Part 8

Warning this chapter is too frustrating and you might want to throw this story away now.

"DAD!" Magnus screaming as soon as he entered his home, his voice boomed around the house. He carried the tall guy on his shoulder as he make his way to the nearest room in the house, which is the living area where usually guests are here. He placed the guy on the long couch cursing him for his long leg barely fit in the couch.

"Where have you been?" Asmodeus asked when he walked in and soon as he saw a body on his couch he freaked. "What the hell did you do?" He asked him and seconds later Anna came from behind him. "He's not dead!" Magnus commented on his judgement.

"Oh my god." She ran to the boy's side and begin to examine him. "What happened?" She asked Magnus, he was standing behind her rubbing his neck trying to find words to explain the situation.

"Well uhm, he almost hit me with his car and when I tried to confront him, we got into a fight and I kicked his legs but then all of sudden he passed out." It doesn't make any sense but it was the whole truth.

"Oh my. Is that the boy from the mall?" Charles came in and saw what the commotion was about and stunned to see the tall black haired boy lay down in the middle of the living room - unconscious.

"Charlie can you help me get my medical bag in my car?" Anna asked politely still keeping her hand on the boy's wrist. "Sure thing madam." Charles said and left the room. The nickname he loves so much since Anna called him and it sticks till today.

"You think it's an insurance scammed? Maybe he pretended to be fainted so we would pay him?" Asmodeus began to question as Magnus pace around behind Anna, "If it's true I will punch the live out of him." Magnus said angrily.

"I don't think so." Anna said and pressed her palm on the boy's forehead. He stirs for a moment and Magnus couldn't help himself but to get to his side. Slowly his eyes flutters and he was surrounded by people that he didn't recognized.

"Who are you people?" He asked, his voice croaked and husky like he hadn't been drinking for days. "Where am I?" He asked as he turned his head around and tried to find his exit if he could find one at this place. He then turned his head back to his side and saw Magnus standing next to his father with both of their eyebrows crooked.

"Where the hell did you take me? Take me back to my car!" Alec screamed at him and he was taken back by his words. "That's not a way to thank someone that literally just save your life?" Magnus barked and his face is filled with annoyance.

Alec sat up and tried to put his leg on the ground when he felt pain and winced. "What happened?" Anna asked and he looked up to her face, she is the least person who hated his presence here, he could feel it. "That idiot kicked me." Alec said rubbing his legs with his palm and he could feel Magnus eyes piercing behind his back.

"Madam." Charles voice appeared behind her and handed the black bag in her hand. She opened them and brings out her stethoscope and placed them around her neck. "Uhm, it's no need actually, I just need a ride back to my car." Alec said and stood but a wave of dizziness hits him as he fell back on the couch holding his head.

"I don't think you are, let me just check your vitals okay?" Anna said calmly and Alec shook his head. "It's fine, I'm okay, it happens a lot of time. Don't have to worry about it." Alec said rubbing his temple, Anna eyed Asmodeus as he still doubting the boy in his home.

"If you want to leave this place, you will have her examined you." He said as he walked around the couch and stood in front of Alec before taking his seat on the single chair facing him. Alec couldn't look into his eyes with Magnus staring from behind. "I guess his attitude came from you then?" He commented and Magnus is fuming. No one insulted him or his father, their pride is just something they won't questioned.

"How dare you talk to my father like that!" Magnus spoke and he smirked. "See." Alec made his point and Asmodeus can't help but to smirk at his true word. "Stop it both of you. Out now and let me do my work." She said and Alec kept his gaze on the carpet covered floor underneath his leg.

"Fine by me." Magnus said as he walked out from the living room and headed straight to the kitchen. Asmodeus stood his ground and refused to leave his fiancé with the boy which he finds him a lot like his son but more intimidating.

"Lay down." She said but Alec shook his head with a smile. "Honestly really you don't have to do anything, I'm fine. Can I leave now please." Alec asked politely still assuring them his own health is the least of their concern.

"You won't get out from this property without Magnus and he won't let you out unless I make sure you are okay." She pointed at Asmodeus behind her as she kneeled next to Alec on the floor. He hated how she has to succumb in such state just to make sure he is well.

"Are you a doctor?" Alec asked and she nodded, "I'm an emergency doctor actually. I worked at GreenView hospital." Alec knows that hospital, though he barely went there due to his usual check up is at St John.

