Part 10

Sorry this took so long. I'm trying to post it regularly but I'm caught up with something. 

It was awful, the night was long, terribly long. Maryse sat on the bench for almost two hours now looking at the wall in front of her. People passing by her minding their own business, while she sat there thinking of the event happened earlier. Her hand still shaking and her heart still raising after what happened earlier. 


"Alec! You can't do this to me! Wake up! WAKE UP!" She kept pressing her palm over Alec's chest pumping his heart back to live. She had done it few times now that she felt stronger in doing it but the truth is she's not ready to let it go just yet, she's not ready to lose her son like this.

Luckily she had her phone with her after talking to her husband and she dialed 9-1-1 immediately and spoke with them over the speaker while pumping her son back to life.

It felt like hours and she didn't stop pumping not until the paramedics came and took her position. They started placing the monitors on Alec and pads over his right chest and left upper abdomen. The guy switch every few minutes and took over each other's duty. They started to give him oxygen through the bag and kept pumping his heart, once a while, they stopped and gave Alec the shock making his body jerks.

Maryse felt a waves of relief crushing her when she saw them stopped pumping him and his heart beat continues on the screen. It was shallow but it's good enough for them. They quickly moved him to the ambulance and speed to the hospital as fast as they could.

She wasn't allowed to see Alec after they brought him to the emergency area and asked her to stay in the visiting lounge which she hated the most. She waited and waited for hours for someone to tell her how's Alec's doing.

>>>End of flashbacks.

"Mum." She heard someone called her by her side and she sworn she heard Alec's voice but when she turned her head, it was Jace. She wasn't able to talk since she got to the hospital and it scared her family to death.

She looked down and saw Jace held a cup of water and handed to her hand. She shook her head and kept her gaze back to the door waiting patiently for someone to come out from it. Robert by her side stroking her arms up and down while Izzy had Max on her lap hugging him.

"Mum please drink something, you need it." Jace assured her but she kept ignoring him and looking straight at the door. Tears soaked her cheek and it kept flowing as she thought of Alec. "Sweetheart drink some." Robert took the cup to her lips and when she looked at his face it fills with worries, she hated seeing her husband like this, knowing he is also worried about Alec, she can't put more stress in him.

She sips the cup slowly and gulped in pain, she had been crying, screaming and shouting for the last few hours to his unconscious son, she felt the water goes into her throat and coldness hits her chest. She finished the cup within seconds before Robert gave it back to Jace.

They continued waiting for about an hour more when suddenly a familiar face came through the door, it was Valentine.

They all immediately stood and ran up to him hoping to hear him deliver a good news. He raised his hands up trying to ease them for bombarding hundreds of question and asked them to take a seat first. He grabbed a loose chair by the corner and sat in front of Maryse and Robert.

"I'm not gonna lie, it is bad."Valentine started and Maryse starts to sob and Robert pulled her to his chest.

"It was worst than before, the reason is one because his device failed to work, other he's not taking his medication, his dehydrated, his stressed. His vitals is not stable, his weak, physically and emotionally. We had to keep him sedated just so he could rest and for the mean time, he will be in the cardiac ICU. We will see his progress tomorrow."

Valentine explained and all of them kept silence not saying any words like they used too, which increase his suspicious. "What exactly happened at home?" He asked and they all looked at each other.

"Alec wanted to sign the DNR form." Robert said and Maryse sobs even louder, she wasn't able to say anything other than crying. "He what?" He couldn't believe it, Alec was a strong kid, stronger than any of his patient, he won't quit just because of his illness.

"But why? I thought he was looking forward to go on the vacation." Valentine asked and Robert sighed. Jace and Izzy kept their gaze on the floor feeling like they are at fault too.

"He said something about not wanting his family to waste anymore money on him. I don't know who put those ideas inside his head. We were trying to talk him through but it seems he made up his mind." Robert explained and Valentine didn't exactly response, he just nod his head looking at crying Maryse in Robert's arm, he knew she is the most affected one, among all of them.

He told them that they fixed the device and it should work normally now but due to Alec's heart stopped earlier, he need time to recover and for his body to gain strength before he wake up any soon.

They were all shown to where Alec is and when they looked behind the curtain Alec was lying on the bed and his mouth is taped with the tube for him to breath. It broke their heart to see Alec in such state again, weak and helpless.

