Part 6

Sorry again for another boring chapter.

Magnus decided to go home after the incident at the groceries store, his feelings are mixed with anger, and sadness altogether making him unable to clear his mind. He knew his father would already be at work by now so he decided to come home and rest for the day till his father get back and tell him what happened today.

As soon as he arrives, he stepped into his home greeted by his maids and headed straight for bed. But before he did, he went to the kitchen to place the ice cream tub before it's melting, he didn't even get a chance to eat them yet.

When he entered the kitchen he was startled by none other than his own father stood in the middle of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. He turned around and was faced by Magnus pale face. "I'll call you back later." He told whoever it is on the other line and turn his phone off.

"What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" He barked, slightly raised his voice at Magnus. He couldn't figured out how to explain everything that happened today to his father, he didn't even get a chance to think about it either. He froze in his spot unable to come up with any words instead holding the frozen can in his hand tightly.

"Magnus? Answered me!" His father asked again looking at him confused clearly on his face. "I uhh, I didn't feel like it." He said shortly and headed towards the freezer, he opened the top lid and placed his ice cream tub there. "Lily used to eat those." He heard his father whispered. He closed the lid before he turned to face his father.

"What happened today?" He asked looking at Magnus' face, "I scratched the car." He started and Asmodeus face changed from concern to slight anger but he contained them till Magnus explained it.

"I was upset, I didn't feel like going to school, went to supermarket, get an ice cream, somebody hit my car since I'm at the wrong lane. She didn't want to charge anything unless I told you the truth." Magnus exhaled his long breath by the end and sat on the stool by the island. His father eyed him curiously unable to process what he just told him.

"I don't expect you to tell me exactly what happened but I guess it's okay as long as no one is hurt." Asmodeus claimed walking closer to Magnus on the island and sat on the stool next to him. "What happened?" He nudge his shoulder a bit and Magnus smiled looking straight at his fingers on the island.

"I miss her." Magnus said softly and Asmodeus sighed next to him, "Me too bud. But what's up lately about you, you didn't think about her twice this much. Is it because of my pending marriage?" Asmodeus asked and Magnus didn't know how to answer him exactly. He didn't know why he was thinking about his mother a lot lately, probably because of that tall guy's mother? Or because of Anna?

He shrugged his shoulder picking on his nails, silenced were tightening in between them, "Is it because of the boy who bullied you?" He asked and it hits Magnus, was it he was being bullied? He's the usual person who always bullied someone, was it that what is feels like being bullied. He shook his head no at first but then he nodded but ended with a shake.

"I saw him again today at the supermarket." He said and his father lean forward waiting to hear the rest of the stories. "Please tell me you'd kick his ass." Magnus chuckled at the thought. How much he wanted to do so but again when he stared back at the boy relationship with his mother, he couldn't deny a hint of jealousy in his heart.

"No, he's with his mum." He said and Asmodeus laughs. "Really? Were you afraid to kick his ass in front of his mum?" Asmodeus laughs again but Magnus didn't joined him, he shook his head without a smile even though his father is laughing.

"His mother is the one hit my car." Magnus said and Asmodeus laughs stopped immediately. "Well did you take her contact number? I will sent bills to her house after we get it fixed." Magnus turned his head to his side to meet his father's eyes. "No, it's fine, only a scratch. She's a nice person, I don't want to-" Magnus was cut off by his father.

"Want to what Magnus? You don't get it, in this world if you get soft on people, they will stomped you beneath them! Fix your problem and I don't want to hear anything else about it!" Asmodeus got off the stool and stomped his way to his office. Magnus sighed once again, feeling the sting of pain in his heart but decided to forget about them.

His father won't care about anything, he knew it, he mentioned about it earlier. Everything to him is property and materials and his son is basically his investment. Never he'd care for him to know what exactly inside Magnus mind. After his heated conversation with his father, Magnus decided to head into his room and stayed there for the rest of the evening. He couldn't face anyone, he don't want to see anyone so he locked himself in his own room and didn't came out till he decided too.


"Dinner's here!" Maryse shouted to the rest of the house and then later sound of feet running came through the stairs and the rest of her kids present at the table. Alec was already sitting down before the rest of them got there and handing the take outs to each of them. They all seated accordingly with Robert came with a jar of iced tea in his hand.

"Gosh, I'm hungry." Jace said and Alec snorted, "You always hungry." He added and Jace shrugged stuffing his mouth with dumpling. "What did you guys do today?" Robert asked and both Maryse and Alec looked at each other. "Mum met a guy today." Robert literally dropped his spoon on the plate and looked at his wife.

