Part 7

I don't know what to call this chapter. My life is nothing but mess and my mess poured out stories and ideas. It's a loooonggggg chapter so sorry if you get bored reading them.

Alec slowly flutters his eyes opened and when he did, the first thing he knew, the ceiling has changed. No more curtains covered his small bed and he was rather in a larger more comfier bed. He looked around the room and saw his mother sleeping on the couch with her arm bended under her head and her hair are tied up into a messy bun. She looks tired, her eyes are swollen, Alec knew she'd probably cried the whole night.

He couldn't even remember when they removed him from the emergency room and placed here in the ward. The last thing he remembered was Max climbing on his bed and slept on his chest.

He got up slowly, groaning at the throbbing pain in his head and the pressure in his nose. The metallic taste on his throat made him nauseous, he still could feel the blood that made him vomit repeatedly yesterday.

He removed his blanket lifting his legs up and touched the cold hard floor. He didn't have his shoes on, so he walked on barefoot. The headache is pricking his eyes as he walked to the bathroom, he closed the door and locked it before he decided to do his usual morning routine.

He stood by the mirror looking at himself, his nose is wrapped like he just had a nose job like some celebrities but the truth is he's in a lot more deal than most of them. His eyes are swollen red and his lips are chapped with dryness. The color hasn't yet returned since after last night.

He stared at himself cursing at his own life for being so pathetic, for once he think, let it be done, let it get over with. He's tired of the constant problem he's causing his family. He's tired of letting his parent down, thinking maybe this is the time, maybe today is the day, maybe today he'll die.

He sighed shaking his head at the bad thoughts, he can't quit now, he has planned everything, he can't ruined it just because he's scared. He can't run away from his fate, yes he is sick and dying but he can't decide to die like this.

He was startled by a knocked on the door followed by his mother's voice. "Alec, everything okay in there?" She asked softly, "Uhm, yeah, just needed to pee." He answered back and she responded shortly.

Alec walked back to his bed not expecting his room being completely empty, he ought to see his mother sat by the couch or by the bathroom door but after he walked out there's no one there in the room.

He climbed on the bed and pulled the blanket back covering his stomach and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed again for the hundred times being bored out of his mind. He didn't bother to check his phone knowing no one except his family was the only one would texted him. He's not into social media and basically he didn't need his phone that regular as other teens would.

He wished Max is here, he's the only person that would kill time by doing other things than playing with phones. They would play board games, even hide and seek, he won't care how old he is, as long as Max is happy, he'd gladly doing it.

As he was thinking on his moments with Max, his mother walked in juggling with trays of food in her hand. She smiled when she saw Alec already on the bed. "Hey, I got breakfast." She said and placed them all on the moving tray and brought closer to Alec.

"Good I'm starving!" Alec cheered and sat up as his mother brought the tray in between his bed and sat down in front of him. She got waffles, pancakes, some fruits and even coffees for both of them. Alec never felt hungrier like this but since last night events took out most of his energy, he could ate them all in a minute.

Maryse knew how Alec loves the buttermilk pancake with blueberry on top and lots and lots of syrup. He practically gobbled them all down in a whole minute and she never felt happier seeing Alec eating again.

"Oh god, this is amazing." He said as he cut another piece of pancake and shoved them all down with melted syrup dripping from the corner of his mouth. Maryse smiled wiping her thumb to clear the syrup but Alec couldn't care less of the mess he created.

"Can I go home today?" He asked and Maryse stunned by his question that she stopped chewing for a moment before she answered. "Uhm, I'm sure if the bleeding stops you would." She assured him.

"I'm fine now. I feel better." He said shoving another piece of pancake into his mouth. "Of course sweetie, but let's hear what they had to say first okay." She said and Alec stopped, stared at his mother, disappointment clearly in his eyes as he heard her say those words.

