The Creative Creator,
The Creative Protector,
The Forbidden Conduit of Imagination,
The Eden Tree's Protector,
One of Eden's new heroes.
The Squid,
The bane of all of the Conduits,
Squid Hero,
Milkyway squid,
Star squid,
Cosmic squid,
The prime of all Ink-Sans.
Age: unknown
Weight: 134 pounds
Height: 6'2
Soul type: Conduit Soul
Birthplace: unknown location
HP: Infinite
ATK and DEF: Infinite
Eye color: amoeba or anything
"I may have done terrible things in the past, but that won't stop me to do what it is done. I will protect not just the Multiverse, but all of the Eden-Sphere." -Imaginary-Ink.
Imaginary-Ink is a version of Ink-Sans that is chosen to be the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination after the original have been killed by Faker but the soul escape. The Soul chosen Ink to be a new host because how Creative Ink is. He is also the one that became aware on what he is doing and the first (FGoD) Ink-Sans to ever become responsible.
A version of (FGoD) Ink that has been chosen after the previous Forbidden Conduit of Imagination died by Faker's hands but the soul escape and landed into Ink. Ink then took the soul but didn't absorb it yet as he continues on what he is doing. That is until he met someone from a Different AU from a Different Multiverse came and talk to Ink and conversing with him. because of him, Ink became mature and learn the concepts of empathy and remorse. He also learns the balance of the Multiverse and how Error's job is important. Because of this, Ink decides to emends Error about his roles and promise not to create more than the Multiverse can handle. After that, He decides to Absorb the Soul he got before meeting Ink from an Alternative Multiverse to force ink to play his game. But with the new minds set and maturity, he fought off against his counterpart and discovers with his soul, he can do anything by imagine him to be. After the fight was over, Alphatale came to be, and Ink has to be the one takes them all on. He met Alpha and became his student. While Alpha is cruel towards Ink in his training, Ink has a patient to help Alpha in his dark past, with him learning on how to become a therapist. When KM came to be and tried to control Ink, the soul refuse instead KM exploded and reform in the worse way possible. Fast forward as to Error sacrifice and how things go, Ink and Error404 revealed on what happened and Ink make amends to his actions in the past. But unbeknownst to everyone, the Ink from X-event earlier came and took the soul of the Unnameable and became Hollow-Ink and Error become Righteous-Error. Both Ink and Error then decides to work together in order to defeated Ink's worse version of his counterpart. After it is like been years had pass, the Conduits came and tried to end him, but Himmsworth came along with prism and Folklore and with Righteous help, they all push them back. Himmsworth then decided to take Ink to the Eden-Sphere and take him to Eden herself. Eden, Himmsworth, and Yesmerian then made two of the weapons design for Ink himself. The first one is design to take on The Being Slayer and Death N'Cherry while the other one gives him Omniscient. And on that day forward, Ink changes his clothes and renamed himself as Imaginary-Ink and became the Protector of Eden-Sphere and the Tree itself.
Imaginary-Ink looks like the original Ink when it comes to the face. With a Black Paint in his right cheek and eye-lights that changes in response to his emotions. But what he wears that is different than his original counterpart. His clothes are stained with different paints, he wears a gray light blue sky with a hoodie, he has blue jeans with a palette, he has the same shoes that he has in the past, he wears a long brown hoodless jacket with the collar up, he has a improve stash of paint in his upper chest, and finally he wears a brown scarf with no writing because his memory is fix. Usually, he put two of his weapons were in the back in a x formation.
Thanks to the old man when he met in the past, Ink became a genuine compassion and caring person with a burning passion for creativity and art. Thanks for the training for Alpha, he accepts his cold and brutally honest nature but only to those who deserve it. With further guides with Himmsworth ,Yesmerian and Eden, he became wise and thinks things through before taking action. When you anger him or threaten on what he protects however, unless this action or you are too important, Ink has no qualms to kill or tortured those who so much as jeopardize on what he is protecting. Despite all that, he is Eden's newest and one of the greatest heroes that the people that ever seen, only rivaling the popularity by Folklore himself.
Imaginary-Ink version of the painted portal but upgraded and refine that is almost a completely different thing. Instead of paint portal that is in the ground, it is a rainbow-like portal that can be everywhere from the ground to the sky to the wall or through the air. It has more uses than it first seems. Ink can make the portal inversion and invisible as a trap to trick his opponent that he can make them entered to. He can make mini portal to either grab the object or to capture small creatures. With the Creativity he has, these portals are endless.
