The wondering Child,
Old World Child.
Age: 10
Weight: 70.5 pounds
Height: 4'6
Soul type: Hybrid soul
Birthplace: (Sky Kingdoms)Burntale
LV: 1
ATK and DEF: 3 and 10
Eye color: Cyan
"Please, let me help you, as I can guide you out of your situation."- Charlotte
This is Charlotte, a 10-year-old girl who was born into the skies, making her free from most of the mess up stuff that is happening within Burntale, but at the same time though, Charlie is witnessing the tragedies that were happening within their home AU and Multiverse.
A hybrid of a human and Monster, and the niece of Toriel, the keeper of the Sky Kingdoms, her name is Marisa. Her husband, Aelfric, an Elf that is head of the medical field, hence the reason why most people didn't die from illness during their lives in in the Ruin Sky Kingdoms. The both of them bond over the fact that they're force into a life of hiding due to circumstances or coming from family problems. As they live their lives, they grow more and more accustomed to their lives of helping people, even runaway kids who somehow got in here. As time went on, Marisa have conceived a child with Aelfric, a very exciting thing to see. But something is wrong, Marisa fell into ill, causing her child to be in danger, due to a hybrid is basically vulnerable than normal race, as Hybrids were too powerful than single races, but the most vulnerable due to them requiring more energy than most. Aelfric did all that he can to save his wife and their child, he did save his wife, but the child is still in danger. As they became desperate, a Lurker came and offered a solution to their problems. It is just boiled down to him recoded their child in order to save her. Of course, they agree as the Lurker went out to other AUs and entire existence to see if there is something that can help out. Then, he stumbled upon Jason's desktop and sees the game/universe and sees that a certain person, one that survives this whole or deal without so much as a need to eat or drink, let alone anything that might be what he is looking for, her name, Lily. The being then spies on Lily as she along with her companion, the Umbral Knight on their journey to purify the Blight. Her powers, her prayer to recover, her ability to use the Blight who have been imprinted by their souls of others to fight for her, this is certainly quite a fit for this child he is saving. So, he copied all of Lily's code, her ability to pray, ability to summon, her relics and more. The Lurker then realizes that the neckless, the amulet, is what gives her an ability to sustain herself without any energy, hence the reason why she survives. He then copied it too, gaining its magic and properties. He sees that the Amulet is not whole, there by its power is not at its full potential, and what is worse is that enemies of the Lurkers came to this Universe to destroy whatever it is left. Feeling responsible for all of this to happened, the Lurker then makes things right by making himself known to Lily and the Umbral Knight before they stumble upon the invaders. At first, the Umbral Knight was confused as it is not a Blight, yet sense power like no other, and in a way, similar to him and the Imprints of the Blighted warriors that Lily had purified. The Lurker then explains that he is from another world, one that is so much different than theirs, and there are others similar to them, just slightly different. The Umbral Knight, skeptical about everything, then ask why it comes here which the Lurker confessed that the reason why is because of Lily, and he needed her code in order to save a child he was given the task to himself. The Umbral Knight understands the circumstances, but still mad at the fact that he was spying on them in the first place. Then, the Lurker then explain that they needed to complete the Aegis Curio fast due the fact that he made a huge mistake by letting the enemies of his people in and now they're threaten to destroy everything. Knowing that, he then offers the help on that task, along giving Lily an ability to actually fight back against them. The Umbral Knight refuse this, but Lily step forward and agreed to it, much to the Umbral Knight's dismay. Then, they went to work, as the Lurker collected all the seven fragmented stone tablets in order to restore the Aegis Curio, while the Umbral Knight and Lily collecting the last of the artifacts needed to prepare themselves for a battle of their lives. Once that is all done, the Lurker then collects all the code of the Artifacts and the Aegis Curio, but at the same time, boost Lily's strength in order to give them a chance to fight. Once the Invaders came, they were all ready, as the second they found them, the fight began, and it a fight of destruction and chaos. Luckily, The Lurker teleport all of them to a place far away from their kingdom, a dessert area. The fight lasted for a while, but they won, and kick out the invaders. Once that is done, they reenter back to the kingdom and finish the job, taking down the Blighted lord and purified Freddia, free her of her duties, and now their ruin kingdom suffers no more. The Lurker, happy with it, then gave Lily a custom item that allows them to travel between Multiverse and other Multiverses and even other Orbs that the Lurker discuss about with them and bit them farewell as they happily depart each other but promise to meet again after the dust settles within their AU and Multiverse. The Lurker, now having Lily's Code and the Amulet's Code, then went back to Burntale and meets Marisa and Aelfric once again. He then went to work, altering the unborn child's code, match it that of Lily's code, and integrated the Amulet's code and Aegis Curio's code into the Child's soul, allowing them to have the same effect as the Amulet and the charm, thereby saving her. Once the Child was born, Aelfric name the child Charlotte, in honor of her great grandmother, and the Lurker, experience Lily's world, then gave the second name Nimphilia, Lily's ancestor and as a way to symbolize that Charlie is in a way, part of Lily's family. Growing up, Charlie wonders the ruin cities within their Sky Kingdoms, as basically it is a great site seeing. But then, a familiar figure, one that Lurker have contact years ago. This revealed to be Lily, now older and more experience, as she come to Charlie. Recognizing the mark of her forehead, due to parts of Lily being within Charlie, and now a part of Lily's family, both code and somehow blood. Because of this, Lily then trains Charlie on how to fight, with her also know on how to help others in her own way, just like Lily did when she is young. With teacher, a family, and their Lurker, Charlie is going to be a vital part and her role into redeeming Burntale, and their sins.
