Part 22

"Where are you taking me?" Alec asked after being solely irritated by Magnus waking him up too early for his liking. "You'll see." He said continued on walking the path. Alec was rather enjoying himself walking underneath the shades of tall trees making it effortless for him to walk and the path is filled with dead leaves and wild bushes, it cracked and twitched upon their steps.

He could hear water as they walked further and he doubted it was the ocean. As they walk closer Alec could see a river passed with a small waterfall stood in front of them. His mouth gaped in amaze and Magnus couldn't help but to smile at his small reaction. "Told you it'll be worth it." He said and starts to take off his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked taking a few steps behind, "Come on Alexander, you're a smart person, what a waterfall and my behavior indicates?" He asked sarcastically and Alec scowled. "What I meant is why do you take off your clothes in front of me?" He tried to hide his embarrassment, he crossed his arm over his chest looking at anywhere but the magnificent body in front of him.

"Why? Are you a girl inside underneath those dirty clothes?" He asked and followed by a chuckle. Alec wasn't amused by his words and hugs his body tighter. "Suit yourself, I'm going in." Magnus said and starts to take his steps towards the big stone by the edge of water. He jumped in and made a perfect splash and seconds later emerged into the water with a smile on his face.

"Come on Alec! The water feels great." He said and start to swim around swaying his arm side to side. Alec looked closer and stepped on the stones but not close enough to the edge. He looked down in the water and looked at Magnus. "What? There's no one around." Magnus said turning his body around to made his point.

"Look, you can wear your shirt if you are shy." He said and Alec looked up to his face. If only he knew Alec didn't want him to see his scar all over his stomach and chest. He was too insecure over his own body that he didn't bother to let Magnus know what happened.

He slowly stood by the rock letting his feet dangled into the water and saw Magnus swam closer to his legs. "Need help?" He asked holding out his hand but Alec shook his head. "Suit yourself." He said and swam back down underwater.

Alec waited for a while for Magnus to emerge like he did earlier but he didn't that got him panicked. "Magnus?" He called but no answer which brings Alec to his feet. "MAGNUS!" He screamed for his name but nothing. "Stop playing around." He called again, pleading in his voice. The water is so calm and no splashes noted unlike before. He worried Magnus maybe stuck underwater or worst something in the water tried to eat him. He cursed all the movies he watched before that proved this situation.

He didn't think twice and jumped in the water with his clothes on and he tried to find him anywhere from the last place he saw him but nothing. He emerged from the water to get some air and when he did, he gasped a long breath, "Magnus!" He screamed again and this time he could heat rustling of grass behind him and when he looked Magnus is nicely seated on the stone soaking wet with a smile on his face.

"Glad you are worried about me. At least I got you in the water." He said smugly and Alec stared at him with another scowl. He felt betrayed, stupid and played by his demeanor behavior and this isn't the first time. Alec swam to the river banks and lift himself up to the ground. Magnus tried to help him up but he smacked his hand away in anger.

"Oh come on, you already halfway, why don't you enjoy the water for a while?" He said calmly and Alec couldn't care less of his attempt to cheer him nor enjoying himself on this island. Alec stomped his feet back to the beach leaving Magnus behind laughing at him. In his mind, he had thousands way off killing him but he can't just yet, he needed him, they needed each other to survive.


Alec noticed the fire they put yesterday are already gone and the wood has burnt out too pieces. He wanted to collect new woods to warm themselves later tonight but he doubt the wood would even lit later with his soaked body. So instead he sat under the sun on the sand drying himself up. He looked into the ocean staring at the blue that had no end and not even a single boat located anywhere near them. The only boat there is was the one they came in with and it's secured by the stone where Magnus had left them.

Minutes later he heard shuffling of footsteps behind him and when he turned his head Magnus came into the view. He scoffed and turned his gaze back into the ocean. He could feel Magnus sat by his side leaving a gap of one person in between them. He didn't bother to look at him and let his gaze straight into the blue.

"Why are you so mad at me? Did I do something?" He asked all of sudden and Alec didn't want to say anything. His mind is haunted by the series of his dreams, his family and his own personal problem to think about why he is angry at Magnus.

He didn't exactly answer him and kept his arm wrapped around his knees, he could hear Magnus sighed next to him and more shuffling. They were both sat in silenced not able to utter any word. But the silenced were interrupted by Alec's grumbling tummy and he could hear Magnus chuckled next to him.

"Here." Alec was tossed a piece of banana, and he was caught by surprised. When he looked Magnus has a bunch of them and he stared at Magnus face. "Where did you get this?" He asked and Magnus continued eating it without looking at his face. "From the tree of course. Banana grows from its tree Alexander." He said smiling at his own sarcastic explanation.