Ink manipulation:
Imaginary-Ink can manipulate the ink from himself or anything from the environment. He can even manipulate others if they were made out of ink such as other Ink-Sans or Bendy.
Unstable strength:
With his new soul, he has strength like no other. Not even the strongest within the Eden-Sphere can pin him down and strongest of the Alphatale cannot beat him with raw strength. One time Ink was even able to lift an object that has the weight of the Eden-Sphere itself.
Irrelevant Speed:
Imaginary-Ink has speed that not even people with Infinite speed of omnipresence can win Ink against a race. With specifically very few people that can rival his speed such as the Conduit of speed.
The Will to go on:
With the new soul, Ink can go on in the fight forever in an infinite time. Because of this, Ink can just work 24/7 without a break. Only having breaks for the mind.
Conduit soul of flight:
With the new soul, Imaginary-Ink has an ability to fly with speed is the same as if not link to Irrelevant Speeds.
Unrival Creativity:
With the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination, Ink's creativity is so great that no one from Eden-Sphere itself is not as Creative as Imaginary-Ink himself.
Body manipulation:
Taking the page by Hollow-Ink and the fact that he absorbs the dead consciousness of a Unnameable's soul, Imaginary-Ink can manipulate his body to do as much as Hollow-Ink himself only to surpasses him when he can change color, grow to the size of the tree itself, and shrink into even the smallest atom in all of existence.
Durability of Mangi:
Imaginary-Ink's durability is so strong that not even Brimm or Sol can truly damage him unless they use their full strength.
Bones and Gaster-Blasters:
Like (FGoD) Hollow-Ink, Imaginary-Ink can summon his bones and Gaster-Blasters without the using ink as the materials for its creation and summoning. The Bones is white with rainbow runes all over the structure. With the Gaster-Blaster is the same, white with a rainbow rune, but has a black jaw with a rainbow eye-light. Now only using the ink variant as a nonlethal method of fighting.
Somehow, Imaginary-Ink was able to replicate the Blue-Mastery that Error404 has, and it is as strong as William himself.
Instant teleportation:
Like all Sanses, Ink has ability to teleports in shorts or long distance. That combine with his Rainbow-Portals can give great effects.
Eyes of Hatred:
Learning Alpha's past and how he had these Hate filled eyes as much as these ones, Imaginary-Ink has now gained the Eyes of Hatred that Alpha has. Gaining a boost in power if he is in a pickle. It looks like two red dots with Hate leaking out of the sockets.
Another thing that Imaginary-Ink learn from Alpha is the ability to drain DETERMINATION with a wave of a hand. However, if someone has too much of it or the person has resistance to being drain, or just generating too many as Ink can handle, he can feel drain and he is starting to melt due to too much of it. Although he can quickly recover it by using his Conduit soul or his brush.
The Brush of Avalon:
Forge by Eden herself and design taken from The Being Slayer and Death N'Cherry, The Brush of Avalon or broomy is an Omnipotent weapon/tools that allows Imaginary-Ink to do literately everything if his Conduit soul is not enough. It is the only weapon to take on the legendary Being Slayer and Death N'Cherry.
The Blade of Oraphim:
An Omniscient blade that is forge by Himmsworth and Yesmerian, this weapon although not as strong as The Brush of Avalon even though it is close, what makes up for giving the wielder with Omniscient. Meaning that Imaginary-Ink can know and is aware of everything and anything. And unlike Himmsworth and Yesmerian, Ink can avoid a lot of dangers. If it were to be destroyed, erase, or damage, it will mend and fix not just the blade itself or restored it, but also come back from being erase from existence as if nothing happened.
Plot Manipulation/Story Manipulation:
In the past, Alpha had taught Ink to manipulate time within a timeline of an AU to create a perfect ending to those who are deserving and give fate worse than death to those who done cruel and evil actions. But since he is starting to use The Forbidden Conduit of Imagination and the fact that he has been practicing it within Eden itself, he can now Manipulate the story of the Eden-Orbs to give these stories a happy ending and bring evil and genocidal beings to justice.
Vomited of damnation:
Upgraded by the Conduit soul and actively used as a weapon, Imaginary-Ink can use his Vomited of ink dangerous ways. In normal damage, when his opponent is so much as touching the ink, it will burn them like acid. If he uses in destructive ways however, it will destroy the following: Mountains, continent, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, Multiverses, Hyperverses, the Omniverse, then finally the Eden-Orbs.
