Part 27

Alec didn't realized he was dozed off with his own thoughts when he was tossed with sand all over his body and when he looked up Magnus is staring at his face with his eyebrow crooked. Alec clears his throat before he sat his body up and darted his gaze away from him. "Did you hear what I said?" He asked him again and Alec couldn't answered him with more lies so he just shook his head.

He heard Magnus sighed in defeat and leaned his body back on the tree bark facing Alec. The only thing separate them both was the fire he built earlier to keep them warm throughout the night.

The sun has set and darkness filled them, the sound of woods cracking and insects thrumming was the only thing filled the air between them. Both of them didn't utter any word although they have lots of things to talked about. Magnus gave up on the silent game and he was actually proud of Alec managed to keep his silence all this hours. So he started to break the tension build between them first.

"Wanna talk about what happen?" He asked and Alec shook his head looking towards the fire next to them. Although the fire was out from their hut, it was the only thing he manage to focus on with his mind filled with lots of things. "Oo-kay, wanna talked about the kiss we had earlier?" Alec immediately shot his gaze towards Magnus in shock. He completely forgotten about the scene by the waterfall before everything went downhill and he thought Magnus had forgotten about it.

"Anything but that!" He said and Magnus smirks. "He speaks." He made his snarky jokes which it didn't amused Alec at all. He went back to be his brooding self and pout towards the source of lights.

"Someone's embarrassed. Was it your first Alexander?" Magnus stated playfully and Alec chose to ignore him. He was irritated enough with Magnus' constant annoying comments about him being the better kisser or the more experience between them both. If only Magnus knew he was the only guy Alec had ever had feelings like this, or even kissed.

"Oh come on Alexander, just humor me, on a scale from one to ten, how good was I compared to your other 'lover'. " He air quoted the words to annoy Alec even more and Alec sighed in anger. He chose to keep his mouth sealed and refused to entertain him. "Wow, I must be that good to have you speechless like this." He said smugly with his hand folded behind his head and his legs crossed together.

"You know what? No, you are not that good! You are by far the worst kisser I ever had in my life. Happy?" Alec barked in anger but to Magnus he was rather entertained to have Alec talking to him again so he tempted his temper at peak.

"Naah, you're just shitting me, I bet the only thing that runs through your mind right now was my luscious, insatiable lips that you just devoured few hours ago. I bet you were curious how it felt if it goes beyond that." Magnus knew how easily he can irritate Alec, he loves seeing it and somehow it made his day even better with it.

"Stop! Just stop okay! It disgust me to even be in the same room as you right now and please - ARGH!!" Alec clutched on his left chest as the painful sharp pain hits him and his face retorts from anger to painful squint. He knew this pain very well actually, his heart is starting to gave up slowly and he knew how fast this pain can deteriorates.

"Alexander?" Magnus shot up from his seat and quickly went to his side. His hand immediately went to Alec's shoulder but he pushed him off with his elbow. "I'm fine!" He groaned in more pain as he raised his voice higher. "NO! You are not! Stop fucking lying to me and just tell me the fucking truth!" He raised his voice back at Alec.

"It's nothing! It's just a muscle spasm, back off!" He said pushing him by his chest making him stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. He felt bad for treating Magnus like that and in his mind he didn't mean it. "You know what Alexander, FUCK YOU!" He screamed while he stood before Alec.

He dust off the sand off his shirtless body and grabbed the shirt behind Alec's head before he put them on his body. "You can fucking die here alone for all I care, don't bother know where I am!" He screamed and stomped his feet out from the hut. "Magnus!" Alec screamed for him and tried to grab his legs but he couldn't raised his arm due to the pain so he stumbled to his side staring at Magnus walking away into the darkness. "Please don't leave me alone." He whispered under his breath as a tears shed on his cheek.


Magnus walked angrily as far away as he could from Alec but deep down he still could feel the tightening in his stomach that made him stopped in his track. The fire from their hut had faded but he still could see it from far. Who is he kidding to survive out here all alone, they both needed each other no matter how stubborn they both are.

He screamed in anger letting out his frustration before he grab a pebble under his feet and throw them as far as he could into the water. He saw how the pebble splashed into the water as it made contact and he sat himself down on the sand covered ground hugging his both knees. He never felt this mad before but he never felt this guilty either.

