Part 23
"Hey." Robert called his wife that was sitting in the dark living room alone with her thoughts. He woke up few minutes ago and found his bed side is empty and his wife is not anywhere in the room. When he came out from the room, he noticed Maryse sitting on the couch staring into the wall alone.
When he greeted her softly, she was trying to hide her tears away from him but he knew better. He tapped the table lamp opened and saw how his wife's face is filled with sadness and grief. Her eyes that filled with tears were wiped too quickly and it smeared the tears to the side of her temple.
Her perfectly sculpted nose that he loves was blotched red and her face sunken into her sadness. "Hey." Her voice croaked in her own tears and Robert took his seat next to her on the couch. He opened his arms wide and Maryse leaned into his shoulder hugging his side. She let her arms wrapped around his belly and rested her head on his chest.
"Wanna tell me about it?" He asked her and she shook her head denying that everything is indeed falling apart in her life right now. The fact that they are both sitting in the dark in early morning makes it harder for them.
"Is it Alec?" He asked her and slowly she nods and another sobs break. "I had a dream about him. I couldn't sleep after I woke up from that dream." She said hugging her husband tighter. "What is it about." He let his hand twirled around her hair and once a while stroking her shoulders.
"Alec's in trouble. The way he's calling me for help and when I tried to reach him, he just get further and further away." She explained briefly but Robert knew how hard it is for her to explain without breaking into another tears.
"We're gonna find him soo sweetheart, I could stay for few more days." He offered but Maryse shook her head declining the offer and she raised her body facing him. "No, you have to go back, we can't all stay here and do nothing. It'll cost us too much." She said and Robert sighed rubbing his temple. "It's not the money we are concerning about Maryse, Alec meant everything to us, more than all the money we could have in this world. I can't stay in LA worrying about our family divided like this. I can't bear my heart to leave you here all alone looking for my son, my son Maryse." He emphasized the word and slowly a threatening tear fell on his cheek.
"I'm sorry." She said with tears rolling on her face as well. "I don't want us to be more apart than we are right now." She said and Robert sighed in relieved to hear those words coming out from her. He pulled her back to his chest and continued to cry her tears in his embrace.
"I'm so worried of Alec. I can't lose him yet, I want my son back." She sobbed and Robert couldn't utter any more words, he too wanted his son back, safe and sound in his arm, with his family. "Give him back to me Robert, please." She pleaded lastly.
"Asmo?" Anna called for him but he didn't exactly answered her. She flipped the switched on the living area and saw him by the liquor cabinet on the side drown into his drinks. "Hey." She called as soon as she spotted him. He didn't turned to see his fiancé and instead, poured himself another drink.
"How much you had drank tonight?" She asked and he scoffed. "None of your concern, you don't like to see me like this, you can leave too." He said and she sighed. She placed her bags on the couch since she just got back from her meeting with Maryse earlier.
She stepped closer to her drunk fiancé and raised her arm on his shoulder. He flinched and tried to walk away but she grabbed it instead and made him face her. "Look I know you are sad about Magnus but it's not over yet, they are going to find him, I know it." She assured him but when he stared into her eyes, it only filled with hatred like someone hurt him deeply.
"Bane always cursed for losing an heir." He simply said making Anna gasped in shock. "What do you mean by that?" She asked as she saw him circling around the glass table with the drink in his hand. "How my father almost lost me for my near drown and now this." He flat his arm out proving his point. "Magnus is somewhere out there because of my own fault. I couldn't put my business away and instead of spending my time with my own son, I let my own happiness ahead of his." He tilted his glass up finished it in a gulp. Later he raised the glass to smash it to the ground but Anna grabbed it in time.
He was caught by surprised when his arms were caught by Anna's small grip, his eyes stares deeply into hers and found it wasn't the usual warmth and softness in them anymore but rather furious and pure disappointment.
"You were right. It is your fault. But what is the point of proving it by smashing things around like this. Prove to Magnus how wrong you are and don't ever stop looking for him. I'm sure he would be happy to see his father tried to find him till the end of the earth because he loves him." Anna spoke so eloquently and it triggers Asmodeus heart to a rude awakening.
"Magnus hates me, Charles also hated me and wanted to quit. Why bother proving to other people?" He said pulling his arm away from Anna's grip. She sighed staring at his behavior and witnessed how he stumbled with his own drunk gait and finally sat on the couch.
