
"To make or break your world, is to destroy whatever it is left."-Frisk...?

This is a version of an AU where events played out where it became something new, both for the best, and the worst. It was once an original Undertale, with few mods place here and there. A player by the name of Jason who saw its inhabitants and was interested in it due to seeing it actually alive and not just a video game with a bunch of characters. How he knows is because he saw and somehow became a witness to the creation of a Dust-AU called, Righteous Dust-Sans, a result of another player playing code and DETERMINATION by adding human code to Sans. Very interested and wants to see if he could build upon that, he renames it Burntale, due to using pieces of another code from a firing AU, and he sees the name cool. He then changes it in its entirety, making things to exist, using unuse or scrap attacks for various characters, and finally create a new code, due to him finding Alphatale Code and somehow replicated it. He then creates original Characters and stories for the reason why they exist and how they became the way that it is. Mixing and matching various code, he soon discovers another Coded AU, one that was the first AU to its creation much similar to Burntale, one that is from another Multiverse, the name...Nodetale. Here he also discovers Nexus and the Mainframe and wants to replicate it. Jason went to work, creating varies OutCode OCs to spy and gather as much Mainframe and Nexus code as possible, but also distract whoever guards its secrets and power, such as Loading, Ten No Kami, Error404, and more. Once he had gathered enough of it, Jason finally finishes coding this AU, this world name Burntale, the first AU in a long time that was too advance for most, just like Alphatale. Jason thought he had enough, until he discovers a dimension similar to a void, one that transcended the boundaries of the entire Multiverse, home to entities with zero code, but instead using something that would considers rather ancient, a power source that fueled these beings and their existence, and its name...Cosmic Essence. Jason, feeling like his work is not finish, went to work, manage to gather enough Cosmic Essence and started to experiment on it, seeing what it can do. Some test and a house fire later, Jason find a way to use all the various code, memories, experience, and more to make his AU this strong, and will not give up. So, he decided to use the mediator in order for Nexus and Cosmic Essence to merge into one, without blowing up and start another house fire. This mediator is in a form of a Core, which it acts as a filter to those sources without blowing everything out and might accidently start a forest fire (and yes Jason lives within a Forest). Once that is finish, Jason was proud of his work and now he'll do the one thing he will do from the beginning, start it up, and it did as it quickly began to grow with each passing time, evolving through the evolution trait of the old Abysstale, the DT and magic of Glitchtale, and finally a combination of Alphatale, and Nodetale and their codes, along with Nodetale's adaptive and self-updating code to make itself stronger, which it went furthered thanks to Abyss's soul, despite lacking code. Now that is done, Burntale is now an AU of unmatched might and strength, not seen that level of strength ever since Alphatale was around. It quickly became a dictatorship AU, due to the nature of how it was made, along with the OutCode Characters that were within this AU, it dominates their entire Multiverse overnight, now rules it with an iron fist. But ever since its civil war, it became mellow out, but still keep its power, but now it is central as without it, the Multiverse will be plunge into chaos and death of unimagine scale. Because of it, it came from a dictator to monarchy type of government, with democracy on top of that, basically what happened of monarchy and democracy had a child, and this is the result. It stands in current power, and now plans to spread its influence through other Multiverses to become something new.


Asgore: A once a tyrant king, now just a king who its responsibilities of expanding its peace to the territories, the opposite job to human king, George. Since then, Asgore was task to make peace and avoid another civil war that cause them a lot. He, along with his Queen Toriel, have a son, one that his destiny is to make peace to everything. Despite his kind nature, his Tyrant tendencies will resurface out, which lead to the many incidents that everyone is not happy with.

Toriel: The loving of the two, she is basically like mother of all the people, or at least her people within their AU and their first conquer Multiverse. Outside, she is THAT BITCH, and anyone who know her, fear her. Toriel often burns people, and rape many, many children, both boy and girl, and her husband didn't mind as long as he too join in the fun.

