Part 31
Alec let Magnus kissed him longer than he thought they should. But he felt his legs wobbled and losing balanced gripping Magnus harder on his shoulder. "Woah, you okay?" Magnus asked inspecting Alec's face rubbing his thumb around his cheek. Alec nodded softly gulping his dry throat in a weak smile. "I'm dizzy." He said and Magnus took that as a sign Alec had stood too long. He didn't think twice before he carried him back to their shed.
Magnus lay Alec down on the ground and he lay his head supported by the tree bark while Magnus crouched next to him. "You haven't eaten anything yet." He said before he wanted to stood and leave to get Alec something to eat. But before he could, he felt his hand were tugged. When he looked, he saw Alec's finger clutching to his.
"Where are you going?" He asked and Magnus smiled. He leaned and kissed him again on his lips for the hundred times today. Alec's eyes close as their lips touches. "I'll be right back, I promise, I'm just getting you something to eat." He promised and slowly Alec nodded. Their fingers that tangled slowly released and Magnus went out rustling outside by himself.
A few minutes later he went back in and carries with him a two piece of banana leave with something cut up on top of it. Alec raised himself to a sitting position and Magnus lay it in front of him. "I'm not eating that." He said as soon as he saw the gross meat cut up into a mashed.
"Suit yourself, don't come cry to me when your stomach rumbling." Magnus said as he picked up the meat with his finger. Alec had to hold back his bile rising from his stomach by clutching his mouth. "Honestly, if I could eat it why can't you?" Magnus asked and Alec somehow find the truth in his words.
Alec picked the meat in between his fingers and inspected them. The meat isn't raw nor too well done which surprised him on how much he didn't know about Magnus. He took a sniff on the burn meat in front of him and looked at Magnus again who already ate half of his.
He sighed before he took a bite on the edge piece. Alec let the stringy dry meat rolled around his mouth and in between his teeth before he swallowed them.
"How is it?" Magnus asked curiously. Alec nodded before he wiped his mouth and say, "Not as bad as I thought it would." He mentioned and slowly he could see a smile crept on Magnus' face. He then saw Magnus sighed in relief before they both continued their meal.
"Magnus what the hell are you doing?" Alec asked looking up to the tree bark which Magnus was on it for some reason. He couldn't see what Magnus up too but he could see him climbed higher. "It's a surprised." He shouted and let Alec wonder what he did.
"Magnus I'm not kidding, you're gonna get hurt, come down please." Alec said knowing his voice filled with his concerned. "In a minute." Magnus screamed again. Alec waited for him to finally come down so he sat by the tree bark. His eyes won't leave Magnus from on top of the tree.
Alec then heard a cracking voice from on top of his head followed by Magnus screamed which brought him to attention and stood away facing the tree. When he looked up Magnus is dangling from the tree bark with his one hand holding on to it.
"Magnus! Oh God!" Alec screamed looking at Magnus barely holding. He tried to climb but he couldn't as he wasn't much of an expert as Magnus. "I'm slipping!" Magnus screamed again and when Alec looked up he saw Magnus almost letting go and before he knew it, Magnus fell but able to catch his grip on the last tree bark.
"Magnus!!" Alec screamed jumping from his seating holding up his both arm trying to catch Magnus but he wasn't falling yet. "Alec help!" He screamed and before Alec could act, Magnus fell but Alec caught him in time. They both fell on the ground with Magnus on top of Alec.
Magnus swore he thought he would have ended his life right here right now. But when he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Alec lying under him with his eyes also closed. He had his arm wrapped around Magnus' body holding him tightly. Alec's eyes are close tightly leaving a wrinkled mark on the side while his nose crunch upward drawing attention to Magnus.
It was too cute for Magnus that he couldn't help but to kiss him. He slowly placed his lips on Alec's and slowly his cringe face retorts to a soften expression. Magnus let Alec took his breath when he finally apart. He could see the surprised on Alec's face when they broke the kiss.
"What the fuck Magnus!" Alec punched him on his chest but Magnus won't budge. They were still in the same position where Magnus is still straddling him. Their hands still around each other and Alec didn't even realized he was still holding Magnus. "You scared me to death!" Alec said punching him again on his arm and he winced.
"Sorry, I thought I want to give something to make you happy." He said and Alec pushed him up. Alec sat up with Magnus sitting on his lap, they were the only one in the jungle and no one is there so Alec didn't feel so insecure having Magnus sitting on his lap.
"I'm happy where I am. You don't have to do anything." He softly whispered before he leaned in and Magnus couldn't help to hide his smile but failed.
He leaned and wanted to meet Alec's lip but something fell next to them a few feet from their side. When they both look, Magnus was shocked as much as Alec did. "Shit! Fuck, RUN!" He said before he stood and pulled Alec's both hand in his and ran as fast as they both could.
