn't mind spending her whole day painting and doing more paintings day and night. She needs all the wealth and connection she can get from this.

But something she doesn't understand is, why artist aren't acknowledged in northern part of Nigeria. If you don't know someone high above, your works won't be acknowledged and be shown much needed reckoning and rating.

Opening the door, she smiled at the tall peppy lady behind it. Anila stood five feet six behind her door with a bouquet of roses, chocolates and another box that looks ridiculously like her favorite ancient pizza. She opened the door wider for the enthusiastic girl to come in which she did while wobbling around with the boxes and stuff in her hand. Keeping the door opened with her leg, Mahnoor collected the pizza from her hand and place it on the coffee table in the middle of her living room.

"Why so much? What good news is this?" Mahnoor questioned with a small chortle of amusement, her friends exuberance is rolling off of her in waves.

Adila yawed to look at her after successfully keeping the things in her hands on the floor. Her face stretched into a gargantuan smile before she jumped up and down from the rug to the pretty couch in her living room. Mahnoor watched with a small ghost smile, the only type of smile she could manage after her happiness had been snatched away from her with brutality that could kill anyone's joy. All her smiles had been forced or ghosted, never a real one. She's forgotten how to do so after awhile, things are just not the same, not that she is not happy sometimes.

She gets happy when Asad comes to take her out on a ride, on a few dates here and there -she doesn't allow too many of them just in case- or when Anila is acting like the persons she's been a year ago. She is a convivial and jaunty person, never allowing the problems of her life to come in between her peace of mind which is something Mahnoor really respects her for.

Adila Shafi'u is a great person, the greatest one Mahnoor had met since arriving at Nigeria. Despite being so many years older than Mahnoor, she acts like the younger sister while Mahnoor the older. With her Greek like nose, heart shaped face and thin lips, she makes a beautiful girl just not everyone's preference. She has been single for a long time, and she is not ready to mingle too because in her words, men are scum and Mahnoor's, they are baboons.

She met Anila Shafi'u when she went to buy paintings for the first time and she suggested few colors for her as she was working in the shop. After awhile, she retired and is now working with the man Mahnoor signed a contract with, a nice old man that gave her the job with just a word from Mahnoor. Now she works as his personal assistant and she won't stop thanking Mahnoor for what she's done to her even though she keeps telling her it was heaven sent. This was all planned and her words wouldn't have gotten the job for her, it's all God's willing.

Anila hopped down from the couch then sat down on it, crossed her leg on the other and spread her arms wide behind her on the couch's headrest. "This is a good news, really. I was in a hurry and couldn't stop to steal champagne from Mr. Shawn's bar but let me get Coca-Cola from your refrigerator."

Mr. Shawn is the man Mahnoor did business with. Anila went to her fridge and did little maneuver before she found the largest size of rubber, coke and brought it out with a Cheshire smile.

"Now, this will do." She started shaking it hard, Mahnoor had to stop her because she cannot afford wasting time on washing her rug when there are so much that needs to be done.

"I'm going to beg you now to take that to the kitchen so you can mop it after you are done but not on my rug!" She folded arms akimbo, watched as Adila smiled sheepishly and set down the coke aside. She knows how the girl hates working so that will stop her from ruining it. Not that Mahnoor is the neatest or tidiest person, she tries her best.

Raising hands in mock surrender, Anila beamed. "You can't believe which lawyer I finally got for us! The best out there so you have to guess."

Mahnoor frowned, they've been looking for lawyers all around Nigeria, the best ones they could find and they were given a list of few expensive ones but they never fail. In the list, there are eight names and four of them were cancelled because they are occupied and always busy leaving only four for them to choose from. Mahnoor sought out Adila's help because she knows her way around Nigeria and it's people more than she does. And it seems like the person she's gotten is not going to fold their hands with such ecstasy she is exhibiting.

"I don't go well with guessing game. Who is it?" She asked impatiently, her heart beating loudly inside her chest.

Adila knows everything about the case because she's proven time and time again that she is worth Mahnoor's trust. She told her about her plans just a few weeks ago and she got a lawyer for her sooner than she would've. She didn't ask for Asad's help, she wants to do it herself so he won't be too guilty for standing against his family for her sake. Well, she is also family huh?

"Attorney Nufaisa Rashidi!" Mahnoor let go of her furrowed brows with a smirk, she's heard a lot about the woman that she is now more valiant that her son's justice is already succored. Anila continued. "That iron woman that fails no job. I'm more than hundred percent sure you are in good hands. This case is yours. She said it's an open and close case. Reopening it will be the hardest part but as soon as it reaches the court, Aman is nothing but a dead man."

"Thank you, Attorney Nufaisa Rashidi. I'm looking forward to working with you."

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