King George: The king that is responsible for the expansion of their influence and territory by any means necessary, excluding their sacrifice of their people. King George have so many war crimes that they often compare him to Genghis Khan, or Hitler. Endless loop of genocides, both humans and monsters, to slavery, this king was feared by many, and for a good reason.

Queen Linda: Like her king, Queen Linda is the same with her husband, just doing it in a more subtle way compared to in your face that King George did. Always manipulate anything that got her into her way. Unlike any dictators, Linda is a humble person, which is why many, many mistakes that she made were never happened again, or happened super rarely. With her King, she and George gave birth to her triplets, their daughters, one that were beautiful that even Fate and Destiny fall in love with them. These children are, Chara, Frisk, and Elize, and these daughters have been living with them, even though there were manipulated. But even with the manipulation, they still care for them, especially Linda as she went through the ends of the Multiverse just to keep them safe.

Asriel: The son of Asgore and Toriel, Asriel is a nice and quiet kid, with social issues due to him being isolated. This came to an end however once he escapes his parents after he was curious on what is like in the outside world. To do this, he creates a decoy to make sure his parents don't find out that he is missing, then disguise himself as a regular monster, since goat type monsters where common, and the only different is the eyes, as all goats have various eye color, while the Dreamers have Deep Red, Crimson eyes. He also took an advantage on the fact that their Parents made his info private. Once he went out to the outside world, he went out, and he explores and see his world, other worlds would look like. This is fun and games, and even make friends, even though that his friends hate the Dreamers, despite not knowing that they have a son. But once he stumbles upon other Multiverse, then he sees those crimes, that the human king and queen have done, along with his own parents' crimes, this shatters his viewpoint, and now has a deep hatred towards his parents, and to those in charge, who support this. He then went to work, often rescuing his haft siblings from prison and helping to does who need. He had to go back to his parents from time to time in order to get info for this resistant's next move. Years later, he is a leader to the Freedom fighters, name after Asriel and his friends played and read sonic franchise.

Elize: Basically, the Alpin girl and the human to Asriel Dreamer, when it comes to some parts of their personality, and their beliefs. Like Asriel, Elize too have live in isolation and naiveness by her parents. One day however, Asriel went into her castle and took her to the outside world, and shows her both the good, and the bad. Already Elize hated her parents due to because of her basically being neglected, but seeing the crimes and history, this added the fuel to the fire as she tried day in and day out to get out of her multiverse but failed, because of her parents have eyes and ears everywhere. One day Asriel then helps by setting to make a summoning ritual, where they met the demon from their AU's hell, and the rest is history. Now Elize is missing but promise to return to take down their parents once and for all. Elize has a strong sense of justice and sees both the good and the bad. She may be bad at most things, but in Chara's words, "She is the most potential out of all of us, which is why Ma and Pa is so invested on her, despite Elize's protest. Which is why it is strait up ironic in that this happens."

Frisk: The second oldest child, Frisk is not a fighter, but very, VERY good at dodge ball. She is also one of the girls that loves farming, due to her having done that during a terrorist attack where her parents sent her, and her sisters into a farm as a hide out. She can be kind at times, but often or not, she had a dark side. When you anger her, she is the most cruel, vial, and often destructive, due to being taught by her own parents. Frisk has a crush with a skeleton within the Winter City, but don't know how to approach him, and the fact that he is not that of nobility. Never lest, she is determined to get him, not knowing that he is working for someone else.

Chara: The oldest of the three, Chara is violent, but also has the kindness as she has the balance between being cruel and kind. Chara is also the strongest of the three, but also the strategist of the three. In fact, she is the one who taught Elize on how to strategist and plan on the fly. Because of this, Chara was trained to become a fighter, a perfect soldier if you will. However, Chara, deep down, is like Elize in many ways, just more violent compared to each other, hence she is the one who cover Elize and Frisk's antics multiple times. Chara also seems to have a liking to Asriel and wants to ask him to hang out.