"Have you dealt with patient that suffers penetrating cardiac trauma with valvular malfunction and in line with transplant?" Alec asked her and she was quite stunned at his well diagnosed term for someone who isn't in medical field.

"I did once, the patient didn't make it." She said and Asmodeus was intrigue with the conversation. "Well then you know that your check ups won't do shit to my diagnosis." He said staring straight to her face. She gasped covering her mouth with her palm staring at Alec's face. It explains why he was pale and his pulse is irregular when she tried to do rough checking on him.

"Darling can you give us a minute?" She looked behind her and asked permission from her fiancé who is clueless about their conversation. "Are you sure?" He asked as he stood. "Yeah," she said nodding with a smile, "I meet you in the kitchen later." She said, her voice is so soft it's amazed how she would stand being with a guy like him especially with his rude son.

Asmodeus stood and fixed his shirt when Alec spoke, "Please don't say anything to him, the least that I want is someone looked at me with such pity." He said and Asmodeus nodded although he still figuring out what exactly happened. He left the room with Charles followed behind and closed the living room door leaving them both in silence. She got up from the floor and sat next to him crossing her arm on her thigh.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked since the silenced Alec gave him. He shook his head still kept his gaze on the floor. "How long has it been?" She asked and he swallowed his throat dryly, "Two years." Alec said and she nodded. "You're the longest that I know." She said and Alec snorted. "Won't be long now." He said and she could feel that the boy hides everything inside his broken heart.

"I may not be as good as your doctor does to make sure you are alive up to this state but I'm a good listener if you want to talk about it." She practically begs for him to be more open up to her which Alec found it restricting.

"I'm Anna by the way. I'm engaged to Magnus' dad Asmodeus. You know Magnus from school?" She asked and Alec snorted in a soft chuckled. "I'm not a prude rich boy that forgets humanity still exist." Alec replied and she laughs. "How did you know Magnus then?" She asked again, "I don't, we just met in a bad situation and it annoys me." Alec explained and Anna nodded, doubting if she asked Magnus he would answered the exact same way.

"I need to go home, my mum would flipped out by now and have the police searched for me." He said and stood slowly but when he wanted to move his legs, the pain has strikes again, he winced as he clutched his legs like an injured footballer.

"Let me see that." She said and place Alec's long leg on the couch and pulled the jeans up to expose the area. Alec glad he didn't wore his skinny jeans today otherwise he would have to take off his pants. When Anna rolled up his jeans, she gasped at the bruised formed on it. "How hard did he kicked you?" She asked and tried to press on the bruise that as big as her palm.

"I'm on heparin, it's normal to look like that." He said as he rolled it back down. "You need to ice it." She said and was about to leave to take some ice but Alec grabbed her wrist before she could leave. "I really need to go home now. Can you please ask Magnus to drop me at my car." He pleaded and Anna nodded but still curious as ever.

"If you do then why you leave in the first place?" She asked him and he sighed. "It's getting to depressing inside my home, I can't face my mother nor my sibling otherwise I'm gonna say things I don't mean." He said and Anna nodded again, "I see, I'll get Magnus." She said and left the room.

"Come on hurry the fuck up." Magnus said as Alec limped behind him, "Your tasteful words never cease to amaze me." Alec rolled his eyes and walked but winced at the pain and stopped himself. Magnus turned around and found him rubbing the calf with his palm and he sighed.

"Exactly how you're gonna drive?" He asked and Alec shot him a glare. "It won't be a problem if you didn't kicked me in the first place." He screamed at him and he scoffed before smirking at Alec. "Maybe you shouldn't grab me like that. I would have you charged for attempting sexual assaults." Magnus said and this time it was Alec who's laughing.

"You think people want to do that to you? Keep dreaming jerk, no one wants to do that to you with your foul mouth leading the conversation." Alec said as he tried to walk again. "Fuck you! You know what, you can go home on your own, I'm done doing favors for people like you." He said as he walked passed him and shoved his shoulder hard and left Alec on the large driveway all alone.

He shook his head in anger, couldn't believe he stuck here with this rude person. He kept his walking instead of going to Magnus car, he headed to the front gate which a mile away in this huge ground. He cursed at people who made this place and his legs is painful by the walk but his heart is more painful plus with the annoyance filled him as he tried to walk it off.

As he walked the rocky ground he was caught by surprise when someone swopped him up and carried him, "What the fuck! Let go of me!" Alec said as he tried to look behind him and notice it was Magnus who carried him on his shoulder.