Due to how she was born and her lineage, Charlie looks like a pale girl with pointy ears, white hair, and flowering petals on her head, symbolize her as a Priestess. When angry, her horns appear, symbolize her lineage as a Dreamer. She sports a white gown, much like her sister and teacher, Lily, and sports some sort of armor for the legs and arms hidden beneath these feminine clothing, due to Charlie roaming the Sky Kingdom and needs something to protect herself. And finally, the mark on her forehead, is the same as Lily had, though it is more natural compared to Lily's mark. When using her power, her once sky like eyes turn into deep, dark and raging crimson red.
Much Like Lilly and her Families and her parents, Charlotte is a kind and gentle soul, with a willingness to fight for the sake of her friends and family. Due to her growing up within Burntale, but at the safest places possible, Charlie is a bit battle harden compared to most knights, due to her witnessing countless stories and current events on what is happening within her world, hence, her willingness to protect was amplified. She is a patient, well mannered, and kind to those who she meets, with the exception of those who is genocides. Though most of the time she is a pacifist, but to those who had a lust of the suffers of others, Charlie will fight, and fight in a most efficient way possible, even if gory.
Hybrid Soul:
Due to her lineage as Dreamers, and thanks for Lily's code, making her a Priestess, Charlie's soul allows her to gain strength like no other. With the Coded of the Neckless and the Aegis Curio within her soul, this Allows Charlie to sustain herself without any nourishment nor rest, and can go on doing things or fighting forever, meaning that she can fight for all eternity. Her soul is indestructible, as shown when accidently throwing her into Avalon and came back unharm.
Fire Magic:
Due to her being a Dreamer, Charlie can summon, shapes, and manipulate any in all that is fire, and makes her a strong to fire. Due to how she was born, Lily inherits Holy Flames, fires from the Heavens due to being a Priestess, an ability to also trap and/or immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. It is in a form of Blue or white color, which symbolize the purity. These Flames can have different properties and abilities such as summoning spirits of the deceased back to the world of the living. Very strong or high-level of mastery could obtain or gain the ability of Resurrection via Summoning the deceased and/or Angels from Heaven. When traveling within Hell, she made a deal with a Demon of Hell, in exchange for doing a set of tasks that she was given, the Demon then granted her the blessing of hell, there by gaining Hellfire, in a form of red or black, which symbolize the corruption from Hell, and the Blight. Charlie can cause excruciating pain upon contact or instead cause instant death, possibly even for relatively beneficial purposes, such as summoning spirits of the deceased temporarily back to the world of the living from Hell. She can even use Reanimation or Resurrection via Summoning the damned souls of Hell and/or Demons. In high-levels, Charlie can target once souls, more specifically their sins, burning them and they're by cleanse them from their sins.
Imprint Souls:
Due to her code coming from Lily, Charlie has an ability to imprint once soul and use these imprint souls in battle, viva by summoning them and fighting for her. They're not real people, as their merely constructs that where summon in battle, but often or not, they do have their memories of what the person was imprinted, there by using their experience and lifetime of knowledge. Though, this power will not work to those who were soulless, but there is a work around that helps her. By imprinting to those who were connected to their soulless beings, she can imprint them, and it doesn't matter as long as it has something that tied them to a being who is had a soul. For example, when Charlie imprints the soul of King Multiverse, she was able to Imprint Ink, despite lacking a soul, or Malware, viva Error404, who also having a soul, there by imprinting Malware, despite lacking Soul, nor Code.