Sans: The skeleton that lives in the Winter City, a lazy skeleton that loves to joke around and goof off. When young, Sans met Frisk as he manages to save her from a bunch of assassins, hence never got a job ever again as Frisk's parents just reward him of a reassurance of everything, making sure that everything is paid off. That and combine his low standards, this makes their expenses barely none-existence. And because of him saving Frisk, along with her sees Sans multiple times, this makes Frisk fall for him. He had deep hatred to the Dreamers, due to the fact that they're the ones responsible to enslave his farther, Gaster. Ironically, he is good friends to Asriel, their son. They met when they were young, but also when Asriel was currently finding out about the world. Sans already knew Asriel's true identity due to him having a unique ability to see people's origins but gives him a chance as he wants to judge him to see if he is different than his parents. And ever since then, he and Asriel are close allies, and close Friends. With this, Sans will do anything to protect his friends, and his brother, no matter what.

Papyrus: Like all Papyruses, Papyrus wants to become a royal guard, or in this case, the great Knights. But after seeing on how messed up their world really is, Papyrus then reformed on what he wants to do, as he still wants to become a Great Knights, but now all he wants is to reform the Knights, and even everything else within this messed up world. Papyrus is enthusiastic, happy, and great personality. Although, unlike most Papyruses, due to growing up in Burntale, Paps isn't naive and wasn't going to risk any chances if lives were at stake, as he had a sense of compassion, but also sense of justice. He is with Sans, as while Paps complain on how Sans is lazy, he sees that Sans is a tenacity and very stubborn nature, due to him trying everything to make sure that the both of them have a good life, and not be a victim into systems, evident by him working with the Freedom Fighters.

The Demon: This devil was unknown to most, even Jason himself. However, this devil came from a place of beyond most, one that Jason have visit before, and its name...the TransVoid. How he got out is by sacrificing Cosmic Essence for pure, raw DETERMINATION, and its benefits. This demon travel around other worlds, multiverses, and more, until he stumbled upon Burntale. During that time, it was in its infancy, and the Demon felt right at home and love them. So, he moves into there, making himself the Devil of that AU, basically the demon of hell. But unlike most devils, this Demon is and will be just and fair, due to him growing up within the Demons of the TransVoid. He often makes deals, but he makes sure that those deals were fair and just, as he doesn't want to be EVIL in all.

WIlliam: A businessman and the right-hand man of King George, William is a selfish, but also honorable man, due to him having been growing up with an honorable family. His reputation of his king's right-hand man is fierce and well respected, often going to the shadows to get the job done. He is also the one who capture Elize more than one occasions, by orders of the King, if he is busy. William is currently hunting Elize down, but didn't look into the TransVoid, due to fact that he doesn't have the authority to do so, but also believe that Elize is not in there, as it only became true after Elize moving into GlitchDust.

Marisa: Due to Toriel still the queen and one of the main antagonists, Marisa is the replacement to Toriel's roll, a ruin's keeper and guide to anyone's journey to this Universe. She is a haft Human, and Haft Monster, as her father is human, and her mother is haft goat. In fact, her mother is the cousins of Toriel, making her Asriel's great cousin. Marisa is kind, gentle, and heartwarming as she knows on what is like to be helpless. Due to her parents' death by the hands of the Great Knights, by orders of Toriel to cover her tracks, Marisa is currently living within the Sky Kingdoms, making her the keeper of a castle, and other castles out there. Due to her magic, she was able to keep most of the Sky Kingdoms safe, as she can be more than one places at the same time, as semi-Omnipresent is useful, but only when focused on.

Charlotte: The daughter of Marissa, she is a child of the ruins, the one often roaming thanks for her mother's powers she inherited. In fact, she is haft human, haft monster, and haft Elf, which is basically rare to have. Her father is an Elf, who works for the medical field, and often absent because of this. Charlie is special than most others, due to the fact that her code was based on the world of Ender Lilies, more specifically the main protagonist, Lily. Because of this, Charlie has a unique ability to summon imprints of souls, allowing her to use their powers, for example, if Charlie where to ever come and contact with the one of the God of the Multiverse, Error404, then she will be able to copy his soul, there by gaining his powers, which she actually did when she encountered him before. However, she is still young, at the age of 10, and she needs to master her powers, especially Error404 as it is the hardest to master. She is a well matter person, and often being polite. Due to her nature, the more she uses her powers, the more that her sky-like eyes turn into a dark-crimson red, though, the opposite is true.