It felt like hours when they both had the argument earlier but the truth is only. few minutes ago and Magnus wonder what happened to Alec exactly. He hated how secretive his being but again if they needed to survive with each other they had to be more open up to it.

He gave up being angry at Alec for the hundred times today and decided to be the bigger man as he thought he always did with him. So he stood and walked back towards their hut and slowly he could see Alec's body more clearer. As he walked closer he could hear him better, he could hear him muttering words but he couldn't understand what it was. He could see him rocking his body back and forth while hugging his knees.

As he steps closer, he accidentally steps on a dead branches that made a loud cracks under his feet. He saw Alec's head turned towards him and his eyes are blood shot with his nose blotched red in tears. Both didn't exactly say anything but Magnus felt it was too downhearted for him to bear.

He kneeled next to Alec to meet his height and without a thought he wrapped his arm around Alec's body. Alec hide his face in the crook of Magnus' neck with his arm wrapped around his shoulder and continued his sobs. His body shudders as Magnus stroke it up and down to soothe him.


Alec had stopped crying for a while and they both lay down with Alec on Magnus' chest hugging his torso. Magnus' hand wrapped cozily around his body with his fingers traced his hair back. "I'm sorry." Magnus started and Alec nodded. "I just don't get why can't you just tell me the truth." He asked and Alec wanted to remove himself from Magnus only to be pinned down tighter.

"I know, I know you don't have to tell me. Jeez." He said stroking Alec's hair back with his finger. "Would you promised me something." Magnus asked again, and Alec looked up to meet his eyes. "You promise to tell me the truth when the time is right?" His eyes pleaded and Alec's gaze went from his brown orbs to his lips, slowly he nodded before he rested his cheek on Magnus' chest.

"If only I could have the key to your golden mouth, I would spilled all of your secrets." He muttered alone and Alec sighed. He looked up to meet his gaze again, "If you can't talk about your mum then don't expect me to talk about my problems. I'm not the only one with secrets here." He said and Magnus stares at Alec's hazel eyes finding nothing but truth to his every words. He nodded swallowing his throat knowing he could never talk about his mum to anyone but tonight he felt like he had no secrets to hide anymore.

"Her name is Lily. Lily Grace." He started and Alec raised his head to meet Magnus' gaze. "If you want me to tell you about her I can't have you staring at me like this." He continued and it brought more furrowed to Alec's eyebrow. Magnus sighed pulling him back to his chest and Alec listen attentively.

"I was eight. Like everyday, I came home from school there she was standing by the door waiting for me. We would have our fun together just the two of us, my father would be too busy for us both. That's why it hit me so hard when the last time I saw her, she was already dragging her suitcase without even bothered to give me a glanced."

"No one knew where she went, some said she died, others said she'd changed her name so people won't find her. All I know was that she abandoned me all alone with her own selfishness and coward action."

Alec could hear Magnus' heartbeat thumping from under his ear a little faster. He knew Magnus is nervous to tell this to him but he was proud of him telling Alec about this. "My father never spoke of her ever since. I grew up, started became very spoiled with my father bought literally anything I wanted to fill the void but he never could. No one ever could fill the void but her." Alec looked up to his face hoping he would feel better but he could see tears forming in Magnus' eyes.

"You're the first person to know about this. You have no idea how it felt to keep it inside of me for years but somehow talking to you is better than to talk to therapist. I hope that when you are ready enough you could share yours with me." He said and Alec nodded. He let his cheek nestled into Magnus warmth body. Slowly his eyes drifted listening to Magnus' steady heartbeat and never he felt this type of comfort before.


"Mummy." Soft voice echoed in the empty living room startling Maryse from her thoughts. She didn't realized she had stared out for almost an hour by the balcony staring out into the ocean hoping with the tiniest hope left that Alec would be coming back safe and sound.

When she turned around, she saw Max in his pj's hugging his soft toy closed to his chest. She knew the bear isn't enough to give him comfort when Alec is not around but somehow this is the longest he had not encountered Alec. "Yes baby." She opened her arm out for him to close their distance. She raised him up on her lap and they both faced the ocean together.

