Asad was shocked to say the least. They were all commanded to gather there and for what? To welcome his twin brother? When did they start welcoming people back home without his knowledge?
He's been abroad for two years studying to further his MBA but when he came back, there was no one at home, he had to leave his father's house to go to his elder sister's, Fadwa to get correct food that's not made by the maids. He knew from the beginning that his family is not normal but this? He's got questions that'll probably go unanswered.
But why the sudden change of heart? What did Aman do to get such cordial behavior from his parents? Even their mother is currently smiling at something her husband just told her, a sight he's seen many years ago by mistake when he breached her meeting with a few local women and caught them laughing at something mysterious.
Welcome? No, but seriously what is going on. What has Aman done to deserve this welcoming stuff? He just pulled off a billion dollar deal with those Aussies and there is no way his father doesn't know about this, he damned well does. Nothing ever slips off his nose, he is aware of every single movement in that company but he didn't congratulate him or even acknowledge his hard work, he is here welcoming his rebellious son.
He has been working his ass off for their attention and now they are giving it to someone that doesn't care? Seriously?
Or maybe it is because he agreed to marry that lady from Niger, that should be it. But the wife is not there with them and his elder sisters haven't met her till date, an order from their father. He wonder who this person is that they want hidden behind the walls of his brother's new built mansion.
They were supposed to live within the confined walls so the daughters-in-law can interact with them but Aman got a house of his own because of his wife. Asad is going to make sure his is built too, they are twin brothers after all. What is done to one should be done to the other but just not with that family of theirs it seems.
"I don't understand why he wants us all here? We could've welcomed him in our free time." His brows are furrowed and something close to envy bloomed in his chest but that quickly slagged when he remembered that this is his twin brother.
Fadwa chirped in. "It's better this way. He can visit us all in our homes and get closer to his nieces and nephews. I cannot wait to meet him. I want to see whether he's changed or not...not physically, of course. I'm literally tired of watching him play."
Fadwa, the mother of two children is still as young as ever. Having clocked thirty five just few days ago, she looks every inch thirty and not a day further and she's been like that since her younger age. She is the only buoyant sister that stood up to her parents and refused to marry the older man they entrusted her with.
She rebelled too and ask them to pick another person for her and fortunately, she got the sugar daddy she's been crushing on for ages and jumped in glee. Both her and Haleema were lucky to get nice husbands, that won't be the same topic when it comes to Jameela.
She got married to a young politician who's already married three wives and divorced them. She had to take care of his children in the house for years and he only permitted her to conceive a year ago and gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.
Her father knew all about her situation but never sniffed his nose in the matter or ask how she is coping with the man everyone labeled him as a complete heartless rake, they are not lying about that fact. His children always complain about his brutal ways, he talks ruthlessly not caring whether his words hurt you in process.
He's started beating her at the early stage of their marriage, she complained to Asad as she's been closer to him than anybody else. If she'd allowed that cruelty, her corpse would be found rotten in that mansion.
Asad had started going to gym then, his limbs all filled up and his height impressing. Both the twins grew up taller than all their sisters, almost the same height as their father who stands six feet three. Asad cautioned her husband and fortunately, it worked because he never raised his hands on her again, not even by mistake. The man is presumptuous and conceited, imagine him being intimidated by a younger Asad.
There's nothing Asad despises more than domestic violence. It makes his skin crawl.
Asad brushed off Fadwa's comment and continue to frown before his eyes landed on Jameela's, she is looking intently at him then patted the space behind her that he should come closer which he did.
Leaning closer to him, she whispered. "Stop being grumpy. Maybe they are finally changing their ways, we should pray and covet for that."
"I'm not grumpy. I don't understand why they want to welcome him and won't acknowledge the fact that I just pulled of a billion dollar deal. Something that's never happened in the company until now. He didn't say anything about it. A simple congratulations would've helped." He huffed like a kid, crossed his arms beneath his robust chest with furrowed brows, making a tiny dent between them.
"And don't say I'm going to detonate, I'm not." He added with acerbic attitude.
"Maybe he is waiting for the right time." She patted his shoulder then tilted her head to the door where a car just rolled to a stop and few moments later, sounds of panther-like rhythmic footsteps reached their ears.
Few seconds later, Aman stood in front of them blocking the door. He was very tall, his presence so forceful and vital. He is larger than he was, definitely taller than Asad with few unrecognizable inches, his legs wide open in that stance of footballer's. He is a shade or two lighter than Asad too, his features emboldened and strong unlike Asad's boyish ones.
All of them stared wide eyed and mouthed at the boy that left them when he was only twenty one and now the person in front of them is every single an inch a man eminent in his late twenties. How time flies.
Adnan, Haleema's first son of five yelled out at the top of his voice, slaughtering the awkward silence that was about to take over the living room. "Uncle!"
Aman's eyes fell on the child, a bit confused and unfocused at first but then trudged forward and picked the boy in his arms a bit maladroitly. Before you know it, all the kids wanted him to carry them in his arms and he did that to four of them without breaking a sweat.
