Part 24
Magnus and Alec had been going along just fine since the last they had a fight yesterday. Now Alec had an idea to make a roof over their head so they could take a shade from direct sunlight or worst the rain. They had been lucky enough not to stay in cold rain and soaked with no shelter.
Alec had Magnus gathered all the leaves from the palm tree and tied them all together making a wide square, with that he continued connecting them altogether. Later he helped Magnus lifting it over the two trees they both had chosen, surprisingly managed to get a decision done without argument.
"You got it?" Alec asked Magnus as he struggled to lift it over his head. The perks of being tall had advantage Alec all these years but seeing Magnus trying to reach over his head amuses him.
"I got it." Magnus grunted on his tippy toes holding the thing over his head with difficulty and Alec already done on his side. "I'll help." He said coming closer to his side and stood beside Magnus. He began to raise his arm up to help him but a sudden shooting pain like a stabbed on his chest hits him.
"Argghhh!" He screamed clutching on his chest and took a few steps back from Magnus. "Alexander?" He called and left the thing dangled half sided before rushed to Alec side. He saw how Alec tried to ease his pain with his breath but failed which got him even more worried. He was clutching his left chest with his right palm, his face contorted into a severe pain and his eyebrow furrowed into a line.
"Let me see." Magnus asked and began to lift Alec shirt up but Alec pushed his hand down and straightened his shirt back down. "No, no it's fine. Just a sore." He claimed but Magnus refused to believe so. "No more lies Alexander. Let me see or I'll rip your clothes off." The words taunted Magnus and he wonders why Alec being this secretive with him.
He wonder whether Alec shy or probably had some hideous thing covered underneath his shirt. "No, no it's fine, can you finish up for me?" Alec begs and leaned his body against the tree bark, his hand still pressed on his chest. "Yeah sure." Magnus said and began to stood to finish his work earlier.
Minutes later he managed to tie the thing on the tree and now they have shades to cover them from the sun or the rain. "We should get more banana leaves." Alec began and Magnus who stood gazing at the miraculous art work stopped and turned to face him. "Why?" He asked innocently.
"We need to cover our sleeping area so we won't hurt our back when we sleep. The sand is scraping your skin." Alec said pointing at Magnus fury red skin. He loves being shirtless since the day they stranded here and Alec could see how Magnus skin had darkened and reddened due to the sun exposure and the sand is making his tanned perfect skin marked like a paint on a canvas. "I'll be right back then, you okay on your own?" Magnus questioned and for once Alec felt protected having him around.
He looked up at him and smiled his sincere smile, "Yeah, sure." He said and Magnus nodded. "I'll bring you back a banana." Magnus joked but Alec find it tempting, "Don't come back without it, monkey." Alec replied hiding his smile but Magnus couldn't help but to smirk. "Sure thing Tarzan." He called but Alec didn't find it amusing, he glared at him but eventually they both left with a wide smile on their face.
Magnus had grabbed few bunches of leaves to cover their sleeping spot. He dragged them back to their camp site and saw Alec is still there where he left him. His one hand dragged the banana leaves and the other carrying bunch of banana over his shoulder. "Honey, I'm home." He joked and chuckled at his own sillyness.
He dumped the leaves along with the bunch and sense the area is too quiet. He was wondering why Alec didn't answer him on his earlier remark. He turned around and found Alec fast asleep underneath the tree. His tall body leaned against the tree bark with his palm still palming his chest only his left arm are crossed over his stomach.
Magnus sighed crouching next to him, eyeing him sleeping peacefully before him. His chest raised up and down and Magnus stares at Alec's face. He never thought how intrigued someone's eyes or facial structure was before to him. But Alec's face had caught his intention. How his eyelashes formed a shadow on his lower lid due to the sun shine above their head.
His sharp sculpted nose are none compared to what he saw in the Lourve museum exhibition. He wanted to stroke it down with his finger but when his eyes met Alec's lips, his chest stammered. He felt like the lips are too inviting for him. It wasn't anything like any of his past lover before, it wasn't even that pink or red like some other.