"You're an ASSHOLE!!" Alec screamed letting Magnus pulled him further into the jungle. "We decide on my punishment later when we both came out alive." Magnus said panting in his own breath smiling happily.
"There!!" Magnus shouted and pulled Alec with him. They both didn't stop not for a sec and jumped into the deep water by the waterfall with their hand still clutched to each other.
Literally hundreds maybe thousands of bees are finding their way to stung both Magnus and Alec but before they could, luckily they found the water and jumped in to save their lives.
Alec stares at Magnus while they both immersed deeper into the deep water. Their hands still tangled into each other and their mouth are closed keeping from the water to go in. Alec seeing it like one of his dream, only this time it wasn't a dream, it was real.
Somehow the image brought Alec back to reality that this thing, whatever it is that they both have right now, is not gonna last forever. Magnus is like lucid dream and someday, Alec's gonna wake up, or Magnus is gonna wake up, one of them is not gonna be here anymore.
The thought itself brought Alec back to his haunted dream, his worst nightmare. He wanted so bad to be different, to be normal but no matter how much he wished it, it won't changed the fact that he is dying.
He took one last glanced on Magnus' face before he swam back up. Magnus followed behind and saw Alec swam towards the side. He followed him concerned at his sudden change of behavior.
"Is everything okay?" He asked as he saw Alec climbed the side and immediately stood hugging his cold body. Magnus followed his movement and saw Alec was about to turn and leave. He grabbed him by his arm and turned him around to face him. "Alexander."
Alec faced him with his tears threatening to spill. "What's wrong?" He asked slowly and Alec smiled forcefully. "I said I'm sorry, I was just-" Magnus was stopped by Alec's finger on his lips.
"I know, it's not that." Alec stopped him and he sighed in relieve. "Let's get you dry." Magnus said pulling Alec's hand with him and hold them tight in his. Alec smiled at his little gesture and felt more heavier in his chest. There is no way he could be apart from this boy, no matter how it would take.
The sun set few hours ago and on their way back, Magnus made them walked the way they come earlier to see the bee hives that dropped. Luckily for them the bees are all gone and Magnus managed to get few of the stuffs still in good piece. He brought it back with them to their shed.
Alec enjoyed his honey with a full stomach and he ate most of it. Magnus watched him happily and contented seeing Alec enjoying til the last drop although Alec was angry earlier with his stupid idea.
They both lay on the sand looking up to the sky full of nothing but stars. It was different here rather than at home. There is no skyscraper, no buildings, no lights blinking except for the the real stars in the sky. Alec and Magnus both lay with their heads side by side and their body displayed on the opposite side. They both laid on each other's right side facing the amazing piece by the creator himself.
Silenced with nothing but the sea waves crushing and the insects from around them filled the environment. Magnus had his fingers in Alec's ruffled curly hair while Alec's kept his gaze forward.
"Talk to me." Magnus whispered into his ear and Alec didn't respond at first. "I'm scared." Alec whispered later and caught Magnus attention. "Have you wonder the reason for your existence in this world?" Alec asked and Magnus silently stares at the side of Alec's face. "Have you asked yourself why things happened the way it did? Sometimes blamed yourself for what happened."
Magnus removed his gaze for Alec's and stares at the blank space covered with small scattered white spots above him. He was not surprised by the questions, for him it was everything he ever wonder since his mother left. How he used to blame himself for what happened to his parent's failed marriage. He still does till today.
"Sorry." Alec apologized all of sudden bringing Magnus back to his present. He looked to his side Alec was already sitting up hugging his knees together which brought Magnus to his sitting.
"I probably bored you with all of the questions." Alec tried to hide his insecurities with his awkward chuckles. Alec's back was facing Magnus and he could feel Alec's trying to crawl back into his corner of silence and insecurities. He approached him by sitting closer to Alec and when he does, he took his arm and wrapped it around Alec's body. Alec leaned against Magnus' body with their heads lay resting together.
Alec sighed at the warmth he felt from Magnus' body and a sense of relieve invaded his chest.
"I've asked myself that questions every single day since my mother left me. I never had anyone asked me or felt the same way I did like you. That's why I was speechless when you asked." He explained and Alec gripped his hand that rested on his chest tighter. "What's she liked?" He asked again.
Magnus rested his chin on Alec's shoulder before he took a breath. "She was the nicest woman I've known other than your mother. She always smells like melted honey. I barely could remember our conversation but I remember how she always looks so sad."
Alec tilted his head to look at Magnus', "Does she?" He asked softly. Magnus shrugged his shoulder, "Guess so, she left." Alec cupped Magnus' cheek with his right palm and Magnus leaned into the warmth. He took Alec's palm and brought it to his lips and kiss it.
"Thank you." Magnus said and Alec's eyes widen in query, "What for?" He asked.