Maryse took his side and grabbed his cold hands, his fingers are almost white from pink and it's too cold from his usual warming hand. His chest raised and fall followed by the beeping sound coming from the machine next to him. Maryse broke down into tears and kissed his cheeks keeping her hands intertwined with Alec's thinking of that horrid night Alec was here due to the accident.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said those things to you." Maryse whispered into his ear, "I love you baby, I will wait for you to wake up." She whispered before kissing his cheek then his forehead again.

They all whispered into Alec's ear not knowing whether or not he could hear them, giving him kisses on his forehead and cheeks before they went home.

It was a heavy heart for Maryse to go home but they weren't allowed to stay beside Alec nor going into his room after visiting hours. Eventually after few times persuasion from her husband, she finally gave in and went home with them.

The house is empty when they all entered, it was hollowed and quiet. Coldness and darkness surrounds it as they entered. Jace, Isabelle and Max went up to their room while Maryse stayed in the kitchen sitting on the island. Robert took them all to get their dinner before they all went home but they were barely eating, especially Maryse.

She sat on the island's chair looking straight into her fingers, fiddling with her nails as she was lost in her own thoughts. Robert stayed by her side for a while before he had the courage to talk to her. "He's gonna be fine." He said and Maryse didn't have the courage to look at her own husband. If only she had the same kindness in him all of these won't happened.

"It's my fault." She mumbled and Robert scoot closer to her, "No it isn't. It's just something Alec didn't tell us." He tried to coax her but she won't had it.

"Alec came to me in the kitchen, I said some stuffs I'm not proud of. If only-" she breaks into another sob, "If only I would just turn my face and talked to him, all of these won't happen." She said and tears fell on her cheek.

"Hey, shh, shh it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." Robert tried to coax her again and brought his arms around her shoulder and she cried further.

After a while of her breakdown, she finally calm down and sit up, "You go to bed, I'll be up in a minute." She said wiping her cheek with her palm, she went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water but end up staring at the content inside her fridge.

Robert whispered good night to her ear before kissing her cheeks and went upstairs into their room leaving her alone in the kitchen. She closed the fridge door and her eyes lingered towards the hallway heading to Alec's room.

She hated her house is too quiet, she can hear almost everything in her house, including her thoughts. She walked the hallway before she stopped in front of Alec's room, the door is half opened and she pushed it further to get in.

It was dark since it's already midnight. She flipped the switch and saw the room lightened leaving Alec's stuff on view. The memory of him on the bed unconscious and not breathing haunts her deeply. Although it's not the first time but this time it's different, they never fought when he fell ill, they never argued more than few hours and when she found him earlier, she wanted to die along with him. She can't have him leave without saying goodbye, she can't have Alec leave while being angry at her.

She saw the bathroom light is still on and she walked in, pushing the door wide and saw the mess over the sink and the floor. She gasped at the scene in front of her not knowing exactly what happened.

She stood by the sink and saw Alec's medicine, bottles of his medicine, uncapped and empty. She took it one by one in her hand before she opened the cupboard and found the rest of the medicine in the same condition, empty.

She looked over and the floor scattered with pills and more in the toilet bowl, Alec is trying to throw away his medicine, she thought. Which then she realized, Alec's last word to her, "Thank you for taking care of me all these times." The words keep replying over her head as she dropped on the floor hugging the medicine bottles into her chest.

She cried her eyes out unable to scream her lungs out without having her family heard her. "I'm so sorry Alec. I wish you would told me what's wrong." She said in her tears looking at the bottles in her hands. She cried for few more hours that she finally fell asleep on the floor of Alec's bathroom.

"Mum." She could hear Alec's voice ringing in her ears, she wonders where she were since all she could see is darkness. "Mum." She heard it again, "Alec." She called but no answers. When she slowly recalled, she is at Alec's room, when she opened her eyes, she notice she's on the bathroom floor with a blanket on her body, unaware where did she got them in the first place.

She looked around and notice it was Jace who woke her up. "Mum, you're okay?" He asked as she raised herself from the cold hard floor but there was a pillow underneath her head, she glad she didn't wake up with strained on her neck.

"What is it?" She asked and looked at Jace's face. "Dad left, he send Max to the school and he said he had to go to work today, they need him for something." Jace explained and Maryse rubbed her sleepy eyes. It was probably her husband Robert who covered her like this, he didn't have the heart to wake her up so he cover her and placed the pillow under her head.

"I'm fine, why are you still here? Don't you have school? Where's Isabelle?" She asked as she raised from her ground, folded the blanket and brought into Alec's room. She knew it was Alec's since the blanket smells like him and she placed the pillow back to the bed.

