Part 29
Alec had another dream again, this one isn't like the one he always had. He was swimming on the calm water, no waves, no island, just the blue sky and the deep water surround him. He was floating on his back first but then he could feel himself losing balance and started the drown.
When he tried to swim he felt something was pulling him away from it. Something was dragging him down beneath his feet into the darkness. He tried to swim harder than he could and screamed his lungs out but he couldn't. All he could do was letting the water running freely into his mouth.
He tried as best as he could to scream for help but the only thing that came out was silenced. Then he felt himself getting weaker and weaker for trying to survive the water. He felt like giving up, he felt like letting go for good. He was too tired to hold on anymore and he felt like letting go is much better.
As he was about to let himself free, he felt a hand gripped on his wrist lifting himself up from underwater and when he immersed, the faces appeared were too familiar. When he blinked rapidly to clear the view, he finally sees it, it was none other but Magnus.
He could see Magnus mouth is moving and talking but he couldn't hear what exactly the words he spoke. But then slowly, the sound appears and he could hear Magnus voice calling him. "Alexander! Alexander wake up! Wake up!"
Alec jolted from his dream and raised himself into a sitting position. He could feel his chest is pounding like a hammer on the wall and he could feel his body is covered with sweats. Next to him stood Magnus with his face filled with nothing but worries. "Alexander? Are you okay?" He spoke.
Alec was panting, breathless due to his dream but he was relieved to come back to reality and comforted by Magnus. Slowly he shook his head signing as he is not okay. He is definitely not okay and he can't lie about it anymore. He shook his head side to side without even realizing his tears are falling like waterfall and Magnus couldn't bear his heart to see him like this.
"Magnus." Alec called whispery. "It' okay darling, it's just a dream." He said as he pulled Alec towards his chest. Alec sobs uncontrollably crying his heart out against Magnus' chest. "I'm scared. I don't want to die." He mutters in between his sobs and Magnus stroke his back harder. He could Alec's body shudder and shivers so he rubbed harder to promote heat.
"There's nothing to be scared of Alexander, you're not going to die. I'm here, I'm right here." Magnus whispered those words into his ear as he did, their body rocked together. He kissed his top of the head and kept hushing words to keep him calm until Alec went back to sleep.
Magnus couldn't figure out why Alec had that such horrid nightmare. He woke up hearing him screamed his lungs out and trashing like he was struggling to breath. It brought horror to Magnus and he couldn't woke Alec up. When Alec finally awake, he cried for what it felt like hours to Magnus and eventually he went back to sleep.
Magnus stares at Alec's face for awhile now and his pale face brings questions towards Magnus' mind. Why were the boy in his arm filled with so many secrets, why didn't he just tell him what was wrong with him. Magnus let the questions filled his mind and letting himself drifted to sleep with Alec still sleeping in his arm.
Alec stirs before he woke up feeling the sun shining directly on his face. The waves are crashing like usual and the wind if flying his hair back and forth. He felt chilled, colder than usual and his head pounding in pain. He couldn't lift his own body up but he could opened his eyes.
When he looked around, Magnus was nowhere to be found. He got panicked and immediately tried to get up but his headache won't allow him so. "Magnus?" He called with his hoarse voice, he cleared his throat again before he tried to call Magnus.
Alec tried to call for him repeatedly but he is not anywhere near him and when he stood, he felt his body weaken and his knees wobbled before he fell on the ground again. "Magnus!" He tried to call for him again but nothing. He felt tears started to come and Alec felt like Magnus have abandoned him.
He lay down crawled into a ball while he cried his eyes out. But then he heard some cracks and footsteps approaching so he sat up and looked around looking for the source. He could hear ruffles coming from the bushes and later Magnus appeared carrying some dead animal on his back. Alec looked closely and it appears to be some kind of a small squirrel or perhaps a rat.
"Morning Alexander! About time you wake up!" He said cheery not aware of Alec's crying face. Alec wiped his tears away quickly and harshly not letting Magnus sees him this vulnerable. When Magnus turned and looked at Alec, he noticed how his eyes were red and his nose too. "Alexander?" He called and immediately went to his side grabbing his face in his hands.
"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed with worried. Alec smile shaking his head pulling his face away from Magnus grip. "I'm fine. It's nothing." He tried to hide it and Magnus won't buy it this time. "Tell me what's wrong or I'll make you." He warned and Alec stares at his serious face before he broke into a laugh.
"You should see your face." He said still clutching his stomach laughing. "I'm not joking, last night-" he stopped himself mid sentence before darting his eyes away from Alec. "Last night was nothing, I had a nightmare, that's it." He said and tried to get up and avoid the conversation. But Magnus won't abide and pushed him back on the ground with his palm. "I'm at my best holding my patience Alec, either you tell me or-" Before Magnus could finished his sentenced Alec crashed his lips against his.
He was in the clouds when he felt Alec's lips on his and was caught by surprised honestly. Their kiss deepens and soon enough Alec let go leaving Magnus begging for more. "Good morning to you too." He whispered softly. Magnus leaned his head against Alec's forehead closing his eyes before he took a deep breath in and exhaled.
"I don't know how am I'm gonna responses to that but woah." He said and Alec chuckled. "What you got there?" He asked nodding his head towards whatever it is he brought earlier. "I'm sorry but fish is not in my list of surviving. I need meat." He said and stood up from his kneeling heading towards the items.
"What kind of meat?" Alec asked worried. "This is - uhm, it's a rodent." He said the last words too low that Alec barely could hear him. "I'm sorry what?" He asked and approached him closer. "It's a rodent, I heard it taste like chicken." He said bringing it up to Alec's face.
