Part 41

"Just close your eyes and think of something nice."




"Don't go away, I love you."

"Magnus, what are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"You hear me? I love you!"

"I love you!"

Alec could hear beeping slowly at first. He feels like he's just emerged from underwater and his sight and his hearing just return to him. He can't make out the sound just yet, he tried too but he can't. He felt like his head is thousand times heavy and his chest and his whole body had a tons of weights sitting on him.

He tried again to open his eyes but his eyes felt heavier and heavier. His throat felt like someone stuck a hand in them, like he was tied with a cloth around his mouth and he can't speak, he can't swallowed. He can't even move his jaw to call for help.

Suddenly a reassuring hand placed on top of his shoulder, he could sense the warmth and relief surged around his chest. Later the comforting hand whispered into his ears. 

"Not yet, Alec, rest. Not the time yet. Just rest. You need it."

Somehow the reassuring voice sound so familiar but he couldn't make out of it. But with that voice disappearing, he finally find back his darkness and falls deeply into his sleep.

"You promised Alec?" Max's voice sound so distant but slowly he could see his little brother's face.

"I promise. I'll come back and we will have fun together." He couldn't remember making this promises but somehow he owned to it.

"I am so proud of you Alec, this is what you have always dreamt off." His mother's voice sound so happy, what exactly he dreamt. He couldn't remember what this happiness is all about.

"Ow, Alexander loves pulling mummy hair don't you."

He could see his mother's voice, and her face appears looking down at him. She looks so beautiful with her raven locks just falling down on her face. She looks just like Isabelle only ten times older but not the way she looks right now. She must be in her twenty to look like this.

"I love you baby, I love you till I die." His mother's voice echoed in his mind. Wait, did he die?

The thought stirs inside Alec and he could feel him fighting for the resistance. No, he can't die, not just yet. He has been fighting for so long and death is imminent to him. Only he had fought this hard and he can't give up, not now and not ever.

He falls again, fall deep into his darkness that he gave in.

Alec could hear swallows chirping above him and he could feel the warmth of the sun in the sky above him searing his skin but not in a painful way. He felt the sand beneath his skin and he was lay back on top of someone.

"I miss this." The person said and kissed his temple. He looked up to see Magnus smiling down at him and he smiled back. "Me too." He said and let his head turn to the side to get a better view of him.

"I love you." Magnus voice echoed before he leaned and kissed Alec on his lips. The kiss were so soft and longing and Alec felt his hand wanders to Magnus's hair and he gripped them in between his fingers.

"You'll wake up soon, I'll be waiting here for you." He whispered and Alec's eyebrow furrowed into confusion. What did Magnus mean by wake up, is he dreaming about this. Which then he realized that he is falling.

He's falling deep into something that he couldn't make up off. He can't feel his base and he couldn't reach for anything to stop him from falling.

But then he opened his eyes and saw he was deep into the ocean with nothing but blue and black underneath his feet. He was drowning again. He tried to submerge on the surface but the harder he swam, deeper he sunk.

He tried again and again to swim and the moment he emerged from under the water he gasped.

"He's back." He heard a voice called and sounds of machine beeping rapidly next to him but he felt too tired. He can feel a strong wind blow on his face and the feeling deep in throat had disappear. He exhaled a breath in relief and falls back into his sleep.

"How is he?" A voice heard again and Alec kept his eyes closed.

"Same, just waiting to hear his voice again." He recognized that voice, it was Magnus. The moment he heard it he wanted to wake up but somehow his body is rejecting it and kept telling him not to move.

"Why don't you take a rest, I'll take care of Alec." Jace's voice sound sad and tired, Alec wonders. He didn't want Magnus to leave, he wanted to wake up and scream for Magnus but he can't, so he just lay there like a dead person.

"You have to fight this Alec, we're all waiting for you to wake up." Jace's voice echoed again in his mind. He felt like he is wide awake only that his eyes aren't open.

"I miss you brother, I never thought I would break like this but I can't stand it anymore. I wish I could take some of the pain away, I wish I could do something to help you but all I can was waiting and staring at you."