"Keep squirming and I will drop you on the ground or the lake. You choose." He said as he walked back to his car. Alec tried to fight him off but his grip is tightened around Alec's thigh as his stomach on Magnus' shoulder. The only thing he could see was the guy's sculpted behind that for some reason intriguing him.

He decided to stop squirming knowing Magnus would literally dropped him in the lake and with a busted leg like this he would drown instead.

Magnus dropped him in front of the car door and immediately went to his side, when he looked at him, he had his arm crossed around his chest with a scowl on his face. "What?" He asked completely annoyed by his behavior.

"Aren't you gonna open the door for me? You already had me carried across the yard like some damsel in distress." Alec said raising his eyebrow completely making Magnus night more annoyed than earlier. "Get in the fucking car or I'm gonna run you over." He screamed as he climbed inside and start the ignition. Alec couldn't help but to laugh, he loves teasing this guy but chose to listen and when he got inside the car he was amazed but the interior design of his sports car.

He couldn't help but to run his finger around the dashboard and Magnus find it irritating so he slapped his hand away. "Don't touch anything." He said and Alec looked at him like a kid who's been told no candy for him. "I wasn't, I'm just looking." He said as he kept staring at the leather dashboard.

"Looked with your eyes not your hand. I don't want your filthy hands on my stuffs." He said as he drove out from the driveway. It hurt Alec but he didn't mind since he knew exactly how it feel having people touching his stuffs but he never mind sharing it with his siblings.

After a while of silenced Alec began to speak again, "What's your father business?" He asked and Magnus sighed, "None of yours so shut up." He said and Alec groaned. "You know it's just a question, you don't have to be such an asshole about it. It's called being human and humans make conversation." He said and Magnus groaned in returned.

"This is really a nice car." He said and Magnus wanted to smile but he held himself trying not to make him see it. "How much is it?" He asked and Magnus scoffed, "Like you could afford it! Better stick to your old beamer then, it's much suited your lifestyle." He said and Alec felt pain through his words. Of course he couldn't afford it, none of his family would because of him.

All of their savings, their personal allowance had to be cut down due to his hospital bills, his medication, his constant surgeries, his check ups, his treatment and routine visit to the emergency room. What's the point in living if he's gonna sucked his family dry. Without knowing a tear escaped from his eyes and it dropped on his cheek. He quickly wiped it dry before Magnus could see it but of course he did since he didn't make any snide comment against his last words.

"Wait are you crying? What did I say?" He asked innocently and Alec felt like he wanted to punch his face right there right now, if not for him driving he would already did. "I'm not." Alec said and kept his eyes on the outside world as he kept driving.

Silenced filled the car since Magnus last comment and this is the first time he heard Alec being quiet, too quiet. "Look if it's what I said, I'm sorry." He tried to make him talk again and Alec didn't exactly reply, he's not interested in saying anything cause he's afraid if he did, he would broke into tears.

Few minutes later Alec saw his car parked on the roadside and as soon as Magnus pulled behind it, he didn't bother to wait. "Thanks." He said shortly and he jumped out, cursing on his bruising leg but kept going either way.

He tried to open the car door but it was locked and he checked his pocket, he didn't have his key, he thought the worst thing is probably his keys are inside the car and he need to call someone to retrieve it but when he felt his pants again, his phone is not there either. He looked inside the car and saw his phone's light on with his mum name calling on the screen. "Fuck!" He cursed slamming his hand on the car door.

"Looking for this?" Magnus voice break him from his thoughts and he looked to his side, saw Magnus circling his car key around his finger. "Give it to me!" He said stomping his bruised legs towards him but he walked back further. "Not if you told me what I said wrong in the car." He said backing off and held the key higher from his head.

"Nothing! It's none of your business anyway, give it back!" He tried to retrieve it but Magnus held it higher and stood the opposite of Alec, the car is between them separating Alec from him. "Then why did you cry?" He asked literally making Alec's heart boiled.

"I wasn't and give it back!" He screamed as he tried to walk to the other side but Magnus was faster, he walked around the car and they both stood in the opposite side again.

"I'm not buying it, if your family is poor why don't you work harder in getting what you want. Being born poor is not a choice but staying poor it is." Alec is fuming at the words Magnus assumed his family were, "They are not and you have no rights to say that to me! You live your life everything being handed to you, what do you know in working hard for money?!" Alec couldn't take anymore insults toward his family knowing it was all his fault them being that way.

