🔥🖤" Boo! Hahaha~! Got you! " 🖤🔥

Name: The demon raised a questioning brow before grinning, " Joe. " [ Axel Bloodmarch ]

Nicknames; The creature snickered to himself at his corny joke before turning his attention back to you,, only to bust out laughing at your unamused expression. [ Ax, Axie, and Sir. Bloodmarch ]

Birthday; " Awh~ are you planning on getting me a present~? " Axel teased,  looking at you with a small grin. [ Genuinely unknown, but he says it's May 4th. ]

Age: Axel didn't answer the question but instead, gave you a small smirk. [ Again unknown, but somewhere near 2300. ]

Gender: Axel looked down then back up before shrugging, " A dude I guess. "  [ Male. ]

Sexuality: Axel raises a questioning brow before grinning, " Awh~ have you already fallen for my charms? " He teased with a small laugh, " Well I have no preference. " [ Pansexual ]

Species: " Take a good guess~ " He hummed and smirked, currently in his human form but curious on what you'd say. [ Demon. ]


Height; [ 5'8 in human form / 6'1 in demon form. ]

Body type; [ Pretty slim, But he does have a small pudge around his stomach. ]

Eye color; [ Navy blue in human form / Pale Yellow in demon form. ]

Hair color; [ Strawberry blonde in human form. / Extremely dark brown in demon form. ]

Tattoos; [ He does have a mark on his back, but he doesn't count it as a tattoo. ]

Piercings; [ He has n¡pple piercings and one in a.. more private area.... No picture for obvious reasons. ]

Extra features: [ When he's in his demon form, he's extremely fluffy around his neck and ankles, and his tail is very slime but has a big poof at the end,, he's also very cat like and even has toe beans. ]

Occupation: [ Currently unoccupied at the moment. ]

Personality: [ Axel is very mischievous and devious. He loves playing pranks on humans and annoying, them, finding it fun how they got frustrated or scared. He also comes off as very cocky and selfish, He does things for himself more then he does for others, and those who meet him even go as far as to say he lacks empathy in general. But behind that Mischievous and playful exterior Axel tends to conceal how he feels, and he sucks at helping others when they feel sad due to him constantly being told talking about his emotions made him weak. He gets very confused and uncomfortable when being put in situations where he talks about how he feels and will go out of his way to avoid it. ]

Strengths: [ Axel is extremely flexible, He's even more flexible in his demon form. He can bend in almost anyway or shape almost like his bones are made of jelly. It especially helps when he's trying to slip away from certain situations. | He's also very quick on his feet, though he doesn't use it for good most of the time, mostly for pulling quick pranks. ]

Weaknesses: [ He's very mischievous and tends to get in a lot of trouble majority of the time, He likes messing with humans just for fun even if his pranks can get a bit extreme,, though he lacks some empathy so he doesn't care how far his pranks go. / Axel's not quick to anger but when he does get angry he gets a little over the top, he screams and shouts and may even throw some items just to get his point across, he's very scary in this state so angering him should be avoided by almost all cost. ]

Flaws: [ Axel can be very unempathetic, mostly because he grew up in a environment without empathy, no one cared for you or cared about your problems. Thought if he had an s/o he would try to sympathize a little more it's hard for him, and especially hard for him to open up. | Axel tends to be very competitive when challenged, He hates being belittled so any sort of insult playful or not will make him extremely salty and make him feel like he has to prove himself. He was never the strongest or biggest of demons so he constantly had to prove himself, so he gets extremely sour if made fun of. ]

Habits; [ He has a habit of puffing his chest fluff when angered, though he hates it since most tend to think it's more cute then scary. | If annoyed he'll constantly make passive aggressive comments at everything and anytime, even the floor if he already insulted everything in his sight. ]

Fears: [ He can't say he has any,, Bugs don't bother him and nor do heights since he can fly. He's not scared of death since he doesn't think of his life as that special. But he does have a strong displeasure for clowns, to the point of going out of his way to even avoid them in any conversation. ]

Powers; [ He can fly of course, But he can also disappear to the human eye,, which is very helpful for pranks. He can also withstand extremely hot temperatures, and He can also heal ten times faster then the average human. ] [ He also has this thing- it's not really a power, but he gets really excited and giddy about it when he shows people. All it really is, is that, He has cat like claws that can retract. ]


- Corndogs. [ They're his absolute favorite, He pretty much exploded with excitement when he tried Cheese Corndogs. ]

- He likes being scratched behind his horns in his demon form. [ He'll pretty much turn into putty in your hands if you do that. ]

- Pulling pranks on humans. [ It's his favorite thing to do to pass the time. ]

- Hamsters. [ He thinks they're absolutely adorable but he would of course never admit that out loud. ]

- Candy. [ He loves anything that has to do with sugar, thought I suggest not giving it to him unless you want a hyperactive pranking demon on the loose. ]


- His family. [ He just genuinely dislikes them and prefers not to be associated with them. ]

- Tart or bitter foods. [ He hates anything tart or bitter and if given something that is either of those he will let it be known how much he hates it. ]

- Talking about personal matters. [ Due to being told no one cares about how he feels constantly growing up, he hates sharing how he feels or any personal business. It makes him feel pathetic and weak, how he feels doesn't deserved to be heard. ]

- Clowns. [ While he isn't afraid of them, he thinks of them as ' Weird '. ]

- Being belittled. [ Due to him constantly having to prove himself, he hates being belittled with a burning passion. ]


[ Father;  Maxwell Bloodmarch. [ Alive ] | [ 5900 ] | [ A well known and respected Demon. ]

[ Mother; Dionti Raven | [ Alive ] | [ 5700 ] | [ Wife of Maxwell,, though she only married him for power. ]

Siblings: [ He's a only child due to his parents not wanting children in the first place. ]


[ Axel's only, and closest friend; Lithe Easternson. | [ Alive ] | [ 2300 ] | [ Axel's best friend since he was young. ]


[ Axel's Ex; Xio Ville | [ Alice ] | [ 2400 ] | A wealthy demon Axel was almost forced to marry by his parents. ]

Past: [ Axel's parents never wanted children in the first place. Due to Maxwell's father being a really well known and noble demon however he was forced to act like he liked Axel. Thought on news or in public it always seemed like Axel was getting treated perfectly fine, in reality Maxwell and Dionti neglected Axel. The maids and butlers actually raised him while his parents spoiled themselves in riches, it got to the point where Axel even referred to one of the maids as ' Mama '. Though the maids and butlers took care of Axel they didn't genuinely like him, they thought of him as more of a bother to their work. So when Axel turned a age where he could properly take care of himself they stopped looking after him, Axel grew up being constantly made fun of and insulted due to his looks and his parents lack of love for him. He grew up disliking his parents but never hating them, feeding into the fact that he was a mistake and even blaming himself practically for the fact that they never loved him. When Axel was a teen he met Lithe, His parents never approved of him and always thought of Lithe as a wimp because he was so nice. But Axel ignored them and hung out with the boy anyways. Once Axel was an adult his parents tried to make him marry Xio for more money, which Axel got mad at them for and stormed out, finally snapping. He disguised himself as a human and simply lived in the human world for awhile, he found Humans rather amusing and spent his free time pranking them. However, to this day Axel's parents are still pestering him about marrying Xio, But he ignores them. ]

Seme/Seke/Uke: [ Seke. ]

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