Part 30

"Don't be ridiculous." Magnus clicked his tongue before he sat with his leg crossed next to Alec. He stares at Alec's face before he tell him again. "You're not dying, we're gonna get out from island. I'm sure, any day now." Magnus reassured him again and Alec sighed.

Alec wanted to get up but the pain shooting his chest making him winced as he raised his body slowly holding his chest with his right hand. He slowly lifted up his shirt and Magnus freaked. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked curious holding out his palm blocking the view. "You want the whole truth and now I'm gonna tell you everything." He said and Magnus eyed him contently waiting for his words lowering his palm slowly.

He lifted his shirt up showing Magnus his scars and he could see Magnus eyes widen in horror. "What the fuck?" He mutters under his breath before he raised to his knees closing their gap but not too close to each other. Alec couldn't hold his tears when it fell on his cheek. Magnus raised his hand wanted to trace his fingers along Alec's abdomen but he retorted before he tried to touch it again. His scars is as clear as if it was an oil painting on white canvas. Alec shudders when Magnus' finger finally run through his cold torso.

"What happened?" He asked and Alec lowered his shirt back down. "I had a car accident two years ago with my mum. I was impaled with a wood and it torn my heart - literally. Ever since then my heart is just- damaged." He started and Magnus wait further for his words.

"I was on a list so the transplant team can arranged for a new heart. It's been over a year since we waited. Chances are getting slimmer by day and eventually my heart don't have enough time left to wait. That is why we had this vacation. To enjoy our moments for one last time, as family." Alec continued letting his tears dropped on his cheek.

When Alec looked to his front, Magnus is clutching his hair in his fist with his elbow rested on his knee. He looked down at Alec's chest still didn't turned his gaze away. "Say something." Alec begs and he heard him exhaled an exasperating breath. But before he could say anything, Magnus shot up and stood harshly before he paced around back and forth in front of him.

"Magnus-" Alec began but he couldn't finished as he was interrupted.

"You are such a selfish person Alexander." He said and Alec was caught by surprised when he heard him say so. He raised his body up although it's hurting him. "I never meant things would be this way." He said honestly and Magnus still paced around.

"WHY haven't you tell me anything?! WHY Alexander?! Have you had any idea what positioned am I in right now?!! I was so scared every single time you had y-your fainting, your weakness, your pain! How do you expect me sitting down calmly on this island thinking every seconds that you are here, you could have died! How stupid can you be Alec for doing this to me, to yourself! You could have told me before I would fucking get you drunk and get us stranded on this island!!"

Alec stood there in silenced, tears rolling on his cheek but he ignored them letting Magnus had his wrath. "You don't understand." He mumbles but Magnus heard him enough. "Understand what?! Tell me how am I supposed to understand how you can act so STUPID!!"

"You don't understand how weak you can be! That you have to watch your family struggle in taking care of you because you can't fucking do anything! You don't understand how is it feels like to be at the brim of death, when your life literally flashed before your eyes! You don't get to see your loved ones saying goodbye to you over and over again until they just gave up! Seeing them losing everything they had because of you! Watching your siblings had to gave up their own personal life just so you won't get left behind with yours!"

Alec wiped his tears with his palm before he continued. "I was selfish - yes, but the only thing I thought of was not getting you panicked being stuck here with me! I was thinking of you the whole time and I don't know how am I supposed to let you know. Don't you think I thought of this through?! I've been waiting for someone to save us by now and hope you won't get to know the whole truth. Now the way you reacted, I wish I didn't tell anything at all!" Alec screamed but the shooting pain causing him to kneel back on the ground and Magnus quickly grabbed him by his side.

"This is not some kind of movie Alexander, this is real life crap that you glued me into and I don't have any fucking clue on how to help you." He said and Alec pushed his arm away from supporting him. Magnus caught his hand before he could pushed further and acted so childish. "Let go of me!" Alec screamed and regretted when the pain strikes his mid chest causing him to clutched his shirt harder.

"I don't think that tone would help any of us right now." He claimed and Alec glared at him before he pushed him harder on Magnus' chest. He falls back on the ground and Alec walked out from the shed towards the beach.

Alec reaches the shore feeling the water running through his toes with sands sunken his feet. He inhaled the breeze deeply feeling the pain slightly improve by it. His eyes set to the horizon with nothing but blue water and blue sky.

"How do you expect me to stay on this island pretending that you don't have time to catch." Magnus voice boomed behind him and he groaned, his headache came back as soon as he heard him. "Just do what you do best Magnus!" He said not bother to look around.

"And what's that Alexander?" He asked crossing his arm around his chest staring at Alec's back. He turned and stares at Magnus' face before he continued.

"Think about yourself and only yourself." Alec could see how his words affected Magnus when he saw his face fall from confused to anger. But Alec couldn't care less. He can't care at all, not now. Not after everything they both had gone through.

"If I did, I would have left you all alone in this island starving to death instead of letting you killed yourself in slowly agonizing death." He spoke monotonous letting the word sink in Alec's mind.