"When Alec is coming back?" He asked her after a while and she couldn't exactly answer him with anymore lies. "I don't know sweetheart, I really don't know." She said and Max turned to look at his mother. He could see how easily she get to tear up in mention of Alec's name. "He will come back right mummy?" He asked again and Maryse smiled although her eyes already waters.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm really a bad mummy, I don't know where Alec is, I don't know when he is coming back." She sobs wiping away her tears as quickly as she could but failed when Max kept staring at her face. Surprisingly for her, he turned his body to face her and cupped her face with his small palm and she darted her gaze towards Max's eyes.

"You're not bad, you're good mummy. Alec love you. I love you." She breaks as she heard her six year old son tell her things that she kept denying herself at. Max wipes her tears with his palm and hugged him to her chest. "Daddy said we're going home tomorrow but you will stay. Can I stay with you?" He asked and his eyes pleading his mother that could break anyone but Maryse.

"No sweetie you can't. You need to be with Jacey and Izzy okay? I promise I will be home soon and I'll bring Alec with me." She made the false promised too many time this week. She wishes the words is as easy as the burden she carries but it's enough for her son to understand why they had to be separated.


Morning came sooner than they all thought. By the time they had done everything Maryse was already packing up her families bag and the look on Izzy and Jace's face kills her the most. Isabelle kept repeating to her to let her stay and accompanied her mother so Maryse won't be alone but she won't budge. She knew it's not fair if she let Izzy not Jace and if she lets her, Jace would want to stay too and Max would follow his siblings too.

As they brought all of their luggages down to be check out, silenced were the only thing filled their moments. They all waited for Robert to check out at the counter and their faces slummed with sadness and worry.

As they waited, suddenly Asmodeus walked into the lobby followed by Charles behind him from outside and immediately Maryse shoots up and her face palled. She expected Asmodeus would be upset with her but she could see his face was tired and dark circles formed around his asian eyes.

He stopped in his track when he saw the family gathered together and he wanted to query but before he could asked Maryse beat him to it. "Did you find anything?" She asked hopefully. He wanted to answer her questioned with his usual sarcastic remark but decided not too since the look on her face really hurts him.

"No, I just get back from their patrol, I've been out there all night on their boats but nothing." He sighed rubbing his neck in pain before his eyes landed on the bags filled the ground of the hotel. "You're leaving?" He asked her curiously.

"Just them, I'm gonna stay till I find my son." She said and just in time Robert had done with the hotel receptionist and came towards her. "Honey, they don't have room for two, they are fully booked. Should we find another hotel?" He asked completely ignoring Asmodeus present behind him.

Asmodeus heard what Robert said and was rather shocked to hear it. "Wait, why don't you stay here in your old room?" He asked and she shook her head. "It's too expensive and pointless to have all of those rooms with me alone in it." She answered and grabbed the bag from the ground. "Let's just find another cheaper hotel." She said and Robert nodded.

"Uhm, wait." Asmodeus stopped them before they leave and they all turned around and wait for his words. "Why don't you stay in our suite. We have a spare room, Anna's gonna be delighted to have you as our company." He offered and Maryse could see Charles stood proudly next to his employer nodding in agreement.

"Thank you but I can't accept that. I already can't thank you enough with all the help you did finding our son." Maryse spoke again and tried to drag their family out but was stopped again by Asmodeus. "I insist, at least I could find you easier if we found the boys." He remarked and Maryse stood in guilt after what she did earlier to him.

She stares at her husband's face waited for him to grant her the request and slowly Robert nodded. "I think you should accept his offer, at least I knew you are safe." He said and Maryse look at him pleadingly. "He might want something in return." Maryse whispered into Robert's ear and they both shot him a look.

"I doubt he could do any worst." Robert whispered back and she stares at Asmodeus in his eyes. "What do you want in return?" She asked him blankly and they all shot her a look. "How low do you think of me? Do you really think I want anything back in returned?" He raised his voice a little making Maryse scowled at his tone.

"Days ago you don't even care for your own son's life and now you expect me to believe you are helping us out of the kindness of your heart?" Maryse snapped back and she could see how Charles tried to hide his smirk for that come back. He deserves it and everyone knew it but somehow if he could, he wanted to replay it over and over again for his own pleasure.