She went to his side and sat on the floor with her arm crossed on his knees, "Listen, no one hates you. They just hate the decision you made. They know you are not this person, you just have to show them the person that I fell in love with. The loving father, the greatest friend and the most humble boss anyone has ever met. Prove to them it's still worth giving you a chance and you need to give them a chance as well."
Asmodeus looked at Anna's pleading face and the word hits him, "Prove whom? The family that caused all of this in the first place?" He asked and Anna sighed pinching her nose bridge together. "That family has been nothing but a greater companion Magnus ever had. They had suffered much and with their son is sick and missing, I doubt they are no difference than us. The woman, Maryse, I met her before, she was nothing like you would expected it to be. She is strong but I know she is dying inside."
Anna pressed her lips together inhaled a breath and release before she continued. "Prove to her that you and her are on the same team. That you both want to find Magnus and Alec together safe and sound. The least that we could do is helped that family to get their son back." She said and Asmodeus scoffed in disbelief.
"That family should be so lucky I didn't press charges on them. If it wasn't for you and Charles keep bragging about that family so I don't. But don't push me to the limit or so help me god, I would." He simply said with no hint of guilt in his words. He heard how Anna sighed and stood abruptly.
"You know what Asmodeus, you are nothing but a selfish and cruel person to me right now. Either you do something to prove your being and help that family or we should call off the wedding." She said and the words sobered him up immediately.
"Wait what?" He tried to stand and face Anna but she already turned and tried to leave the living area but her arm was caught by Asmodeus in time. "No, don't you dare say that and leave. You want to call off the wedding is that what you want?" He asked her and kept his death grip on her small wrist. She didn't turned to face him earlier but hearing his words makes her do so.
When she faced him, she already had tears in her eyes and she held it strongly not too break in front of him. When he saw how Anna tried so hard not too break, his face softens into regret. Slowly he kneeled on the floor with his arms wrapped around her waist leaning his head against her stomach.
"I'm sorry. Please don't leave Anna. I need you more than anything right now. Please forgive me." He whispered and slowly he raised his head looking into her face. She breaks into her tears slowly lowering herself straddling on Asmodeus lap. She cupped both of his cheek with her small hand and have his eyes met hers.
"I love you, I know what a good person you are. But we are not the only one suffering darling. You need to help those family too before they will lose their son for good. Please helped them too, ease their burden. Imagined if the role is reversed and we are at their place instead of us right now. How would you feel to have Magnus sick and dying in the middle of nowhere with no help."
Their foreheads met and slowly Asmodeus breaks and nodded. He wrapped his arm around her small body and hugged her tight into his arm. "I'm sorry. I'll make things right. I promise." He whispered into her ears and snuggled into her neck. He had lost his son, his only trustworthy person and now he almost lost the love of his life for his ego. He refused to let her go thinking how he needed her too much in his life.
"ALEC!" Magnus called over and over again. The scene is too horrifying for him, although he did witnessed Alec collapsed in front of him too much too count but this time is different. He didn't have anyone to help him and no doctors or nurses to help him with Alec's condition.
He didn't meant to punch Alec but hearing the words is too painful for him and since he was little, anger and aggressive behavior has been his one way of showing his emotions. But this time, he went far with his anger and cause Alec his pain again.
He could see Alec clutched his chest before he fell on the ground, his screamed frightened Magnus to his bones and when he rushed to his side, he was already unconscious. "Alec, wake up, oh god I'm so sorry." He turned Alec's body so he laid on his back and his face didn't even twitch when Magnus tapped his shoulder.
He shook, tapped and slapped Alec's face to wake him up but failed. He didn't know exactly what to do and how to wake him up. So he just grabbed the coconut husk that lay around on the ground and rushed to the ocean to grab some sea water filled in the coconut husk.
The water dripped from the three hole as Magnus rushed back to Alec's unconscious body on the ground, then he accidentally poured the whole thing on his face. He was thinking on only flicked few drops on his face but he and his trembling hands couldn't keep it at bay and a trip back made him stumbled his own feet with Alec and poured the whole thing on his face and chest.
Alec sudden awakening made Magnus felt glad that he did it. Alec coughed few times before he winced in pain. His hand still clutching on his chest and his face contorted in severe pain. "Alec I'm so sorry." Magnus called as Alec tried to raise himself up on his elbow but he fell back only this time caught by Magnus by his side. "You should be." Alec said still releasing a few coughs.