"Don't pretend that you care now Magnus." Alec replied and he saw how Magnus is fuming by his words. Magnus huffed clicking his tongue. "You know what Alec, FUCK you! Fuck you for dragging me into your life and your fucking problem! Fuck your family too for dragging me and my family into your fucked up life! I hate you for doing this to me! I hate you for making me feels this way. For trapping me in this feeling!" Magnus scolded with his finger pointed at Alec's face.

"Don't drag my family into this! You don't have anyone to call a family before you met mine!" Alec shouted back at him and he snorted making him more annoyed. "I have Charles and it is more than enough. It always have been me and him all these times. For years, it's just me and him, he is the only family I needed." Magnus snapped and Alec felt sorry for him after, he knew how Magnus feels like when it comes to family and their silly fights just gonna make it worst. 

They both stood in silenced staring at each other feeling the ego bursting each other's bubbles. Both waited for someone to say anything first to fix whatever it is they had broke but they were too frightened that either one of them would say something and makes it even worst. Magnus huffed before he turned and walked away from Alec. After a few feet apart from Alec, he heard him asked. The only. question that had been inside his mind since the day they met.

"What feeling?" Alec mumbles again and he saw how Magnus stopped on his track and turned. He marched towards him and before he knew it, their lips crashed together.

Alec's eyes widen in surprised for Magnus' sudden behavior by grabbing his neck and crashed their lips into one tight seal. He could feel Magnus' tongue teasing his mouth before he opened his mouth a bit wider letting it in and they both fought in dominancy.

Alec never kissed anyone before in his life and he was surely surprised for doing this with Magnus few times and not once he complained what a bad kisser Alec was.

Their lips finally detached from each other and Magnus let his forehead leaned to each other. Their hot breaths fanning against each of their faces before they both let out an exasperating breath. "For making me falling in love with you." Magnus whispered slowly causing Alec to open his eyes and stares into his.

"Y-You love me?" He asked curious, his voice is almost as a whisper and Magnus stroked his cheek with his thumb while his other hand still wrapped around Alec's neck. He nodded before he pulled Alec closer for another kiss.


"Any luck?" Anna asked as soon as she saw Asmodeus walked in followed by Charles and Maryse behind him. They both yawned and sighed rubbing their necks and forehead in exhaustion after their whole day of searching for Alec and Magnus.

Maryse had suggested they both looked together and Asmodeus had suggested they all look by air since he was able to us his own chopper while letting the coast guard did their search on their own.

"No." He groaned pouring himself a glass of bourbon before slumped his body on the couch. "I don't know where else could we find them." He groaned again rubbing his aching forehead. Anna sat by his side rubbing his palm together before she darted her eyes towards Maryse and Charles.

"Excuse me." Maryse stood and walked out from the living area heading to her given room closing the door silently. Anna knew what she's been up too. She had been crying praying for Alec's safety while she talked to her husband. She felt sorry for her to endure such burden and worries.

"I can't see her like this." She said as her eyes fixed on the closed door. Asmodeus turned his head to his side to look at his concerned fiancé. "What about me?" He asked pouting his lower lips seeking for her attention which caught her smile to attention. She leaned and kissed him on his lips before her eyes met his again. Charles took that cue for him to leave as he was already covered in filth of sweats and sea smell.

"Your is different sweetie. You don't have a dying child to worry about." She whispered and Asmodeus stares at the door following her gaze. "I can't imagine her feelings if Alec-" she stopped herself mid sentenced before she pressed her lips together and shook her head.

"We have to think positive, we can't let that cloud our judgement. Right?" She asked Asmodeus that kept his gaze on her with a soft smile before pulling her to his chest and sighed. "I just hope Magnus take care of Alec well." She sighed before resting her head on Asmodeus' chest. Her arms wrapped tightly around his stomach while he rested his chin on top of her forehead inhaling the scent she's wearing.

"I hope that too." He whispered the last words thinking of his own son had to survive on his own. He doubt Magnus would take care of Alec since he barely could take good care of himself. All of Magnus' rebellion act flashes in his mind, his temper, his beating, his treating other people like last night's dinner and his constant changes in his decision made him wonder Magnus could handle it on his own. 


Maryse slumped against the door after she closed it and letting her tears falls on her cheek after a whole day of holding it. She was so tired of everything. Her body and mind are weak and she never felt so defeated.

She raised her head and saw Alec's phone by the nightstand and she went through her pocket and began to dial the only number she had in her mind right now.

"Hey it's Alec-" the words began to speak through his ear and her tears flooded even more than earlier. As the beeps were heard, she were sobbing.

"Alec, where the hell are you? I don't know where else should I look for you. I'm losing my faith and hope here sweetheart. I don't know what else I should do to find you." Her grip tightened on her phone closed to her ear. She muffled her sobs into her palm not letting anyone hear her crying although she knew sometime Anna sneaking her way into her room.

"I'm gonna keep looking for you baby, I swear. I love you so much." She said and just in time she did, the line went dead. She curled up into a ball lying on her side on the carpeted floor bawling her eyes out. Eventually her cries draining her that made her fall asleep on the floor next to the door. 

A/N: My birthday present to you all. Sorry for everything and mostly for the most disappointing updates. To answer all of your questions, no I'm not well, and no, I'm not dead yet. I know it's not fair to do this but this is the best I could do. 

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