Maryse walked behind Alec to place the soup on the table and smacked his head with her palm. "Don't tease your father." She said and sat back down on her seat. Alec snickered before he chewed on his food.

"The boy you guys met at the mall, we saw him today, he was something isn't he?" Maryse asked as Jace and Izzy looked at each other before looking at their brother. "Yeah, spoiled rich kids, that's what he is." Jace added, "You should see how he wanted to punch Alec, so snob! But when I grabbed his fist, he got so scared and ran away." Jace said proud of himself at defending his brother.

"He didn't ran away, he wanted to fight but something hold him off like he can't or something." Izzy said glaring at Jace's one sided story.

"Well you should see his face when I asked about his mum, I thought he was gonna cry." Maryse added and Jace and Izzy laughed, when they looked at Alec, he was staring at his food, poking it with his fork.

"Alec, you okay?" Jace asked nudging his elbow with his. He looked up and the rest of his family is staring at him, "Uhm yeah, just thought about that boy." He said and went back at staring his food. His thought was really at the boy with such attitude but why would he dropped his rudeness over his mother. He couldn't understand the boy and the name, it was so different, Magnus. His parent probably think he was magnificent or something to call him that.

The dinner went smoothly and when his mother pulled out the cake, everyone cheered. They all ate until it was almost to finish. After dinner Alec went to his room and headed directly into his bathroom. He brushed his teeth and prepared to take his medication when his mother walked in.

"Hey." She said looking at Alec placing the tablets one by one in his cup according to the doctor's order. As he was reaching for the last bottle, his mother grabbed it from his hand, "Mum, what?" He asked and she smiled, "Maybe not this one, it's making you more sick than ever." She said and Alec shrugged. He downed everything in his throat and gulped the water in seconds. He cringed at the after taste of the pills when it hit his tongue and throat.

"Are you sure the medicine is not necessary?" He asked her turning off the switch before headed to bed. "Called it a hunch." His mother said and went to his side. She tucked him in like she always does although Alec said he didn't need it anymore, he felt like he want it too each night.

"What a day huh?" She said and Alec chuckled. "I swear if I see that kid talked like that to anyone, I will punch him in his face." Alec said fisting his left hand pretending he wanted to punch him. "My hero." Maryse said smiling and Alec grabbed her hand in his.

"Are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Alec asked and she sighed, rubbing her temple with her free hand. "Did you see his face when I asked about his mum?" She asked and Alec nodded. "I don't imagined someone that young to lose someone so important in his life." Maryse said looking towards Alec's face, she raised her hand and stroked his ruffed hair back from his forehead.

"It's a circle of life." Alec said looking straight into his mother's eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked, her eyebrows crooked in confusion, "A motherless boy, and a sonless mother, soon." Maryse pulled away her hand and sat facing the door, anger clearly in her face but Alec knew she was more upset than angry. "Mum." He raised to coax her but she was already upset greatly.

"Why would you said that?" She asked, clearly desperation in her tone. Alec tried to explain himself but what else to say, it's the truth. She need to prepare herself for the worst, she need to hear it, everyone is walking with false hope and putting more ideas in her head that Alec will be fine. The truth is, he is not.

"I know it's upsetting for you to talk about it, but mum, you need to know that the chances are fifty-fifty here." Alec said pulling her shoulder back to face him. "This topic is inevitable, I didn't mean to upset you but you need to be ready when-" Alec was cut off by his mother stood abruptly shoving his hand back.

"No! I don't want to discuss about this, you are getting your donor soon, I know and I am not giving up on you, then why are you giving up on yourself?" She said and surprisingly no tears in her eyes. "Because I know my odds are never in my favor." Alec answered and Maryse scoffed in anger crossing her arms around her chest.

"I just don't want to regret any moments I have left with you guys just because I'm hung with those odds." He said and laid back on his pillow. She kept her silenced and after a moment, she left the room. Alec knew how hurt his mother was, how she feels about this conversation but the longer he sugar coat it, the harder for him to say goodbye.

Finally the weekend is here and it's only a week away before the summer break and the Lightwood are off for a vacation like Alec had planned. He decided to stay home for now since he didn't want to jeopardize his health before the trip. The conversation he had with his mother that night was long forgotten and his mother didn't bring it up not once, she pretended it was never happen but Alec knew well she tried to dodge the situation.

It was usual Sunday morning and Alec was sitting with Max at the island eating cereal. Alec was able to sleep well since the medication that his mother told him not to take was no longer in his system. Both of his parents are making omelettes and Jace and Isabelle are sleeping in. They are both not an early riser.

