Part 40

Alec was stunted, he was clueless cause he never thought in his life, his very very short life someone would gave him such impact. He never thought he would kiss a boy much less having a boyfriend for himself. To have someone loves him so selfless and so self-conscious about loving him.

Since he got sick, the only thing he ever think of was to get through high school and probably getting a donor and tries to live his extended short year for maybe another ten years in addition.

He intended to make his life the best he could by making his family happy and ignored his own, but Magnus had proven everything else differently. That he too deserves the best in this life. But again, having Magnus hoped risen to the cliff and let him watched him dies made him reconsider the questions.

Magnus would be heartbroken but yet he already is. He knows what he's getting into. He knew by following Alec to the cliff would either made him jump together or he would stood there and watched Alec fly away.

"Alec?" Magnus called since Alec hasn't responded to his question which concerns him cause he just stares at him like his brain shut down all of the seconds.

"I-I-" Alec couldn't formed the words out and he felt like the whole room starts to getting smaller and smaller which later when he saw the look on Magnus face broke his heart too tiny million pieces.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer it, I just need to get it off my chest. It's been eating me up." Magnus said trying to climb off the bed but he felt his wrist held by Alec instead. "No." He said holding Magnus arm with his both hand fearing he might be disappear if he let go.

Magnus came back down and stares at Alec, he had his head down staring at the blanket on his lap. Magnus tilted his chin up and saw tears began to pour out of his eyes. He was panting, at verge of breaking into tears which Magnus didn't even consider a second to wrap his arm around him.

Alec cries on his shoulder shuddering in his own tears fearing that Magnus might had bad impression on him. "Sh, sh Alexander it's okay, forget I asked about it. I didn't mean to make you so upset." He said stroking his back but Alec shook his head and pushed him back so he could see his face again.

"It's not that." He said wiping his tears again. "I love you, I love you since the day you told me about your mother, how you shed tears about her. All my life, I thought I had to just live this moment till it's over and never would I thought I have someone that would love me back equally or someone I could call my boyfriend."

He took Magnus hand in his and wrapped them tightly in his, "Magnus Bane, I would take the honor of becoming your boyfriend with the littlest amount of time I have in this world."

Magnus smiled and couldn't help shedding a few tears of happiness. He wrapped his hand around Alec's nape before he pulled him for a kiss. The most desirable kiss he could ever felt compared to all his past lover before Alec, kissing him felt like fireworks. He felt his heart bursting like a balloon popping a confetti and it made his chest warmth with happiness.

"I love you. I love you so much. We will get through this together. I promised." Magnus said leaning his head on Alec's forehead. He nodded inhaling his breath before he would dive in for another kiss.

Magnus didn't even realized they were still kissing when a sudden knock came into the room and came a nurse in her red scrubs bringing a tray in her hands.

"Mr Lightwood, time for your medicine." She said and Magnus had to clear his throat and gave him some space for the nurse to attend him. So he stood by the edge of the bed watching Alec took a handful of medication in his hand before swallowing it.

"What's all that for?" He asked the nurse and she looked at him with a smile on her face. "For his heart mostly, blood thinners, vasodilators, immunosuppressants, pain medication and iron tablet to boost his red blood also some medication for kidney protection." It was a lot for him to bear but he did promised his family he would try his best to fight this.

"Why he need to be on immunosuppressant?" Magnus asked concerned while watching her injected Alec's stomach with something. The needle is barely visible but he could see Alec still felt the sharp needle gone through his skin.

"Every transplant patient needs to be on one so anytime the organ is ready, they can just prepped for it. Otherwise his body would reject the organ and it would failed." She explained letting Alec lay back and checking his vitals while she's there.

"How many percent exactly he would make it out alive after he did the transplant?" Magnus was curious and he didn't mean to be a brat but he find it much better to ask her rather than to look up online.

"With the modern medicine and advance technology right now, probably eighty percent after a year." She explains and Magnus' eyebrow crooked, "Why after a year?" He asked again.

"Cause there is a lot of complications, there would be cell rejection, infection, bleeding, even lung and kidney problem related could kill someone after the transplants. Not just heart, kidney, liver and also other organ donation."

"Technically we just have to pray for the best and the host need to fight it through survival. Its not just up to the medicine and machine to make it work, it's up to you too. Don't give up." She said tapping Alec's shoulder before she left the room.

Magnus smiled before he went back to Alec on the bed. He had the bed reclined a bit lower so he could rest and sometimes after the medicine Alec can be very sleepy.

Alec heard tickling of water drops by his window and noticed the rain began to fall, Magnus opened the curtain wider for him to gaze upon it and it bring smiles back on his face.

