The next few months passed in a blur. Mahnoor is now eight months pregnant and all she could say is, Alhamdulillah for the gift of life. She is now hideous and grotesque with huger nose and puffy mouth and stretch marks all around her legs. Not that she's gained much weight but she is more like a grown woman albeit she doesn't feel so as her prepubescence keep rising day by day.

Thankfully she is not doing everything alone. She's got the support of the Ajuji sisters, Asad and her housemaids. Haleema, Fadwa and Jameela are very supportive but that younger sister of theirs named Najeeba, Mahnoor doesn't like her and the feeling is mutual. The girl is getting married to a sugar daddy in a few months which is why her head is shaking like a spring. They can never sit in the same place without exchanging words and haranguing the other, they just don't like each other like that.

Mahnoor is not one to look the other way if she notices that you don't like her, she will dislike you too instantly and tell you about it without fear. That's how her life works and that was what happened with Najeeba the first day they decided to come visit her few days after her pregnancy was announced to the Ajuji family. Asad did that the same day they confirmed it from the hospital, she was startled when a call came from Alhaji Zubairu himself to congratulate her. Something is missing, she'd thought then but brushed it off.

The four sisters walked in, one of them holding her new born baby. Before they came, it was announced through Ummi that they are coming so she got ready into one of her best ankara. An off shoulder peplum shirt with Marie sleeves, fish-cut skirt that flayed all around her small stature. She made a bun with her wavy hair and asked Nana to tie her head tie like the way they use to in Nigeria and she did one called tuge kaga tsiya. To say the least, Mahnoor loved it and started doing it all the time for practice sake.

When they came in, she was just leaving her room so she welcomed them each with greeting and a smile even attempted to take the new born baby from the woman she's found out is named Jameela. They exchanged pleasantries then sat down before Ummi brought out refreshments for them. That was when Mahnoor noticed that Najeeba is looking at her from head to her toes and it started irking her but she kept shut not to act impolite and childish again even though she knew she is not mature.

Conversation flooded around the living room and Mahnoor started enjoying the company of her sisters-in-law before she acknowledged Najeeba evenly. "I know you don't like me, you don't have to make it so obvious. If you don't want to be in my presence, you can leave, I'm not forcing you to stay here."

The room was pin-drop silent, no one uttered a word and Najeeba sat there looking insulted but also galvanized. Someone of her small stature shouldn't have talked so brazenly to someone twice her size but she hates when people glare at her for doing nothing. They've never met because even the first time she saw the other sisters, Najeeba wasn't with them so why the sudden hatred? She won't keep quiet just because she is her husband's younger sister. She is not married to her after all, she is married to her older brother which means more respect for her.

If she thinks she is bratty because she is the last child, then Mahnoor will show her she is not just the last child but the only child her parents have. If she can be brazen to shoot daggers at her older brother's wife, she will let her see the glimpse of being an only child that was spoiled throughout her life. She's never asked for anything and lack even if it is beyond her fathers financial ability then who the heck does this Najeeba girl thinks she is? She will show her her place in due time.

Najeeba continue to stare at Mahnoor before opening her mouth. "Thank God you know I don't like you. And you better respect me because I can end this marriage of yours with a snap of my finger. My brother left you here clearly because he doesn't like you and you are not up to his standards which means breaking this marriage will be more easier. Watch your steps if you don't want to end up a divorcée at such a young age. I'd pity you going back to village after a failed marriage in the city..." Jameela glared at her but she puckered her mouth and continued like she didn't see her older sister's warning to end the polemic and diatribe before it deflagrates.

"Ya Aman would've agreed to go with you to Portland when dad asked him to but he didn't because you are going to ruin his reputation there with your lack of knowledge to life and illiteracy. Apart from your face, there is nothing to mark as good in you so be kind enough to not push me to wall. This..." she trailed off gesturing to their surrounding, the fine walls and expensive chandelier, "won't be found in your village and you know that. So choose wisely."

Mahnoor can lie that what she's said didn't touch her but that would've been the worst lie she's ever thought about. She's been in many tirades before but this...

She was quiet for awhile, staring as the older sisters chided their younger sister with hushed words. Mahnoor wanted to hurt her back the way she did, that childish part of her brain want to make sure she regrets all she's said so she opened her mouth too then closed it thinking the better of it. Najeeba is clearly older than her and a bitter child, she can be a better person and talk maturely for once. So with her head raised with stellar pride, she remarked.

"If you think I'm in love with this marriage, you are sickly mistaken. I'm begging you to ask him to divorce me, I won't miss a thing from this dazzling manor. All you have is the wealth, no ounce of peace or happiness. C'mon, give him a call and ask him to divorce me right now. You can choke your wealth up your mouth and see if that's enough for you to live." Mahnoor looks utterly calm, the maid that came to pass the samosa they've just fried to them halted for a bit before moving back with a proud smile.

