Dust+ (Experience)
Strongest Sans of Them All,
The One who Dust the dusted,
Dust Hunter,
Lone Dust.
Soul type: Red soul of DETERMINATION
Age: Unknown
Hight: 6'0
weight: 160
Birthplace: Dusttale-Plus
LV: 20
HP: Unknown
ATK and DEF: Unknown
Eye color: Red and Purple
"For those who create mistakes, for those who remade their own sin as a punishment for themselves, may their souls finally find their atonement."- Dust+
This is Dust+ that have years spent within traveling and fighting for most of his life. Since the certain incident where he accidently went into an Orb where all the people like his own where dustefied, Dust+ have no choice but to grow stronger in order to response to threats like that Orb, or now the new Dusted and Murderer Syndicate, trying to do what Dust-AUs do, kill and destroyed for revenge, blinded by their own rage.
Dust+ has been fighting for most of his life now, ever since he declares himself to cleanse all the Multiverse of Dust-AUs, not knowing, or in complete denial, in that mission was base with guilt and lost. He met with allot of interesting people, with most of them either friendly, hostile, or neutral for the most part. However, unbeknownst to him, he was about to defy story itself, with no one expects it in the slightest. One day while doing what he does best, killing Dust-AUs, more specifically a DustDust-Sans when he stumbles upon a weird door, one wasn't meant for him, instead for someone else. D+ was curious when Dust-Minus appeared and have another so-called chit-chat with him, a being that haunts D+ after he kills his own Phantom Brother. All of a sudden, millions of Dust-AUs came out of nowhere, all wanting to end one person, the one who keep on killing tons of Dust-AUs, and that person is...Dust+. Of course, Dust+ went to work, killing every Dust-AUs possible, but something is wrong, they keep on coming back, forcing D+ to use everything he had, erasing them only for them to return, defy being erase from existence. D+ is getting tired as not only this is turn into an endurance game, but he didn't even have a chance to escape as he was surrounded and too tired to just overpower them all. What is worse is that the DT-Demon, Alaster, now as Burning Dust, is here and trying to prevent Dust+ from entering that door. Though it is a different one from the Hell-Dimension, it has something that will be sure that D+ is free from his own stories. As D+ was losing, he thinks and has flashes of all the regrets, all the harsh reality, all the grand scale of how bullshit that his mission it is, and finally, he sees that he became the monster he truly is. But as that happened, he remembers, something, or someone from his old past life, a life he once knows before the genocides happened, one that Papyrus once said before the human came. He said "TO BELIEVE YOURSELF AND NOT LET ANYONE GET TO YOUR OWN DESIRE TO BE BETTER, THEN NOTHING, NOT EVEN FATE, DESTINY, OR ANYTHING THAT STOOD BETWEEN YOU AND THAT GOAL. BROTHER, THIS IS WHY I NEVER GIVE UP, EVEN IF IT SEEMS CHILDISH AND SOMETIMES SELFISH, BUT AREN'T WE ALL SELFISH TO EXTENT?" Then, Toriel spoke to him during their talk, "To have something, or want something, then do it yourself, as I never get why the whole, 'grand design of our world' as that undermined the will and belief that you have. This is the true power of DETERMINATION, the power to change your own fate, create your own Destiny, and if were from stories, then rewritten our own plot and even rejecting it, destroying them entirety as well create new ones." As those memory played into his mind, something within him snaps, and his DETERMINATION is reacting to it. Somehow, he no longer is bound to Code, Cosmic design, and more as he became his own power source. As that happened, the door opened, dragging D+ into it and close it shut, and disappears, as it chooses him due to passing the test, despite not originally for him. Once he is in there, D+ looks around and sees that he is in a deep, dark, and infinite stories told to him. One that he accidently heard every Stories, every plot, and everything that the people around him have. D+ then turns to see a chess piece, more specifically the Knight. Once D+ grabs it, then he felt something within his DETERMINATION, as for some reason, it is now fully apart of him, as in it no longer bound to the rules of even its own DETERMINATIONS as all weaknesses were nothing to him. D+ looks around as he sees the cycles, Fate, Destiny, and more all pass by him. After this was done, he was then got drag into somewhere else, one that is truly a nightmare to him. When he woke up, he is surround with death and destruction, and agony all around him as 13 different types of Dust-AUs, some were Sanses, some were Papyruses, Charas, Asriels, and more. He sees another Dust-Sans, one is protecting a small child, one that is clearly his by judging by his looks, despite being