"Good morning folks!" Valentine cheered as he walked into Alec's room. Alec looked to the side and smiled back showing him how great he feels. "You had your breakfast? How do you feel Alec?" He asked tapping his shoulder, "Good, can I go home?" He asked and Valentine snickered. "Not so fast young man. Let's take a look first."

Maryse pushed the tray away and sat back on the couch while Valentine examined Alec. The nurse later came in with a tray on a trolley as Valentine put his gloves on. Alec was laid back on a pillow and his head propped so he could tilted back further.

"Okay, I'm gonna try to remove the packing inside and we'll see how the bleeding is okay." He explained and Alec nodded before he looked to his side, "Mum." He opened his palm up for her and she took a chair to sit next to him. "I'm here sweetie." She grasped his palm in hers and he squeezed tight as Valentine removed the first layer on his nose.

"Breathe in." He advised and Alec followed and he could feel the tension filled his nose disappeared with a sensation to sneeze. He could see the trails of blood clot on the gauze as it came out and it dropped into the metal tray in front of him. Valentine pressed his nose bridge a bit harder than he thought and he flinched in pain. "Sorry, just wanna make sure it didn't bleed inside." He said as he pressed side by side with his fingers.

Alec took the tissue that handed to him and wiped his nose from the remaining of bloods around his nostrils. "I could go for plastic surgeon huh?" He joked and Alec snorted still cleaning his nose with a piece of soaking gauze but it was better to removed all the dried up blood.

"My nose is originally sharped thanks to my mum." He tilted his head towards her and she smiled swatting his elbow. "She's gorgeous I know. We all want her back in college. But I landed with the red haired girl." He said and Alec laughs. "Yeah he always had a 'thing' for a red haired." Maryse commented air quoting the words and Valentine shrugged with Alec laughing.

"Okay, enough. Serious business." He said sitting on the bed with his leg folded on one side. Alec looked at him attentively waiting for him to deliver the news. The nurse had left the room closing the door behind her.

"I think it's best to postpone the vacation." He said and Alec looked at his mum in disappointment. He didn't say anything letting him explained first. "It's not that I'm against you have fun, but Alec the thing is. your heart is like a ticking time bomb. In each minute, each seconds, it could go off." He tried to explain as gentle as he could at Alec but he already felt his heart crushed into pieces.

"You don't get to decide what I would do in my life. I want this and I needed this more than anything. If I'd die there then so be it. I would have no regrets." He said leaning back on his pillow crossing his arm. Maryse rubbed his arm to calm him down. "Alec maybe we should reconsider-" she was cut off by Alec pulling his hand back away from her grip.

"No! Why are you siding with him? You told me to fight it, to live my life to the fullest so if I go, it doesn't matter where I am. But I'm surely didn't want to die in a hospital. If you want to help me then help with the donor progress, that would be much helpful for all of us." Alec screamed his frustration out at both of them.

"I am pushing it, actually it's not that easy Alec, there are donor, but not your match, even though it's the same blood group, it still won't promise acceptance. You will have to deal with transplant rejection, infections, embolism after." Valentine explained and Alec looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"So even though I did the operation I would still die for the outcome of it?" He asked and Valentine sighed pinching his nose bridge. "There are chances, but let's not get to that. As soon as we found a donor, you'll be the first in the list Alec." He said and Alec shook his head.

"No more. I don't want this anymore. I don't want it anymore." He said and Maryse stood from her chair, "Alec please don't say that." She gripped his shoulder trying to coax him but he looked at her with his eyes filled with crushed hope and desperations.

"I'm not gonna get what I want in this life, don't make me wait anymore." He begs and Maryse couldn't hold her tears, she hugged him to her chest stroking his back softly. "Good things will come soon to those who wait Alec, trust me. You'll be rewarded with those after everything you did." She whispered into his ear.

"I will go, with or without you, choose." Alec said pulling out from her embrace. He stared at his mother intensely as she sighed. "We talk when your father gets here okay." She ended the discussion and stared at Valentine. "Can we talk outside?" She gestured for him to follow her as she assured Alec to stay in bed.

