Part 15


"I'll wait for you downstairs sir." Charles said to Magnus who still mending his hair in front of the mirror. He hummed in response still combing the sides. He heard the door opened and closed before he decided to finish his routine.

As he putting his watch on his left wrist he heard a chimed coming from his phone and when he looked, his father's name appears on the screen. He scoffed before cancelling the call and it went to voicemail. His heart was still hurt at his father cancelling their trip at the last minute and the things he did to him was least hurtful compared to what he received from his father.

He took the phone and shoved it inside his pants pocket before headed towards the elevator. He pressed the button and waited for it to come.

A few seconds later it arrived and the door is taking time to open. He leaned with his both hands on the side of the door waiting. He doesn't care for anyone from the other side of the elevator he will just barged in later.

When the door opened to reveal his true purpose of being here, he was glad and delighted to be the one there, smirk formed on his face but he chose to hide it.

"Well, hello there Alexander." He said and the boy's face changed to sudden annoyance like Magnus was some sort of gum on his shoes that he couldn't get rid off.

The boy attitude was as remarkable as he is which gives him the same excitement in torturing the poor fella. He was shoved and being called dwarf but again he apologized only seconds later he stated Magnus real purpose in being here, 'smart kid', he thought. Magnus saw him walking towards his room and noted in his mind to remember the room's number. He went inside the elevator and seconds later was joined with Charles at the lobby.

As he was about to leave he spotted the same nice lady whom he know to be Alec's mum. She was surrounded by her whole family and it somehow intimidating to Magnus to approach her in the crowd like this.

"I have a plan." He said and pulling Charles by his elbow before he could say anything else.

"Hai there." He said startling Maryse from her conversation. She turned and was met by Magnus and his - butler.

"Hey. Uhm -" she tried to remember his name but couldn't recalled which leaves them an awkward moment together. "Magnus." He said and she smiled at him. "Right. It's a nice surprise to see you here with your - father?" She asked and Magnus scoffed before he covered with a chuckled.

"No, no he's uhm, he's my uncle." He said and Charles looked at him in surprised. "Really? Hi I'm Maryse Lightwood. Alec's mum." She said handing out her hand to him and he took it gladly with a smile. "Charles." He said before he stopped himself and told her that he is not related to Magnus. But when he looked at Magnus' face, he was pleading him to go along with his lies.

"I'm Robert. I believe we haven't met." Robert stood and hand out his hand for Magnus and he took it gladly. "I'm Magnus. I'm friends with Alec." He said and was abruptly interrupted by someone behind Robert.

"The hell you are. You are not his friends." Jace shouted and came forward to tell his parents the truth but was stopped by Maryse pinching his arm mouthing 'behave'. He had a pout on his face which somehow a relieve to Magnus.

"So where are you guys heading?" Magnus asked and Valentine came forward. "The cities. We like a little exploring. Then grab some dinner before heading back to the hotel. How about you?" He asked politely.

"I'm sorry I don't think we ever met. Are you related to Alec?" Magnus asked confused on why they had some other bald guys to bring them along.

"Oh, forgive me, where's my manners. I'm Valentine, Alec's do-" he was interrupted by Maryse poking his side making him squirmed. The look she gave him was quite questionable since they were whispering against each other.

"Alec's family friend. We know each other since college." He half lied waving his hand towards him, Maryse and Robert. "I'm Jocelyn, his wife." The woman in fiery red haired marched in between then and only then he noticed another sets of red hair just like her standing besides the blonde idiot of his tall brother. Next to him stood a half size woman that looks like a copy image of their mother.

"Isabelle." She introduced herself politely although her eyes darting towards Magnus insecurities. She was holding the little boy next to her and Magnus knew very well who he is, "Hey buddy." He raised his fist and waited for him to bumped it but he denies them and went hiding behind Isabelle.

"Oh, so a family vacation then, it's nice." Magnus said with a hard smile before letting his gaze back to the floor. "Uhm sir- I mean Magnus, we should get going. The car is waiting." Charles tried to pull him away from the awkward moments between them and he nodded weakly.

"Uhm wait. What you had in plan? Perhaps you want to join us? We have a big van, plenty of rooms by the way." Maryse offered and the smile returned at Magnus' face. "Sure." He said at the same time Charles said no.

"Like hell you are." A voice appeared behind him and when he turned he saw Alec coming towards them. His hair is ruffled mess but it suits him greatly and the white shirt he had with the blank jeans is a perfect combination on his pale skin.

"You have your own people to bother so go and don't bother my family." Alec said flicked his wrist to tell him to go someplace else.

"Alec! That's not nice." Maryse said and both she and Robert could sense that Magnus is here alone with his uncle is totally weird. "But mum!" He replied but Maryse put her finger up to silent him. "Fine. But he better not ruining anything." He said before grabbing his bag and heads towards the van.