"What do you want to do today Max?" He asked him as he tried to reach his bowl. He looked up still in his pajamas and think for a while. "The park?" He asked slowly not wanting his parents to hear him.

"Maxie, we agreed no parks with Alec." Robert said and he slumped back on his chair looking disappointed. The truth was Alec is still weaken by day and park is too exhausting for him. Max is very energetic person and he would run off having Alec to chase him.

"Why don't you guys come with us? That way we all can enjoy a day in the park." Alec suggested and the smile returned to Max's face. Both Maryse and Robert looking at each other juggling their thoughts on whether or not to take Alec to the park but Robert pleaded to her wife to let them enjoy the day.

"I guess it's a good idea. I wonder if Jace and Isabelle would-" Maryse questioned but before she got to finish it, she was interrupted by Alec.

"Nope! Jace has a date with Clary and Isabelle is out with her friends today at the mall." He said and Maryse looked at him with a questioning look. "They told me yesterday." He said shrugging his shoulder in defense. "Jace really serious with Clary?" Robert asked and Alec shrugged again. "Who knows? Uncle Valentine seems to think so." Thinking back the last time he see the guy was at the hospital and when they met outside, it was weird, much weirder for his own brother to be dating his doctor's daughter, but again they are friends since kindergarten so what are the chances.

Jace on and off relationship questioned their parents for his future with Clary but again they are only seventeen, a lot more things will have to deal with.

"Fine just us then!" Robert yelled and Max cheered jumping from the stool and headed upstairs for change. "He know it was this evening right? No one goes to the park in the afternoon?" Maryse asked with a spatula still in her hand and Alec chuckled.

"Why don't we go somewhere first?" Alec suggested and his parents looked at him with a smile, "What you had in mind? Don't tell us you want to join the mass?" Robert asked and Alec snickered but then his mother slapped him on his arm. "It's not funny to mock religion like that." She warned and Robert ran to Alec's side.

He popped the grape in his mouth when Alec just finished his laugh. "Why not a ride to the aquarium, it's not under the sun, it's not too tiring for me either and Max loves the aquarium. It's been a while we took him anywhere." Alec suggested and Maryse scoffed.

"Ah-ah, we took him to the zoo remember?" Maryse said and Alec sighed. "You mean you took him to the zoo so that he won't know I'm at the hospital and you bribed him not to ask about me." Alec raised his eyebrow and Maryse pouted knowing it's the truth. When it comes to Alec, Max never did got a chance to know the real deal but always the sweetest lies.

"Fine." Maryse said in defeat and just about then, Max came fully dressed in his ridiculous attire, he had his school pants on with his night pajamas shirt and his best shoes which is his soccer shoes. Alec laughs at his choice of clothing and get off from the stool. "Well we all know he's family cause he got a sense of style from dad." Alec said and Robert tossed a grape his way. "Come on Max, we're going to the aquarium, you need better clothes." He said and Max cheered even louder, Alec helped him go to his room as he climbed the stairs slowly with Max by his side.

Two hours later they all set and arrived at the aquarium. Max was so happy he literally jumped in happiness. They arrived just in time they are feeding the piranha's. Within second they dropped the fish meat in, it was gone and Max was amazed by their sharp teeth.

"What if there's piranha in Hawaii?" He asked Alec as they walked along the tanks of freshwater fish. "I'm gonna say never." Alec replied still gazing at the small tanks in front of him. "How do you know?" He asked and Alec looked to his side, maybe going to the aquarium is a bad choice.

"Max looked. This is a freshwater tanks means, piranha only there on tropical water like the river. We are going to the ocean, salt water, it's a different area okay?" He said and Max nodded continued on walking.

As they reached the underwater exhibit, they stood on the moving tracks while enjoying the fish swam around them. "What about sharks?" He pointed at one of the sharks swam passed their head, it was the biggest one there and it has three sets of teeth. "Well, we are not going at the bottom of the ocean, that's where sharks live." He lied to him and he nodded still not convincing.

"Why do you like fish so much?" He asked Alec as they walk hand in hand, their parents are enjoying themselves far behind leaving them both in private. When Alec looked around, his father had his arm wrapped around his mother waist and kissed on her cheeks. For so long he hasn't seen his parents shown any sign of intimacy and it always has been worried about him. He looked back and met Max's gaze still waiting for his answers.

"Because they can swim better than I am. Do you know they said swimming in deep water is the same feeling like flying?" He changed the subject and Max smile again. "Really?" He asked, happiness clearly in his face. They continued the walk for about thirty more minute and Alec felt dizzy.