Cosmic manipulation:
Imaginary-Ink has an ability to manipulate the power called Cosmic Essance because Ink ate and absorbed a dead conscious Unnameable's soul. This also refined when Righteous-Error and Imaginary-Ink went together into the TransVoid in order to learn and master the power over Cosmic Essence which allows him to do anything that involves creating.
Nexus Manipulation:
This is ability granted when Imaginary-Ink connected himself to the Nexus outside of an Eden-Orb. He is as strong as Error404 when it comes to the Nexus and code, and further training by the White Demon himself improves that.
Unnatural Regeneration:
With the new soul, Imaginary-Ink can regenerate in an unnatural rate. Even being erase from existence will not work as he just regenerate his existence and concepts back to normal.
Hell Ray:
During when the multiverse is in an unknown war, and other multiverses are in war with each other, Alpha, Fate, Destiny, and Error404 had no choice but to work together in order to defend off against outside invaders. During this time, Error404 taught Ink on how to use one of the abilities that he knows off which is the God ray. Ink name it the Hell Ray to sound special. Like the Glitch Ray, the Hell Rey is a consistent beam instead of a burst one like the original ray. And now it is just as powerful as the Glitch Ray. Both beams surpass even the Alpha Ray. Unlike all of the rays, the Hell Rey has three shots of effects. The first shot can force the opponent to experience the worst type of hell hence the Hell in the name. The second shot sent them into the Hell dimension similar to the Banishment ability that Alpha use. And finally, the third shot where the targets are destroyed in the worse way possible. Ink can think a way to kill that person and that person will die in response to his thoughts.
Objective multiverse:
Another thing that Error404 taught Imaginary-Ink during the events. It is Ink's own version of the True Multiverse. Inside of it, it is you see nothing but a sea with Cosmic Essance and Nexus everywhere where floating islands where above everywhere with the ones Ink and his opponent are in. The person trap will be chain up by a rainbow chain made out of a Cosmic Essence and the Nexus. He can shoot the Hell Ray and destroyed the chains where Infinite Alpha and Ink-sans will rush forward and beat the living shit out of his opponent. To add the danger, an entity name Hephaestus that has draconic like designs that opens its mouth and shoots a rainbow beam to try and destroy the target. This attack is much stronger than the True Multiverse that Error 404 has, and it is as strong as the Perspective Multiverse. Here, Ink is now free to create anything ranging from simple objects to complex civilization to entire universe.
With the new soul and has power over Nexus and Cosmic Essence, Imaginary-Ink can truly create anything without the other Creators guiding him. In fact, he is the one responsible for creating a verse called MHA verse and the Orbs itself. Basically, Imaginary-Ink is the one responsible for most anime becoming real.
(Note that each transformation will increase Imaginary-Ink's power and physicality about uncountable amounts of times.)
Fantasy's Knight:
It is a form where Imaginary-Ink use the true power of the Conduit soul within him. Armor plates with a rainbow outline will appear in the shoulders, in the lower arm and leg, and a new knight's helmet that is in a spartan style. In this form, Imaginary-Ink is one with all of the previous incarnations of the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination. This gives new abilities and upgrades his old ones.
Acid aura:
In this form, Imaginary-Ink's aura can melt people, object and even concepts with nothing but deform and ruin than it once was. Luckily, Fantasy's Knight can turn off or turn on this whenever he wants.
Imagination of Creation:
Combining both Nexus Manipulation and Cosmic manipulation, Fantasy's Knight can create literately anything with only one that can surpass this which is the Conduit of Creation herself.
Fantasy's Knight can summon and attack Star-Blazing that can destroyed multiple Eden's Orbs.
Imagination of reality:
With the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination, Fantasy's Knight can do Literally anything with a thought. It is only limited to Ink's imagination.
These Blasters are upgraded by the Conduit soul itself which fire a blast so powerful that Sol himself had to fall back because how powerful it is. The Blaster resembles the Hephaestus from the Objective Multiverse.
Fantasy Ray:
It is purified and more refined version of the Hell Ray. It doesn't give anything excepts the previous effects gives far more damaging form than the original.
Decayed Protector:
This is a result when Malware takes over Imaginary-Ink and makes him his new host. This is during the time where Alpha, Error404, Infected, and Omnipotent were under control of the Astral Mother. This is when Ink, King Multiverse, and Error agreed to let Malware take over all three of them which they all became DELETION, King Chaos, and Decayed Protector. Decayed Protector is very unhinged and violent, yet he is also very tactical and analytical when dealing with his opponents. He resembles on how he looks except his clothes is ruin and his face and the whole body is similar to J404 but with some differences. His teethes resemble the Teethes of any Gaster-Blasters, and his eye-Light is red with white liquid dripping from his eye sockets.