Jack: The Spirit that is with Sans and Papyrus, his origins that of murder, but doesn't mind it due to the fact that he was now a Spirit. He is once a dog Monster, but now as a Spirit, he is basically the one dude that watches everyone's activities, which is great for the Freedom Fighters. He is a good dude with some creep vibes into due to his nature, and no one wants to have that. Jack often spends his time alone, or with Paps and Sans, and even went into some bars with Sans from time to time.

Species, and their biology:
It's no secret that their nature of their existence is strait up insane and very powerful. Due to the nature of how they were made, you either be born with Code, Cosmic Essence, or both. In rare times however, if you're the 10% of the population, you can be born with your entire existence made out of pure, raw and very much powerful DETERMINATION. This is rare, but not uncommon as allot of school accommodate for those who are like that. Burntale has tons of interesting species and internal systems on how they function. Even though the two main species are Humans and Monsters, there are allot of surprising number of beings that were Sentience and sapience. When those beings were either naturally made, or artificially made through circumstances, or human and monster activities, or the war, these species will be known and classified within the documents. 

One of the two main race other than a Monster, these beings were born with primarily comprise of physical matter, but with a few exceptions. These are one of the most powerful humans within the multiverse, even rivalling the spot with Biotale's  humans, Nodetale's humans,  Alphatale's humans, and supremetale's humans. These humans evolve to resist being attack primary from hacks, as there are allot of animals that have those abilities, such as mind control, soul manipulation, overshadow of their wills, and many more, though, there are limits on how many they can deny it until they're passed out. However, they can overcome this through their sheer will and DETERMINATION if they are determined enough. These Humans are mostly the same as any other humans, even all the way down to their souls, though primary to be Glitchtale's soul systems. As time went on however, their power soon grows, as they can deny hacks much, much easier than it was in the past, such as time manipulation, quantum space warping, existence manipulation, reality warping, and more. Currently, they're studying on what are the limitations on how humans can do and find a way to surpass that.

Creatures made out of Magic and bound to their souls, the Monsters were another main race, with Humans sharing that spot. Like Humans, the Monsters have Hack resistant, though not as much as humans can do. Instead, they can do the Hacks, making them a perfect counter to their humans, as their hack prowess is so great, that they can rival the humans, who are hack resistant and sometimes immune. These Monsters come all shapes and sizes, from goats, to skeletons, to birds, deer, lizards and more. To tell the difference, one has to check their souls, as it is a upside down souls instead of just a normal human heart soul. Though normally it is white, the monsters can inherit other traits, allowing them to have the same colorful souls as the humans can do. Like Humans, as time went by, Monster's power over magic, hacks, and more are getting more, and more powerful, with them not knowing their limits.

The cousins of the humans, these Elves are one of the races that were made artificially. Once part of humans, was split due to many years of wars in their history. These Elves were primary healers, as their healing magic is so strong, that they even bring someone back from being erase from existence. the only physical difference is their ears, as they're pointy, while humans are round. It is their souls that were completely different, as there is a star with a ring surrounds it, in contrast of a heart. Mostly there are schools that helps Elves in their ability to heal others, but also learn on how combat works, as they're not the best.

These Spirits were made out of the souls of other species, either born like that, or died and become a Spirit. These races are made out of magic, energy, or power sources mention ago. These serve as guidance to those who were lost, or guardians of the environment, as their reputation of being guardians is fierce and well respected. Their souls can be anything, as they're basically the dead people that were given a chance to live a second life or being born into one.