Alec's lips has always been pale to him with a hint of pink sometime, especially when he pressed it together. When he was asleep or due to some occasion when he was unconscious, Magnus finds it fascinating how his lips is gaped apart and there's soft snores came out of it.
"Mum." Alec mumbled in his sleep and it brought Magnus back from his daydream. He thought Alec would be awake but he was still asleep only now his eyebrows crooked, almost as seems he was having a bad dream. "Mum." He called again.
It was torture for Magnus to hear that word. He never did get to say that word ever since his own left him. For years his father had sent him to therapy to try to adapt his lives without her but over the years, Magnus just learnt how not to show people his true feelings and decided to be an asshole or a jerk instead.
He felt that if he hurt people first, they won't hurt him instead. That's what he always thought on coping with his feelings. But since he met Alec, his feelings had mixed and he felt the need for something else.
For years he never wanted to have someone called a mother, or a brother and a sister to defend, but Alec had shown him otherwise. He wanted to have a little brother to stand before him protecting him although it's silly and he wanted a parent who always there for him when he needed them. Who would cut off work just to spend a day with their son even if it's only a trip to the grocery store.
"Mum, please." Alec mumbled again and this time Magnus decided to wake him up. "Alexander." He shook his shoulder lightly but he didn't wake up just yet.
"Alec." He called again tapping his arm a bit harder to wake him up and Alec jolted from his sleep in a sudden movement. "Wh-Where, where are they?" Alec asked looking around the area for someone but only to meet Magnus worry eyes. "Who?" He asked and slowly Alec recalled his mind on their whereabout. "N-No one."
He said slowly and leaned his body back on the tree bark, his eyes set on the ocean next to his although it's a bit far from his place. "Hey." Magnus called again and Alec jumped in shocked, startled at his sudden gesture on touching his arm again.
"Relax, it's me." Magnus said slowly coaxing him to comfort. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked and Alec shook his head with a weak smile. "Did you got the leaves?" He asked and Magnus sighed before he nodded. He knew Alec hates to talk about what's in his mind so he leave it at that.
"I put it there." He said pointing his fingers at their newly made shelter. Alec nodded before he wakes up followed by Magnus but he stood up too quickly making his vision doubled and his head spun. His gait were unstable making Alec almost fall on his face but because of Magnus, he caught him just in time.
"Woah, Alec you okay?" He asked holding Alec's arm helping him stood on his legs properly. "Uhm- yeah. Sorry. I stood up too quickly." He apologized blinking his eyes repeatedly and slowly removed Magnus grip from his arm. Magnus looked at him unsure to let him go just yet but he nodded with a smile. His weak appearance making Magnus even more worried since he had no idea what is happening to him.
Alec helped Magnus placing the leaves on the ground and draped it like a mat. As soon as that, they both lay down and enjoyed their lunch together. Magnus had went and brought some more fruits to eat with him although he knew they both need to find something else other than fruits to survive.
"What are you doing?" Alec asked as he took a bite from the papaya, "A fishing rod." He said carving a long stem of bamboo in his hand with his knife. "Are you going fishing?" He asked amusedly and Magnus glared at him. "You laugh now, but if I caught a fish you owe me." He said and Alec scoffed.
He sat up facing Magnus on his side and stares at his face, "Okay, if you caught a fish, I will do whatever you want me to and if you don't you have to do exactly what I asked you." He said and Magnus scoffed in annoyance.
"Such babies." He muttered and placed the carved bamboo down next to him. "Lets make this interesting. If I indeed can't catch any fish, I will have you go out on a date with me. But if I did caught a fish, which I believe I would, you have to sleep with me."
The words caught Alec by surprised and his eyeball bolted due to shock at his unfiltered mouth. His jaw dropped unable to believe what he just heard from Magnus. He didn't know exactly how to respond to his playful remark and the silence is straining them.