"For coming into my life and wrecked it." Alec snorted before his chuckled turned into a real laughed. Magnus smiled at his pure happiness in front of him staring at his widen smile, the purest smile he hadn't seen for years.
"I mean it Alexander." Magnus mentioned again and brought Alec's gaze towards his eyes. They both look into each other deeply before he continued, "I need you to stay alive. You are the only thing that kept me stronger on this island, in my life. I don't think I could survive having another person I love left me all alone in this cruel world."
Alec couldn't find words to respond to Magnus' great confession, he gulped his throat with his eyes water, he leaned and sealed their lips together. It felt like the time has stopped and the whole world fell into silenced. There is nothing surround them but darkness and Alec felt, for once, just once, he and Magnus could do this forever.
He knew how selfish he were when he had Magnus tied up his feelings with him but he was selfish enough to have his own happiness that he deserved.
Alec straddled Magnus on his lap and continues his assault on his lips. Their moans echoes into the night and Alec could feel Magnus hand roamed around his back and lower. Slowly Alec felt the need to grind his hip against Magnus and he could hear him groaned louder.
Magnus gripped on Alec's waist grew tighter and he let him grind harder, somehow his palm leading Alec's movement pulling him closer. He could feel his member hardened and he swore he could feel Alec's too.
"Magnus." Alec called in between his kissed and he hummed in respond. He didn't let Alec's lips left his and not an inch gap were given. When Alec tried to pull away Magnus grabbed his neck and pulled him even closer.
"Magnus..." he called again and removed his mouth from Magnus lusting lips but he chose to trail his kisses down Alec's neck. Alec moaned upon the touch and rocked his hips harder. "Fuck, Alexander." Magnus cursed panting in his own breath.
"Magnus... I lied." Alec blurted and it made Magnus stopped immediately from his kissed and turned his gaze back at Alec's eyes. "About what?" He asked curious.
Alec gulped licking his lower lips before he explained. "A-About.. uhm-" Alec couldn't find the right word to tell him and his chest felt tighter each seconds. "Alexander what? What is it?" Magnus asked softly and Alec couldn't stares at his face so he chose to let his eyes fixed on Magnus chest.
"Alexander, talk to me." Magnus raised his chin to let Alec look at him. He could see worried runs through his hazel eyes. The light from the fire light up Alec's pale face and his golden hazel eyes. "I lied about having a relationship before. Y-you were kind of.. uhm- my first."
Magnus' eyes grew wider after he heard what Alec said. Slowly a soft smile crept on his face. "Wait, what?" Magnus asked with a smile grew wider each seconds. Alec felt insecure on hearing Magnus' tone and he wished he wouldn't have said anything.
Alec kept his gaze down even though he still straddling on Magnus' thigh. But then he felt a finger lifted his chin and their eyes met again. Alec stares deeply into Magnus' blackened eyes and his frowned relaxes after Magnus pressed his lips on his. "I'm glad."
Magnus whispered softly before pecking Alec's lips.
He leaned wanted to continue their make out but Alec pushed him back again, "No. I meant this, us. Y-you were my first of everything." He said and Magnus smiles. "It's okay, I love your innocence and it made me more honored to be your first." He said and Alec tried to smile but somehow his subconscious letting wild and free in his head.
"I know it's a bit disappointing other than your- p-past lover..." he mumbles and Magnus cupped both of his cheek together to look at him.
"You are by far the best thing happened to me, better than any of my relationships before this. Don't put yourself so low just because you don't have any experienced on it. I am more surprised to say you are really, really good at this."
Magnus let his last words sprayed slowly from his mouth and slowly closing their lips together. Before Alec could mumble another word, Magnus sealed their lips again and he could see how dark Magnus' eyes are almost as if there's no more brown in them.
Alec squealed when Magnus suddenly flipped them both and lay him down on the soft sand. His hand wrapped around Magnus neck and pulled him for another kiss.
"Let me show you what's you've been missing this entire time." He said and trailed his kisses lower. Alec moaned pressing his lips together when Magnus lips travel lower than his chest. He felt hesitant about having Magnus touching him like this and kept pulling his shirt down whenever he tried to push it back up.
"You don't have to hide from me Alexander, not anymore. I know everything already." His hot breaths fans Alec's skin and he shudder when Magnus pulled his shirt above his head. Magnus's eyes fixed on the scar he had all over his stomach and his chest and somehow his fingers trails each and everyone of it.
Alec's eyes water whenever Magnus cold fingers touches the pale white line and the memories hit him harder than he thought it did. But then when Magnus kissed each and every one faint line he had, he wonder, that whatever it is they are having, it's only for tonight, just tonight while they both are still on this island.
When Magnus looked up, he could see Alec tried to hide his emotions by looking to the side hiding his tears away. "Hey." He called bringing his face to look at Magnus again and he wiped the trace of tears on the side with his thumb.