Mimics are objects turn to life, as a result of the civil war. They are the youngest race, but also the most fast growing one. As time went on, the Mimics can transform into any object, person, or any part of that person, even if a little umm...kinky. They're currently fighting for their rights, as they were winning. Their souls are a small circle, with a ring on the center, symbolize them as a different race.

Coming from literal Hell, Demons, or Devils are a race of species, comprise of pure, raw DT, not to be confused to the DT-Demons, they're a helpful creatures that look like they're from the TransVoid as their king, The Demon, comes from that dimension. These beings are mostly friendly, but when to a sinner, they're the most dangerous being you can meet, as all they wanted is to tear you apart, rape you, and in general making you suffer. The Difference between a DT-Demon and Red-Devils is that a DT-Demons were born from their imprint or desire of a DT-users, while Red-Devils were born naturally, as in reproduce normally compared to the rest of the races. Their souls comprise of a star, with some mistaken it to be a save star.

These are shapeless beings that gather Code, Cosmic Essence, and more, and bring them into Burntale in order to integrated on whatever it is needed or improve what is already works. These creatures feed off the life force of others, through natural death. These are the ones responsible for the ask questions and their independent to anybody, save for the ask or the person answering their questions. Their souls are composing of pure flames that depended on their traits. Their mostly peaceful, but if provoke, then these creatures will destroy whoever they dare attack them, or their AU.


Winter City:
This is basically Snowdin, but much, much bigger. Actually, it is as big as New York, as snow and ice were everywhere in almost every day. The only time that spring was up within this city is when summer days where birds are singing, and flowers are blooming, as this is a nice day. This place is one of the most riches places possible, but also the once that the poor have a chance to get out of their situation, hence the reason why it is this rich. They have huge mountains, and the best winter magic users in their AU, often sees one of them creating an eternal winter within a Multiverse.

Pontus Capital:
A semi underwater city with flowers that remember you, this city is often remarks for its craftsmen for weapons, both melee and guns. It is also the home to boot training camp where soldiers, both humans and monsters, will be training on how to use any power sources within the verse, Cosmic Essence, Nexus or others.

Magma Valley:
Also known as the Hotlands of this AU, this valley is filled to the brim with inactive volcanos, with lava and ores within and more. This is also the place where the Core of their world reside in. Instead of a generator like most stuff, it is powered by an orb of pure magic of unknown properties, or at least ones that the public isn't aware of. Since knowing it is illegal. It is also home to some of the greatest scientist in the world, and other worlds if you count about other AUs.

Spring Town:
An outskirt of the valley, once originally part of Magma Valley, but due to the Civil war, it's now separated, with it the two of them have their own people. It is the most relaxing places due to the right amount of steam and water that makes spa day special when in here.

Devil's Island:
Basically, an Island that is the castle or mansion for the royalty. It is also homes of the Dreamers, and Alpins. This Island is almost impossible to get in or out. Unbeknownst to everyone, young Asriel found the underground systems that exist years before humans and monsters came to existence. He now uses this as one of the bases of operation. This Island is also illegal to know, hence, Asriel only entrusted to those who will be living into the Island, or on the run to even live here.

A set of hills that were a great hot spot for site seeing. This AU's hills allow them to show not is just the stars, it also has an anomaly that allows them to see other AUs, their Multiverse, and other Multiverse. Because of this, an observatory was built into here in order to observe their multiverse and other multiverses out there. Its origin is unknown, though it is due to the nature of their creation by Jason, thanks for the mods.

The name applied, it is basically purgatory of this AU, for those who commit the worst crimes possible. Its sole owner is a demon from the TransVoid, and he is doing his job rather well for most, even compared to other gods or demons. If you go and died there with sin, then this will be your new home, and pain is your best friend. But, to those who visit there and come to made deals, they actually have a good time, due to the Demon doesn't like being all stereo typical of being bad.