"Look Maryse, I know-" Valentine started but Maryse cut him off.

"No you look! Out of all people you can say those thing but not to your godson! He is strong and you know it. Don't crushed his heart like that! What if it was Clary then? Would you sleep every night in peace knowing she would die in each minute she's not with you? How does that make you feel then? Don't tell my son what he can or can't do, don't tell him that bullshit you tell other patients! You were there when he was born and we were there when Clary did. I would treat her the same as I treated Alec and I know how hard you have been working in getting him in the list but that is not good enough for us. I don't care what you said, if he wants to go to the end of the earth, I would make sure I stood by his side each day just to see him happy. If by God he would take my son earlier than it should, I have no regrets in raising him no matter how short it did!"

Maryse snapped and all the people who walked around the hallway heard her saying those things to Valentine. He crossed his arm around his chest sighing before he could replies to her outburst.

"Fine! If Alec want to spend his last remaining day like that, I will come and make sure he is okay." He said and Maryse stunned by his suggestion. "Wait what?" She asked in confusion as he snickered a smile. "Don't worry about the expenses, he's like a son to me too. I want to make sure he survived the island, I had to be there with him. It's been a while since we all had a family vacation." He said and Maryse broke into a sob.

She wrapped her arm around his neck and mumbling thank you repeatedly. "I see where he get his energy from, I know it's hard on you. I'm sorry. Jocelyn was right, she mentioned you would have my balls chopped if I treated Alec like my any other regular patient." He said and Maryse smiled before she breaks into a laugh.

"Tell Jocelyn I owed that to her." She said and Valentine smiled. "Will do." He replied before he walked away from her but she grabbed his arm making him stop in his track and turned.

"I'm sorry, it's a low blow for me to use Clary in this situation. I didn't mean that I'm sorry, it's just-" she tried to get her words out but she needed the time to breathe. Valentine smile rubbing her arm up and down to comfort her before she gazed upon his eyes.

"I can't lose him. He's my son. He needs to live so he could go on and do great things in his lives. It's bad enough I'm not a match and I am his mother, I should be able to help him." She said almost breaking into her tears.

"I understand that, but you think if you could be a donor Alec would want you too? He rather die than to live without you, remember that." Valentine tried to soothe her with facts. She nodded before thanking him again.

She wiped her face with her palm before she faced Alec again and she had to keep her brave face on for him. Alec can't see her vulnerable and scared especially now that they know Alec is hoping for good news.


"Wait what?" All of them said spontaneously when Maryse told them Valentine is coming with them on this trip. Alec, Jace and Isabelle was sitting on the couch in their living room after a day Alec being discharged. He felt good to be home and better than earlier.

Robert is still at work and Max is not back yet from play date.

"Seriously uncle Valentine is coming, which means Clary is coming too right?" Jace said, his eyes filled with joy and pure happiness knowing his girlfriend is there with him on this trip.

"Yes but we are not spending time separately. This is family vacation for Alec and no time spend without Alec in it." Maryse warned them and he pouted leaning back on the chair. He whined clearly looking forward in spending time with his girlfriend.

"Dude, it's for Alec, not for you, don't be selfish." Izzy whispered into his ear and he jolted back into happiness just so Alec won't notice his true intention.

"It's fine. You can date Clary all you want, like I give a damn about it." Alec said before he stood and walked out from the living room. He felt annoyed, and betrayed by his own brother not wanting to spend their holiday together. Knowing the red head is going to be there and distracting his brother from their alone time as family is more irritating to Alec.

"Alec where are you going?" Maryse asked as he grabbed his jacket from the closet and put it on his body. "Out." He said and grabbed the car key and head out. He slammed the door before he exited and rushed to his car before his mother could catch him.

"Nice going smart ass." Izzy said punching Jace on his upper arm. He winced in pain clearly unable to process the whole situation in his mind. What so bad about him hanging around with his girlfriend in a beautiful island.