Seeing the kids wrapped around him like koala bears filled everyone with humor and then the uncomfortable tension in the room dispersed. The older sisters started moving forward to take their kids, place them on the floor then took rounds hugging him.
"Look how big boned you are now. Wow!" Haleema hit his biceps hard with her fist then move back to admire her now much taller younger brother.
Her eyes glistened a bit as she recalled the times she's taken care of him when he was just five, quiet but mischievous little kid with his own mysterious wicked ways unlike Asad who's been sharpening his charms since then. Aman on the other hand is always on precipices, sheathing away his eloquent words into quiet lilt.
Aman gave her a lazy grin and shrugged his shoulders. "Our coach won't have it any other way. There is no excuse to not go to the gym or training."
"Finally someone to get you on your toes." Jameela came forward too and gave him a kind gentle hug like her personality but didn't pull away until he hugged her back and whispered a few things in her ear, their code words. She nodded her head in yes, they have a lot to talk about.
Because of her fragility and meek ways, both the twin brothers are very possessive over her and he won't hesitate to take anyone down for her sake. He thought things were going to be all awkward and weird with his sisters but they are awfully okay with the fact that he ran away.
They supported him after scolding him those years ago and now that they are seeing one another after awhile, nothing has changed, he is grateful for that. He wouldn't have known how to act had things turned out differently.
Their last born came forward, not giving Fadwa chance to have her moment with him as she tend to her crying baby.
Najeeba beamed at him, tucked her phone which she's just finished taping the whole scene and hugged him tight. He left when she was just seventeen and the first time she's seen him in television, she screamed and all the household maids came rushing to see what's happened to her only to find her fangirling over her older brother. Nobody was allowed to rest throughout her high school and college because of that.
She is the sister of the famous footballer playing for the number one most famous, successful and world known club. "I missed you so much, bro."
He smiled, she was such an adorable little girl but he could see that a lot of things had changed for the past seven years and he is not sure whether he wants to find out what that is. There is no doubt she's deflagrated and can make everything feasible now.
"I missed you so much more, baby sis. Hope you've been good? And about the first class, I want to see it before I give you your souvenir."
"I'm going to bring it right down for you. I have it in my phone but because you are you, I'm going to bring my whole credentials." And she ran around the house to get the said credentials forgetting that she is not seventeen but twenty four.
After exchanging pleasantries with Fadwa where teasings and ear pulls took place, he stared at his older brother as he stood from afar, arms crossed and expression calculating. Oh, the businessman expression. He knew his brother won't come forward even though every inch of his body is vibrating with the need to pat his shoulders like someone that's given him five years and not five minutes but Asad stood torpid and unmoving.
With a shallow sigh and unhurried walk, slow languid movements alongside brightening eyes as memories are recalled by both the brothers, Aman went to him instead.
Aman is not one for tears so they didn't even visit him but Asad's eyes twinkled. Aman could feel the excited flutter in his belly though, his body relaxed in wonder of being back home in the midst of his whole family. Reaching Asad, he didn't wait for his brother to act first before crushing him into a hard hug that spells nothing but nostalgic in bold letters.
Asad relented, nonplussed, breath slowing as memories took over.
A desire to go back and visit the past, replaying the events with satisfaction at having experience it despite the pain and punishments they served right after. Asad's arms tightened around him some more as if he cannot keep it in anymore. None of them uttered a word and the whole room is quiet, the kids too indulged in their matter to bother about what the grownups are doing.
When they finally pulled away, Najeeba is back with her credential beneath her armpit. "You took your time." Asad commented, his eyes steady on Aman's after blinking back the tears ready to catwalk down his face.
Aman gave another lopsided grin, his head tilting to survey his older brother. He hasn't changed much and with tons of FaceTime, there is nothing that's shocked him in his appearance. He looks way more handsome though, his features refined and boyish making him look younger than Aman.
They are almost the same height but when looked closely, Aman is now taller than Asad a bit and the only difference between them is their big boned structures.
Aman's features were agreeably weathered with subtle signs that life, despite it's bounty of material riches, had not always been easy for him especially with his profession. Whatever difficulties came his way, he handled them with grace and wit. Whether pressure from his coach, from fans or paparazzi and he still looks as clean-cut as ever.
There is nothing he wants to change in his experience throughout his life's journey, not a single memory. He is the person he is right now only because of them.
Asad, by contrast, possessed an exotic male beauty, his eyes soft unlike Aman's wicked ones, his mouth edged with charm even when he is not smiling. He cultivated a manner of perpetual indolence that many Nigerian fashionables tried to emulate.
Aman could imagine the hearts his older brother broke over the past years, he's been doing that throughout their high school and college days so he won't be surprised that he hasn't changed. Maybe with this Armani business suits he is now adorning, women are falling more hopelessly to his feet. Aman won't be galvanized at the fact.
"I had to make something out of it before coming back. You wouldn't have been proud of me had I done otherwise." Aman replied, smile still adorning his face. The last time he's smiled this genuine was few months ago when he received a call from Jameela that she is expecting her second child.
