The wondering Phantom

Phantom Protector,
Cosmic and Coded Ghost.

Nick Name:
Baby spirit,
Ghost dude,
Roaming green.

Age: unknown

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 0

Soul type: Unknown

HP: Infinite

ATK and DEF: Infinite

Eye color: Cyan sky/Grassy Green

"I may had lost my friends and family, but I'll never become my dark self! For I'll be the Phantom that roam the multiverse, saving and securing tons of universes and preventing other dark futures to take over everything!"- The Wondering Phantom

The Wondering Phantom is Danny Phantom that had a similar backstory as Dark Danny but discovers his future and decides to choose a different future. But thanks to the timeline destabilizing thanks to the events from that original future, Danny is now a wondering ghost, forever searching and protecting the multiverse, just like the Ghost of the Multiverse.

Danny is feeling guilty for what he had done. If not for him to cheat his test, none of this would have happened. He feels like his ghost haft is unwanted, responsible, and hatred towards himself as his powers what cause this to happen. But one day, something happened that cause this to change his event than his dark future, he was forced to send into a space between time and dimension, one that has been erasing people from existence when entering it, but his Phantom self is protecting him from that fate, it is the Void. How he got in it is when a war in a multiversal scale had ripple everything that causes these anomalies to occur. Once Danny sees the Void, all he wanted to do is to stay here forever as a punishment to not saving his friends and family. And here he did as Danny spent if time exist here, three million years, wondering and training his powers. His powers are so strong, enhance by the void and two powers that were coming from the war, and mastered, it is to the point where he can manipulate other spirits, timelines, and allot of reality warping on a multiversal scale. One day, he sees his original future and needless to say, he is feeling more shame and stupid for rejecting his powers. If not for that, that he would have not become the monster he is. Overwhelming with guilt for his lost, and what happened if he didn't got force into the realm of the Void, he vows to never become that version of Danny, that disgusting, twisted, and evil self ever again. Now wants to desire to become not a hero, but a protector of the multiverse, just like the Ghost of the Multiverse and other protectors like Ink. He then decided to return to his world with a new mind set, as he spent years with Vlad, talking to the Void and how time is not even existence in there, of course Vlad help him in researching the Void and the two biggest energy that Danny had accidently connected himself into the two biggest power sources of all existence, the Nexus and Cosmic Essence. One day, something happened, his world began to glitch out, because something happened to his original future that causes this whole world to collapse. But thanks to his newfound power, and the research on the Nexus and Cosmic Essence, he and Vlad manage to help everyone on earth to recreate a new home for them and making sure that this one is separate from his original home. After that is done, Dannial decided to travel to the Multiverse to fulfill his promise that he made to himself and saying goodbye to Vlad and the remaining people who know him. Now this is no longer Danny Phantom, he declares himself as the Wondering Phantom.


Ghostly Physiology:
Thanks for his DNA and atoms to be mix with Ectoplasm and spent his time within the Void, Dan has physiology unlike even amongst other ghosts. His presents are like the Void, forever be a true phantom, a ghost lingering from the past and all that it is. His presents even cause other beings, and even monsters who absorb the 7 humans' souls to cause feeling lost and void of everything. If he wanted, he could transform into monochromatic form and be like Core and Gaster's Followers, along with the lost kid. In that state, he is truly not there, and always there and not there. Because of this, it is a perfect form to use as he even trick someone with Omnipresent once and win the bet. With Ghostly Physiology, his phasing ability is through the roof, allowing him to phase an entire multiverse with one touch. Although someone of great will like Ares or DT users can overwrite this.

Cosmic Scream:
An upgraded version of the Ghostly wail by the Cosmic Essence, the Cosmic Scream is a powerful yell, causing everything within AU or haft the multiverse to shaken into submission. This cause everyone to shaken and rumble into dust. Although people who are as strong as King Multiverse can withstand the yelling and overpowered them.

Photokinesis/Energy manipulation:
Dan can shape, bend and manipulate both light and energy. If it is coming from himself or other sources, he can use them to his advantage. Although beings from DETERMINATION can overwrite this as their will are too strong to be manipulate.

Nexus Calling:
Thanks to him connecting himself to the Nexus thanks for a device alternating his Code to match that of the flawless system, he can use this to his advantage by creating allot of weapons, pixel manipulation, and even altered and bend the codes of others, although people who are stronger than him or someone who has no code can't be use or manipulate.

Reality Warping:
By spending time within the Void, Dan has warped the fabric of reality to his will and even creates one if there isn't one. This only outclass by DT-Tale's reality warping.