Only then he heard Magnus laughed so hard unlike he had ever heard before. He saw Magnus was already on his back rolling on his own laughter over Alec's expressions. "You should see the look on your face." He said wiping the corner of his eyes from the tears of laughing while sat back facing him.
Alec rubbed the base of his neck in awkwardness unable to comprehend the situation. His chuckled is low and he tried to look anywhere but Magnus. "Wait." Magnus called as he sensed the awkwardness in between them. "What?" Alec asked curious at his thoughts but more of trying to figure him out after being humiliated like that.
"Have you ever- you know." Magnus tilted his head to the side trying to figure out Alec's virginity. He stays silenced unable to find any words to answer him. He wasn't even sure whether or not to lie or tell him the truth.
"Alexander, have you had sex before?" He asked and Alec pressed his lips together drawing circles on the ground. "Uhm-" he hummed but then he was interrupted by Magnus. "Wait, have you ever been in relationship before?" He asked him and Alec turned his head to the side facing the ocean. He wanted to get out and clear his head but where else he could go. He can't exactly run away every time Magnus and him had an awkward banter.
"Alexander have you been kiss by anyone yet?" He asked again unsure how far is this conversation would go. Alec felt embarrassed of all the questions and he felt a threatening tears began to escape. He never thought on falling in love, having someone to call his significant other, or perhaps a future where he is married to anyone.
The only thing he'd ever think of was getting better or survive another day without hospitals appointment and treatment. His minds swam with those past of him coming in and out of the hospital and especially the look on his family when he was pushed into the emergency room, thinking on whether he is gonna make it out.
"Alexander?" Magnus called waking him from his gaze and when he turned his head facing him, he was already kneeling before him. Their eyes met and slowly Magnus could see Alec is hiding his tears behind his hazel eyes.
"I need some air." Alec said and got up from his seat. He rushed out from their shades and walked along the beach farther away from Magnus. "alexander!" Magnus screamed as seeing him walking faster than he did earlier trying to get away from him.
Magnus sighed seeing Alec walking out away from him in such rush. He knew better not to aggravate his anger but again, they were so good since the last they had a fight, now they are back at square one. He sighed and wanted to sat back on the same spot but seeing Alec so upset got him on his feet and wanted to chase after him.
Knock, knock
Maryse knocked on the door of her sons room for the the first time in days. It has been days since Alec disappearing and the only thing that running through Maryse's mind is Alec. She sometimes let herself drown in Alec's problem letting her forgets she has other children to worry about. Although her children never complaint not even once in their life about her attention to Alec, she felt like she obligated to let them know she never treat them differently.
She entered the room after knocking and the first thing her eyes landed was Jace's bed. It was empty as she looked and it seems like it hadn't touch at all. She wonders if Jace did get his sleep at all.
She looked to the bed next to it which belongs to Alec and found Jace by the bed on the floor with his both knees up and he stares at something in his hand. He seemed dazed upon the thing he hold in between his fingers not realizing his mother entering the room.
"Jace." Maryse called softly and he darted his golden blue eyes towards his mother. When Maryse saw there's a hint of red in Jace's eyes, she knew he has been crying, her doubts has been confirmed when Jace wiped his eyes with his fingers and tried to hide it away.
"Jacey." She said as she sat down and soon as she had her arms wrapped around his shoulder, he cried inconsolably in her embrace. "Shh, shh, I know sweetie." She softly whispered in his ear and he let his arm wrapped around her waist. His face hides further into her neck as he sobs through his tears. "I miss Alec." He cried and Maryse felt like a knife stabs into her heart hearing how her kids are feeling.
After a while Jace cried in her arm, he slowly released and wiped his face with the collar of his shirt. He leaned back against the bed with his knees still bend and Maryse sat quietly next to him. "Alec supposed to have this on time, what are we going to do now?" Jace said holding a piece white plastic in his hand and when Maryse looked further she recognized it as one of Alec's medication.