"Let's wait for mum and dad here okay?" He said sitting on the bench and Max nodded looking at the tanks of jellyfish in front of them. Alec hated how small walks already made him tired, he wanted to be as energetic as Max, as strong as Jace and he wished he didn't have this diseases in him. He hated how he had little amount of time left, he is only seventeen, he didn't have to choose where he can go without feeling tired, he should be packing up and leave when he wanted too.

Maryse saw Alec sitting on the bench and hurried to his side, "Are you okay?" She looked worried looking at Alec breathing in and out slowly. "Yeah, just hungry." He said. "Let's go and eat." Robert suggested and Alec smiled, grabbing Max's arm with him and they both exited the exhibits. "See, I told you it's the medication." Maryse whispered to Robert and he nodded, his eyes still not convincing whether or not Alec should stop taking the medicine, he would rang up Valentine later to ask him about this, he reminded himself.

After their late lunch, Robert drove them to the park. The weather was beautiful and by the time they reached the park was already five in the evening. A perfect time for people to enjoy the beautiful day. Max literally jumped when he saw the playground and lots of other kids are playing together.

"Mummy, can I?" He tugged Maryse's pants and she nodded with a smile. Robert followed him just to make sure he didn't fall while playing and leave Alec with Maryse. They both walked to the nearby the grass field and sat while watching Max played with the equipment. Robert stood behind him when he wanted to jump, his face flashes with worried he might fall.

"Today was nice." Maryse said and Alec smiled. "Mum." He called after a while of silent. She hummed in response. Her hair flown on her shoulder and when the wind knocked, she bring it back behind her ear. "I'm sorry." He said and Maryse shot him a look. "For what sweetheart?" Alec tried to swallow his guilt for making the statement. "That night, I didn't mean to upset you." He stated and his mother sighed.

She opened one of her arms wide for Alec to lean in a hug. He rested his head on Maryse's shoulder wrapping his arm around her waist. "Never be sorry. I know I have to be an adult and embraced the inevitable future. But I can't Alec. Please promised me you fight this. I want you not to think whatever the doctor said, he's not the one decide your life, you are."

By the time she finished, Alec felt the weight in his chest lifted, he smiled nodding while Maryse kissed his forehead. "My boys are strong, I know it." She said almost as a whispered.

"Shit." Alec said and lifted his head up, blood dripped from his nostril and he clenched it immediately. "Alec?" Maryse called and the blood poured like tap water soaking Alec's chin. His eyes already watering, she immediately rushed to find something in her purse to help Alec and she found a tissue in her bag she handed it to Alec and he pressed it on his nostril.

"Keep your head up." She said as her eyes looking for Robert, as soon as he laid eyes to his wife, he saw Alec covered in blood and grabbed Max from the swing running at them. "What happened?" He asked and Alec couldn't answer. "We need ice!" Maryse suggested and Alec shook his head.

"I'm gonna be sick." He said and bring his head back down and soon as he did, he gagged spilling out all his stomach content that mixed with his lunch and blood on the grass. "We need to go to the hospital right now." Maryse said and Robert nodded, leaving Max to her, he raised Alec from the seating ground and placed his arm on his shoulder. Alec coughed few times spitting blood from his throat. "Oh god, is he okay?" One of the joggers asked and Maryse nodded, "Yeah we're going to a hospital now." She said.

"Here take this." One of the guy handed her a bottle of ice cold can and she thanked him, she pressed it on Alec's forehead. As soon as they arrived at the car, Alec's trailing blood all over the place and his face is pale and sweats covering his forehead.

Robert rushed towards the hospital not caring about the police might catch him since Alec kept throwing up in the car. Max sat in silenced covered with fear and guilt but Maryse assured him that Alec is okay, they'll get through this like they always do.

As they arrived at the emergency department, Alec was rushed in by a stretcher followed by his family but since they don't allow anyone with him, they were pushed back outside and asked to wait.

The most cruel thing to be done is to wait. Maryse and Robert waited enough for a long time and this is just another day like it involving Alec. But somehow this time, it wasn't the same, a lot of things played through her mind and the thought of losing Alec is devastating.

Robert had been paced around the waiting lounge kept asking the counter every minutes he had while Maryse fidgeting in her seat with Max by her side looking curious as ever.

"Alec Lightwood?" Someone came and called his name in the middle of the lounge, wearing blue scrubs holding a file.

Robert and Maryse stood immediately, rushing towards him, he hand out his hand for Robert and he introduced himself. "Hi I'm Doctor William, I'm the attending physician here. Your son, Alexander?" He checked the board again before meeting their eyes. "How is he? Is he okay?"