He heart breaks when Jace broke down into tears and he wanted to open his eyes so bad and wrapped his arm around his brother but he can't. The only thing he can do was to listen at him. If this is some kind of sick universe where he can't communicate with his family anymore is a joke and he want to get out of it.

He wanted to tell them that he's still here, he heard them, he wanted them all to know how much he misses them and he will not gave up on this.

He heard again the whispers in his head. The more he focus on it, the more it sounded like a prayer. He couldn't come up with the words but he heard it before. It's the prayers his mother used to mutters when Alec is sick. It is to provide him strength, a will to go on and also patience in going through all this.

He lay there feeling the warmth of his mother's soothing voice. That was the only thing he could hear besides the beeping of his monitor and somehow it calms him knowing his mother is there.

The whispers then stopped all of a sudden and after Alec could feel his hand wrapped around something warmth. He felt someone is holding his palm and later sniffs were followed. "Don't cry mum." He wanted so bad to say those words but he can't.

"I love you, know that I'll be waiting for you to wake up." He heard his mother's voice followed by tears breaking and later she kissed his palm in hers.

Alec tried so hard to focus on their tangled hand together and slowly he managed to flutter his finger which then followed by a gasp by his mother.

"I'm here sweetheart, Mummy is right here." He felt the warmth hand stroking his head and his hair. He felt his mother's kissing his forehead and slowly he drifted back to sleep.

Alec couldn't recognized this feeling, he felt warmth then cold for matter of seconds. He knew he wasn't feeling easy or relaxed and he felt pain all over him. He felt like his body is being pricked by hundreds of needles. His breathing is heavy and he felt tired but also he wanted to vomit.

"He's having a fever." The voice came back and he can't recognized that voice. He felt a cold towel pressed on his forehead and his whole body shudders in cold, but weird thing he felt burning all through his back and his neck which doesn't make any sense at all.

The cold towel compressed on his forehead then moves to his neck. His lips quiver as he felt the cold spread through his whole body.

"Stay with me Alec." The voice came back and he noticed it was actually his own father's voice. "Dad." He tried to mutter but failed cause no one could hear him.

"You can fight this, I know you can do it." Robert's voice appears again and Alec wanted to tell him that he gave up, he felt so tired in fighting this. He wanted to quit and just be in peace, he wanted to go home. He want to go home.

"You can win this, I know you can. There's only two minutes on the clock then we go home with victory alright Alec?" His dad's voice boomed again and he was clueless.

"I know you are tired but Alec this is what you have been working for. The championship remember?" This was nothing but another dream. This is when he almost gave up on himself for being the captain of the team and his father saw how defeated he was, he know Alec was tired cause they were down by three points and Alec can't pretend in front of his team that he's tired anymore.

"Go big or go home Alexander. Either you go home as a champion or you go home defeated, I would always be proud of you. I am so happy to be your dad. So give the best that you can out there and we will go home and celebrate either way you wanted. Got me?" He screamed in front of him and Alec was crying cause he needed this more than anything right now.

"We're Lightwoods!" He screamed and the look on his father brings joy to his heart. 

"What do we do?" His father asked him with a biggest smile plastered on his face.

 "We break noses and accept the consequences." They both shouted at the same time.

He remember that night. He remember they won by two points ahead of the other team. He remembered that night they all celebrated with his mother butter-pecan pie ready at home. They were eating till their heart content, Izzy suggested to do karaoke which surprisingly for Alec that his mother actually has a really great voice.

There were nothing in this world matter to him but his family. Now he got Magnus and he is also becoming the part of the family. Alec can't wait to wake up and tell his family that he eventually winning this biggest fight in his life. 


"I had to put his pain killers back on." Valentine explained to Robert and Maryse as soon as he finishes with Alec. Post heart transplant can be very tricky especially with the one who had suffers this long.

Maryse can't help tearing about the news she had earlier. Alec had a fever. He was trashing in pain and his vitals isn't really good which worries her cause transplant patient tend to get sick very easy. They were already on immunosuppressant for organ rejection prevention so he's immunity is very low and very risky to be contaminated with any sorts of infection.