"Fuck Magnus." Alec suddenly said raising himself from Magnus' support. He looked underneath his shirt through his collar and Magnus tried to take a peek only he wasn't able to do so and Alec quickly pressed his shirt on his chest. He clicked his tongue and his face still shown pain only Magnus confuses with a hint of fear and disappointment.
"What is it?" He asked and Alec shoved him back with his palm on Magnus' chest. "Get off, you'd done enough." He said and crawled to their sleeping area and rested on the tree bark exhaling a long breath.
"You know what, I thought I feel bad about this but I guess I'm not. Screw you Alexander." He said standing on his both legs looking down at Alec who now leaned his back against the tree and his eyes darted away from Magnus.
When he didn't exactly answer him, Magnus took his cue to leave him alone instead and walked away from the area. Alec saw how he walked along the beaches in anger and kept tossing the pebbles into the ocean and screamed in frustration.
"Oh god, please, please don't let it break." Alec whispered lifting his shirt up to inspect his device under his skin. He couldn't know exactly if the device works or not since it was automatic function but he can't stick around and waited for it to prove its broken.
"Oh god please get us out of here before it's too late. Please let me see my family one last time, please god." Alec said looking up to the sky hidden by the leaves. He never exactly prayed before but he felt the need this time. He feared the worst has yet to come and although he felt nothing at the moment, he is afraid for the next.
Magnus has gone for quite some time and Alec felt worried at him. He was a spoilt child but he also broken and Alec felt bad for triggering his anger. The look on Magnus face when Alec opened his eyes were haunting. It is almost as if he was afraid of losing Alec. Even though it was his fault but at least he felt bad for doing so, for a short while and then he went back to being an asshole he was before.
Alec heard leaves and sticks snaps when he was resting so he turned his head towards the noise and relief flooded his chest to see Magnus is walking back towards him. He raised himself up to make him sits properly and waited for Magnus to talk to him. In his mind he was juggling whether or not to tell Magnus the truth since now he didn't know how far the damage has been.
But he was disappointed when Magnus walked passed him and ignored his being there. He sat on the other side resting his back on the tree not facing Alec at all. "Magnus." Alec called but he didn't answer him exactly and Alec had no choice but to went to him and get his attention instead.
He raised himself with such difficulty, the pain soared to his back and his left arm making it hard for him to pushed himself up. He winced in pain clutching his chest with his right palm and breath in and out. Slowly he raised himself up and walked towards Magnus who seated with his both knees folded.
His short pants barely covering his knees and when he seated such way it fell on his thigh instead showing his caramel tan skin. "Magnus." Alec called again from his side but he ignored him again. He looked to the other way completely ignoring Alec's presence by his side.
Alec sighed and sat on the ground next to him trying to get him to see his face or at least pay some attention to what he had to say. "Magnus please, I need to tell you something." He started but Magnus kept himself in silenced still not acknowledging Alec next to his side.
"Magnus please we need to talk. It's really important." Alec said again and Magnus scoffed. "There is nothing for us to talk about Alexander. Now leave me alone!" He said, words seething through his teeth and Alec could taste the pain in his words.
"Please you need to know this, it's important." He tries again but Magnus clicked his tongue again and got up from his seat, "You know what Alec, I had enough, I thought it was fun at first but I regret everything about this. I regret helping out your family, I regret the day I met your stupid family and I regret meeting you! Why don't you just crawled into a hole and die!"
The words hits Alec right in his chest and he could feel the burning heat spreading warmth through his chest. He tried to stood again and this time he only winced a little and kept himself strong to face whatever comes next.
"You know what Magnus if I was all alone in this world I would crawled into a hole and die in there without worrying how anyone else thinks about me. But I am not alone, I am here with you and we should work as a team to figure how to get away from this island instead of arguing with each other each time we talk!"
Magnus rolled his eyes upward and clicked his tongue again and turned to leave the place. Alec followed behind him and tried to catch up with his fast movement. He grabbed his arm and turned him around to face him, "Look, Magnus just stop this attitude and for once in your life, just grow up!" He said harshly and he could see red on Magnus' face as he said so.
"Fuck you!" Magnus said and turned again walking away from Alec and this time Alec let him. He was too tired to argue anymore and he felt his knees wobbled and the ground is like jelly. He fell on his butt not bothering to catch up with Magnus' rage and let him disappeared from his view.
Slowly Alec breaks into his own tears and he sobbed, he raised his palm on his face pulling his messy hair back and kept his eyes towards the ocean. His tears were falling like waterfall and it fell cool against his skin as the wind blew on his face. The sun sets high on the sky marking it's time probably noon but Alec couldn't care less about the time right now.