"I know it grow on the tree Magnus but you couldn't exactly rip it apart unless you had a knife!" He screamed kneeling next to Magnus.

"Oh, you don't think I'm strong enough to rip it apart?" He asked again which brings Alec's temper at the max level. "Quit play around Magnus! Just don't act like this is some sort of a trip for you! If you have things that could help us escape, you better tell me now!" He screamed at his face and this time Alec already stood on his feet. Magnus followed standing in front of him staring at his face.

"Oh like you could have told me yesterday how you have a lighter to help us lit a fire without being freeze to death?!" He shouted back at him and Alec scoffed. "I meant things like could protect us from anything Magnus! There are things on this island that could hurt us and we need something like a weapon to survive!" He explained but Magnus won't budge. "Fire isn't a weapon?" He asked again crossing his arm over his chest and Alec huffed in annoyance. "You are soo annoying!!!" He screamed and tried to grab the whole bunch from the ground but Magnus took the other end.

"Magnus let go!" He ordered but Magnus didn't budged and continue to grab the other end firmly in his both palm. He raised his eyebrow up and stared at Alec with a smirk on his face "And where exactly you think you're going with my banana?" He asked and Alec glared at him.

"We need to learn how to share or we won't survive." Alec tried to say without screaming at him, his words seething through his teeth. "Since when?" He asked again and Alec swear he wanted to kill him right here right now. "Since you got me stuck in here in the first place!" He screamed but Magnus didn't respond the usual way he did.

"I am not responsible at your stupid decision to come aboard with me Alexander! You are! Plus my banana!" He pointed his index finger at Alec and tugged it harder so Alec released his grip from the bunch and it fell from his hand onto the ground with Magnus along with it. "Fine! Have it your way then." He said and turned to leave.

"Where the hell you're going?" Magnus screamed at him but Alec refused to turn his face to answer. "FAR, FAR away from you!" He screamed letting his legs stomped on the sand heading nowhere. The island isn't exactly big enough and they surely will see each other. "FINE!" He heard Magnus screamed behind him and he didn't bother to respond either way.


Alec continued walking under the heat and found a palm tree so he decided to rest underneath it. His chest is burning and his body is tired since he didn't eat anything. He looked up to the bright clear sky, not even a plane crossed by and he thought of the time. It is probably around ten to eleven and no wonder if his stomach is rumbling.

He noticed how his breath has shortened especially staying with Magnus would let his heart down to the drain. He wonder how long exactly he could live on this island before it gave up. More importantly, how are his family coping with this, especially his mother. He wished he didn't left the way he did and if he knew things like this would happened, he won't go and find Magnus in the first place.


"Anything?" Maryse asked as Robert finished the call. He sighed looking down on his phone turning the call off and shook his head slowly. Maryse exhaled a breath before sitting down on the couch with Izzy on her side and Jace with Max on his lap opposite of her.

"Mum, we will find them. Alec is stronger than you think." Isabelle said stroking her arm up and down. She sighed before she nodded and smiled her fakest smile. She excused herself from her own family to head to her room and rest. She didn't realized her husband followed behind her but when she heard the door open and closed she turned to see who it was.

"Sweetheart, we are going to find him, I'm not gonna stop looking." Robert said closing their gap with a hug. She nodded in his neck closing her arm together and slowly breaking into a small sobs. "I know you won't." She whispered before releasing her arm and stared at her husband face.

She sat slowly on the bed with Robert kneeled in front of her placing his arm on her thighs. She wrapped her hands around his and they both stared into each other's tired eyes. "I need you to do me a favor." She spoke again after she managed to control her tears. "Anything darling." He answered gripping their fist tighter.

"I need you to take the kids back to LA as schedule. I'm gonna stay here and look for Alec with Magnus' family instead." She said and she could see the colors from her husband's face drained and his eyes slowly turned into anger.

"NO!" He said before he stood releasing their clutched hands. "Alec is my son too! I don't need you to tell me to leave! I want to be here more than you imagined I am being." Robert slightly raised his voice pacing around the room in anger.

"That's not the reason why I want you to leave Robert. Please listen to me first." She begs and grabbed her husband into her embrace. He slowly calm down staring at his own wife's face, he raised his palm and cupped her wet cheeks.

"We can't all stay here and look for Alec. The room is already expensive and I couldn't let you guys stayed in smaller room just because we all wanted to look for Alec. I will get a small room for myself and if I had to stay on the streets I would but not little Maxie. Sweetie, think about Max, he is too young for all of this hardship." She whispered looking straight into her husband's eyes.