"Excused me? You know nothing about me! You think money is making me happy? You should be lucky you have both parents while you grow up instead of servants feeding you bullshit about having a family!" Magnus screamed back at him and Alec was stunned by his answers.

"Well tell that to your house, your fucking car and your freaking butler!" He said and Magnus was infuriating, he tossed the key at Alec and it fell on the ground before he could catch it, "Fuck you!" He said and get inside his car before he drove away in anger.

Alec saw his car speed and disappeared into the dark. He stood by the road side for awhile before he began to pick up his car keys and entered. He puts the key in and starts the ignition before his thoughts wander to what Magnus said to him.

"Being born poor is not a choice but staying poor it is."

His words keep playing in his mind and he cursed himself for being the reason why. Tears pouring as he sit in silenced and his phone kept buzzing in the compartment. He wiped his tears dry with his palm and cleared his throat before he answered the call.

"Alec oh thank god! Where the hell are you?" His mother's voice screamed through the speaker phone and he sighed.

"Maybe we should cancel the trip." He suddenly said and he heard his mother sighed. "Please come home, we can talk about this." She tried to stay calm but Alec knew she would freaked if she saw him in this state. He didn't want to let his mother saw him in such vulnerable or such disappointment.

"Please Alec, come home baby. I'm here okay." Maryse said and Alec couldn't hold his tears anymore longer he should. "I'm so sorry for what happened to our family." Alec said breaking into sobs and he kept wiping his tears with his fingers only to have them wet again.

"Sweetheart please come home, we will talk about it after okay. I just need to make sure you are safe. Please, please come home and I promise you can tell me anything you want, everything you want inside your heart." His mother promised him and he sniffled. He didn't want to come home, not like this. But he has no other place to go, no money even.

"Alec?" His mother called and he sniffs another tears again, "Won't it be easier if I don't?" He said and Maryse sworn she would flipped if she had to deal with another of Alec's thoughts. "Don't you dare said that! Please come home or I'm going out to find you and I won't stop until I do." She said and Alec knew she was telling the truth. She would go all night just to find him. "Okay." He said whispering the last word.

"I'll wait for you Alec, I love you." Maryse said and Alec sniffs another tears, "I love you too mum." He said before they both ended the call. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw his eyes are swollen in redness. He wiped it dry hoping by the time he reached home, it would lessen.

He circled the area three times before he finally decide to park his car into the driveway. He couldn't face anyone at the moment and he knows all of them is staying up just for him and here he is again causing another trouble for his family. He had think through what his decision will be and he is determined to do so.

He walked slowly into his home and before he could reached the door knob, the door wide open and his mother came into the view. He was right, she was a crying mess as he is, her eyes are swollen and her nose blotched red. He couldn't see her straight into her eyes but she knew he was juggling with any suitable words to explain himself.

Before Alec could say anything his mother ran to his arm and wrapped it around his waist. No words shared only the warmth hugs. Alec was stunned to be wrapped around his mother embrace, he would hope for another yelling or advised on how dangerous or reckless his behavior tonight. But instead he was welcomed with his mother head on his chest and her arm tightly around his body.

After a while, they both walked inside and Maryse noted Alec is limping as he walked and she got worried over him again, "What happened?" She asked and Alec shook his head, "Nothing, I uhh- I hit the curb." He lied.

When Alec entered the house he saw Isabelle and Jace immediately stood on their feet looking at him, regret and guilt clearly plastered on their faces but Alec kept his stern face on. "Alec are you okay?" Isabelle asked as usual, Jace was too coward to say anything knowing the event started due to his fault.

"I'm fine." Alec answered briefly and he sighed, "Alec thank god!" Robert's voice appeared as he came down from the stairs and went to hug him. He tapped his father's back assuring him he is, "I was just putting Max down in his room, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Robert asked at the same time checking him front to back, up and down for any sign of injury. Blessed the jeans he's wearing or his father would freaked when he saw the bruise.

"I'm fine dad, we need to talk." Alec said and Robert shot him a look, surprised by his tone. "Sure bud, come on sit first." He gestured for him to sit in the living room but he pulled back and looked for his mother. "It's fine, I'll just make it quick." He said and Robert was taken back by his words. Jace was feeling like Alec refused to sit between his sibling like he usually does.

"I changed my mind, I don't want to go to Hawaii." He said and they all gasped.

"Wait, why?" Isabelle asked looking disappointed but Alec couldn't help but wonder if the disappointment is because she couldn't wear her new swimsuit or because she won't able to spend her time with him.