"It's okay." He promised and Alec gulped his tightening throat again. "It's gonna be okay. I promised." He said reassuringly and somehow Alec nodded. He didn't know how to explain his feelings anyway and neither do Magnus.
Slowly Magnus leaned again and let his lips pressed on Alec's. His whimpering were silent by Magnus' deep kissed and slowly Alec let his feeling sinked in.
He continued his kiss while sitting on Alec's lap and his hand travels from Alec's shoulder down to his chest. He stopped when he felt a hardened part on Alec's chest and tear from his kissing. His eyes went to the small device on Alec's chest that he probably broke it before.
"What is this for?" He asked and Alec gulped before he could explained. "It's uhm, it's for my heart. When it sto- when it makes problem, that thing would fix it... sort of." Alec corrected himself unable to think of that thing was probably broken and not too mention Magnus was the reason for it.
He saw how the thoughts swimming inside Magnus' head and his gaze were fix on it. Regret and guilt were clearly seen in his eyes and Alec couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. Slowly he raised Magnus chin upward and let his brown eyes met his.
He saw how the eyes were filled with tears begging to drop and when he blinked, a thread of water line soaked his cheek. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me." He whispered and Alec's heart shattered upon the broken voice.
"Shh, it's not your fault. For whatever it is, it's mine, I should have told you and all of these won't happened." Alec said reassuring him holding both of his cheek with his palms. He sniffed his tears looking down on him still straddling him in between his legs.
"I promised you we'll get out of here, I promise." His voice were a bit high at the end and no matter how much Alec wanted this to be true he knew for a fact that it was just a broken promise everyone keep telling him.
"Everything's gonna be alright, you'll get through it."
"You got this Alec, I know you would."
"Don't worry, everything is under control."
Words of his families broken promises echoed in his mind whilst Magnus hugged him to his chest. He couldn't bear another false promises but coming from Magnus, he wished it was true.
"I promised as soon as we get out from here, I'm taking you to the best cardio surgeon in our city. If we can't find them, we'll look other places, I don't care, China, Japan, India wherever they are, I'm gonna dragged their asses down to save you."
Alec was stunt to hear the promises Magnus made him and he wanted to believe him so much it hurts him from the inside. There is always something too good too be true. "Magnus." He sighed pushing him away from his lap and raised his knees towards his chest like he always did. "What?"
He stared at Alec beside him with confused clearly on his face. "Don't make promises that you can't kept." Alec whispered staring at the sand in between his feet. "You think I lied?" He asked and Alec exhaled a breath trying to explain this in the easiest way.
"Even though you could there's limit to everything. We can't always get what we wanted. Not in this life." Alec said and Magnus huffed his chest next to him.
"Wow!" He said making Alec turned his head to face him. "What?" He asked in returned. "That's low coming from you. Just like that and you've already given up?" He asked and stood abruptly.
Alec followed seconds later, stunned at his sudden change of behavior. "It's the truth, I'm sorry if it hurts but the truth always does. It's better than a sweetest lie." He yelled at him. Magnus shook his head in disbelief gripping his hair in his fist.
"No! I never said that it doesn't hurt Alec. I know! It hurts! When you get to play being a victim here, you are being nothing but a hypocrite. You get to say all of that cause after you're gone, you don't feel anything anymore. But those people around you? Those people are gonna suffers through their lifetime in order to get used to not having you around!"
Magnus couldn't help himself without getting exploded with anger and frustration. He saw how Alec wrapped his arms around his torso trying to void the feeling in his stomach.
"It's not wrong for me to have a little faith and hope! You should too." He said and before Alec could answer him, he left and headed straight into the night.
Alec saw how Magnus walked away from him and he felt the pain stabbing his chest worsen. His tears won't stop falling after Magnus left and he sobbed through the night. He waited for him to come back and wrapped his arms around him like he used too when he's comforting him but tonight, he didn't come back.
He waited and waited for Magnus but his eyes betrayed him and soon sleep eloped him. He dreamt of reversing the event and how things would get better without him having to destroy the moments.
Magnus was pacing through the night fighting the urge to come back and apologized to Alec. He had it with his giving up and couldn't care less of what his feelings for Alec. As he walked further and further away from their tent, the only thing he could hear was the waves crashing the rocks and the shore with insects in the jungle near him.
He sat on one of the big rocks facing the ocean, dark and not a single light shone upon it. He turned his head and saw the SOS figure they drawn with couples of palm leaves all gathered. It's already withered and dry considering the time they spent here.
His thoughts went back to Alec and how selfish he sounded earlier. Of course Alec have thought of his family first before him and if he dies, his family's heart would die with him. There's nothing gonna fix that, ever.
Silent tears fell on his cheek as he wiped it aggressively and tried to toughen himself up. "I can't let this happened." He whispered to himself before he went into the jungle and do what he had to do.
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