human, with red, cyan, and golden eyes. Normally that he didn't care and just kill everyone, that included the father and leave the child, but something to note within his thought, he has, since reread his own story and hears Killer.JPG's words as he looks at them, more specifically the child, as his eyes shows he is not afraid of death, in fact he is willing to face it head on. What he is afraid is his father's life, and the potential of losing someone, someone he cares for, the one who raise him, care for him, and right now protecting him, even if it causes him his life. Because of this, Dust+ then proceeded to destroy those Dust-AUs and save this Dust-Sans and his child. Dust+ then pull out his hand and help this Dust-Sans and his child, helping them to get out of this shitty situation. AU by AU, they only see as Dust-AUs, which frustrate him. Once they're into the Omega-Timeline in which it is in ruin, Dust+ and other Dust-Sans realize this isn't their ordinary Reality, this is some sort of Reality that is made specifically to be a Dust-AUs, a Dustverse if you will. Dust+ then faces a Dusted version of the Alphatale Brothers, and even some of the Alphatale residents. Because of this, Dust+ gave in and grows in power, allowing himself to do things that he was never have been able to do before. He manages to beat the most of the Alphatales' residents, or at least, ones that were Dustefied. Surprisingly, the few were this Alphatale's residents who doesn't a Dust-AU is Samson, AKA 100, the beast of Rage. This is also he and the other Dust-Sans allow themselves to escape with their lives, and the lives that they rescue by using 100 as a distraction as well as a battery for a portal, such as ones who weren't Dust-AUs, or Dust-AUs that that redeem themselves. After that, Dust+ and all the people he and Dust-Sans along with Dust-Sans's child to return to Dust-Plus's home Orb, his reality. He then put them into a Multiverse were a Dust+ didn't exist, where he was involved into a war, and meet the one person that he changes his life for the better, a fuse timeline of Dusttale and Glitchtale, and this is GlitchDust. Here he and this Sans fought against Nightmare and Bill from another Multiverse. After that, he went into DT-Tale by accident and ever since then, training there in order to grow as a person, and as a DT-user. For some reason, he also gains an ability to entered back to a void like world, where he was able see more of the stories of others. Now with the training and knowledge of oneself and one's DETERMINATION. He now uses this to fulfill the new revent mission, is to destroy those who can't redeem and be the light that is. Dust+ needed it now when the new form Dusted and Murderer Syndicate that he has to face it head on.
He looks the same as he was before, but since Dust+ have been spending time within the DT-Tale, Dus+ began to grow a little a bit, which is confusing for him. Because of this, Dust+ has to wear his bigger version of the usual clothes, which it is a new to him. Other than that, all is the same, all the way down to a T. The golden Jacket with black marks, and symbols on his hoodie.
Dust+ became mellow out to his ideas, and his actions. Though it is still there, it is becoming less prominent and allot wiser. He became more merciful, more considerate to his actions and other's actions. He is also less foul mouthed when he needs to respect something or someone. Though still being haunted by D-Minus, he persevered for the sake of everyone. When he sees a Dust-Sans that is either seeks true redemption or already have and protects those they love, he will guide them and help them to whatever he can, with him even went so far as to become a mentor to them, evident by Dust+ training GlitchDust, both his powers, and as a person.
Due to his time within DT-Tale, Dust-Plus's DETERMINATION allows him to surpass and bypass all limitations and weaknesses that he has no idea he had, such as the DT-Demons. like before, his DT allows him to surpass his limits of strength and power and allows him to do just about anything he believes he should be able to do. From being able to destroy his own universe to putting the Omniverse in a dark age, D+ is capable of doing the impossible as long as his DETERMINATION to do so is intact and his will is unbroken.
Transcended Cycles:
Due to Dust+ broke free from his own story, Dust+ transcends the cycles of all Existence. He is not bound by the same beginning, present and end that most other beings are subject to. Most high-level beings, no matter how powerful/old, are only fulfilling their role in the current cycle they are in, and when that cycle ends, they will as well. Dust+ is beyond that limitation. The reason how he got it is because of the fact that he went outside stories, along with the nature of his DT, Dust+ isn't bound to those cycles, including the Cycle of the Conduits.