Magnus followed and before he could go any further he was pulled by his shirt and when he looked, the small boy that barely reaching his waist is tugging his shirt. "Hey little man." He said before he crouched on his same level.

"Don't hurt Alec." He said and Magnus eyebrow crooked. "Why would you say that? I would never hurt him." He replied answering the small boy's thought of him hurting his brother. "But you did at the airport." He said and Magnus huffed. "It was a mistake and I did say I'm sorry." He replied and now Max's eyebrow crooked.

"No you didn't, you took my chocolate." He said and Magnus smirked. "But I gave it back. Right? That is my apology." He said and slowly Max's face changed to a smile. "Yeah." He said and Magnus took out his palm for him. "Let's start over, I'm Magnus." Max took his palm into his and shook it, "Max." He said shortly but before they could continue Alec came behind him and pull Magnus by his shirt making him stand on his feet and was thrown few inches back.

"What the f- what's your problem?" Magnus said correcting himself before he cursed in front of Max. Alec stood before him with his arm crossed on his chest looking straight into his eyes.

"Look, I don't know what game you're playing and I surely don't like you around my family. But if you ever hurt my brother or any of my family members I'll make sure-" Alec couldn't finished his words before he was rudely interrupt by Magnus.

"Woah, woah hold up. What is it with you guys in hurting. I'm not doing anything but talking to Max here. Show some respect." He said pulling his shirt down after Alec pulled him earlier.

"I haven't see you in my entire life for the past eighteen years and now I've been seeing you almost every week for the past month. If this is some kind of joke you playing, cut it out before I do it myself." Alec warned him shielding Max behind his tall body.

"If I were you, I'll be worry of what fate has decided for us sweetheart." Magnus said tapping his cheek lightly making his face contorted in disgust. He never been called sweet names by a guy before and definitely by someone like Magnus.

He watched how Magnus deliberately swayed his hips in front of him before heading towards their van and he looked to his side at Max who now had a grin on his face. "You have any idea what that is?" He asked and Max shook his head looking at his brother's face. "Nope." He grinned again and this time Alec smiled. "Let's go." Alec said pulling his small hand into his.

Unfortunately when Alec climbed in the van, he spotted an empty seats next to Jace but it was also next to Magnus. He saw the smile on that guy face which annoys him greatly. He didn't have time to switch places so he sat there eventually.

The ride was amazing and they get to see the cities that surrounded by water. They all took a picture as family and Magnus was in it too. Somehow his mother forgets her promised on kicking his butt after what he said but Alec couldn't do that in front of Valentine's family. It was between him and Magnus.

The fact that Magnus introduced his butler as his uncle was something even weirder but he decides to keep it silenced for his pride sake, for now.

After the whole few hours of capturing pictures and exploring the small town, they were brought to some run down restaurant that looks like a shelter for homeless on the outside. The look on Magnus face excites Alec since he knew how rich Magnus family is and places like this is not one of his forte.

But when they were brought inside, the sea view was breath taking. The moon luminescent on the calm waters and the sky has never been brighter enough with all the stars they could count. The waves sounds hitting the shore and the night breeze brings a smell of combined fish with salt water is somehow heaven for Alec. Alec was caught in his moment when his eyes stares deeply into the midnight sky. "You won't see that anymore when we got home." He whispered and his mother came to his side.

She placed her palm on Alec's shoulder looking at his side. "I'm fine." He mouthed at her and she nodded. Her eyes crystal but she hides it away and quickly excusing herself to the bathroom while all of them sat at the table. Alec watched her mother went into the bathroom in a hurry and immediately Jocelyn followed her after. "I'll just go the bathroom real quick." Alec said excusing himself.

The look on his entire family's face is raising questions for Magnus and he had shared a same look that Charles had. He then decided he wanted to follow Alec towards the bathroom to see what happened. "Excuse me." He said and went after him but the boy had already disappeared into thin air.

"I'm sorry. It's just it hits me that it might be Alec's last time seeing all the beauty in this world and he's still young to be taken away from us. From me."

Maryse cried and Alec couldn't bear his heart to hear his mother cries again. He was leaning against the bathroom door and glad no one is there to use the facilities.

He could heard Clary's mum tried to comfort his own mother and how he wished he could be the one to comfort her but if he barged in, his mother would lie to him again and tell him that everything is fine, just like he lied to her.

"Alec is stronger than you think. He will get through this, all of you would." Jocelyn said and he could hear his mother sobbed through the paper thin door.

"What are you doing?" A sudden voice appears behind and he turned abruptly causing him to raise his hand accidentally slapped Magnus on his cheek.

"Oww." He whined bringing his palm on his cheek rubbing it through the pain. "Why would you do that for?" He asked again and Alec somehow know his mother could sense him out here so he did something he didn't think first.

He pushed Magnus by his both arms and headed towards the mens room opposite of the ladies room and closed the door before he locked it. "What are you doing?" Magnus asked but Alec placed his palm on his mouth to silent him and Magnus' eyes bulged from his socket towards his gestures.