She took it from Jace's hand and slowly her tears dropped on her cheek. "I don't know, I really don't know what else I'm supposed to do." She said in all honesty. Jace leaned his head on Maryse's neck and continued to cry together. They both had been on this rough journey together ever since Alec got sick and now they are both out of ideas on how to find Alec.
The only thing they prayed for is Alec would be alright no matter where he is.
Maryse had to leave the suite to deal with the hotel in finding them a much cheaper room so she had to lie to the kids when she left the room. Max being the youngest in the family wanted badly to go with her but she promised him a gift if he promised to stay inside the hotel room. He obliged although the only thing he could have ever wanted was his big brother back so he stood and wait for his mother.
She reached the receptionist table and noticed a dark haired woman stood behind it with a smile on her face, "Hai, how may I help you?" She asked politely and Maryse replied with a weak smile on her face. "I need a favor, since I'll be staying much longer here, could you tell me which hotel is cheaper and closer to this place? and I'll be needing the current bill for now please." She asked and she could see the look on the girl face changes.
"Uhm, are you checking out today madam?" She asked again with her fingers clicking the keyboard in front of her. "Hopefully soon." She replied shortly and the girl nodded.
"The total bill would be thirty one hundred dollars, are you checking out today madam?" She asked again and Maryse felt her heart being stabbed in pieces. It wasn't supposed to cost more than that but due to the extension of days after Alec's disappearing it had increase higher.
"Probably today." She said and rubbed her temple, she sighed while checking her phone if any emails or calls from any of the people she had waited for. None of the people she expected had called not even from the transplant team, the people on finding Alec and Magnus, not even from Alec's hospital. The only thing was from work on cases she were asked if she wanted to review but she ignored them all and turn her phone off instead.
She was helpless and she felt like she wanted to fall on the floor and cry but the only thing she can do is keep putting on a straight face and smile at the receptionist with her best fakest smile she could gave her. She thanked her and slowly dragging her feet towards the outside of the hotel and found a bench on the sides. She took her place on that bench and sighed a long breath. She brings her palm on her face and rubbed her face hoping the warmth is calming her down but she failed so. She turned her phone back on and called the only number that can bring her calmness in her raging heart.
"Hey it's Alec, sorry I can't answer your call right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you." The beep that end her call brought her tears like a pouring rain. She misses that voice so much that she deliberately turned Alec's phone off on purpose. She wanted to hear that voice for days now and she couldn't help but holding it off and now she breaks like glasses.
She taps again the same number and the same voice telling her to leave a message repeatedly but she never did once left a message but this time she gave up, she had to so she would feel like Alec is listening on the other end.
"Alec? Where are you baby? I miss you so so much." Her cries breaks her voice and she prayed no one could listened to her right now or sees her like this. The beep telling her that the time is up and her message is being stored. She dialed again and the same voice repeated in her ear, "Alec, I'm going to find you, no matter what, I'm not sure if God would be anymore kinder lending you to me but I am not giving up sweetheart, not today. Not till I see you and have you back in my arms, I will not give up, you hear me, I love you. Mummy loves you."
She said as quick as she could to fit in the message and it did, she felt slightly relieved as if she was talking to Alec himself but somehow it helps. She wipes her tears dry and taps on her phone again but this time she dialed her husband's number instead.
"Honey?" He answered on the first rang, which indicates he had his phone in his hand the whole time. "Are you alone?" She sniffed and Robert sighed, she could hear shuffling and voices behind the speaker but later silent.
"I am now, I'm in the hallway, Izzy is looking after Max, Jace in his room. What's wrong?" He asked and Maryse sniffed again, rubbing her palm on her tip of her nose. "Are we making a mistake in coming here?" She asked and Robert sighed again. "No sweetheart, it's Alec's wish and we are just following his plan." Robert tried to calm her and angered how he couldn't be with her right now. "Come up, let's talk." Robert said and she shook her head before she answer knowing he couldn't see her reaction.