Eyes of Lyssa:
An Upgraded version of Eyes of Hatred, the Eyes of Lyssa is the eyes that gives Decayed Protector an ability to become stronger as long as the eyes is turn on which it is permanently. If anyone looks into Eyes of Lyssa, they will experience the worse ways to die and given those fate that is far worse than death. Even Infected will turn, run, and screams on how horrific this is.
Hell Eyes:
Basically, an upgraded and more dangerous version of the Hell Ray. It has three corrupted effects in contrast to the original. The First shot is the same as the original with a difference is that anything that they have experience will become real, the second one is when the Opponent is sent into the fusion of the Hell Dimension and the TransVoid, and finally the third shot can destroy and erase the entire Eden's Orbs and creates a shock wave that corrupts other nearby orbs.
Puppet's Creation:
With the Power over Nexus and the Power over Cosmic Essence, Decayed Protector can create people and Universes and even Eden's Orbs that has been corrupted by Malware himself. Decayed Protector can use them as a puppet and even empowered the creation with Malware's powers.
Claws of Abaddon:
sharp claws appear with his hands and acts as his powerful close combat weapon when both the Brush and the Katana is not available. One swipe can destroy an Eden's Orbs and to those who survived will died by its rotten effects.
Corrupted Knight:
Another form that Imaginary-Ink possess. It is a result when Malware takes over Ink while he is in his Fantasy's Knight. It resembles his Fantasy's Knight excepts the clothes are ruined and the armor is leaking black Hate.
Duality Ray:
It is a result when both versions of the Hell Eyes and the Fantasy Ray fuse together. Its power and affect are a combination between two Rays. It can also shoot separately which now has the shot of effect count of nine. The first shots where not only what their experiencing is real, but also making your worst nightmare real. It can even create an entirely different Eden Orb just to tortured them. The second shot can send them into the dimension which is known as Erebus's lands in which they be experience an infinite lifetime of nothing but misery and misfortune, it is basically experiences multiple of lifetime in where their friends and family betrayed them and cause untold tortured. Finally, the Third shot can Destroyed the target and add them into Corrupted Knight's own power permanently even after the transformation has ended. It is capable to destroy the Tree by several times over.
Rotten Aura:
An Acid Aura that has been corrupted by Malware's powers. It can reach the size of the Tree itself and can destroyed anything by just simply being in there. Like Acid Aura, Rotten Aura can be turn off and turn on whenever he wishes to.
Star-Blazing that has been corrupted by Malware; it is a star like projectiles that has a black flame that can heavily damage the tree itself.
Corrupted Creations:
It is a result where the Imagination of Creation where corrupted by Malware's powers. With this, Corrupted Knight can create powerful Items and powerful Orbs that either empowered himself, or to use in the fight. For example, Corrupted Knight can Create a twisted and more powerful version of Folklore and EchoStar and with their more powerful and twisted version of their weapons. He also created a version of a Book of Eyes that can travel to another Eden-Sphere.
Rotten Reality of Imagination:
It is a twisted and Rotten version of Imagination of reality. It allows Corrupted Knight to bend the 10 Reality to his will and can bend reality that didn't exist. He can also destroy it with a wave of his hand.
Transcendent Physiology:
In the current state he is in, Corrupted Knight has Transcendent Physiology that isn't bound to literally anything, both normal and Metaphysics.
Metaphysics Manipulation:
In this state, Corrupted Knight can bend, break, shape, and change any in all things that has Metaphysics. Changing shaping and bending concepts, meta powers, and more.
Rotten Brush:
The Brush of Avalon has been corrupted by Malware's powers, this Brush is a more powerful and more dangerous version of The Brush of Avalon. Its power is now able to surpass even omnipotence itself and surpassing both the Being Slayer and Death N'Cherry.
The Blade of Corruption:
The Blade of Corruption is a corrupted version of The Blade of Oraphim. Its power not only gives Omniscient and Omnipresent, but also can affect anything that reach its power and destroys them and corrupts them to nothing. For example, this blade had once affected the entire Eden's sphere and beyond even faker is affected to an extent.
Rotten and deform version of the Fantasy-Blasters, it can suck anything that is Nexus and Cosmic Essence and anything dry and with the only ones uninfected is users of DETTERMINATION.