He was placed in a private room so they would sanitize before they could go in and poor little Max, he can't come and visit cause anyone below twelve is not allowed until Alec is fully recovered.

They all take turned in taking care of Alec which includes Magnus. Luckily for them that it was summer break. Maryse and Robert had told Isabelle and Jace to enjoy their summer break as much as they want and Alec would be under their care. She didn't want them to miss their best summer just because of Alec and she knew how bad Alec would feel if he knew they wasted the whole summer just to wait for him.

But thankfully for Maryse and Robert, they raised such perfect children and they all didn't want to spend their summer elsewhere. All they wanted was to be a family and if that means staying with Alec till he wakes up is what they're gonna do.

Magnus on the other hand had the whole house to himself. His father had a business meeting for his company in Europe which it could takes week maybe month. Sadly for Anna but he welcomed her to the mansion anytime she wants. Sometimes she would stay overnight just so she could keep an eye on Magnus.

Today is just like any day, Magnus would woke up from his tiring sleep, checks on his phone for any news on Alec from whoever looking after him the night before. Since it was nothing so he can take his shower in peace.

He put on his peach sleeveless shirt with a maroon jacket on top, matched with white jog pants and a black sneakers. He did his hair as he stares at his dark circles already formed underneath his eyes from all the sleepless night he had.

He was too scared to sleep thinking of Alec could just die in his sleep. It wasn't the first time to happen. He was there to witness it. He was sleeping at his home when Isabelle called him crying on the phone, she said Alec had stops breathing all of a sudden.

He didn't think twice before he rushed towards the hospital which his luck Charles was the one drove, he scared that Magnus would be so out of place and cause an accident. Alec was fighting way than his body could which is why sometimes he gave up.

The second time it happened was when Alec's regained back to conscious but probably it was too early, he had to endure such pain after the operation. So they had to put him back to sleep.

After almost a week of his surgery, they all thought that he would be fine and soon he would be woken up. But they were shock again with another episodes of his fever and him trashing in his bed. It was too painful to see much less to bear. Magnus had prayed countless time to spare Alec his pain and his suffering, but he knew Alec is stronger than anyone he know.

Alec is much stronger than his own mother who left her own family for her own happiness. Magnus never leave Alec's side since the day of his operation and he had been hoping for him to wake up soon cause his patience is running low. He promised him, he promised Alec that he would be there when Alec woke up.

As soon as he parked the car and headed to Alec's room, Alec's mother is there with Robert finishes talking with Valentine. He approached them and saw Valentine squeezed her shoulder in assurance which she nods in return.

"What's going on?" He asked as soon as they finished talking. Maryse sighed and Robert rubbed his face in exhaustion. "Alec, uhm. He had a fever last night again." Robert said which shocked to Magnus. "Why wasn't I informed? How is he?" He asked and Maryse tried to calm him down.

"He's resting, I'm sorry I didn't let you know cause we barely manage ourselves together." Maryse claimed and Magnus couldn't blame her, she looks tired as hell and so does Robert. He nods before he replied, "You guys should go home and rest, you all look like hell." He suggested and Maryse chuckled, "Like you're any better?" She asked and Magnus couldn't help but too smile.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I'll let you know if anything." He promised which Robert thanked him and pulled Maryse together to leave. But before she did, she hugs Magnus and gave him a kiss on his temple like a mother would do to their kids. She found him astonished and shocked at the gesture but didn't exactly fights her in this.

He looked at Maryse in her eyes and smiled, "Thank you for that." He said lowly but Maryse shook her head instead, "Thank you, for loving my boy this much." She said and a single tear drops on her cheek. She waved him goodbye before leaving the hospital, he stood and stare at them leaving through the corridor and into the elevator before he went in to Alec's room for a visit.

Like always he would greet him in a most cheery way he could, hiding his sadness away. He refused to let Alec see him miserable so he find every bit of happiness that he could find left and give it to him. "Good morning sweetheart." He went and kiss Alec on his forehead before he went to the window besides him. He opened the curtain wide so the sunlight can shine into the room.