The brown has darkened and tears dripping from it. Robert slowly nodded obliged to her words thinking it was the right thing to do. "I can't leave you here alone while Alec is missing out there by himself. What if something happened to you, what if something happened to Alec-" he was stopped by Maryse holding her finger to his lips.

"Don't you dare say that." She warned and Robert sighed again. "At this point, we have to think the worst." He said and Maryse slowly lowered her hand back to her side. "Alec is stronger than we think, remember?" She asked, her eyes glistened with hope and Robert couldn't bear his heart to tell otherwise, so he just nodded with a smile before bringing her closer to his embrace.

"We will be alright." He whispered and felt Maryse nodded in their hugs. They both had to make sacrificed for the sake of their family and at this point he didn't knew exactly if their family would recover or not.


"What it looks to me is that none of you knows how to do a fucking job!" Asmodeus screamed into his phone and before the other person could explained, he turned off the call and throw his phone on the bed. Anna has gone out somewhere which he didn't knew exactly where and Charles in the living room with the police.

He came out from the room and saw they are hand shaking to each other and it brings his attitude back in the room. "Did you find anything?" He asked sternly, his voice boomed in the room startling them both.

"Not yet sir." Charles answered and the police officer excused himself to leave the room. Asmodeus scoffed in disgust before pouring himself another drink.

"If you had gone with my plan, all of these won't happened." Asmodeus mentioned and Charles sworn he would still have his respect over the guy he had worked all of his lives, but he couldn't so instead, he snapped.

"It won't have happened if you have kept your promises. The boy was miserable since the day we've got here and the only thing that could cheered him is that sole family whom you despised so greatly. They have lost a son too, not just you!"

Charles sudden raised of voice startled Asmodeus and he couldn't remember the last time he saw him being this angry. He stood in his place and stared at Charles coming closer to him. "That family has suffered enough, their son is sick and he stuck with your son. But now he is nowhere to be found. If anything happened to him, it's all on you." He stated pointing his finger at him not bother to think his own life he jeopardized.

"Don't forget you are still working for me Charles, watch your tone." Asmodeus warned and gulped the drink in one breath before slamming it down on the table. Charles scoffed shaking his head and starts to leave the room, he grabbed the door knob and before he leaves, he glanced at drunk Asmodeus one last time.

"I'll be at your service till we found Magnus, after that, you shall expected my resignation ready on your table. Good day Mr Bane." He said slamming the door shut and heard the glass breaks into pieces afterwards. He shook his head knowing how Magnus and his father inherited the same thing including their great grandfather before them, the Bane are well known by their temper, especially when they are drunk.


Knock, knock.

The sudden knock were heard and Maryse quickly jumped on her feet to see who it was. She didn't bother to look through the peep hole and just opened the door wide. When she saw the woman came with Magnus' father stood in front of her, she shrunk into disappointment. "Can I help you?" She asked.

The woman smiled before she continued. "I don't think you remember me, we met before at the groceries store back in LA? I'm Anna." She holds out her palm and Maryse stared at her with a crooked eyebrow and slowly she remembers. "Oh my god, yes. You right." She took the hand and shook it respectfully and bring her inside their suite.

"Nice room." She said, her eyes lingered around for the members of the family but it seems no one is there but them.

"My kids are exhausted so they are asleep, my husband is in the shower." Maryse noticed how awkward to have to explain to her but she nodded understood either way. "It's fine."

She sat on the couch making herself perfectly comfortable and Maryse joined her. "Would you like a drink?" She offered but she shook her head declined the offer. "No thanks, I am just here to check on you guys. I know it must be hard for you." She said and Maryse sat on the couch next to her with a soft smile on her face.

"Uhm, yeah." She brings her hair that fall on her face behind ear before she gaze on Anna. "I couldn't have imagine you guys would have to feel the same way." She mentioned and Anna pursed her lips before responded.

"I heard about your son, Alec?" She started and Maryse couldn't help but to escape this conversation. "Charles mentioned to the police he is sick, that's why I came here. Is it true?" She asked and Maryse rubbed her lips together hoping she won't have to go through this conversation.

She nodded in silenced couldn't bear to look at her. "He has a heart problem." She told her and she scooted closer to comfort her. "You wanna see him?" She tries to hide her sadness and showed her Alec's happy face. She took out her phone from her pants and slide through her gallery. She picked the most recent photo of Alec she could find and showed it to her.

It was the photo of their day together, Alec hated taking pictures but somehow when Maryse raised the camera to their faces, he smiled the most widest smile and hugs her closer into the frame.