"I don't feel like going, what happened to Alec is my fault. If only I didn't thought of Clary he won't be like this." Jace said hugging herself in the middle of Alec's room, his gaze is on the bed, the empty bed where his brother should be not in the hospital.

"Jace, why on earth would you think that? You're not at blame, it's not your fault." Maryse said rubbing her palm up and down Jace's arm. He looked into his mother's eyes, the woman who brought him in without hesitation after his parents tragic death. "It is my fault. I should have spend our vacation with Alec but here I wanted to enjoy it with Clary. I was selfish to do so."

Maryse sighed looking at Jace's face filled with guilt and sadness. She cupped his cheek in her warm hand, "It's not your fault Jace, stop thinking that way. Alec is really sick and we know how his health has been." Maryse tried to assure him although herself is blaming everything on her.

"Alec is giving up because we all moved on and gave up on him isn't it?" Jace asked and Maryse stared into his face. A little bit of Celine and a lil Stephen in him makes it harder for her to lie. She couldn't say anything else except hugging him and wrapped her arm around his body.

"Let's go see him okay. We pray for the best like we used too." She smiled her forceful smile at him and he nodded.


"I get your car fixed." Asmodeus said to Magnus as he pouted in his room for days, the boy's image still in his mind and he couldn't get it out. He was angry, betrayed at him and at the same time intrigued. The boy is different, he is not intimidated by his wealth of by his power, he never did once mocks him for losing his mother and yet he bullied the boy for being poor.

He hummed in response knowing his father would do everything for him just to make sure he is happy. When he came home that day, he was infuriating and his father immediately called the boy's mother which he thankful to have her card saved. They were arguing in the phone, Magnus could hear him since his father decided to put on speaker.

They were arguing, the boy's voice is filled with sadness and guilt. He wonder maybe is it because of what he'd say. He wanted to know more but he had been circling around the neighborhood for him but he couldn't find him anywhere.

He even when to the groceries store where he met him but failed. Not a sign of him ever since the incident and he wanted to call his mother to ask for the insurance claimed but he felt like if he did, he is the biggest asshole in the whole world. They already in need for money and he is not making it easier for him.

"Magnus?" His father called since he wasn't paying attention to what he said, he turned and saw his father took a seat next to him as he gaze on the balcony view. "Something wrong?" He asked and Magnus stared at him with guilt in his heart.

"It's my fault." He said softly and he could see his father stiffen next to him but he kept calm letting Magnus chance to explain.

"I was at fault for that guy's vandalizing my car. I mocks him for being poor and that is why he did it." He explained and Asmodeus relaxed a bit after hearing him. "Is that why you were quiet these couple of days?" He asked and Magnus turned his head gazing down at his fingers on his knees. He nodded slowly before he said more, "When I heard him shouted, I felt like he was hurting too. That he took the blame because of me."

Asmodeus nodded before he sighed, "What are you gonna do?" He asked and Magnus shrugged his shoulder, "I tried to look for him but I can't find him anywhere. I looked for his house but no one is there. I waited for hours outside but it seems they are not living there."

"Maybe they are out for a while, I'm sure they'll be back." Asmodeus assured him and he nodded, "Maybe." He mumbled then they both stayed quiet.

"Listen I need to talk to you about Hawaii." Asmodeus said after their earlier silenced. Magnus shifted in his seat facing his father, "We kind of need to postpone it for a while, I need to go to New York for few days for business." Asmodeus said in hoping his son won't burst in his rage.

"How long?" He asked, his voice is low and hoping, "Just for another week then I'm all yours." He said and Magnus nodded. This isn't the first time they had to cancel their holidays or Magnus school event or anything involved them both doing anything together, he knew he would be disappointed again.

"I'm sorry." His father apologized which he heard countless time, "It's fine, I know you had to work." He said and kept his gaze back on the balcony. It was a surprised for Asmodeus to hear him say those and reacted this way. Usually he would crashed things or breaks stuff but this time, he sat there in silenced looking out the window.

Little did he know, Magnus was thinking if the role is reversed, if he didn't born in such wealth, his father would be available all the time but again, he need to work harder and they won't have the chances to go on vacation. He kept thinking that is his father didn't work this hard, he would never had the privilege to be living like this. The boy was right, Magnus grew up with everyone spoon fed him everything and he wasn't blessed by love or compassion in his heart like he did, he lack of friends, loyal lover because of who he is.

The thoughts haunts him as he kept staying in his own room, he didn't feel like facing the world. The only world he has is here in his house filled with the thoughts on whereabout of that boy, the boy with black haired hair and hazel eyes and a body like a giant. 

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