One thing Ummi had learned about Mahnoor is, she is never a fan of wealth. These worldly stuff is never in front of her just as long as she can get something in her stomach, she cares not for any other thing. This Najeeba girl has made a mistake, she wanted to pat Mahnoor's back in pride but she bowed and left the room to go tell Nana what's happened with their mistress and her sister-in-law.

Haleema was the first to talk with a shake of her head. "Forget about what she's said, Mahnoor. She is just childish and doesn't know what she is saying."

Mahnoor gave a faint chortle that lack humor or amusement, it's depleted. "She is not childish because she is way older than me and I wouldn't think about acting like this to even a maid talk less of my brother's wife. She is just a spoiled brat that wants to cause pain for everyone around her. She is not welcomed to my home ever again, I don't want bad energy when I have enough in my plate already. About my illiteracy, tell her we shouldn't dive in there or she will pack her shit in her hands."

Najeeba was sitting there but Mahnoor acted like she isn't. When she opened her mouth to retort, the sisters reprimanded her then demanded that she leaves the house altogether which she did while cursing beneath her breath. That girl is clearly playing with fire and she will put her where she is supposed to be. Because she is pregnant with the Ajuji's grandchild she thinks she can talk the way she wants to? That stupid village colleen!

The sisters apologized on her behalf then they continue to talk some more about themselves, about Aman and Asad then childbirth. Mahnoor is more into finding out more about Asad than Aman, she tend to forget whom she's married to. Why not? Asad is the one with her at each step of the way while Aman is just the one the knot has been tied with, that is just it. The other abandoned her and this one is making her feel like a queen in her own tower. Worshiping her and surrounding her like a warm comfortable cloak.

She's slowly developing unhealthy feelings for him and that needs to stop but he is so caring and charming that whenever she decided to distance herself away from him, something will always draw her back to square one and she's stopped fighting it. If this is for the best, then she wants whatever it is with Asad and not Aman. If only the other will divorce her and the other will marry her, she would've been the happiest woman alive. But no, some secrets won't just be revealed for them and the reason behind their sudden marriage.

He's called her earlier that he is coming so they can go on their usual evening stroll around the manor. Her heart is currently beating too hard for her ears to hear as she searched and combed through her drawers for something comfortable to wear. During her visits to the doctor, she's told them a stroll will definitely help her dilate sooner during the childbirth so Asad set out timetable for them and it started a week ago. It's four or five times a week and today is amongst the days they are supposed to go as soon as he gets back.

She removed a mom's jeans from the wardrobe then a baggy hoodie to close her baby bump not that it helps. It is so huge that she had to ask the doctor more than thrice if she is going to give birth to only one baby which was confirmed more than twice by ultrasound. Asad won't stop laughing whenever she decides to kvetch about how large the baby is going to be and how she is going to suffer pushing it out then he will reassure her with a calm hand on her shoulder. And just like that, all worries dissipate into thin air.

Changing into the outfit, she wrapped her head in a classic down shoulder style with a veil then slip her little bigger feet into comfortable flip flops. She tucked her phone into the pocket of her jeans then left the room just in time for Asad to walk into the house with a taslim. Her heart drummed yet again because everything feels so good and surreal. Like he was meant to come back home to her, kiss her forehead and accompany her out on walks.

She let out an appreciative sigh at the sight of him clasped in sweatpants and soot v-neck shirt. Her pulse in her throat and mouth suddenly dry, she managed to discharge a wry smile that looks nowhere near the real ones she's given him. He surveyed her from head to toe, his eyes brimming with praises that makes her knees go weak. There is no way she is not able to read those things she's been seeing in his eyes, she is not that stupid to pass it up as some brotherly love. That is not it!

"You look cute." His comment is brotherly but the look across his face isn't. She suspire hard, her knees about to genuflect underneath her but she forced herself to stand straight.

She threw him a wry smile with half her teeth open. "I don't think that compliment is for me. Maybe for the baby inside me?"

He grinned and shook his head then gestured at the door. "Let's go. The sun is about to go down so we have less than thirty minutes today."

She wobbled to the door and together they left their side of the house and to the wide field inside the manor. Mahnoor saw a car passing by then it suddenly stopped and came back to stop in front of Asad and her. She frowned, this has to be someone in the Ajujis because of the plate number. She's never seen a guest in the manor, she cannot recall any unfamiliar face around the house so this person is also one of them so they stood until the tinted window rolled down to reveal the owner of the manor himself. Alhaji Zubairu Ajuji.

"Good evening, father." Asad greeted in a voice she doesn't recognize, it's suddenly so quiet albeit filled with respect, lacks affection whatsoever.