"What? I'm just excited that we all get to spend vacation together." He claimed staring at Isabelle's annoyed face. She sighed before she stood and faced him, "Of course you don't see it, you're an idiot like always. This is our last vacation with Alec, our LAST vacation with our brother." Her voice breaks into tears but she held it in. Jace jumped from his seating to face her and immediately worried about her breaking down like this.

"The last thing he wants was to spend as much time as he could with his brother. But instead he got stood up by his brother's girlfriend. Way to go Jace, have fun with Clary!" Izzy snapped and rushed passed him before heading upstairs to her room. Jace was left numb and alone in the living room to think about what just happen.

Alec could see his mother chasing him out from the door as he pulled out from the driveway. He sped his car as he was on the road not wanting to let his mother sees him on the verge or crying.

Yes he was selfish for doing that to him and for some reason, he didn't feel like apologizing. His phone buzzed in his pockets as he drives away from their town headed anywhere his heart could lead.

He couldn't stay at home anymore, he couldn't stare at their faces anymore. For some reason Alec had enough of all of these dying thing. He wished that he would just die right here right now. He is done in making people put him in priority. They had to cancel plans just so Alec could be somewhere.

How many times exactly Jace and Clary's date were ruined over phone calls telling him Alec is in hospital. With that one phone call Jace would dropped everything and left just to be next to him when he woke up. How many times does Izzy or Max had to skip school because they all spend their night in the hospital lounge waiting for him out from the surgery or emergency room.

How many times his parents had to cancel on meeting, classes or even a day at work. He was glad enough their bosses didn't fired his parents because of spending way too much time in taking care of him.

As his mind clouded with this thoughts, his legs pressed harder on the paddle making him go over the speed limit. He didn't know where he is but he knew for fact that he is speeding. He was lost in his own thoughts not seeing the car coming from his side and almost hit him but he swerved his car to the side of the road and pressed the break on time just before he would hit the lamp post.

"Fuck!" He screamed in the car clenching on his chest. He thrown a fit by slamming his hand and punching the dashboard to release his anger. After a minute of throwing tantrum, he leaned forward resting his head on the steering wheel taking his breath in and out deeply to calm him down.

Knock, knock

The knocked was loud and it startled Alec from his state and he looked to the side of his window a person was knocking his window in anger. He pressed the button to descend the glass down, "Look man, I'm sorry." He said and before he could say more the guy cut him off with a much angrier voice.

"The fuck you are sorry! You almost hit my car you son of a bitch!" The guy screamed at him and he looked to his side and surprised hits his face but he could see the guy was also surprised to see him either.

"You!" They both said at the same time.

Alec opened his car door and stepped outside. The cool wind hit his face as he brought his jacket closer to hide his coldness. The rich kid is back to haunt him for some reason. Every single time he felt the universe is mocking, here is is showing his snob face at his.

"Why is it every single time I had a bad day you always there to ruin it more?!" The guy poke Alec's chest with his finger and Alec stared at his small body in annoyance. He might have a small body because he is shorter than Alec but he is way muscular and the white shirt hugs his bicep tightly making it bulged from underneath.

"Why the hell your stupid face always showed up every time I had a terrible day?" Alec shoved his chest back and he was startled by Alec's action. "Don't pushed me asshole!" He pushed Alec back and Alec stumbled though managed to get a grip on his leg.

"You shoved me first!" He pushed him again and this time a little bit harder makes him stumbled back and almost fell to the ground but he held on Alec's car and steadied his ground.

He charged at Alec trying to punch him but Alec caught both of his wrist in his hand and pushed his back against the car. "Get off me!" He screamed as he squirmed under Alec's grip. "Not so tough now are ya?" Alec smirked clenching his grip tighter on the boy's wrist and watched him squirmed even more.

"Let go of me or you'll pay the consequences!" He screamed again and Alec laughed but before he could enjoy his amusement, the boy kicked him on his shin. "OW!" He released him and gripped his calf in pain as he crouched on the ground. The boy stood before him, smirk plastered on his face.