"Why are you crying?" A sudden voice spoke beside him and when he looked up he saw Magnus stand beside him only a few feet away. He quickly wiped his tears away and stood from the ground. He wobbled few times before he could steady his gait and Magnus finds it awkward to see him like that.
"You came back." He said wiping his tears with his palm. "Like I had anywhere else to go." He said and stared into the ocean. "Look." They both said at the same time and Alec almost smiled. "Y-You go first." Alec stutters and let Magnus finished his words.
"Look you're right, we have to stick together in order for us to get out from here. It is getting bored here and I want to leave. I miss my shower, I miss eating meat and I miss my phone okay." Magnus stated and Alec pressed his lips together trying to hide his smile and laughter.
He nodded slowly in happiness and his eyes glistened with tears. "Now stop crying and tell me what are you going to tell me earlier." He said and Alec shook his head. He thought about telling him but since they both tried to work together, he decided not too. Magnus would look at him differently, treated him differently and that is the last thing Alec wanted from him.
"I forgot what I was gonna say." He said and he could hear Magnus clicked his tongue again and glared at his foolishness. He walked closer closing their gap and now stood an inch away from each other. Alec stares at his face trying to figure out what he intend to do and when Magnus raised his palm out Alec flinched in fear.
When he saw Magnus holding out his hand for a shake he let his eyes met Magnus' brown orbs again but this time he could see disappointment in his. "You though I was gonna hit you?" He asked and he could hear hurt in his tone. He wanted to say no and tell him not to think about it but he can't lie anymore to his face.
"You sort of did it twice already." Alec lifted his index and middle finger up signing how much time Magnus had hit him already. He could see how his words cut him deep and Magnus kept his stares on the ground in shame. "I-I'm sorry." He whispered and Alec felt how hard he tried to lower his ego and his pride for him.
"Apology accepted. Friends?" He raised his palm instead and Magnus eyed it for a second, he grabbed it with his and shook it firmly while staring into Alec's eyes. "Friends." He repeated and smiled. Alec smiled back and sighed in relieve. At least one thing is settled, he thought for now.
"Okay I know I hide this but since we are friends now, I should let you know I have this." Magnus handed out his pocket knife and gave them to Alec. At first he wanted to burst into anger but since they had make amends, he didn't want to spoiled things since how good it has been.
He sighed inspecting the knife turning it upside down, back and forth. "It's beautiful, did your father gave this to you?" He said and Magnus scoffed wanting to make a rude remark against his disappointing father but chose not to instead. "No, Charles did." He said taking the knife back from Alec's hand.
"Charles is not your uncle, why did you tell my family he is?" Alec questioned and he could see how uncomfortable Magnus is at the moment. But before he could tell him not to answer Magnus beat him to it. "Because I rather have your family treated me like anyone else. I hate people kissing my ass for my money and fame." He simply said and took a bite on the papaya he plucked earlier. "Plus he is more family than my own flesh and blood." Alec sat in silenced thinking how pathetic it is to live like Magnus, wealthy but unloved.
He gave half of the papaya to Alec and noticed he didn't touched his. "Why are you not eating?" He asked and Alec looked into his half piece deeply. "Uhm- I'm not hungry." He lied but Magnus could see though him. "Liar." He said and took the half cut papaya from Alec's hand and cut them in smaller pieces before holding it to his mouth.
"Eat." He commanded and Alec was taken back by his sudden gesture of feeding him. He took the piece from the edge of the knife with his finger and chewed slowly. "Can I ask you something?" Magnus began and Alec swallowed dryly before he nodded, "Sure." He said waiting for Magnus to question his thoughts.
"Do you really think I would hit you just now?" He asked and Alec stares into Magnus' eyes, he saw nothing but fear and disappointment in it and he tried to make it better. "Uhm, only at first." He said and Magnus kept quiet.
"Why does it bother you?" He said and he could see how Magnus darted his eyes away from him. "Nothing important." He said biting another piece, "Magnus. Come on tell me." He pleaded and Magnus sighed.
"I don't like you seeing me that way. I never meant to hurt you, it's just sometimes I let my anger gets me." He replied in shame and Alec nodded with a half smile. "I won't see you that way if only you promise me not to let your anger gets the best of you." Alec said and slowly he could see a smile form on Magnus' face, he nodded before he made the promised himself. "I won't, I promised." He said and Alec smiles.
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