"Look lady, I was trying to be nice. Take it or leave it." He said pointing his long fingers at her and she sworn she could just break his finger off. "Hey! She's not wrong and don't you fucking dare talk to my wife like that!" Robert smacked his hand away from pointing at his wife and he could see how he was fuming for doing so.

Asmodeus wanted to charge at Robert but he was stopped by Charles separating them both. "Sir, breathe. This is not the time for us to fight. Whatever it is, it's in the past and let's just move on from there, alright folks?" He asked them all and slowly they all nodded.

"My offer still stands if you decided to accept it." He sternly said and Maryse stares at her husband's face before stares back at him, she nodded before letting Charles grabbing her bag from her hand. "You can have my card access to enter, take all the time you want." Charles said as he turned together with Asmodeus by his side. "Thank you." Maryse softly said making Asmodeus turned back to met her gaze and nodded at her. He turned with a soft smile on his face feeling the weight being lifted off his chest and felt how Magnus would be so proud of him if he sees him right now. He's not doing this for anyone but him, his son.


"God I hate this." Maryse said as she hugged Isabelle closed to her. The Morgenstern had took off earlier than them since the previous plan was to help Maryse find a room first but now they had more time to be with each other before they all had to leave the island on a flight.

Isabelle wiped her wet cheeks that filled by tears hoping this is not happening to her family. "Call me everyday please mama, let me know if anything happened." She said and Maryse nodded before she kissed her forehead. She turned to give Jace a hug that lasted longer than she could remember.

"I love you mum, please take care of yourself. Don't forget to eat." He whispered in her ear and she nodded unable to mutter any words. She then turned to gave her youngest her hug and he practically glued to her. He keep begging her for staying since she has a room but she couldn't say yes to it. "I promise I will buy you anything you want when I come back okay Maxie?" She asked and Max stares at her face deeply.

"I want you and Alec." He said and Maryse couldn't handle her tears anymore so she just hugged him instead. She kissed him repeatedly on his cheeks before she stood and met her husband. She wrapped her arms around her husband tightly for a final goodbye.

"Take care of yourself please. Call me if anything, if you need more money I will send you from LA. Please, please take good care of yourself. Know that I love you so much darling." He whispered soft words into her ears and she couldn't control her tears that fall. "I will, I love you so so much." She replied and wiped her face off from the tears.

Robert grabbed her cheek and gave her a kiss on her lips before leaning their foreheads together. It's a hard time for their marriage but they both know how strong their love is. They don't need to be with each other to show them how much they love one another. Maryse then turned to look at her family one last time before they climbed into the van.

"I love you all, so so much. Take care of each other, watch out Max." She said and they replied equally. As they all seated in the van, she blew them a kiss and the heaviness grew in her heart. As she waved her family off, her heart sunken deeper and she couldn't control her emotions anymore, how she wished things were different, how she wishes for a lot of things in her life right now but for once, she prayed her family would be alright without her around for this time.

A/N: I know no one would bother to read this note since most of you would ask me the sequel of My Savior book, first of all, if you had read my author's note you would've known the sequel is out long time ago and which one is the book.

I had a really, really worst thing happened to me and I am shameful to myself too even mentioned this. Few weeks ago, I had lost my one and only grandmother which I had been taking care of for several months. It broke me too pieces that I started to relapse.

My depression came back much worst than I had before, I starts to have my suicidal thoughts and eventually the thoughts became my own action. I sworn I never would hurt myself again but her lost is just something I can't handle anymore in my life. I swore I never want to wake up anymore and face the world and I succeeded. I never see my parents were these disappointed at me and I never see myself at this lowest.

The chapters were basically a mess and I don't care enough to fix it. I just don't want to be part of anything anymore in this life. I hate how my life had turned out to be, a total disappointment. I am sorry to all of you who'd expected me to update cause I don't think I could fix myself like I did last time. I have never felt pain like this, I never felt more lonely and more suffocating my life is that at one point all I wanted to do is be with my grandmother.

I hate all the people around me that I wanted to kill all of them who'd came and talk to me. I hated being alive around the people who keep telling me to stay strong cause I'm not supposed to be here. All I am now is nothing but a disappointment to my family and how I wished, I wished I don't have to face tomorrow.

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