The Knights of Hell:
This form that Imaginary-Ink possess; it is the result when Gabriel decided to give Ink his own Cosmic Essence in order to balance out Malware's Cosmic Essence all while Ink is in his Fantasy's Knight. Because of this, Ink is now free from Malware's control but stills has access to any previous transformation. Malware cannot back down or take back his Cosmic Essence because if he did, the damage will backfire back onto him and died in a rather painful way and has to do it all over again from scratch. By gaining this transformation, Ink can access his previous transformation without Malware possessing him. Ink gains flames of Hate all over his body, his Armor is now Black with a rainbow outline and dripping out Hate, His face and body is black but now has a rainbow rune, his helmet change that of draconic beast of knight with horns, and finally his ruin jacket now changes into that of royalty which is the upper sleeves has belts, the jacket itself is black with red markings, and finally he has belts straps into his upper and lower waist. All abilities that mention in the previous transformation will be integrated here along with some new abilities along the way.
The brush of hellish Imagination:
The Brush has purified and balance with Gabriel's Cosmic Essence which is an even more powerful version of Rotten Brush. With it, he can use it not only to do anything, but also to Transcendent it forever, even up to Faker's true form which is the only way for Ink to fight off and stand a better chance against the invasive creature.
The Overseers of Hell:
Like The brush of hellish Imagination, this is also a katana that has been purified and balance it out both Malware and Gabriel's Cosmic Essence. It can not only do what the Blade of Corruption can do, but also summons infinite armies of entities which has been empowered and as strong as Imaginary-Ink in base form.
Duality Ray-Reality Cannon:
basically, an upgraded and more purified version of a Duality Ray. It can do what the previous one can do but better and stronger than ever as this can stun Faker in his Moth form.
The Objective Orb:
Basically, it is Objective Multiverse but on an Eden Orbs level. It not only does what the previous one can do but also trap them into the Orbs and acts as a prison to those unfortunates enough to be trap in there. Even Sol and Brimm had been trapped in there for 3000 cycles before they finally get out.
Sinful Imaginary Reality:
This is a purified and refined version of Rotten Reality of Imagination. It not only does what the previous one can do, but also create any reality to his own liking. A reality that is above the TransVoid and the 10 realities.
The Flames of Hell-Blasters:
The Flames of Hell-Blasters or Hell-Blasters is a purified and refined version of the Ruin-Blasters. It can shoot Hell-Flames that burn the souls that eventually turn into dust. Even Brimm and Sol almost died by that attack, and they were at their strongest. It looks like a normal Fantasy-Blasters but with a difference. It has two sides with one in the left blueish black, symbolize Malware and dark scarlet which symbolize Gabriel.
Demonic Creations:
This is a purified and refined version of the Corrupted Creations. The creatures and items that the Knights of Hell made is more powerful than corrupted Creations. With this, the Knights of Hell was the one who created a Being Destroyer, a more powerful version of the Being Slayer, and Deathless N'Cherry which is a true Omnipotent weapon that is more powerful than the original one. The Knights of Hell also created the Lesser Key of Eyes, which is better and more powerful version of the Book of Eyes, which can travel into another Eden-Sphere and beyond. He also creates a powerful Omnipotent weapon for certain someone that he gives in order to fight better.
The Beast of Hephaestus:
It is a transformation where the Knights of Hell became enrage or knock out unconscious. If that happens, Ink transform and converted into Hephaestus, the very same entity that is from the Objective Multiverse. In this state, Hephaestus is acts like animalistic and acts as a beast when dealing with the environment. He has two pairs of wings of unimaginable size that look at it will hurt your brain a little bit. It is a scaling yet boney creature with two ribs with one is inside and the other one is outside. It has a split jaw with rainbow eyes with 5 horns with all of them burst into flames. Even though he is an animal in this state, if your someone who Ink has care and heart to like Fate and Muse, Ink will regain his conscious and control the beast. Now he can control it if he wants to use this form, although the two previous requirements will happen and that is the only thing that Ink can lose control. In this state, the Dragon infuse with the brush of hellish Imagination and the Overseers of Hell.
The Jaw of Cerberus:
Hephaestus's jaw is so powerful that it can heavily damage Faker's Moth form.
A Powerful beam attack that is so powerful that he can not only put Faker's Moth form into a near death or being erase from existence state and heavily Damage Faker's true form, but it is also powerful enough to recreate the Eden-Sphere.