"He's so handsome but where have I seen him before?" Anna claims, her eyebrow formed together in questioning look and tried to remember where did she seen Alec before.

"I doubt you have met him." Maryse said and turned off the phone and shoved it back into her pockets. "No I do. He was at our house that night. Magnus took him home unconscious." Anna explained and Maryse felt her whole world crashed into pieces. Alec had been unconscious before behind her back without her knowing.

"What happened?" She asked her and Anna shrugged. "Beats me, he said he was tired and fainted. It shook Magnus to death. He's the one- oh!" She stopped herself before she continued and her lips formed an 'O' in surprised.

"What?" Maryse asked and Anna stared at her face in pity. "I couldn't imagine how you felt right now, Alec is really sick and he is out there with no treatment nor medication." She claims and Maryse eyes slowly drenched with tears. "He is stronger than you thought." She denies her thought and still hold on to the hope.

"I'm sure he is. I know you are." She said gripping Maryse's shoulder in assurance. She could hear the door opened and closed from behind the room and knew it was her cue to leave. "I'll talk to you soon okay." She said as she stood to leave. Maryse only nodded and smiled at her kindness. She doubt how she could love such a horrible person as Magnus' father.

"Let me know if you heard anything." She asked and Anna turned with a smile. "Of course." She said and said her goodbyes. Maryse closed the door in hope she would be true to her words.


Alec felt his stomach rumbles even stronger and he couldn't handle it anymore so he went back to where he and Magnus camped earlier. As he walked, he saw Magnus lay down on the sand under the tree with his arm covering his face. Alec couldn't help but felt reluctant to face him and wanted to go back and stay the far away from him. He should have listened to his mother but he was stubborn enough for his own mistakes.

He took a deep breath before exhaling them and walked further and getting closer. He saw Magnus raised his head to look at the source of sound and when he knew it was coming from Alec, he scoffed and went back to sleep.

Alec sat opposite of him hugging his folded knees together staring at Magnus in front of him. He was shirtless and the only thing he wears is his brief. His yellow skin has slowly turned darkened into a light tan which makes him even more attractive.

"M-Magnus c-can we talk?" Alec asked but Magnus didn't answer and kept his silenced. Alec sighed before he continued. "I'm sorry." He started and it bring Magnus' attention towards him. "What did you said?" He asked again and bring his body on his elbow looking straight at Alec.

"I said I'm sorry." Alec repeated with his voice cracks towards the end. He couldn't look at Magnus' face when he said it but then he heard Magnus cracks into laughter. "My god, I can't believe you actually said that." He said continued his laughter.

Alec couldn't care less about Magnus belittle him in such way, the only thing he could think of is putting up to his annoying behavior so they could get out from this island together. So he just kept his silenced and let Magnus had his moment.

"I wish I have my phone to record those, it was precious." He said and lay back on the sand covered tree trunk. His arms folded behind his head and his eyes focused on Alec's sullen face. He took out one of the banana and handed to Alec, slowly his eyes lid and his hand raised to grab it.

Alec peeled it one by one and ate them, soon it only left half of the bunch with both of them filling their stomach together. No one spoke anything since and the place scattered with banana peels. Alec starts to pick it up each one of them including the one Magnus tossed and collected it to one side.

"Leave it, it's not like this island is clean anyway. Plus no one is paying you to clean up." Magnus said smugly and Alec shook his head.

"You shouldn't do something because of getting paid. Plus this is food, it will attracts more animals to our spots." He said gathering the peels and throw them away a meter away from their place and came back to his earlier spots.

"Aren't you civil." Magnus claimed rolling his eyes upward but Alec didn't care about his childish remark. "Tell me something Alexander, anything." Magnus started and Alec looked at him in questioning look. "There is nothing to tell." Alec claimed and hugged his knees together. He saw Magnus shuffled from his lying position to lay on his side supported by his elbow looking straight at Alec.

"For starter, don't hug your knees like that, it made me feels like I'm stuck here with a five year old." Magnus mentioned and Alec slowly bringing his feet down and straightened them. He cleared his throat before he asked Magnus. "Fine, you want to ask anything, I'll ask. Why are you always being an asshole?" Alec asked and he hoped for seriousness only to be answered by Magnus more laughters.

"I guess you are the trigger." He said after his laughter had died down. "My turn." He said to Alec and he waited for it. "How is it feels not having your mother changing your diapers since yesterday?" Alec was fuming towards Magnus attempt of making jokes and hit him with a pebbles on the ground. It hit Magnus on his chest but it ricochet to the other way. "Fuck you!" Alec replied and stood from the ground patting his pants from the sand and it accidentally goes into Magnus' eyes.

