Part 26
"That bitch!" Asmodeus throws another glass of his scotch to the wall and it shattered to the floor in pieces. Charles stood behind him sighing and shaking his head in disbelief. He knew better not too aggravate his anger further especially if he is as drunk as this. So he did what he usually did back at the mansion, he stood with his arm folded behind him and stares at him while he continue his banter.
"Why you being quiet?!" Asmodeus screamed after he found him being ignored. Charles looked up to his face and only then he noticed Asmodeus was actually talking to him. He cleared his throat before he shook his head and pinched his nose bridge before he looked at Asmodeus face again. "Sorry sir, I don't have words to help you right now." He simply said and his tone is flat not bothered if Asmodeus would be angry at him even more.
"Charles?" He called and he looked up at his face surprised at his calm tone. "Sir?" He replied and Asmodeus walked further to close their distance together. He puts his hand on Charles shoulder and crouched a little to meet his eyes. He stares at his frowned face with questioning look on his face.
"What is it?" He asked and Charles sighed before he continued. "I don't appreciate you call her that sir." He said in fear Asmodeus would flipped again. But he was stunned to see his boss sighed and remain calmed. "What is it with you and that family? Did they bribed you to fight against me?" He said before he turned and headed to the liquor bar in the corner again.
Asmodeus poured himself another glass of scotch but Charles stepped up before he could even realized and took the glass away from his hand. He was about to scream and shout on his face again but when he looked at Charles face, the guy who had stood beside him through roughness in his life especially after his wife left him, the guy who helped him raising Magnus and handled his only son's tantrum and not once complaint about his life.
He calmed himself letting Charles spoke first and chose not too over react towards his action. "That woman had suffered enough all these years with her son. You can see through her tired eyes, how worries she is about her son. She is tired, worn out and yet she managed to put her smile on her face for her other children and her husband. The way she reacted at you, is acceptable for what you had put that family through."
Asmodeus was about to say something else but Charles raised a finger at his face to silent him and left Asmodeus jaw apart. "The only thing you need to do is keep your temper at bay while we all looked for Magnus and Alec. Used everything in your power to go and look for the boys before that family lost a son. I beg of you." Charles said bravely placing down the glass of scotch on the table for Asmodeus to grab but too his surprised he didn't.
"How much do you hate me Charles?" He asked and Charles shook his head. "Never sir, you are like a family to me. After all this years, I never hate you. I just can't handle you and the thought on those boys alone in the middle of the ocean somewhere with no food or water. Magnus is just like a son to me. I know how you feel." He answered and Asmodeus stares at the glass before him that separates him and Charles.
"I forgot." Asmodeus whispered and Charles immediately stares at his face and his eyes focused on Asmodeus dark brown eyes. "I forgot that your feelings are affected too. I know how much you love Magnus. I promised I will help that family finding their son back." Slowly a soft smile crept on Charles lips but he hides them almost immediately. "Thank you sir." He said before he left the hall headed towards his own personal room.
The song above is for this scene...
"Robert?" Maryse called silently as she entered the room. She saw him sitting by the edge of bed ignoring her presence in the room. She closed the door behind her and closing her distance towards her husband.
As she circled the bed and finally met with his gaze, her heart broke finding her husband in tears. She kneeled next to him and rested her hand on his resting knee. "I'm so sorry." She said bringing her tears to the edge. He sighed without looking at his wife. His other hand rested on his lips supporting his chin while he kept his gaze forward towards the balcony.
"You were right." He whispered and Maryse immediately shot him a look. "What?" She asked. "You were right, coming here was a mistake. All I wanted was getting Alec's last wishes and get our family closed together but all I get was... - this." He gestured his words with his hand out. "No, no honey listen, I'm sorry. I know I put too much pressure on everyone but you have to stop think like that. We haven't lost Alec, not yet." She raised her body to meet Robert's gaze. Her usual warm hand that brings comfort to anyone in their family were now cold and trembling.