She's probed about the family's situation but he's never told her a thing about them. He always evade and bring up another topic she is not interested in and when she realized that he is clearly evading her questions, she stopped asking and just let it slip with her conclusion in mind. The relationship between the children and the parents is clearly not a good one. The siblings have a good one amongst themselves but with the parents merged together, they are all stiff and awkward around each other. For what reason? She won't ever find out.

Knowing she is also supposed to greet her father-in-law, she placed a wide smile to hide the fact that she is afraid of him just like she is her husband. They both have this evil glint in their eyes that she's never comfortable with. As if they are capable of anything and everything, murder or the likes of it. Asad is the only man that strike to her as a better person, he is a good man and not like the others.

"Good evening, Sir." She frowned, she doesn't know what to call him. They've never had serious conversation or even a civil one which makes him a total stranger. That's true, calling him sir is the best option she has now and in future too.

The man nodded his head as he examined them. His eyes slid down to her huge stomach hidden behind blush pink hoodie and he was reminded of his reaction when he heard the news of the pregnancy from one of his daughters.

He was in his room with his wife talking about their next step in their political affairs when the call came through his phone. Yes, his children are more comfortable with him than his wife even though he is also austere but something about his wife is really unnerving and he gets why they are jumpy around her. She'd passed the phone to him, not even checking who is calling him because it doesn't matter to her. Oh, she's always been that detached.

He answered the call and like always, didn't say anything. His daughter's excited voice filtered through the phone. "Good afternoon, father. We just received the news that Mahnoor, Aman's wife is pregnant." Fadwa said into the phone then bid him adieu before hanging up.

Phone still held to his ear, Zubairu looked at his wife who suddenly yaw her attention to him. He told her what his daughter just told him and she raised a brow in so soon gesture.

"She's already pregnant?" They both ask each other at the same time then let out a cold chortle that sounds both amusing and astonished.

"He really is your son." She'd commented, sifting through the papers in front of her while smiling.

Seeing the comfort between his son and his brother's wife, Zubairu Ajuji narrowed his eyes. He wants no scandal in his home that will ruin his reputation and scar his lane of being the governor of the state in three years to come. Asad must be warned to stay away from her since he clearly refused her without seeing her when he offered him the marriage proposal.

"Meet me at my study later." And the driver zoomed off to the manor.

Mahnoor followed the car with her eyes for a few seconds then look back at Asad whose expression has yawed from tranquility to concern. God, she is not the only one afraid of Zubairu Ajuji after all. Even his son is scared to cross him and he's done that because his presence is needed in the home study, that cold room that should be meant for hanging and executions.

"I hope everything is alright." She muttered to him, slip her hands around his arm to get him back to present. He looked down at her, a bit out of place and disoriented then gave a reassuring smile.

He took a deep breath. "Everything will be fine. Let's continue with our walk. What were you saying again?" And they continue walking, talking and whatnot. He was still distracted throughout the walk but she didn't probe.

"Come in." Asad yanked the door open, his eyes searched the room for his father's geriatric figure and found him hurdled behind his large desk as usual.

He went further and stood in front of him with his two hands clasped against his thigh. He greeted the older man who regarded him with pure cold eyes, unlike the ones that his younger brother got when he came back months ago. Questions always fill up his head whenever he is around his father but he's never once uttered any, not even in his mind. All he could do is listen and act on what his father will say like a damn puppet but those eyes never change. Never with appraisal or congratulatory.

The man stopped writing and gesture for him to sit down, once that was done, he dropped the pen in his hand and clasped his palms in front of him. "What is between you and your brother's wife?"

Asad is startled off his wits because of all the things he thought his father was going to talk to him about, this didn't cross his mind. What is between his brother's wife and him? What sort of question is this? There clearly is nothing between them even though Mahnoor is clearly catching feelings for him, he knows that but on his part, there is absolutely nothing. He understands why she decided to fall for him, anyone in her place would've done exactly the same thing.

She is a lonely woman who's gotten married to an imbecile. He might be his brother but it doesn't mean what he is doing is wrong. He impregnated his wife and left the country without a call back to inquire about her well-being? In all their phone calls, Aman had never asked about Mahnoor and he didn't talk to him too about her. It is not like he doesn't know what he is doing, he does and he is not about to babysit a grown ass man.

"There is nothing between us, father." His brows are furrowed because he realized something now. He is also catching some feelings but will no doubt quell them down soon.

Zubairu Ajuji squinted his small eyes before rubbing his bearded jaw. "There shouldn't be because I don't want no scandal from any of you. For the next three years, all of you need to be under control because if any of you manage to ruin my political career, I'm going to make sure he or she suffers dearly."

Alright. Asad already knew that there is nothing his father loves other than his political affairs, nothing more. "You have that covered."

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