Asad patted his shoulders. "Very true. I would've sent you right back to where you came from without delay."
Aman smiled then his eyes mistakenly landed on his two parents sitting quietly on the mid century couch, their eyes intent on all their children and grandchildren. With an awkward smile and massage of his occipital, he made his way there, his brogue boots sinking into the Italian rug as he knelt in front of them and greeted them. His head bowed down to the carpet almost ashamed to look at them after what he's done years ago.
He's disrespected their wishes and left the country to do what he wanted but that doesn't mean he's forgotten how to respect his parents, he hasn't. They are still his parents. And he is not that maverick he's brought himself up to be, they are and will always be ahead of him in every sense.
Shockingly, both the parents smiled at him and rained blessings upon him. All the siblings were galvanized on spot, Aman included. A smile freeze against his lips, his eyes bemused at what is going on. Did they just smiled at him and bless him? They've forgotten he is that rebellious kid?
With a forced smile, he yawed his attention to his siblings in silent question that screams. "Have they hit their heads somewhere? Are they inebriated or what? Should I be high on alert?" But the siblings were also too shocked to laugh at his expression.
"Thank you. We are already topping high above all the clubs." He explained to them as they engaged themselves in his football career. What the fucking hell!
Much later, the siblings all decided to leave for their homes, Asad left when he got a call from the office about some emergency. Aman was left with his parents, ate lunch with them while conversing less awkwardly now. Then his father had to talk about his wife. The wife he's forgotten about.
"You should go and see your wife, she's been waiting all day." Said Zubairu Ajuji, his words gentle and emotionless.
"She is very beautiful if that helps." His mother commented with a smile but in her eyes, there is just something ugly and some kind of hatred and indifference for the girl she just complimented. More curiosity and reasons he shouldn't forestall the inevitable.
Mahnoor groaned at the stiffness against her neck then languidly sat up, only to realize she's been lying on the couch since she came out from her room after dressing up, waiting for her husband so many hours ago while the maids continue to bustle in the kitchen making lunch or is it dinner?
From what she could see outside the window, the sky is now soot which means she's been lying there the whole afternoon and slipped into the evening without the sign of her husband.
What do they take her for? A stupid village girl they can trample and stampede all over? And then the anger start flowing within her so ferocious, her pride hurt and bruised even detriment-ed. Before you know it, she is inundated in pools of fury.
Perusing around her, the dining room is set and is now dimmed with only one small Jilian sculptural led three tier crystal chandelier on. Her stomach grumbled reminding her that she is starving and hadn't eaten anything since morning when she nervously took cereal and went back to her room to apply her makeup. Makeup?–
With a shriek, she looked down on the couch to see whether she's foiled it with her makeup but nothing, praises to the Lord for that.
Murmuring beneath her breath, she went to the dining room and turn on the whole lights, sat down and serve herself some food. If he won't come back, then that's good for him because she doesn't want to see him anymore. She's been so eager, applying makeup and wearing tight clothes that is already making her body ache from sleeping in the uncozy outfit at the most uncomfortable place in the most unfriendly couch she's ever seen in her life. It is so hard unlike the ones in Niger.
She served three different rice in the same plate, add the well made chicken salad with onion dressing and poured champagne in a flute. After one spoon, she wouldn't stop moaning until her plate was cleared and she realized the maids hovering around her were standing like statues. Her eyes settle on each of theirs, the four of them looking all amused and flushed. She almost sneered, they should've woken her up and ask her to go to her room, wicked girls.
She burped, her eyes filled with satisfaction at her filled belly. Now the food won't be emaciated after all.
With a glare set on her childish face, she gestured to each one of them with her fork before proceeding with her spiel. "You all are nothing but bunch of wicked girls. Why didn't any of you wake me to go back to the room instead leave me there to tumble and roll on the floor huh? The damned man isn't back or he doesn't want to come here which is something he's definitely plotted with his parents and the least you could do is tell me about it. I couldn't eat breakfast because of him, skipped lunch and I'm late too for dinner. God is going to punish that man, I don't care whether he is my husband or not."
Immaturely, she lie her head on the smooth table while looking at them, her eyes brimming with tears which means her period is just around the corner, she could feel it around her lower abdomen. "And now we can't do anything, my period is here and it takes more than ten days before it disappears and by then, I know he would want to leave. I don't even know what I'm doing here. I'm just tired. Both parent and son are headache, I don't want to deal with them anymore and I'll call my father. He should take me away from these people. A stupid husband and heartless in-laws, what a life I'm living. After being scooped here for a year, I have more days to waste?" She shook her head negatively, her hair flying. "Lie lie, I refuse."
She made a move to stand but almost fell, a hand caught her and sat her back down on the chair. Confused, she yaw around to look at the pair of strong manly hands holding up to the persons biceps and then shoulder, powerful looking neck then finally her eyes settled on the person that possess them. She blinked once, closed her eyes then blink three more times without interval and then she gasped and topple over on the floor with a thump.
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