Soul manipulations:
Dan can shape, bend, and manipulate souls of others. He can even replicate Blue-Magic and other soul modes. He can also change the souls, nature, but must be a weaker than him or else that is not happening.


while the two hasn't been great, since the death of the Fenton family and Danny's friends, Dan and Vlad's relationships had gotten better through the years. Thanks to Dan's new mind set, Vlad had also change, becoming a truly a good person after everything happened. Danny often looks up to Vlad for emotional support, and his time on how to use his Cosmic Essence and the Nexus. While Vlad is just glad that things gotten better between them. After Danny's departure, Vlad often wonders if Danny is ok, and later babysitting Dan's kids if he is not around. 

Since Danny is a ghost, he and Alpha met and ever since then, the two work together like partners. They even fought against Null, Infected when amp by him eating Ten, and many more.

Since Ink became the vessel of the Unnameable, Dan vow to rescue Ink from that Soul that took him. While Ink just wanted to just consume him to make himself stronger.

The god of the Multiverse and the creator of King Multiverse, Error404 had an interest in Danny's unique circumstances and his powers. When they meet, 404 attempts to use his mind manipulation to bring him to becoming his henchmen, if not for Danny to use his Cosmic Scream to break free of the attempts and accidently activate Error404's BUTTERFLY and went on a rampage. Thanks to his time within the Void, he is able to destabilize 404's BUTTERFLY for a brief moment before Malware appear and ruin everything. The only reason why he survived is when Omnipotent Sans appear and stop Malware's rampage. Ever since then, 404 is working to find a way to force Danny to be his slave, while Danny is just dodging every attempt with the help with Alpha.

Danny beat Error so badly for attempting to wipe out his world while Error just tugging his emotional past and him unable to save his family. The two however, made a truce to take on Ink and bring him back from the Unnameable that had been enslaving him.

King Multiverse:
Danny almost got bonded by the tyrant by the orders of Error404. The reason why Danny escape is that he uses his Soul Manipulation to alter his own soul to be unbondable to KM who is enrage. Now ever since then, Danny is getting away from King Multiverse while the tyrant is doing all that he can to find him and break him into soul bonded him.

he met Emily when during the early times when he is traveling the Multiverse. Once they meet, Dan sees nothing more than someone who is trying to have a name for herself. But Emily knows his pain as she had gone the same thing when his father and her friends during the war. Ever since the day they meet, they are bonding through the pain of the past. Even went down with love as they even had kids together.

The Daughter and first child of Danny and Emily, Charlotte is name after Emiliy's fist friend and lost her after the war. Charlotte is a willed individual and inherit both parents' powers, which that including connections to the Void, Nexus and Cosmic Essence. Both she and Danny have a great bonding with each other like father and daughter, with her having a good relationship between both parents.

The second child and of Danny and Emily, she was named after Danny's best friend and love interest before the explosion incident. While possessed the same potential as her sister Charlotte, she also possessed DETERMINATION on top of that. Because of this, she has to be close to be watch in key as the DT-Demons might try to get her because of set potential, despite only being DTLV1. Her relationship is the same as her older sister. She can be reckless but good at times. Sam is often helped to being out of trouble by her entire family.

Another one that Danny and Emily had, the daughter of the Wondering Phantom, Jasmine is a book worm and smart type of girl, just like Jasmine Fenton. She is also the most unique as she has the capability to warp abstract and concepts. While not possessing both parents' powers, she gains DETERMINATION to heights unknown even the DT-Demons had no idea if she can even control them as she too is the second person to ever use Hate for her DT. Her relationships are like their other siblings, with her being able even see other family members through warpers and see the original Danny and his old life before the blast. Never the lest, she is a futuristic Girl with the will rivaling that of Charlotte.

The youngest and is only 5 years old, Danny, Charlotte, Jasmine, and Emily always had to take care of him because his unique ability to teleport to another Universe, Multiverse, and the Orb entirety, and always in trouble. Despite this, Dan loves his son along with Emily and name him after Tucker Foley after the loss of everyone. 


Danny hates everything about Dark Danny as this is his future if not sets events didn't happened. He also will do anything to destroyed timelines if this one cause allots of damage to other AUs. 

Danny like chocolate thanks for Emily's liking for chocolate.

His enemies always tried to attack his family, so he entrusted Vlad to take care of them whenever he has to deal with them.

He often plays video games with his kids.

Danny support Sam's surprising growing multiversal gaming YouTube.

Danny wanted his kids to go to Finland's schools as his words, "their school is a lot better than that dump I went through" and he succeeded it.

Jasmine is the only one who sees her father's old life before this whole mess occurred. While she meets Dark Danny before, she is able to overwrite him out of here and send him back to his original dimension. She is also having the DETERMINATION, both metaphorically and literally, to see her father's old friends and family, along with the original Danny.

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