"Fuck you!" Alec said and stood but he knew better not to do so since his heart is not strong enough to pump his blood from his feet up to his head. As soon as he stood he felt the whole world circling around him and the road became upside down and before he knew it, he was on the ground and blackness invaded him.


"Young master?" Charles called as he knocked on the door but no answer. The room was dark and the only light came from the room was from the balcony shine upon the large room.

Magnus was on the bed sleeping and it's been days since he spoke to his father about the incident. Asmodeus was strict but Magnus is even more stubborn and the only person he wanted to see is Charles. Any other person came into his room he will screamed to chase them out.

The room smelled with smokes and probably some old leftover is kept under the bed somewhere which explains the scent of rotten food.

"Go away Charles." Magnus instructed but he won't budge, "How much longer is this brooding phase gonna go? I need to tell your father." He said and Magnus lifted his body from the bed and headed to his bathroom passing Charles by his side.

"Not in the mood for your sarcastic behavior!" He shouted from the bathroom and slammed the door shut with a lock after. Charles signed the maid to clean up the bedroom as soon as they possibly can before Magnus came back out.

Almost an hour later Magnus came out from the bathroom, steam escaped from the gap of the door as he walked out with a towel around his waist. He is freshly out of shower, shaven and smelled like his usual scented soap not the reeked of smokes or spoiled junk food.

"Young sir, your father requested you at dinner!" Charles said as Magnus put on his jeans and his white shirt. He couldn't care less what his father wants and certainly whatever he wanted to do is at his own will.

"Tell him to fuck off!" Magnus said and Charles sighed getting his dirty shirt from the floor and tossed it in the hamper. "Sir, I thought you patched things up with your father?" He asked as he walked towards the room to meet Magnus, he stood by the mirror and adjusted his perfect raven hair, spiked it up with some amount of gel and smirked at his own reflection.

"Yeah then he ruined it with his asshole attitude for not letting me explained what happened to my car." He said and grabbed his wallet and his phone from the table. "Where are you going?" Charles asked and he grabbed his keys from the table side before he headed to the door.

"Out, I need air. I can't breathe with all of these rules applied. I'm not some lap dog to bow according to the monarchy." He said before shutting the door close leaving Charles in his room alone. As he headed to the door, he heard his father called him out but he chose to ignore it and rushed to his car as soon as he get in.

He was angry at his father, at the world for not letting him a chance to breathe, to let he lives his life just the way he wanted it. He is sick and tired of the constant rule in taking care of family name and careful not to tarnish it.

He wanted to be like his mother, a carefree person, live her lives without rules to follow and bend it as she like. He wanted to live his own life without having his father telling him what to do.

"Sit up boy! No elbows on the table! Stop whining, you're a man, act like it!" He mocks his father's with his own voice. He wished he had friends to tell them how he feels about it but the moment he called his idiot friends is either partying and home drunk or fucking some whores and end up being mugged in the morning.

The last time he did was still fresh in his mind and Magnus could still remember how angry his father at him. That is why he was on house arrest, no booze, no party, no clubs and no whores either.

The last thing he need is his father cutting him off and send him to live somewhere backwoods or worst in a different country.

As he was driving closed to the junction, his car was met by another speeding car on his left. If he hadn't stopped for his thought, he would probably already being hit by the other car and it angered him. The car swerved to the side and he saw it stopped about a few hundred meters from Magnus' car. Magnus decided to chase it down and spoke to the driver for driving so recklessly.

He parked behind the car and spotted the driver leaning against the steering wheel. If it hadn't been night time, he could have seen already who's the driver but due to lack of light and the dark shield on the window he could only make up the shadow behind it. He pounced on the car window for the driver to open.

At first he thought the driver might be hurt that made him drove that way but when the window were roll down and the person said how sorry he was, Magnus could feel his blood is boiling in anger. The driver sounded drunk and slurring or so he thought.