Cosmic Sphere Dimension:
It is a Dimension that Ink created base by Edra's realm, the Eden-Sphere, and his old home Doodle-Sphere, it is a cosmic sky with beautiful stars that made by Ink and Jusiah himself. The center shows the life size model of the Eden-Sphere itself with live event on what is happening. The Dimension contains orbs that depend on the size indicate if it is a Universe, Multiverse, Hyperverse, Omniverse, or an Eden-Orbs, with the smallest is a peddle indicate a Universe and large basketball is an Eden-Orbs.
To show interest to visit, you need to do the following:
Ask permission from Imaginary-Ink himself or the people associating with him.
Must not be a danger to the Sphere itself as these Orbs can actually lead you to the actual things and can cause damage.
Must have guide with you if you see this place for the first time. This place will be provided one within called Cosmic Shiyōnin, A race of species that Ink made in the purpose to guide those who seen this place for the first time. They're also the ones who guard the Dimension and they're a good caretaker with it.
Ink's own mother and the one who created him, Ink loves his mom so dearly, even though he questions her when it comes to parenting as if not for the old man, Ink could have become like Hollow-Ink. Because of this, Fate had to fix a lot of things that she has done like Error, although Fate and Error have Hatred towards each other so strong, that Ink had ironically have to become the middleman for the both of them.
Ink feels guilty and responsible for what happened to Error. Because of this, Ink had to tell the multiverse about the Balance and how he and everyone are the ones hurting Error. And when Ink and Error meet, they decided to create a truce for the balance of the multiverse. It is basically if the Multiverse has too many universes, Error can destroy, and if the Multiverse looks like a baren wasteland, Ink is allowed to create. Even though Error doesn't like Ink in the very beginning, he eventually now has a good relationship with Ink, with the both of them acts like when cousins or siblings acted towards each other. With Error becoming a wing man for Ink and Muse's wedding and is the one of the guards incase if any Conduits came and tried to ruin it.
Alpha acts as a father figure towards Ink and looks for him in how to fight. Even though Alpha acts cruel and ruthless towards him when it comes to training in the beginning, Ink is caring and is patient towards him as Alpha came from a place of cruelty and ruthlessness because of the Astral Mother. Ink even became a therapist for Alpha sake, and when Alpha learns Hollow-Ink and how his treatment toward his student could lead him to, Alpha felt remorse and responsible for what happened to Ink and tone down the training, much for Ink's gladness. Because of this, this is the only version where Ink and Alpha's relationship is actually good.
Error's chosen destiny and Ink's aunt, Destiny at first thinks of him nothing more than a spoiled brat with no responsibilities. But when Ink became responsible and more caring than before, Destiny's view changed and now see Ink as her nephew. Inks sees Destiny as his aunt that is trying to fix a lot of his mother's mistakes.
Ink met Muse when Ink heard a beautiful song that is playing within the twisted lands. When they meet, both Muse and Ink realize that they were Conduits and the kind that the other Conduits doesn't like. Ink decides to show her that he can create stuff but not to the extent than Creation which it impresses her. When they spent time together, both Ink and Muse began to have feelings for each other and wants to be one another. Because of this, they are now a couple with love and compassion with each other, with them planning to get married if they hope that the other Conduits would not ruining it.
The Conduits:
Having the title of "the Bane of all of the Conduits" is not enough to describe how the others hated ink, consider worse than Chaos and the previous Forbidden Conduit of Imagination themselves. Ink is the one responsible for a lot of grievances and damage that he had done. Ranging to saving and rescuing Merus to be the one destroying their plans and the one who killed them off in the past Cycles. They're now target is Ink himself, with them even willing to ignore Merus and other forbidden Conduits just to tried to killed Ink off. But ever since that Ink gaining his Brush of Avalon and the Blade of Oraphim, them trying to kill him will be impossible. Especially Death who has a personal vendetta against Ink while Ink hated the Conduits because they reminded their behavior of that when Ink himself is ignorant to and uncaring for Error's suffering without considering others in which make him pissed.
The very person that is responsible for Ink to be introduce to the Eden-Sphere and is the one along with Yesmerian who created the Blade of Oraphim, Ink has a good relationship with Himmsworth as he did the same.
Ink and Yesmerian have a good relationship between one and another. With her, Edan, and Himmsworth are the ones who taught Ink in how to take his actions more cautiously and wisely. With Ink glad that they did that for him.
While Ink will not join Error404's henchmen and had fought him in the past, Ink is willing to bring back Alphatale and did it successfully, much for William's joy. Now the both of them acts as if an older uncle took their father's place in case that Alpha is not around.