The mens room is dirty as any of the bathroom available at this area and Alec being inches close with him somehow bringing more heat into the small space they had together. He felt the grip on his right arm tighten and Alec's other hand on his mouth with his face only inch away he could feel his hot breath fanning into his.

"Shh, my mother could hear us." He whispered and Magnus nodded softly. Even though the room is dim but he could see the inside of Alec's eyes, it was purely hazel and if he looked any closer, it looks like the color of honey.

They didn't realized they were staring into each other's eyes for few minutes when they heard someone came out from the ladies room next to them. Alec sighed a relieve breath and slowly letting his palm lowered from Magnus' mouth. He could still feel his hot breath on his palm which raised goosebumps on his neck.

"We should uhm- we should get back to the table." Alec said and Magnus nodded. When Alec opened the door and found no one except him and Magnus he exhaled again another breath. "Okay, I'll go first and you come few minutes later." Alec said not letting Magnus voicing out his opinion. But before he leave he turned and face him again, "No one to know what happened, understood?" He asked raising his index finger at Magnus and he nodded.

Dinner was amazing despite the place looks like it could use some fixing. Magnus for the first time in his life felt like he had a family on his own. Maryse cutting some piece of the beef stew and handed to him on his plate was the only motherly thing he had ever experienced in his life.

"Dinner was nice." Valentine said and raised his finger towards the waiter and asking him for their check but the guy said it's all being covered and paid. Everyone on the table stopped and turned at Magnus and he smiled an awkward smile.

"It's on me. Don't worry about it." He said wiping his mouth by the piece of cloth on the table but immediately regret and throw the cloth away from his hand and somehow it landed on Jace's dessert.

"What is your problem? I'm still eating those!" Jace whined and Magnus couldn't help but feel sorry at him. But when he looked at Alec next to Jace, he had a half smile on his face. It was funny to him and somehow Magnus felt happier seeing him smile.

"Sorry man, I can get you another." He said but Robert stopped him. "No you don't have too. Otherwise he'll be up all night." Robert said and this time Alec chuckled lowly but when Jace glared at him, he immediately covered his mouth and looked the other way. Magnus was glad that he get to sit opposite of him so he could witness this.

"So what you guys have plan for tomorrow?" Magnus asked and Maryse looked at Valentine before he continued. "Well, we will do islands exploring. Getting Alec his dream swim and probably circling the island with some rental boat." Valentine said and all of them cheered when they heard a word swim.

"I have a boat, you all can join us if you want. I have my guy bringing us to private areas so it won't be too crowded for us to swim." Magnus said and looked to his side, Charles is somehow surprised at his offer but decide to keep his mouth silent.

"We can't do that, this is already enough." Maryse said and when Magnus looked at Alec's face, it changed from the excitement he had earlier to a sadness which he couldn't figure out why. "Nonsense, you guys are a lot better company that anyone my entire life." Magnus said and later he heard Charles clearing his throat next to him. "Except you uncle Charlie." He said and he smiled.

"Wait, he's not your-" Alec started to blabbed about his Charles not being his real uncle so he did something he didn't think first, he raised his foot and kicked him from under the table and Alec groaned in pain. When he looked at Magnus, he had his eyes throwing daggers at him begging him not to say anything, just like he did before with him.

"He's not what?" Isabelle asked although everyone is thinking the same thing she did. "Nothing, I forgot what I was gonna say earlier." Alec said rubbing his calf darting his look towards Magnus while he smiled exhaling his breath in relieve.

"This was fun. I guess we should see each other tomorrow for breakfast and out for island hopping." Magnus said rubbing his palm together while they all walked inside the lobby. "Yeah sure." Robert replied.

"Mum." Alec said walking in and lift his arm up and placed them on his mother's shoulder. Luckily she is stronger than he thought otherwise she would be on the floor with Alec on top of her.

When Magnus looked harder, he noticed how the tall Lightwood was exhausted and barely could keep his eyes open. It's strange how he could be so sleepy since it wasn't that late, it's barely even midnight. "Is everything okay?" He asked concerned but Maryse darted her looks towards her other son, the blonde one and he immediately took Alec from her and they both headed towards the elevator. Without any words, all of them disappear taking the elevator leaving Magnus with Charles behind at the lobby pondering what exactly happened.

"What do you think all of that is?" Charles asked him the same question he asked inside his head. He shrugged his shoulder shaking his head unaware of any of those means.

"Doesn't matter, we'll ask tomorrow. Let's go to bed, I'm tired anyway." Magnus said and Charles nodded agreed with him, they both needed the rest for tomorrow.

A/N: Don't you guys wished that you could turn back the time and make things better. I need prayer for my family and I am at my lowest in my life right now. My grandmother is in the ICU, my mother is in hospital preparing for surgery and my back still causing pain making me unable to walk. I just wish I had the ability to make things better but it just won't fit.

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