"The fuck you are sorry! You almost hit my car you son of a bitch!" By the tone of Magnus' voice and the harshness in his word the driver turned to face and when he did, he was surprised to see the same tall guy he met at the mall and the supermarket.

"You!" They both screamed at the same time.

He walked out from the car eyeing him up and down which made Magnus more intimidated not just by his heights but also his appearance. He was a lot more pallor than the last time he saw him.

"Why is it every single time I had a bad day you always there to ruin it more?!" He poked his chest and he eyed him like he couldn't believe he just did that.

"Why the hell your stupid face always showed up every time I had a terrible day?" 


He shoved Magnus' chest back and he was tempted to punch the guy already.

"Don't pushed me asshole!" Magnus warned him and he pushed him back, seeing him stumbled made him happy but the realization hit him, "You shoved me first!" He pushed Magnus a bit harder and he almost stumbled backward but thanks to his side mirror, he managed to get a grip.

Magnus was raging by the time especially when he had the audacity to smirk at him. He decided to push his whole body in and start a fight. Sure he is a giant but Magnus is more muscular than the guy is.

But little did he know the guy grabbed both of his wrist in his hand and slammed his body onto his car. The guy is stronger than he thought. "Get off me!" He demanded but the guy smirked, enjoying his struggled in his touch.

"Not so tough now are ya?" He asked and the look on his face is clearly pure amusement. Magnus couldn't fight off his grip although he tried. "Let go of me or you'll pay the consequences!" Magnus screamed and he still smirking at him. He did what he had to do too released himself so he raised his foot and kicked the guy on his shin.

The guy screamed in pain as he crouched and gripped his legs. "Fuck you!" He cursed and stood immediately turning away from Magnus. For a start, he felt guilty for hurting him and want to call him back for an apology. But then he saw the guy leaned against the car before he fell to the ground next to him.

"Fuck!" Did he kicked him that hard? He thought but then why would the kicking would make him fainted? It was on the leg, not his head. He thought and went to his side. The guy is unconscious as Magnus poked his shoulder to wake him up. "Hey, wake up." He poked again but nothing.

He tried to call his name but he forgot about it. He tried to recall the guy's mother calling him at the mall,

"Allen, no. Al- Alex? Alec. Alec, hey, wake up." He shook the guy's shoulder trying to wake him but nothing. He still breathing so he doesn't really need to do anything, he thinks.

"Fuck you are so annoying for making me carrying you." Magnus said to himself as he brought the guy's arm around his shoulder and lifted him up. "God you're heavy!" He huffed as he helped carried him to his car. "Shit!" He cursed again when the guy's car is wide open and the ignition is still on. He went to the side and turned it off before locking the car with keys in his hand.

He got in his car and looked to his side, the guy is actually quite handsome to look at and his face is angelic when he's asleep like that. Magnus didn't realized he was staring at the guy's face when his own phone vibrates startles him that he literally jumped in his seat.

On the screen mentioned 'Dad' and he swiped to answer.

"Magnus Bane! Get your ass back at the mansion right now!" His father's voice boomed against the speaker and he had to bring it away from his own ear. "I can't! I'm uhh-" he looked to his side and couldn't find a word to explain to his father.

I can't come home now, there's a drunk handsome guy in my car and he passed out after trying to hit me with his car.
His subconscious mocks him.

His father would have his ass grilled in the barbecue stove by then if he finds out. "I'm with uhh- someone." He said and his father won't take no for an answer.

"Home! Now!" He demanded and cut the call. Magnus groaned in his seat as he looked to his side. The guy is still unconscious, "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" He screamed at him but he didn't flinched nor he move. Magnus turned on the ignition and drove back to his house with the unconscious guy in his car next to him.

A/N: People who's dying or at the end stage of his/her life can be depressed too. Its not like they wanted this to happened to them but it did and there's nothing they can do to change it.

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