Chapter 5: Meeting Ms Joke and Mic
I slowly began to open my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by three people. The sheer amount of people looking down on me made my heart hammer and my breath speed up uncontrollably. "See, what did I tell. I told you that you'd overwhelm the poor boy and that's just what you two did. Idiots." Aizawa admonished the two strangers, giving them his signature glare. The two strangers looked upset and mumbled their apologies to me before leaving the room on Aizawa's command. "I'll tell you when to come in!" He called to them as they went into the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about that Izu, we expected you to sleep for a bit longer." Aizawa apologised, pulling me into a hug in order to calm my erratic breathing. I buried my face into his chest and focused on his steady heartbeat to calm myself down. "W-w-who are they?" I asked in a minuscule voice, I doubted that he even heard me. "The woman is my ex-girlfriend, you know the one I told you about, Emi Fukukado. And the man is my friend Hizashi Yamada or Present Mic." Aizawa explained as he stroked my head. At the mention of my 'dad's' name my breath immediately hitched but once Present Mic was mentioned, my apprehension transformed into excitement. "The Present Mic. The voice hero!" I exclaimed in awe, my eyes wide. Aizawa chuckled slightly, a warm and rare sound, and nodded his head in confirmation. I began to fanboy which, unfortunately, made me lose control of my quirk. With a muffled crack, I transformed into a megaphone. I could sense Aizawa's surprise from above me. I can't imagine that little boys commonly turn into inanimate objects around him. "Izuku?" Aizawa asked in amazement. With another muffled crack, I was back as a human, beaming up at Aizawa with my sunshine-like smile. "That was interesting." Aizawa murmured.
"So your Izuku? Oh, aren't you just adorable!" Ms Joke cooed as she stood a respectful distance away and squished her cheeks. Ms Joke had insisted I call her Auntie Joke and had already made me squeal with laughter. She had shoulder-length turquoise hair, over which she wore an orange cloth which was tied up at the back. Her pond green eyes shone with mirth and joy, they were scrunched up slightly, I could only assume it was because of the fact that she smiled so much. Her smile was wide, white and would leave anybody who looked to long blinded. "Shota, if you hurt this adorable bean I'm going to hurt you!" Auntie Joke threatened, her blinding smile never left her lips. Somehow, that only made the threat even more profound. Aizawa grumbled something about it being impossible for a decent human to harm such a sweet creature, but I ignored him in favour of watching Auntie Joke pull hand puppets out of nowhere. She acted out a comedic play of her and Aizawa beating up some bad guys, enlisting Aizawa's help to play said villains. I giggled sporadically through the performance, I hadn't been that happy in years. They made me forget, even if it was only for a brief time, about everything concerning my mother's death and Hisashi's arrest.
"Hello, Little Listener." Present Mic called in an obviously subdued voice when Aizawa called for him to come in. I shyly waved my hand at him and buried myself further into Aizawa's side. I wanted to try my hardest to trust him after all he was a hero and heroes were trustworthy, but I had a deep-set distrust of men. Present Mic had long blond hair which would usually be gelled directly up into the air, but on that day, it fell like a waterfall down his back. He, like Auntie Joke, had green eyes, however, his eyes were a more intense green than hers. "No need to talk Little Listener, I can talk for us. You're adorable you know. How is it possible for somebody to be that cute? Can I sit here?" He asked pointing to a seat opposite me. I slowly nodded my head in confirmation. He smiled at me and settled himself into the beige armchair and began rambling on about his hero work and radio show. I listened intently, hanging onto every word which passed his lips. In the background of a particularly enthralling story about the time Present Mic lost his voice during a fight, I heard the click of a camera going off. At the time, I ignored it, but 13 years later, that photo is framed on the wall of Aizawa's house.
"Thanks for having us Izu. You just tell Shota to call us if you want to see us, ok?" Auntie Joke smiled as she gave me a very quick hug. "I will," I whispered, the first thing I had said all day. The three adults looked at me in shock, their eyes wide and mouths agape slightly. After a moment or two of them staring at me, I began to wonder if I had done something wrong. An apology was on the tip of my tongue when Auntie Joke broke out into tears of joy. " He spoke. Oh, this is amazing. Your too pure Izu-" she probably would have continued to sing my praises if it weren't for Aizawa covering her mouth. "Calm down Emi, he said two words. Your gonna scare the poor boy, again. Go home, both of you, you'll see him again." Aizawa grumbled before taking his hand away from Auntie Joke's mouth and picking me up. We waved goodbye to Auntie Joke and Mic before we re-entered our house and settled down to watch TV.
"Oi, Izuku," Aizawa began, turning away from the newest 'All Might' s Animated Adventures' episode. I nodded my head to show I was listening, "I need to know a bit more about you. I'm going to be looking after you from now on so its best if I know what you like and don't like. Stuff which will help me take better care of you. I also need to know what happened to your mum." Aizawa softly murmured. As soon as he mentioned my mum, my posture became rigid. I wasn't ready to speak about that. Although it seemed as if I had known Aizawa for my entire life, I had only met him yesterday. It had only been 48 hours at most since my mother had left the world. But he couldn't possibly know the tragedy was still fresh in my mind.
My breathing became erratic as my mind wandered back to my mother's broken body. Her crimson blood staining the pearly kitchen tiles. Her emerald hair spread around her head in a halo. Her snowy skin marred with disgustingly red welts and burns. Aubergine and yellow bruises on her wrists, waist and thighs. My heart ached as I remembered the scene. Tears streaked down my cheeks in rivers, pooling in my lap.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Aizawa take my face in his rough hands. I didn't notice his reassuring words, assuring me that I could tell him when I was ready. I cried for what felt like hours. Soon enough, I fell into an uneasy slumber in Aizawa's lap.
Thank you for reading chapter 5 of my Dadzawa story. May I just say HOLY SHIT! How is it that I've already passed 300 reads and I'm only on the 5th part. It may not seem that significant, but for me, it means a lot so thank you. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are.
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