Graceful Movement:
The Teachings by Lily, and the fact that she gains this through her code, Charlie can move like Lily can, but unlike Lily, due to her being born into Burntale, Charlie's movements are allot more stronger, and allot more potent than Lily can ever be. For example, the double jumps that Lily have, the one that Charlie inherit, it is strait up air walking, and the dash that Lily use to dodge attacks, or strait up phasing them, Charlie can either can teleport, or uses this a phasing ability, or the ability to speed her movements, and allowing her to move just as much as someone with infinite speeds.
Healing Prayers:
Due to Charlie's powers was inherit by Lily, and her father being an Elf, Charlie can pray to heal herself, or others she targets. No matter what god or wills she is praying, this will heal those who took damage, even restoring those who their existence or concept that were damage. Unlike Lily, Charlie's prayers are endless, meaning that she can create a barrier to herself in the middle of battle to pray, in order to recover and heal those around her.
Due to her being in Burntale, she has the natural ability to regenerate all wounds and damage she sustained. It even went so far as to regenerate her entire body, as long as her soul is intact, she can regenerate any wounds, bodies, and more.
Cosmic Code:
Due to being born into having Nexus and Cosmic Essence within her, Charlie has these code that allows her to do just about anything she was able to do. And since she was born into having the Nexus, the drawbacks of having more is none existence due to the Nexus recognizing her status as part of a flawless system. As for the Cosmic side of things, due to her having born into understanding all of existence like no other, Charlie's drawbacks of having Cosmic Essence are not there, and the only person who is like her is Sol.
Her Parents: Charlie was raised by her Parents, mostly from her mother as her father was always busy with work, although trying all that he can to be the best dad for her. Charlie love Marisa and Aelfric and she will do anything for their safety.
Lily: Her technically sister, Lily always teaches her the value of life, and the ways to protect it. The two always bonded from the smallest of things to big events like game shows from another Multiverse. No matter what, there will always be together, even if it is too difficult to do so.
The Lurker:
The one responsible for Charlie's life saved and the way she was born, she is grateful for him, though Lurkers don't have names as they don't need one, Charlie often calls him Chad, for the fact that she saw him possessed a muscular mannequin one time, though the Lurker doesn't mind it. Charlie sees it as her uncle/father, due to him being the one responsible for her birth. The two always get along just fine, and often the Lurker always get Charlie to place she was never seen before.
Elize: Charlie and Elize met during the time when Elize is still here in Burntale. Charlie save Elize at the age of 4 when on a brink of being caught by her parents, by creating decoys everywhere and making sure it is impossible to get rid of them until the time has pass. In fact, Charlie was the one who shows Elize about the Sky Kingdom and welcomes her there to rest. Charlie sees Elize as another sister, aside Lily. The two always talk about the life outside of their Multiverse were like, and the possibility of experiencing someday without fear of being hunted down. Though, sadden about Elize needed to leave, she did promise to Charlie that she will come back and fulfill the life they always wanted.
The Umbral Knight: Also known as Ferin, Charlie always asks Ferin about their time with he and Lily's adventures, both from their world, and other worlds out there. Ferin recognize her lineage as a Priestess, even though how she is like that is quite insane in his time, then again dealing with magic for most of his life and afterlife with Lily really made him didn't care, as now he will protect her as because Lily is protecting her, and the fact because of the Pact. The two get together quite well, with Ferin often to be the one on how actual combat of weapons works and do spar/instruct her from time to time.
Error404: While 404 didn't know her existence, Charlie accidently enters to his base from a different Multiverse and hid there as to not be found. As that happened, Charlie then imprints his soul, there by gaining him and Malware, and uses this to escape. Now a days, she always looking onto her shoulders, and makes sure that 404 will not find her, even though that he didn't even know her existence, nor the fact that she was on one time, being trap within his base.
King Multiverse: The same as 404, Charlie stumble upon his throne room by accident, but was able to get away by using an imprint of 404 as a disguise long enough to not only to escape, but also imprinting his soul, there by imprinting those who have been bonded to him, like Error and Ink, as well as Seraphim Sans.
Alpha: Another thing she was afraid to face him head on, Charlie met him during the genocide timeline. Charlie helps by summoning her Imprints in battle, while disguise herself as someone as Cyan (Pacifist) while the real one is somewhere else resting and implementing memories into the fight.
<More will be added>
Charlie's spirits are:
Seraphim Sans,
King Multiverse,
Cyan (Pacifist, Genocide, Neutral),
Charlie is scared of the Alphatale Brothers, even though she has Imprints of them on her side.
Charlie, Elize, and Lily are in a sister type trio called, the White Hair Trio.
Charlie likes spicy things.
Charlie is a gamer.
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