Ink and Folklore have a rivalry between each other in turns of who has the better weapons. Even though Folklore question Ink on Him bringing back Injustice, he did understand that he did this for Coli, Injustice's son. By the end of the day, they were friends that is between both in work and out of it.
Coli at first see nothing but bitterness because Ink is associating with Folklore, the man who killed his father. But when Ink is the one who bring both Injustice and Reia back, his parents, Coli subtract his opinion and now thinks of him as an uncle figure with Ink act like one for him.
Injustice's opinion towards Ink is complicated. On one hand Ink is with Folklore, but on the other hand Ink is the one who have been taking care of Coli and the one responsible for Reia and himself being back from the dead. Ink sees Injustice is like a grumpier version of Coli and while his Conduits did cause Injustice, by the end of the day, he just sees him as a man who just trying to help his son.
Asides Alpha who is the one training Ink, Eden is the one who is training him on how to use his Conduit soul properly and even the one who help Ink bring his Fantasy's Knight for the first time. She is also the one who Create the Brush of Avalon which is Ink's most powerful weapon. Ink sees her as a someone to look up to when the situation is getting dire and sees her as his superior, similar to Error and Error404.
Because Ink is the one who rescue and protects him against the other Conduits, Merus sees Ink as an uncle figure with him calling him that which Ink was happy about. Now their relationships are good and even Ink being the one who teach Merus on how to use both Gaster-Blasters, and his own version of the True Multiverse.
Edra sees this as another Prism in her eyes, with Ink doesn't mind it as long as she lets him helps her son. Even though Edra is intimidated by Ink's own powers and weapons and because of Malware, she stills treats him as she treats Prism. Although that doesn't stop her from cheering on for Ink when it comes to him recking the Conduits for treating her son.
She sees him as a better, kinder and stronger version of Hollow-Ink. She also sees that he is a forbidden Conduits like her. Because of this, Anomaly-Core allows Ink to have access to the Alpha timeline.
Ink hates this version of Hollow-Ink particularly this one because Hollow-Ink is the one who tried to force him to play his game called the X-event. Ink also feels sorry for the Cross of Hollow-Ink's Multiverse, so he decides to bring back X-tale for Cross sake and dammed X-Gaster into a life of eternal hell by sending him into Erebus's lands, where G is forever trap into endless betrayal and misery. Hollow-Ink on the other hand hates this Ink not just because the fact he is siding with Error, but also because Sending X-Gaster into Erebus's lands ruins the game for him and does promise to kill him no matter what.
Since Ink is with Merus and the fact that he helps Prism with his Conduit better, Prism and Ink have a good relationship which is like a serious person is friends with a chill and goofy dude. They get along well and does meditating along with Merus if they have the time.
King Multiverse:
In the beginning, KM tried to Control Ink with the soul bond. But his new soul doesn't allow it as all it did is exploded and tear apart the tyrant and put him back together in a worse state possible. His mouth in between his legs, arms as his legs and one leg is in the head while the other one is like a tail, KM is traumatized so much that no amount of Mind-Manipulation is gonna fix KM's past experience, with 404 annoyed that this happened. Ironically, Ink being a therapist, he goes to the King and helps him in his trauma in which it helps him, alot. Despite Ink's kindness, he thinks of him nothing but a sit ass puppet king that he compares him to Joseph Stalin. But when King Multiverse became a true king, Ink now respects him as the King he truly become and entrust him in keeping the multiverse safe while he is away protecting the Eden-Sphere.
She thinks of him as Folklore's Friends and now thinks him as an uncle to her with Ink coming here for her birthday parties and some stuff.
Made to replace Ink and technically Ink and Ten's son, Ink decides to bring Tint in and help him with his memory lost and also help him on how to become stronger without the memory's thing. because of this, Tint sees Ink as his father and now takes Ink's place whenever Ink is in the Eden-Sphere or away.
Also known as the Lesser Key of Eyes, she is a sentient entity created by Ink himself for the sole purpose of being a guide to anyone or being a navigator for traveling between other Eden-Spheres. Her and Ink are that of daughter and father with her calling Tint her older brother and calling Muse her mother.
Ink met her when he wonders into the Book of minds and met her. they both talk to each other, and Iris decides to take Ink in as her student along with Folklore and EchoStar. Ink is the only one that Iris that actually had to take things seriously and use her full power. While Ink loses, she did admit that he is already this powerful despite being able to beat him. In return, Like Eden, she is his superior along with the One in Red. Currently, Ink surpasses Iris but she still training him.