"OW!!" He screamed rubbing his eyes with his fingers alerting Alec from his stand. He straddled Magnus with his both long legs on his side and his arm held Magnus' wrist. "No stop! Don't rub your eyes." Alec warned him and he closed his eyes tightly in pain. "Let me see." Alec begs and he turned his head away not letting him touch the area but Alec held his cheek together to face him.

"Let me see, Magnus." Alec said softly and slowly he turned his head to face front and Alec raised his fingers to his forehead, spreading Magnus' lower eyelids with his thumb, he could see red behind it and tears forming.

He couldn't see anything but he knew what he needed to do. Slowly he brought his lips closer to Magnus' eyes and give a couple of hard blow. "Open your eyes now." Alec said and slowly he could see the brown orbit staring at him. Magnus flutters his eyes and felt better than earlier, but the view in front of him bringing his heart outside off his chest.

He was staring at Alec's face, lifting his head up a bit to meet his eyes, his hazel round eyes that filled with mystery he has yet to discovered. He swallowed his throat dryly and his mouth gaped, he could see Alec's trying to catch his breath too and he rubbed his dry lips together staring down on Magnus stunned face.

"Uhm-" Alec said but no words came through his mind so he wanted to leave instead but as he raised his body, he could feel arms on his hip keeping him steady on his earlier positioned. When he looked down, he saw Magnus' hand gripped his waist tight and firm holding him in place.

"M-Magnus." Alec spoke but he couldn't find words to tell him what his heart would, he saw the look on Magnus' face staring straight into his eyes and no words implement. He was the one who was quick with words but now it's strange to see Magnus without it.

Alec could feel Magnus hand gripped tighter and bringing him closer, Alec was practically sitting on Magnus lap and their faces are inches away. He could feel Magnus' hot breath fanning on his face.

"Alexander." He heard Magnus whispers his names, he hummed in response and bringing his lips closer to Magnus'. Alec kept his eyes closed letting Magnus' face came closer to his. He waited patiently for Magnus to kiss him since the last time they had kissed it turns to an awful event. But this time he felt like he wanted Magnus to kiss him again.

But then he heard him snorted followed by a chuckled making Alec opened his eyes to find Magnus laughing at his face, hysterically. "I knew you wanted me to kiss you again!" He said and continued to laugh but Alec doesn't understood the laughter nor the amusement.

"You thought I was gonna kiss you?" Magnus asked in between his laughs and Alec was feeling yet another betrayal. "I-I " he couldn't finished his words and felt offended by Magnus action.

He pushed his chest back and stood from his ground leaving Magnus still laughing in his own amusement. "How could you." Alec said crossing his arms over his chest staring at Magnus on the ground. He saw him stood abruptly after dusting off the sand from his body but failed terribly.

"You thought I would kiss you after what happened last time?" Magnus asked and Alec stared at his face in ashamed. "I thought-" Alec started but he couldn't finished his own words without shedding another tear. He had shed tears a lot in his life but never tears of embarrassment before.

"No one wants to kiss someone as bitter as you Alexander. It had to be drunk as me in order to find the need to do so. I mean look at you- you don't even like your own body how would you expect other people to like it for you?" The words seething through Magnus' mouth like poison and he is like the dragon spitting out fire that burn inside Alec's chest. The pain grew into more deepen feels and the knot seems to grow tighter.

"I never wanted anyone nor needed anyone to like me. But at least I don't have to buy my own family's love to fill the hole in my heart, or on in this case, in your black cold heart." Alec replied and he could see Magnus turned from the jerk he was before into pure anger.

He didn't had a chance to take his words back or even thought about what he just said, Magnus fist collided with his jaw and he stumbled back on the ground hitting his chest on the tree trunk behind him. "ARGHH!!" He screamed in pain and clutched his chest with his palm.

He felt terrible pain and the whole place has turned dark and the next thing he knew, he was gone deeper into his darkness as if he was pulling into it. 

A/N: People said don't expect others to love you if you don't love yourself, yes it's true. But do you know exactly how to love yourself when you saw nothing but pure disappointment in yourself? I want to emphasized on my readers that if any of you have a daughter, or cousins or nieces, be nice to them. Don't say that they are getting fat or getting uglier right in front of their faces even though you can. It hurts like hell when my own mother told other people how fat I am getting and fear if I won't fit through the door. Well guess what mum, I know I am not perfect as your other daughter nor am I as beautiful as my sister. But guess what, you are my sole reason of my depression and suicidal attempts/thoughts. You can pat yourself on your back for ruining another person's life with your mouth. I'm sorry Isabelle but it was stupid to say pen are sharper than a sword, it was actually the tongue. 

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