Alec scooted over letting Magnus placed his arm underneath his head and he lay on Magnus chest. Magnus kissed him on the forehead inhaling his scent under his nose. "I miss the rain, we used to play in the rain when we were kids. Jace mostly. He loves it so much. We would go around and ran chasing each other till our hearts content."

He looked up to gaze on Magnus face and he was staring at the ceiling above. "How about you?" He asked. "I hated the rain. I never exactly had anyone in my life to play with. But I remember how my mother would just ran outside when it's raining. She would be in her dress, barefooted and ran towards the courtyard."

"She would look up holding her hand out, with her eyes closed and her lips smiles like she was a free bird. She would circle around under the rain soaking herself in. Then she would say to me, the rain feels like washing her problems away forever down the rain, down to the gutter."

Alec saw a tear falls from the corner of Magnus' eyes and fell on his temple. He raised himself before placing a kiss on Magnus lips feeling his trembling lips shudder in sadness of his mother' memories.

"We will make new memories together." Magnus looked down and smiled at Alec before he leaned for another kiss. Slowly the kiss became heated and Alec couldn't help but to wrap his fingers into Magnus silky hair. It felt so soft underneath his skin and every time he did, Magnus released a groan in between their kissed.

He didn't even notice he was flipped over and lay on the bed with Magnus on top of him kissing him. Magnus began to kiss Alec's jaw and down to his neck which he loves the most. He clenched on Magnus' shoulder as he kept his assaults on Alec's neck.

"Magnus, mhm." Alec moaned in his kiss and Magnus bring his lips back into his mouth. Magnus palmed Alec's waist and slowly brings it forward to his growing erection. "God, you're hard." He whispered continues to assault Alec's lips.

Alec couldn't help but to grind against Magnus palm but when Magnus pulled his hospital gown on top of his stomach, he can't help but grabbing his hard throbbing dick into his palm. "M-Magnus, the monitor, ahh." Alec can't help when Magnus stroked it, grasping his manhood in his callous hand feeling the strength Magnus placed on him.

But he was suddenly stunt when Magnus abruptly woke up and left him on the bed with a hard on stunt to see him walked out of the room without saying a word.

Alec waited for few minutes before Magnus walks back in to the room and headed straight to the monitor and closed them. "Mags, what are you doing?" He asked and Magnus grabbed the remote and lowered his head down to almost and Alec had a fear look in his eyes.

"Don't worry Alexander, I'm not gonna hurt you. Just wanna make memories with you." He said with a smirk form on his lips which Alec didn't really like it much cause it scares him.

"What are you- uff." Alec surprised by Magnus pulled his legs lowered and closer to his and continued to kiss him. "Mags, what did you do just now?" He asked and Magnus licked his lower lips smiling at him.

"I just told the nurse I'm gonna turn off the monitor cause I want to give you the best blowjob you would ever get in your life."

Alec's eyes widen in surprised and he couldn't believe Magnus actually asked that and couldn't help but palming his mouth in embarrassment. "You did not just do that." Alec hide his face behind his palm trying to hide his red face from Magnus but he only laughs at him.

Magnus pulls his hand down and stares at Alec's flushed face, "I love it when you shy." He kissed Alec's swollen lips again and slowly moving towards his neck.

"And I love..." another kiss towards his other side of the neck and he sucked on Alec's skin leaving marks all over. "I love how I'm gonna be the first and the only one who did that to you." He stares at Alec's eyes before he leaned again to kiss Magnus on his lips and slowly bring his hand down at Alec throbbing hard cock again.

Alec gasped when Magnus brought his lips towards the tip of his erection. He felt how Magnus hot breaths fanning against the tip and he jerked when Magnus put the whole thing in his mouth.

"Oh god, Mags!" He wrapped his finger in Magnus' hair clutching it tighter somehow pressing Magnus head lower on to the base. "Mags, fuck." He could feel Magnus' mouth tightening around his shaft and every time he did it, Alec felt like he's gonna cum.

"Magnus, we can't- I mean I can't." He pushed Magnus away from him and he could see the look on his face with his mouth gaped apart panting in his own breaths.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked and Alec exhaled a long breath rubbing his cheek together. "I- uhm I don't want you to -" Alec couldn't help but to stutter feeling himself almost having a panic attack.

Magnus noticing this feeling guilty and he went back to kiss Alec's lips. "Hey, hey it's okay. You have nothing to worry about. I want this, trust me." He said assuringly but it wasn't enough for Alec cause he felt like smashing his head towards the wall instead.

His insecurities still build up and somehow causing tears to flow from his eyes and he wiped it with his finger feeling like a fool for doing so.