Maryse couldn't figure out how many times she asked those questions about Alec, she fear every single time she asked about it, the doctor might delivered her the news she had waited not to hear.

"He's resting at the moment, I called Dr Morgenstern, he's on his way here to see him. He had a ruptured vessel probably due to high heat or extreme cold, but it triggered with the medication he's on, the blood clotting medication he take did a lot to it, that is why he couldn't stop the bleeding." He explained and they both listened attentively.

"We transfused couple of bags just to maintained his blood back to normal, he should be kept here overnight just in case." The doctor said and both Maryse and Robert nodded before they were brought to see Alec.

As the curtain unfolded, Alec was sitting on the bed with his nose packed and sealed with a white gauze. A trailed of blood still noted on the white gauze piece. His arm were hooked to a blood line as they were transfusing into him. Maryse went to his side stroking his arm before she leaned and kissed his forehead. His skin is cold and pale upon the touch.

His eyes flutters opened and diverted towards his parents, "Hey." His voice croaked as he tried to move. "Are you okay? Are you cold?" Maryse asked and he shook his head, "The doctor said I have to stay. Can I go home please?" He begged but Maryse shook her head, "No baby, you have to stay, just for one night I promised okay." She assured him, although at first he was reluctant but he nodded either way.

Robert came later with Max by his side and went to Alec's side. He leaned and kissed his forehead before he sat beside him on the bed. "Are you okay? You need anything?" He asked and again Alec shook his head.

"Alec?" A man's voice was heard behind them and when Maryse turned she was glad to see it was Valentine. "I came as soon as they called me, are you okay?" He came forward, hugging Maryse and shake Robert's hand. Alec nodded swallowing his dry throat, "Tired." He whispered, low voice was heard but able to catches by them.

"Are you in pain?" He asked and before Alec answered he asked him again, "From zero to ten, how's your pain?" He asked and Alec mumbled six. "We're gonna get you some for that okay. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Valentine signed for them to go out from Alec's room and left him with Max alone.

"I'm so sorry." Max whispered. Alec couldn't talk much but he knew how Max felt guilty about it, again he thought it was his fault. He shook his head letting him climbed the bed and lay beside Alec.

"Not your fault." He said and Max raised his head to take a good look on his bandaged nostrils. "Is it hurt?" He asked pointing at his nose. "Nope, just can't breath properly." He said as he kept his mouth opened for him to breathe.

Max lay on Alec's chest and eventually fall asleep, so does Alec. He didn't see his parents since they called them out and while waited for them, he eventually fall asleep too with Max wrapped around his chest.

"What happened?" Maryse asked, unable to contain herself in knowing Alec's condition. "He has medication for his heart that cause his blood thinning, so if any of his body parts is bleeding, it might take a while to stop. If the blood vessels ruptured is massive, he could have a fatal bleeding." Valentine explained.

"Wait, how do we stopped that, what if it happens again?" Robert asked, "For the mean time is nothing, he needs the medication otherwise it affect his heart, and he also need to be look out if in case anything like this ever happen again." Maryse was unable to process how quick Alec deteriorating just now and if ever they were not with him, god knows what would happened.

"I stopped his medication a few days ago." Maryse blurted out, "It's the new kind you gave us, it's making him weak and less appetite, he wasn't able to keep everything down and he felt sleepy all the time." Maryse explained and Valentine nodded, "But you need to know that medication is for his own health." He stated but Maryse snapped, "He wanted to live, he wanted to be able to see and feel everything, how on earth he supposed to do that if he's walking around like a zombie?"

She raised her voice making everyone at the counter stopped and focused on her. "Hey, breathe, take it easy, they're doing their best." Robert pulled her into his embrace as she seek comfort in his touch. "We'll look into it, for the mean time Alec stays here, we will review him again tomorrow." Valentine said and left behind the counter.

Robert pulled Maryse away and sat her on the bench, she was already a mess with the event today and now she is more upset than earlier. "They are doing the best they can for Alec, trust me." Robert comfort her but she shook her head in disagreement.

"Their best isn't good enough for us. Alec is running out of time and they are not doing anything to help him. He's on the list for two years Robert, two god damn years!" Maryse broke into her tears and Robert hugs her. She wrapped her arms around Robert's shoulder as she sobbed in tears.

"I can't lose him." Was the only thing she able to said before breaking into another sob. "I know sweetheart, I know." Robert knew there is nothing that can comfort his wife at the moment unless someone called for a donor. Alec is stable for now but until when, it's just a matter of time before he ended up having new kind of problem that may or may not lead to his death.

A/N: I am regretting not to rename Magnus' dad. Its hard to type Asmodeus and kept autocorrect 😂

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