Sky Kingdoms:
The remnants of the Old-World before the Civil War, these are ruin cities, towns, and homes from both the medieval times, and industrial revolution times. After the Civil War, now their nothing, but old buildings floating into the skies, but recently the weak have taken into the skies as a way to get away the cruel world, now works independent from the rest of the civilization. Currently, either a village, or ruin cities were in there, home to tressures and adventures. It is also the safest places where outsiders can come in without being screwed by the authorities, due to the nature of these ruin kingdoms making it impossible for someone to entered they're without knowing on how to get in. And even then, due to its nature, it is almost impossible for someone to be find within these floating lands, making it a hot spot for runaways to end up.

Somehow, the Lurkers manage to collect the code of the back rooms and integrated it into Burntale. Although, unlike the regular Backrooms, it is a modified version of the Backrooms, due to the fact that the Lurkers didn't want their people to no-clip into reality and cause problems. The purpose of this is for those who their punishment for crimes that were considering a Death sentence. It is also use as containment to creatures they capture and put into there. Unlike what everyone believes, the Backrooms is a dimension of multiple realities of different plane of existence. It makes sure that all realities within Burntale is safe and not be in danger, for example, if ever so much as Omniscient being ever entered to Burntale, they will immediately enter there without warning, and block them from knowing everything, even Himmsworth find it difficult to escape with his power, though not impossible.



This AU was created as a thought experiment, as well as the player caring for this AU.

This AU often compare it to Alphatale and DT-Tale.

There are 3billions of Multiverses on their hands.

Burntale are at war with Biotale, and DT-Tale.

Asriel has 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 haft-siblings.

Asriel has rescued all of his haft-siblings, as in all of them.

Their planet is a lot similar to the Sonic the movie 1996's planet, a big crust planet with a smaller one from the inside.

There are actually different types of Echo-Flowers, ones that not only record what they heard, but see what they do, ones that are Rose called Echo-Rose, Roses that were in Magma Valley, and many more.

Both mister and misses Dreamers are Bisexual.

If Asriel and Elize were to defeat their parents, they would become rulers of their AU, there by rule the entire multiverses and other multiverses that their parents got.

When young, Elize wanted to pull back their people from their other multiverses they collected, but Asriel pointed out that there are people would make a name for themselves, and the current generations are not in fault that this happened, and doing it is like making people strip from their homes.

Elize's parents, although neglectful, is also trying to control her life more compared to her sisters.

Chara and Frisk weren't evil, just misguided by their parents, hence Elize don't hold anger towards them.

The Omega-Timeline of that multiverse, it is still own by Core-Frisk, now they have to serve under the kings and queens of Burntale.

If left uncheck, then Burntale and DT-Tale become more and more powerful, to the point that in the Blue Dragon story, Faker considers using DT-Tale and Burntale as a way to deal what he believes the most dangerous Conduits of all time, which is Coi.

The Demon is actually the Demon from the TransVoid, and he sacrificed his Cosmic Essence for DETERMINATION in order to leave it all behind.

Jason loses his house, twice, due to him playing with Nexus and Cosmic Essence.

Jason deals with beings such as Omniscient beings, hence he has anti programing that allows him to be safe from most entities like some of the TransVoid.

The civil war was a mirrored and modern version of the war of humans and monsters.

Often Spirits roam around the streets when at night.

These OutCode are the reason why Burntale became the way that it is today.

The sky kingdoms is a place of peace and freedom. Even though it has criminals, everyone is safe, and they have warriors to guard these floating islands.

The Codes that were integrated within Burntale by Jason or the Lurkers are:
The Tarnishing of Juxtia,
Hollow Knight,
Ender Lilies,
Indie Cross's Nightmare Modes,
Resident Evil (The shadow of Rose),
all of Smash Bros Ultimate (that included Galeen and Darkon),
Any Killer AUs,
and any combative AUs.

If they found that there is an AU without Code, they can still gather the reality and inner workings without damaging them thanks for the Lurkers' evolution provided by Abysstale, more specifically Abyss Sans and Eve.

The Verses that were integrated but doesn't have code are:
Abysstale (Eve and Sans),
Dusttale (Codeless).

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