"Alec hey, hey. Oh god please don't cry." Magnus said climbing back up and held Alec in his arm. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't think this through." Magnus reassured him and Alec continues to sobs in his chest.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want our first to be like this." He said and Magnus was taken back by that word. "Fuck, Bane you are stupidest person right now. I'm sorry Alexander, I forgot it was your first." 

He held Alec tighter in his arm feeling his shuddering slowly faded and somehow the crying stops eventually and he noticed Alec's small snores escaped from his lips.

Magnus stares at his face smiling at his innocent look and couldn't help but to kiss him. He wrapped Alec tighter in his arm before he too falls asleep.


"That is the cutest thing ever." He heard someone whispered in the room which brought Magnus attention. He flutters eyes opened and saw the whole family Lightwood including his own standing in front of him with a smile plastered on their faces. "What?" He asked furiously trying to get up but feeling heavy pressing down on his chest.

He then noticed Alec is still asleep on top of his chest wrapping his arm around Magnus' waist. He couldn't fight it so he lay back and let Alec's rest.

Not until Jace took a picture of him which angers him the most, "This is gonna be on the Christmas card this year." He said and before he could do anything, Magnus tries to snatch the phone away from his hand which cause Alec to stirs in his sleep.

He lay back with his eyebrow crooked and his face retorted like he's holding a pain which brought Maryse to her attention. Magnus climbed off the bed leaving Alec asleep and tried not to kill Jace for taking his photo.

"Alec you okay?" Maryse asked sitting next to him and he nodded looking weak as hell. His palm rubbing his chest feeling the tightness there.

"Tired." He mumbled and Maryse cupped his cheek with her palm and hushed him back to sleep. The medication for the immunosuppressant is making him sleepy and aching all over the body which sometimes Alec hates it.

Seconds later, someone barged into the room and when they looked at it was Valentine. "We have one. We have a donor coming for Alec." He said panting in his own breath.

"WHAT?!!!!" Everyone screamed which woken Alec up from his sleep. "You're serious? You're not joking?" Robert grabbed his best friend by the shoulder trying to shake this unbelievable dream.

"A twenty year old guy had a motorbike accident yesterday, fatal injury and they just announced him brain dead. He's an organ donor so they are transporting the organ to us in two hours. Perfect match!" He clapped on his hand and everyone cheered at the top of the lungs.

Maryse grabbed Alec by his cheek and kissed her son happily before she hugged him. "Is this a dream?" Alec asked and Magnus went to his side. "I told you good things happened to those who wait. You're gonna be okay Alec." He said kissing him on the lips and he smiled with tears couldn't stop flowing on his cheek.

"We need to prep him for the operation." He said and left as soon as he did. Alec were kissed and hugged by his family congratulating him and he couldn't deny the feeling that he is still dreaming about this.

An hour later Alec is prepped, shaved and showered before the surgery. He hated later he would lay on bed unable to move if he come out from this alive.

Magnus combed his hair from his forehead with his finger with the biggest smile on his face. "You're gonna wake up bald, I'm gonna shaved you hair bald later." He joked which Alec didn't find it amused at all.

"Don't you dare." He said pushing his hand away and he chuckled at his threat. "Give us a moment?" Robert requested for Magnus to let Alec and his family together which he agreed and waited outside with his father. Unfortunately Anna had to work or she would be ecstatic to hear this news as well.

"Here we are guys, after almost three years waiting, Alec had been the strongest to wait and survived minus all the things we have to deal in between." Robert said holding hands with his family. They surrounded Alec and grabbed each other hand together and bowed their heads together.

"Dear lord, today is the day. It's the day we had been praying and prayed from you and you had graciously honored us with our request. Please lord, help my son to have his strength throughout his entire surgery. Gave him whatever he needs to make out of this alive. Bless the soul that had lost and his family for the tremendous lost."

"Almighty god, you who knows all the things, sees all the things, and can do all things, thank you for listening to me in this time of need. I, your humble servant, call out to you as my healer in this time of desperate need. Even in sickness you have shown me your grace reminded me of your love and granted me your peace. Even when my body failed me, you strengthened my heart and spirit for your service. Thank you for staying with me against all odds." Alec began to pray on his behalf.

"Please watch over me through this surgery, please remained with me during this time. Be my provider and sustainer, so my family can be clear of any burden that arise. I ask that I go through quick and successful recovery. For all that I have asked. Lord, may your will, and yours alone be done. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior, amen."

Alec had memorized this prayer since he got sick and every time he went into surgery. This is the moment that had been waiting for. As soon as he finished the rest of the family went in for a hug and couldn't help shed tears of happiness and fear for the outcome.

Max being the littlest one in the family climbed his way on top of Alec and handed him his plush toy that he carried with him. It was the bear Alec bought for him when he first got sick.