"No, I can't let them see me like this." She said rubbing her swollen eyes. "Honey the kid would understand, come up let's talk this out." Robert tries to persuade her again and she snapped. "I can't Robert! I can't let them hear what a failure I am as a mother! I couldn't even look after one kid, more or less four!" She said and more tears coming through her eyes and she could hear nothing but silence.
"Deep breath sweetheart, this isn't you." Robert started and Maryse obeyed. She took a deep breath before exhaling them out. "Listen, you are not a failure, you are never a failure. This is all nothing but a god plan darling. You are the strongest woman I have ever known in my life, Alec is as strong as you, I know we will get though this, we all will."
For years Maryse and Robert had their ups and down in their marriage and when Alec got sick the only thing that made her strong to this day is actually her husband, his words of wisdom and his patience made Maryse the woman she is today. "I had a bill checked today, it reached three thousands now." She said and she could hear Robert sighed on the other line.
"Why did you do that? I told you it's mine to worry not yours." He asked angrily and Maryse could imagined he had his palm over his hairless head rubbing it in frustration. "I had too, I was curious and now I'm worried, what if it got too much and we won't be able to pay it off, we need to get out from this hotel by today and find a new one before tonight." She anxiously tell her husband she could hear people going in and out from the hotel door next to her.
"Darling, we can't find a new hotel within this hour and it would already make no sense to pay full day but stayed half a day. We'll just stay in tonight and get a new one tomorrow alright?" Robert tried to be reason with her and heard how she sighed on the other line. "Okay." She answered desperately. "Come up sweetheart." Robert asked and she hummed in respond.
She stayed seated on the bench for few more minutes trying to recollect herself. She finally managed to get her strength back and when she stood and tried to leave, she was bumped into a hard wall or rather a tall body. When she looked up, Asmodeus was looking down at her with a frown on his face.
"S-Sorry." She mumbles and tries to escape the awkward situation and when she did, she was called by him. "I heard everything." He simply said and Maryse couldn't help but rubbed her lips together. "What?" She said after she turned and met his gaze again. The guy could fool her by being concerned at her state right now but somehow his facial expression confuses her.
"I heard your - words, I envy how close you are with your son and your family. I could help." He said and Maryse was taken back by his words. She could feel the glimpsed of hope flashes in between her eyes but she retracted back when she remembers exactly who it was offered to her.
"Keep your sympathy to your self and you can shove it up your ass." Maryse said and the words may have angered Asmodeus greatly only that she didn't stick around to find out for more. She quickly rushed to the hotel lobby and she could see him trying to escape the crowd in the lobby and get to her, "YOU!" He screamed and Maryse couldn't felt anymore anxious than before. Now she felt like she's being hunt down by a police only this time it's far worst than a cop.
Luckily for her the elevator shuts and rode up without stopping. As soon as the door open she ran towards the suite and pressed the key on the scanner. She rushed inside locking every single key on the door and exhaled a long breath of relieve. "Mum?"
She turned and saw Izzy behind her with a weird look on her face. She must be looking like a mess right now and with her panting out of breath she couldn't find a word to explain. "Yes Isabelle?" She asked also looking behind her trying to find out who else in there with them. "We have a guest." She said and she can see the girl Anna is turning her head towards her with Charles by her side. "Hai." She said cheery.
A/N: I know you guys have been waiting on my updates and waited impatiently for this. I'm sorry to say I will updating a bit slow since I had problems with my shoulders. But there is no need to be so vigilant about it and honestly I am tired of people being a jerk to other people. If you have something to say make sure it's worth saying, not making others feels like they are under your feet. It's bad enough that person has a bad day or some other thing but there is no need for you to make it worst.
P/S: I forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT DADDARIO!!!!!!! 🎉🎊🎉❤️🎈🎈 thank you for being our Alexander 🥰🥰
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