She is afraid, afraid of everything that happened to her lives now. She is afraid of losing her eldest son, the one that taught her how to be a mother. She is afraid of losing her family, how they are used being close to each other, but now each members are not talking to each other. Jace hiding away in the room, Isabelle being the middle person trying to glue everyone back together and Max, sweet Max. He might be small and too young but he understood enough. He understand that his brother is no longer with them and somehow he didn't question anyone about it.
"Robert please. Look at me." She begs. She could see him sighed pressing his lips together before he looked down at his wife. "We can get through this. I know we can, we always do." Her trembling hand clutching against Robert palm and slowly he pulls it away from her and rose from his seat. She eyed his movement walking passed her and paced the room rubbing the base of his neck.
"No Maryse, that's where you're wrong. You keep denying situation like this but in the end, it never be alright. We keep saying that thinking we would but honestly, I don't. I don't have the strength nor the idea how I'm supposed to save this family." His words hits Maryse deep in her chest, she could feel her stomach clenched at Robert's words so she stood and faced her husband.
"Don't say that, don't give up on Alec. You owed it to him, you have the responsibilities of being a father they need you to be. Your duty as my husband to comfort me when I am at my lowest. I need you, you are my strength, Alec needs you, he needs his father when he came home."
Robert shot her a rather dismayed look, he wanted to continue the argument but chose not too upset his wife even more than she already is. "If he came home, he knows his father would always waiting for him. But I can't jeopardized our other children's life just for Alec. It's not fair for Jace, for Isabelle and Max. Have you talked to any of them since? Have you? They are our children too Maryse, not just Alec and their future is much more promising than Alec. Don't be selfish and thinks of only Alec's."
Maryse couldn't hold her tears when he mentioned her other children's name, it's the truth. She somehow hidden in between her world with Alec and only him. The only thing in her mind was Alec's safety, Alec's future, his appointments, his health. She forgot sometimes that her other children too could get sick and they too needed attention from her, from their mother.
"You're right." She said sobbing. Robert stares at her face in stunned with her agreeing with him. "I know you're doing the best for our family, I won't argue with that. You should take the kids back to LA, I'll stay here till I found Alec and bring him home." She said and Robert walked towards her closing their distance together. She looked at her husband's tearing eyes and wrapped her arm around his waist.
"If you can't find Alec within this two weeks, you need to come home to us." Robert said and she looked up at his face in shock. Her arms immediately detached from his embrace, "What? No!" She said and Robert exhaled a breath before he explained.
"You have too. The chances we'd find Alec is getting lower and we can't stay on this island that long either. I'm sure Magnus' father would have the entire fleet looking for Magnus already." He said and grabbed her closer again. Their hands tangled into each other and she soften in his.
"Not just entire fleet, probably the whole armada looking for him." Robert snorted before he pulled her closer to his chest and they hugged for a while. He sighed resting his chin on Maryse's top of her head. "He's coming home, trust me." Robert softly said into her ear whispered the very debatable promised and she chose not to fight his words. She chose to hold on his words and think of the good outcome, thus she only nodded with tears flow freely without her command.
"What the fuck was that?" Magnus shouted as he followed Alec back to their small hut. Alec thought he had outrun Magnus but clearly he didn't. "Nothing, would you just drop it?" He screamed back and Magnus scoffed in disbelief. "This is you Alexander! Always with secrets." He said and kept his legs running to catch up on him and eventually they both reach the shore and Alec didn't stop at their hut but instead he kept walking towards the shore and trying to get away from Magnus.
Magnus didn't let him walked away again and followed Alec behind. "The cats are out of the bag Alexander, tell me truth right now!" He shouted but Alec ignored him. "ALEXANDER! Stopped right there or so helped me god I would make the words came out of you one way or other!" He screamed stopping on his track and he glad Alec did the same.
Alec exhaled a breath he didn't knew he held in, Magnus walked passed him and stood before him but Alec didn't have the courage to look at his face. "Tell me the truth." The words seethed through his teeth and Alec ignored his question.
"Okay fine, you don't want to tell me, then I'll make you tell me." Alec couldn't comprehend his words and before he knew it, he was already upside down with Magnus grabbed him and placed him on his shoulder. "MAGNUS! Put me down! What the hell are you doing?" He asked and Magnus ignored him just like he did earlier and kept walking.