Dust+ has controls, shapes, and determines his entire life, plot, events, and story (personal and otherwise). Including every encounter/meeting, past, future, quest(s), their destiny (or lack thereof), travels, path, personality/behavior, reincarnation, lifespan, skills/talent, class/job/profession, dreams/aspirations/goals, and each and every other facet/detail/aspect of his own life. Potentially even extending to how his life will end and/or if he will simply live forever or instead of perishing. Since Dust+ is the one who decides what his life will eventually develop into and how it will play out, even his evolution and growth as an individual or group is under his command. Due to the nature of the power, Dust+ cannot be tied down by any specific event or ability that would try a rewrite his life/plot other than one's hand and desires. Unlike other Plot control, this one is some of the few powers that actually have a unique ability to nullify the power of Coincidence Nullification, due to the Nature of DETERMINATION.
Similar to Blue-Mastery, this ability allows D+ to pull whatever he wants towards him, however with his DT level and determination this increased tenfold as he can quite literally pull ANYTHING. Instead of just pulling on one's soul he instead can pull on the concept of their soul and tear it apart. He can pull on things such as elements, conceptual things, non-existent objects or even beings. Unlike before, due to D+ have seen the lens of other reality through his and other's own existence, along training within DT-Tale, Dust+ allows him to pull something without the risk of it backfire at him, but still have it to extent. Due to him being stronger than most DT-Demons, only selected few that have the ability to backfire it right at him, and even then, Dust+ was able to refuse that as well.
Erasure Refusal:
This power was unlocked after training within DT-Tale, and this power allows D+ to be safe from most things. He either cannot be erased from existence or will always come back after getting erased from existence, making himself immune to powers like Erasure and Nothingness Manipulation. Also, Dust+ will continue existing even after all of existence has ended.
DT Burst is a soul shattering attack that effects specifically the soul. If it hits the body however it will cause immense overgrowth of DT roots which will infest the skin and body causing massive hallucinations and hysteria to the victim. The attack mainly focuses on soul shattering and destroying a monster's soul and placement in reality, if the attack is successful, it is a one shot and instantly kills the opponent rendering them a husk and damning them eternally to a life of nonexistence. The attack can be held in longer for wider range extending far enough at most to the size of a small continent; however, if it is held in too long or misfired or misused than the attack will also deflect and cause massive damage to the user possibly resulting in instant death or the worst scenario the side effects from before backfire onto him.
These Blasters are much stronger than any existing blaster as they can not only absorb whole universes but can spit them back out with increased qualities and strength equal to the big bang if it was on steroids. These Blasters can also suck in other being's DT, and which can fuel itself and even fire it back at 10-times the strength of whoever it got the power from. Unlike before, taken the page of his student, Dust+ can use the Plus-Blasters to suck Nexus, Cosmic Essence, or any energy or power source that his opponent or the environment provides, and converted into more DT to use.
Massive Plus-Blaster:
Dust-Plus's major trump card that now have even upgraded thanks to DT-Tale. Taken the page from the Red-Extractor, this beast can do more than it was before as the Massive Plus-Blaster's abilities were coming from the Red-Extractor, now integrating it into itself. From sucking any in all energy, to completely, perfectly and absolutely bypass any and all immunities in existence and beyond regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited to: Omni and Meta-Level Powers, this Special Attack is one hell of a force to be reckon with. One time he even uses this to sucks two Orbs that were threat of everything and spit it back at Sol and actually damage him, which is basically a pistol shot to the stomach.
Story Dimension:
Dust+ have access to that void like dimension that hold stories from whatever Orb he is currently in. This dimension was created by a DT-users who was set free from the rules of all of existence and create this for those who are worthy of freeing themselves from their own pain. Dust+ uses this to learn whatever people have. In here, Dust+ can manipulate the plot/narrative that the writer created. Dust+ can manipulate the story's plot as it goes, be it the story's setting, whom it revolves around, how the plot progresses, or the reasoning of the user's world. He can control every decision the characters make and every consequence of those decisions and essentially control the whole timeline of their verse. If he is in his Omen Fusion, this grants him Authority over Author and their say in things, possessing "abilities" that authors would have over their own works, such as being able to change and alter any aspect of their work, know everything about it, and be completely unreachable to anything in it. He views their verse's characters, powers, and events, as nothing more than words on a page, as they usually are.