"You can hold on Mr Teddy while you're in the room. It's helps take your scares away." Alec smiles before he hugged Max in his arm and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Why don't you hold on Mr Teddy until I come out okay. He need you more than me." Max smiles before him and wrapped his small arm around his neck.

Later it was Jace and Isabelle who can't stop tearing since they heard the news. "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna make it out alive and I am looking forward to bring my brother home alive." Isabelle said soaking her cheek with tears.

Alec wiped it off with his thumb and smiled at her. "Of course, who's gonna kick other guys ass if it weren't for me." Izzy smiled and laughed at her brother before she kissed his cheek and hugged him one last time.

She stood and gave Jace his moment and he went straight to hug his best buddy, his older brother, his mentor and his obvious wingman.

"I love Alec, you need to be okay. I will wait for you no matter how long it takes." Alec nodded shuddering in his tears on Jace's shoulder.

Robert went next to him and cupped Alec's cheek in his palm. "No matter what happened. You know how much I love you. From the moment your mother told me that she was pregnant with you to the day I get to hold you in my arm to the day you first call me daddy, I am never been so proud of you."

Alec nodded before he wrapped his arm around Robert's neck and hugged him close to his chest.

The last but not least was Maryse herself. She had been holding her tears but couldn't as soon as she saw Alec, she remembers that night. The night it all happened, where it all started.

"Mum." Alec held out his arm for her and she went to hug him. "Mum I need you to listen to me carefully." She nodded letting her son pushes her so he could sees her.

"No matter what happen, doesn't matter if I make it alive or not, I want you to promise me something." Alec said holding her hand in his. She nodded before Alec continues.

"I need you to stop blaming yourself for what happened. It's never your faults, it's no one's faults. I need you to start live in your own life, do what makes you happy and be your old self again. It didn't matter if I was there or not. I want you to know I am thankful for everything that you had done after all these years. I can never repay you, you are the best mother any son could have."

Maryse cried a river nodding to his word, promising him everything that he asked her too. "I promised, I love you so so much." She said before Alec pulls her for another hug.

A soft knock on the door interrupt them and Magnus walks in, "They are gonna bring him in now, I need to say my goodbye to him." Magnus' eyes are pleaded for their mercy to at least give him time with Alec.

They all stood and gave Magnus a space to sat with Alec. He sat on the bed looking at Alec with a smile but slowly a tear falls on his cheek.

"I'll be waiting for you as soon as you are awake, this is the face you will see first, understand?" He marked and Alec couldn't help but to laughed. "I love you Magnus Bane."

"I love you Alexander Lightwood." He sealed their lips with a kiss and Magnus noticed Alec was worrying about something. He looked him into his eyes before he whispered into his ears.

"I should have make love to you when I had a chance." Alec said, eyes clearly shown regret that if he didn't make out of this, he might never see Magnus again, feels his touch or his lips again. Magnus nodded before he could replied and kissed him once again for the hundredth time.

"We have our whole lives for that, one step at a time. You'll see." Alec slightly relaxed after he heard what Magnus said.

Soon the rest of the team came and wheeled Alec out of the room by a bed. He lay on it counting how many lights he passed through before he reached the floor of the surgery room itself. His whole family members followed behind and before he entered the room, he begged them to stop and he sat up looking back.

"Mum!" He called at the verge of breaking down, he looked back with tears his eyes and called out for Maryse, she literally sprinted towards her son and hugged him one last time. "I'm scared, I'm scared." He kept repeating the words and Maryse hushed him with her soothing voice.

"It's okay to be scared sweetie, I do too. Just remember one thing, I'll be right here when you come out and you need to promise me." Alec stared into her mother tired eyes, "You promised, you will fight this, you will not let them take you away from me. You are my son and you are a survivor, a fighter. You are a Lightwood!" She held his head in between her hand and Alec nodded in every words she said.

He held her hand until the last moment and Maryse watched how they dragged him into the surgery room, with one last glanced he saw Alec mouthed I love you to her. As the door closed she broke down into tears and fell on the floor. 

As Alec looked up to the lights above him, Valentine has already prepped and washed his hand over the sink. The nurse next to him placed a reassuring hand on his. 

"The doctor will put you to sleep now, why don't you close your eyes, and count to ten." She said, her voice is so soothing but somehow Alec finds it unable to close his eyes. "I'm scared. What if I don't wake up?" He voiced out his fears and he could see her eyes wrinkled knowing that she smiled. 

"Close your eyes and think of something nice. Hold on to that memory of the happiest day in your life and when you wake up, it'll be all over. I promised." She said and Alec nodded, his gaze went back to the light above him and a mask placed on top of his face. He counted just like the nurse told her too and slowly he could hear his own voice slowly fading away and he was welcome with darkness. 

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