"I don't wanna know how exactly you caught this but eww." Alec pushed it back away from his face. "Well I'm sorry your highness, what would you like? Beef steak or a fillet mignon perhaps?" Magnus teased and Alec shook his head. "It's not what I meant. That thing could have been carrying diseases and we might get infected by it." Alec explained.
"Won't be so bad, if we die, end of misery." He joked but Alec felt it was too much for him. Magnus won't know how it felt to have your life on the line, that is why he joke things like this. But Magnus could sense the silenced coming from Alec and the look on his face made him questioned his words earlier.
"I'm kidding, come on, don't be so glum, chum." He teased again but Alec could only half smile. "Hey, I'm serious." He closed his gap and took Alec's face in his hand. He forced Alec to look at him and when the hazel orbs met the brown, he could see secrets filled in his eyes.
"I'm getting tired of this game you're playing Alexander." He said and let go of his hand off Alec's face. "I'm not playing any game." He said although anyone can see right through him. "Yeah whatever." Magnus said and went back to the dead animal to cook it. "Magnus-" Alec wanted to say more but he couldn't figure out why his words are always stuck in his throat.
"Save it Alexander, I don't wanna know anymore." Magnus didn't even try to look at Alec on his face and he just went out from their tent to start a fire. Alec wanted to say everything he had in his chest, he wanted Magnus to know everything but every time he wanted to do so, his courage had left the room.
He wanted to follow Magnus and helped him out with the cooking but as he tried, he then felt pain stabbing his chest that he had to clutched his own shirt. He could feel the pain growing to his back and his breath quickened. He took a few step back and sat down on the tree bark exhaling few times.
"Please, please. Give me more time. Give me time to fix everything." Alec prayed in his mind. He could feel how his body had weaken each day and how slow agony pain he felt is such a cruel way to go. He can't took a deep breath every time the pain hits and it made it even worst. Alec leaned forward when the pain hits stronger but it didn't help either.
He felt his vision grew weaker and faded as he tried to catch his breath and the last word he could mutter was Magnus before his visions gone dark and he felt his body fall to his side.
Magnus could swore he wanted to cut up Alec's brain and found all the secrets Alec had been hiding from him. He got so angry and irritated especially when Alec did this to him. He opened up everything about him to Alec but not a chance spare for him to know the truth from Alec.
He made a place for him to cook the rodent and he had prepared the meat properly. Charles would be so proud of him for able to cook this on his own but thanks to his father for sending him to the stupid camp just so he could get rid of him, he learned how to survive on his own. He guessed it won't be that bad since he remembers well what he learnt back then.
As he finished prepping his stuffs, he looked for the lighter to lit the fire up. He went and look around his pocket but no where to be found and remembers Alec hold it last time. He stood up, dusting the sands off his butt and walked back to the tent to look for it. He took a deep breath before he goes in trying to prevent an argument between him and Alec.
As he stepped in he saw Alec lying on his side by the tree bark, asleep. He sighed shaking his head before he went to his side. He crouched down and stares at Alec's face, his face is so pale that he wonders if he's ever been under the sun before. He felt Alec's pants for the small lighter and couldn't help but accidentally rolled Alec to his side when he tried to reach for the small thing.
"Opps, sorry." He mutters and felt weird when Alec didn't say anything. "Alexander?" He asked and tried to see if he's okay, he thought he might have woken him up by then. He rolled him back to the other side and noticed how Alec still hasn't wake up. "Alexander?" He called shaking him up but nothing. "Alec! Alexander wake up, don't scared me like this." He said and kept shaking his shoulder to wake him up.
Alec's body maintained flat and no movement like a dead man which frightened him the most. He pulled Alec and let him lay on his back before he check for his breathing. He placed his ear on Alec's nose and relieved when he feel the slow breath coming out of it but it was too shallow for any normal person.
"Alec wake up, please, wake up." He grabbed Alec's head tapping his cheek a little but no movement coming out from him. "Alec please, what is going on. I don't know what to do!" He kept shaking Alec's body to wake him but again and again failed.
Magnus waited for what it felt like hours. He tried everything, splashing Alec with some water and even smack his head a bit harder also failed. He sat across from Alec and waited patiently for him to wake up. He had done a lot of things to occupy his time while waiting for Alec to awake. He had cooked his meat, he ate, he walked around the tent waiting and lots of other stuffs but Alec still lay there like a dead person.
Magnus kept checking Alec's pulse and weirded out when he felt too shallow under his finger. His breathing is slow and he barely could see his chest rise. Magnus hugged his both legs towards his chest keeping his eyes on Alec when he saw him move a little. He looked to his side and noticed the sun is passed the mid day which means it's already evening.
He heard Alec groaned before he stirs and slowly his eyes flutters opened. When he opened, his hand immediately grabbed his chest and groaned in pain. Magnus sat up slowly observing what he's been doing and didn't make any move to check on Alec although he was worried sick about him.
Alec coughed few times still clutching his chest before his eyes scanned the area and landed on Magnus that sat quietly in front of him.
"Either you tell me what the hell is going on or I'm gonna leave you alone for the rest of the night." Alec swallowed his throat dryly before his eyes landed on Magnus again. The silence brewing between them tightening up the knot in his chest more. He stares at Magnus' face that had a deadly gaze fixed on him but slowly his tears fell on the side of his cheek.
"I-I c-can't." He whispered and Magnus exhaled a disbelief sighed. He walked out from the tent not looking at Alec but before his feet could stepped further, he heard Alec's little voice. "Magnus, please don't leave me now." He felt torn inside hearing Alec's cracking voice. He turned and stares at Alec's pale face and his heart broke.
He sighed again before stepped backwards and crouched next to Alec. His gaze met with his teary eyes before he spoke. "Talk. This is your last chance." He said sternly. Alec's eyes flooded with more tears before he could find the right word for him. "I'm dying."
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