Restoring its Creation:
During the time within the War, Dust+ stumble upon an AU that taught people the meaning of life and the true meaning of death. And unlike the Astral Mother, Dust+ can restore any in all things, including AUs that were lost, evident by Dust+ uses this to restore GlitchDust back before the massacre. Now Dust+ can even restore an entire Multiverse and if he is Omen, he can restore multiple Eden-Orbs if he is focus enough.
A fusion of GlitchDust and Dust+, this form is very powerful, and it has its own transformations on top of that. Unlike other fusions, this one is the most stable compared to other fusions. In this fusion, Omen can do both GlitchDust and Dust+ can do, just allot powerful. This fusion will have more Info here in this link...
GlitchDust: One of the few Dust-Sans that Dust+ not only spare him but making him to be the man he is today as the Black Angel. He and GlitchDust's relationship is like a nontoxic version of Error and Error404, with Dust+ offer advice to whatever the problem GlitchDust faces.
Error404: A rival to each other, due to having the slot of being the strongest Sans of them all. But ever since the fun travel of Dustverse, Dust+ became allot more powerful, unintentionally gaining and taking the title, Strongest Sans of Them All. Because of this, Dust+ and 404 don't get along very well, due to that title being taken, and along the fact that this Dust+ beat 404 while 404 using other transformations before within the past, and Dust+ in base.
King Multiverse: From his past, D+ did not recognize King Multiverse as a king but despised him and regarded him as a hateful being. However, in the Alphatale storyline, Jokes And Bad tales, King Multiverse is severely injured, but wants no one to fight Ten, and Refused to let them get involve themselves in the fight. He was suspicious of it, but King Multiverse fought Ten alone and defeated her brilliantly. There was the battered figure of a great king who fought to protect the multiverse and its people. Then, having exhausted his strength, King Multiverse collapses. However, D+ and others accepted him as their true king of the entire multiverse. And he said with a smile on his face: Well done...Our King. Ever since then, Dust+ serve the king from time to time, when King Multiverse needs major assistance, with the King even went so far is to create a statue for him after Dust+ save the multiple Multiverse after a Dusted version of 404 and Omni came and threaten to destroy everything, as an honored to Dust+ and his victory, with Dust+ do the same within the Omega-Timeline.
Dust-Minus: A replacement of Phanton Papyrus, D-Minus was here to trick D+ to merge himself and D+ together to finally become the strongest. Dust-Minus and Dust-Plus don't have the stable relationship as D-Minus is basically in a constant manipulation against D+ in order to get what he wanted. But ever since D+ gets stronger due to the Threat of the Dustverse, D-Minus always remind him that he is not strong enough and that he needs to come together in order to finally stop the Dust-AUs. However, Dust-Plus will constantly reject the offer, and will do anything to stop D-Minus, even if it causes his life.
D+ is the youngest of the Dust AUs, but the strongest.
D+ likes smoking.
D+ hates drinking.
D+ once traveled around the Multiverse in under an hour.
D+ is often referred to as "The One who Dust the dusted."
Since the Travel of the Dustverse, Dust+ gain the title of "Strongest Sans of Them All" and that everyone who knows him recognize that status.
He and GlitchDust are that of master and student, but also friends as both can relate to their past.
Dust+ can be shown to spend his time on that Story Dimension to watch other's stories unfold.
Dust+ is the only few that can take on 100 at full rage, due to their DT now being equal, or in some cases, stronger than the beast of rage.
Dust+ is capable to easily defeated all of the Alphatale at their prime, and even in the Blue Dragon story line shows he still have that ability, evident of him holding Faker back, while they are barely able to survive.
If he meets a version of D+ who has DTLV: Max, then this D+ was still able to beat D+ on DTLV Max due to him having DT much more powerful and allot more skilled.
If D+ have DTLV Max or worse Max+, then this is scorched earth for the entire Eden-Sphere, due to him having too much DT.
Omen in the Story Dimension is type2, meaning he has absolute, but ironically, he is still mortal in a sense.
The Omen fusion is the most comfortable fusions that D+ subconsciously accepts.
Due to D+ free from most weaknesses of DT, he was able to have access to DT without any requirements such as sheds all forms of empathy or something like that.
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