He turned and gazed upon Alec's beautiful features finding him lost in their memories. He remembers back on the island, every morning they would wake up together, having Alec in his arms, sometimes don't depending on how the night before. They kinda fight a lot on that island. 

The way he snores his little snore that he denies so much, it was too adorable for Magnus. He went to Alec's side and kissed him again on his forehead inhaling his scent. He misses him so much, he misses his voice, he missed everything they had together.

As he sat next to Alec, Magnus take his hand in his and couldn't help to kiss it every time their skin touches. His heart aches to see that hazel eyes of his, to stares deeply into them and get lost within. He wanted to hear his voice more than anything in the world right now and the only thing he has close to that was their video from spending time together in the hospital.

Magnus bought himself a phone as soon as he touches the dry land and from then his gallery has been filled by Alec's images and videos of them together or just him. Alec didn't know how many times Magnus had captured him sleeping and if he knew how many pictures of him inside Magnus' phone.

"Alec you have to wake up. I miss you so much that it hurts me. I wanna see this eyes opened and stare into mine." He cupped Alec's cheek while holding his hand with his other. He stroked his thumb against Alec's cold cheek as he continues.

"I want those lips to start moving again, I want them to curse me all you want, to hear you say you love me again." His voice breaks when he say those words

"I want you to click your tongue again when you are annoyed at me, to be able to see that beautiful hazel eyes of yours rolling back when you are mad at me." He laughs at the time Alec got annoyed at Magnus for being to obnoxious, his words.

"I definitely miss this hands, this fingers stroking me in comfort when I'm afraid, when I'm having my sleepless night without you Alexander. Please, please wake up for me."

Magnus broke into tears as he leaned into Alec's hand and hide his face in them. He couldn't care less if anyone comes in and saw him crying cause he's giving up already. He can never control his emotion when he's around Alec.

Just like his prayer were answers, he felt a twitch in Alec's hand. He immediately looked up to it and found Alec's finger began to twitch. "Alexander. Alexander can you hear me?" He tried again and he saw Alec's eyes crooked and he clenched his hand tighter than earlier.

"I'm here, I'm right here baby. Open your eyes slowly." He instructed him and Alec almost did. But the sun shine too much on his face he wasn't able to open his eyes any wider. Magnus rushed towards the curtain and dragged them halfway close leaving only one open and rushed back to Alec after pressing the call button.

"Alexander I'm right here darling. Don't worry." He held Alec's hand in his hand but this time Magnus held it with both of his. He felt Alec's grip grew tighter and he groaned before he tried to open his eyes again.

Seconds later Valentine barged in the room followed by the nurses in hurry as they did. "Alec?" He called and went to the other side of him. "He heard me, he's waking up." Magnus said cheerfully as he wiped his tears away with a smile.

"Alec slowly, don't move, just open your eyes again." Valentine advised and he tried, he tried his best and slowly his vision came back to the room he had been for weeks now. He immediately laid eyes on Magnus and he saw the hoped flashes in his eyes as he did.

"Mags-" his voice hoarse like a desert and he hasn't even had his sips of water in almost a week now. "No, no don't give him anything yet." Valentine warned Magnus as he tried to feed Alec a glass of water to his lips. "Why?" He asked.

"He might choke and if he choke, he will cough and if he cough, the stitches would reopen again." He said and Magnus immediately put down the glass and sworn not to do anything without Valentine's order.

"H-Hurts." Alec's able to mumble in his croak voice as he palmed his chest with his other hand. Magnus couldn't let go his other hand cause he was too excited about this but also worried of Alec.

"I'll get you something for that Alec, I'm happy you are starting to wake up." Valentine said and cupped his cheek in smiles. He wore his stethoscope before he listened to Alec's lungs and stomach. "He needs time to recover Magnus, don't get him move so much." He advised again which Magnus understood cause if Alec moves there's high chances of him to increase the pain.

After the injection Alec looks more relaxed and he went back to sleep. Magnus sat beside him the whole day before the rest of Alec's family decides to join him. He told them everything that happened and they couldn't be anymore happier. They all waited for Alec to wake up soon cause they all misses him. 

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