"MAGNUS! PUT ME DOWN!" He screamed bloody murder but Magnus still didn't utter a word and kept walking. It looks silly for both of them to behave like this but Magnus had no choice and he had too make Alec tell him the truth. Him carrying a six foot tall man on his shoulder is something he would never forget although Alec's weight never bothers him much.
Alec kept punching Magnus' back and ordered him to stop and put him down but he ignored him and kept walking. "Magnus put me down, I'm gonna be sick." Alec said and Magnus refused to listen and kept walking but when he heard Alec gagged, he quickly placed him on the ground but he soon leaned forward and expelled his stomach content to the ground before him.
"Alexander? Oh god, are you okay?" He asked and Alec was on his four coughing his lungs out unable to answer him. "Alec tell me you're okay, please?" He begs and Alec continued to cough. He didn't vomit although his vomit was only water content but his head is crushing him.
"I'm fine." His voice hoarse after his coughing fit but it's enough for Magnus to sigh a relief. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sick like this." He softly said and Alec shook his head. He tried to walk away from him but his vision doubled and he could hear Magnus' voice behind him was the last thing he heard before everything went dark.
Magnus never felt so scared in his life and this is not one of the event he experienced with Alec being like this. Him suddenly being weak and pale and falls unconscious was not new to Magnus but out here all alone with no one to help him to check on Alec scares him the most. He was not just scared of Alec being sick but also the thought of being left alone on this island is killing him.
When he saw Alec walked away and fell on the ground seconds later, his heart clenched and he immediately caught Alec from his fall although he wasn't able to stop it, he managed too caught before Alec's head hit the ground.
He brought Alec back to their small hut and lay him on the ground covered leaves they both made. He quickly starts a fire and make sure Alec wasn't cold since they are both still wet from their swim earlier. As he walked back and forth to grab more wood and some water for Alec, he kept checking on him making sure he is okay.
Alec looked so peaceful when he asleep and Magnus always find him fascinating during this state. After he's done with everything, he came back to the hut and sat beside Alec waiting for Alec to wake up. He grabbed some food with him although mostly is fruits but Alec might be hungry that made him fainted in the first place, he thought.
He stares at Alec's face and couldn't help but to bring his finger on Alec's face. He stroked his hair away from his forehead although it sticks like a glue on his skin. He wiped the sand that sticks on Alec's skin due to the fall and somehow his thumb stroking Alec's cheek softly. He stares at Alec's face and waited patiently for him to wake up. He prayed Alec would wake up soon cause it starts to freak him out.
Alec finally woke few hours later Magnus presumed since the sun is setting lower and it's almost dawn. He saw Alec's slowly moving and his eyes flutters before he finally awake. "Oh thank god." He said and Alec stares at him before he looked around. He tried to get up and lift his head but his headache is getting worst and he chose to lean back on the ground and a small groan escaped from his lips.
"Here, drink this." Magnus said grabbing the coconut husk filled with water and he brought to Alec's lips. Alec tried to get up but failed so Magnus helped lifting his head a bit with his palm and he drank the water in a few gulped.
He rested his head back on the ground but felt uncomfortable with his head leaning back like that so he tried to get up again. "Wait." Magnus said and grabbed his dry shirt and folded it into a rolled and placed them under Alec's neck. Alec stares at his weird sudden behavior of him from earlier but he chose not to say any word.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. You have every right not to share everything in your life with me and I respect that." He said and Alec didn't say anything, he kept his silence but truthfully, he wanted to tell Magnus everything. He wanted to tell him the real truth that he was sick. He was tired of keeping it a secret but the real truth is, he is afraid.
He is scared that when Magnus knows about him, he would treat him differently so he chose not to tell the truth. But again how long exactly he had to keep this from him. How much time exactly did he has to keep on with his lies. Magnus would find out sooner or later but he feared the later would be late enough for him and Magnus would get angry at him for keeping such a big secrets like this.
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