"Cause I don't feel like it anymore. I don't want our family to waste anymore money on me." He said and Maryse pulled Alec's arm to face her, "Alec what's wrong? Why are you behaving like this?" Maryse asked, disappointment clearly in her eyes but worries flashes even more. "Alec if it's because of what I said, I'm sorry. I won't have to go if you don't want me too." Jace came forward to try handle the situation and Alec stepped back.

"You guys have the ticket, you can go if you want too. You don't have to include me in it." Alec said, seriousness is never suited him especially around his family.

"Alec please let's just talk about this." Robert said and Alec held a finger up to silenced him. "I'm not finished dad, I've been thinking all night, all of these matter is pulling our family down. I hate to see how you guys have to acted around me. How you wasted your life because of me. Which is why, by the next appointment, I want to sign the DNR form for me." Maryse gasped and Isabelle and Jace were clueless not understanding what that word meant.

"It means if my heart stopped again, they would do nothing to bring it back alive." He explained and the look on Jace and Isabelle broke him. He could hear his mother broke into tears beside him but he couldn't look at her.

"I won't sign it! You are still underage to do that and I won't do it!" Maryse said in between her tears and Alec sighed, "I know you won't which is why I'm going to file a case on emancipated minor. Choosing my right to make my own medical decision especially in this matter. They would seek my case, look into my health record and know that I have only thirty percent chances on surviving. It is a mess I know but if you want to fight me on this then lets fight it legally."

Alec would have make a great lawyer following his mother footsteps but his choice varies from time to time.

Maryse was surprised when Alec wanted to plead the case for his right after all these years he is fighting. She couldn't believe he's quitting when they are close to achieve it. She was surprised to see Alec so defeated but she has no words for it.

"Are fucking with me right now?!" Maryse screamed at his face and for once he never heard his mother cursed in front of the family. Robert tried to soothe her to calm down before she said something she would regret. Jace and Isabelle were stunned they couldn't say anything else.

"You want to fight me? After everything that we have gone through these past two years and you decided now you want to quit? You're telling us that now, after everything I did to make sure you survive you're gonna toss it into the gutter just like that?! Have I not done enough Alec?!" She asked pointing her fingers to make her point.

"I know it's my fault! It's my fault you were in that car with me! That I was angry that night I decided to let my anger ruined you! But this is not the way for you to pay your revenged on me! This is the best show you put on Alexander, by far, this is one of the best show you put on this family." She stomped her way out of the living room and headed to her room, she slammed door so loud they both flinched at the sound.

Alec didn't say anything, he kept his face stern and gaze on the floor. "Jace, Izzy go to bed." Robert instructed and at first they were both reluctant but when Alec refused to look at them, they knew their brother is gone.

"Let's take a look at your legs." Robert said and tried to gesture him towards his room but he swatted his hand away from him. "I'm fine, go to bed dad, I'll see you in the morning." He said as he limped his way towards his room. But he was stopped when he heard his father's words.

"That was selfish of you to treat your mother that way. You think it's hard for you to deal with your diseased but not us? How would you feel if one day you die, how it would impact on us? You're gone and you're not coming back, but you won't even notice it. But us? We have to deal with your death every single day in our lives till the day we die Alec." Tears were pouring from Alec's eyes after he heard those words, of course he knew, he thought about it every single day.

"Your mother will lost half of her soul after losing you. You are her first born son, you're the reason she is the best mother in our lives. You thought her how to be a mother herself today, you are the reason she learned how to change diapers, how to breast feed, how to care when you're all sick. After everything she did for us in this family, this is how you treated her? By quitting? I'm ashamed of your decision and it's selfish of you to think that without including us in it."

Robert couldn't hold his tears when he said those words, he was hanging by a thread with one side pulling him from being the good father and respected Alec's decision and the other from being a good husband to his wife and supports her in time like this. He wiped his eyes with his fingers and headed upstairs after mumbling goodnight too Alec.

Alec sat in his room for hours and he didn't notice the clock was already three in the morning. His stomach is empty and his eyes are dry, his mind is drained by what happened tonight. He lay on his side not bothering to pull his blanket on top of himself cause he knew the only warmth he needed was the person he hurt the most. Instead, he just lay there and let his mind wander to his strange dream and hoped he won't have to wake up tomorrow.

A/N: I know it's painful but hey, what is life without pain ay?

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