Thanks for his new Soul, Ink no longer suffers with short term memory loss, now with picture perfect memory of a god. He even remembers somethings that not even time exist.
Ink's stash of paint is there to remember the good times and as a reminder for him to keep moving forward. It also gives him an ability to a quick create arts and graffiti for him to do.
Inks hatred for the Conduits is so much that he even one time send them all into Erebus's lands as a punishment for what they did.
Ink likes candies and likes to share it with Merus.
Ink learns on how to do an odd limb removal thanks to Error.
His Cosmic Essence and Nexus control allows Ink to truly create anything without the Creators guiding him.
Ink is the one responsible for making Anime real such as MHA, Demon Slayer, JoJo, among the others.
Ink's popularity is rivaling that of both Folklore and EchoStar.
Brimm and Sol is cautious towards Ink because yes, they can go against him in base and Fantasy's Knight form, but the rest of his transformation and the fact that they been hurt by Ink in this state before, they're cautious about Ink and how to deal with him.
The denizens of the Omega Timeline at first hate Ink for their ignorant of the balance, but since Ink has change and becomes the Hero not just the Multiverse, but entirety of the Eden-Sphere itself, they see Ink as they see him before but truly good.
People starting to call Ink Daniel because they mistake him with someone else. It just now became what it is associate with Ink in which he doesn't mind.
This Ink is a version of Ink-Sans that doesn't play the X-Event, and if he sees the X-Gaster is about to do the X-Event in his multiverse, Ink intervene and prevent that from happening with Cross of his world happy that he is the one who stop it.
Ink somehow manages to take the Conduit of Chaos and plans it to gives it to someone else. This gives more of a reason why the other Conduits hate Ink more than before.
Ink hates homophobic people. Even if Ink sees Adam as his father, he hates him for the fact that Adam is a homophobic but glad that he tones down.
Ink hates racism and in general prejudice nonsense which is why his hatred of the Conduits is this high. With Ink even went so far as give Hitler and other Dictators who had done racism Genocide fate worse than death.
Ink hangs the corpses of people who committed racism Genocide in the Cosmic-Sphere. Luckly, Ink creates a section of this dimension and puts a sign says, "Corpses of Genocidal Racism."
Ink loves to joke out something before going into the fight.
The old man that Ink met is the same man that help Redemptive-Ink redeem himself.
Ink has a rainbow chains as a design for his house.
Ink was able to talk to people better because of Error404 and the fact that he is a therapist. He also gives advice to people who have struggled with their responsibilities as he himself struggles with it.
Muse is the one to convince Ink to seek help after she stumble upon the Corpses of Genocidal Racism.
If Ink and Muse ever to settle down somewhere, it will be Ink's home Multiverse where they be inside of an AU that has beautiful field that has gorges stars every night.
The Shiyōnin are an energy base creature that were created through Imagination of Creation which they were made in the sole purpose to be caretakers and guides when people want to visit this place. They were also acts as guards in this place and they were as powerful as Warlock and 100 which is insane.
The Lesser Key of Eyes is currently with Ink just like when Omnipotent have the Book of Eyes.
Ink has been traveling to other Eden-sphere with the Lesser Key of Eyes in which Ink will document other Eden-sphere, other Conduits, and many more.
The Lesser Key of Eyes has Infinite pages and can lead you to what page or pages you wanted by asking the book herself.
The book is sentient and have feelings and can deny anyone if she sees it as a threat or by Ink's orders.
This book's consciousness is that of a female teenager.
One time Omni sealed Rose within somewhere and dooming her in isolation. She got her revenge by releasing all of the TransVoid beings into the Multiverse in which Omni is stress. In reality however she just sent Omnipotent into a dimension where your worst nightmares are real.
Ink once entered to a multiverse which is called the Sagaverse. When he entered to this multiverse, he sees allots of things that are wrong in this verse. He decides to fix lots and lots of stuff like Power balance, to the Multiverse restored to its formal glory, to many more. Although, the Power balance always keep on going back to its original state. Because of this, he then talks to the Creators who didn't give up on their creation and the once who are the responsible for the unusual Power balance. The two parties agree in a compromise, one that can actually satisfy the both of them. They keep the original be this powerful but buff the people to the level that Ink thinks it is appropriate.
Imaginary-Ink met Saga-Ink and witness his bad influence shenanigans and Dream always stopping him. Imaginary-Ink decides to discipline this Ink and make God damn sure that he is not going to be this dumb anytime soon, much for Dream's gladness.
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