Based off Teamfourstar's videos
Aidan: Ladies and Gentlemen. Enjoy this funny recap I made with the OCs I have. Enjoy.
The scene then began
George Joestar: I'm George Joestar! And look at my carriage!
George: God Dammit Horses! You messed up! Damm you!
Dario Brando: *shows up* Hi! I'm Dario Brando, and this is my baby son Dio.
Dio: *shows up next to Brando* Sup?
Dario: and We're looting your corpse!
George: Tough luck I'm still alive!
Dario: Then raise me son When I die!
George: Over your dead body!
Dario Dies 12 years later and scene cuts to Joestar Mansion
George: MARKUS! JONATHAN! Get over here!
Markus: *shows up with Jonathan* Yes Father?
George: You both have a brother now! Dio!
Dio: *shows up* Hello Markus and Jojo.
George: He's a Good boy.
Jonathan: Hello Dio! I hope we become good friends!
Dio: Meh, whatever. Also screw your dog. *kicks Jonathan's dog Danny in the face*
Markus: DIO!!!!!!!!!!
The scene then cuts to A Forest
Erina: Jonathan! I really love you!
Jonathan: Thanks I guess? Either its a HJ or a A###.
Dio: *kicks Jonathan out of the way* Out of the way Peasant!
Dio Kisses Erina
Dio: Now she's pregnant with my child!
Erina: Nope I'm on Pregnancy Pills.
Scene cuts to 8 years later
George: I'm dying now! I'm so old I'll die!
Jonathan: Dio did you poison Father?
Dio: Whaaat? No.
Markus: *enters the room* No you're a damm Poisoner.
Dio: Then f### this I'm out, *puts on a stone mask* HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dio then turns into a Vampire
Dio: I'm a Vampire now B######!
George: No!
Dio stabs George killing him
Jonathan and Markus: No!!!!
Speedwagon: *offscreen* Oi!
Speedwagon hits Dio in the neck with a wooden stake
Speedwagon: He's dead now! Sorry about your father!
Markus: We should be friends Mr Speedwagon!
Speedwagon: You sons of b########.
Speedwagon does the Bro hug with Jonathan and Markus
Scene cuts to weeks Later
Jonathan: And that's how me and Markus killed Dio!
Erina: I'm back again as a Grown up Nurse!
Jonathan: Cheers!
Will: *bursts into the room* DIO'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan: Dammit!
The scene cuts to outside
Will: You three must use the power of the Sun!
Speedwagon: Why am i here?
Markus: We brought you here to Learn Hamon!
Speedwagon: Oh okay.
Jack The Ripper: I'm Jack the Ripper and I'll kill you!
Markus: Oh no! Better use my Electric Whirlwind Overdrive!
Jack: Your what?
Markus makes a small Electric tornado as it zaps Jack and kills him
Will: Excellent!
Dio: *offscreen* Jojo!
The group then see Dio
Will: *snaps his fingers* HEY BABY!
Markus: Fight us Dio!
Dio: Nah. Too lazy. *summons Blueford and Tarukus* Get that Motherf#######!
Blueford: SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! *Plays the Bagpipes as he runs at the group with Tarukus*
Markus touches Blueford turning him good
Blueford; I'm now on your side! Thank you Sir Markus Joestar!
Tarukus: Nah f### this. I'm out. *jumps off a cliff and dies*
Dio: Oh sh##
Speedwagon: You're cornered Dio! You're done for!
Straizo: *shows up with Dire and Tonpetty* Hey guys we got here in the nick of time.
Straizo; Okay.
Markus: Yes!
Dio: No matter I'll kill you!-
Jonathan: Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! *hits Dio with his fist*
Dio: Oh sh##- *explodes into guts*
Scene cuts to Boat
Jonathan: Hey Erina! Let's get married!
Erina: Okay! Plus I'm pregnant!
Markus: *shows up* Yay! I'm here too! And- *gets shot by Dio's eye laser*
Jonathan: Brother! *gets hit by Dio's eye laser too*
Dio: *shows up as a head as Wang Chan was holding him* Thanks Wang Chan.
Wang Chan: No problem dude.
Markus: *grabs a lighter* Huh?! Huh?! How's that you f###?!-
Markus flicks the lighter as the boat explodes killing himself, Dio, Jonathan, Wang Chan and everyone else except for Erina
Erina: *was seen in a floating coffin holding a baby* I'm sad Jonathan died but I now have a son growing in me and I'll name him George Joestar named after the first George Joestar!
Many years later
George II: Oh no! My commanding Officer is a Zombie!
Officer: *growls at George II*
George II: Since I have Hamon. I'm gonna die!
A couple of years later
Joseph Joestar: Guess who's back motherf#########! Joseph here! And I'm grandson to Jonathan Joestar and The son to George Joestar the Second.
David: *shows up* And I'm here too! I'm the grandson to Markus Joestar and I'm also Joseph's Brother!
Joseph and David: and We're Best Bros!
Scene cuts to A alleyway
David: Hey stop harassing that Kid!
Cop: What if I don't?
Joseph: Jump his a## David! Yeah!
Scene cuts to A Bridge
Straizo: I'm back from the dead and I'm here to tell you Markus Joestar was my husband who tragically died.
David: Sorry to hear about your loss.
Straizo: But I'm also a Vampire now and you're gonna meet Pillarmen so You're dead. Both of you. *explodes into Guts*
Joseph: Dear God!
Scene cuts to Mexico
Donobang: I'll stop you before you reach the German Base!
David: I use Drifter Zap!
Donobang: *groans* Okay you win! I'll detail everything about the Pillar Men and what we will do with them!
Scene cuts inside Base
Speedwagon: Why am I here?
Santana: *was seen in the room* Hey Bro.
Stroheim: Come any Closer und I will Detonate!- *explodes*
Santana: *gets hit by the sun* Damm. Died too short. *falls to the ground*
Speedwagon: *runs over to Joseph and David* Joseph! David! We must go to Rome! There's more Pillar Men!
Scene cuts to Rome
Caesar: I'm Caesar Zeppeli and I'm gonna be your best friends because My grandfather did not die.
Joseph: Scene plot is getting confusing now!
Speedwagon; I'm here because I still know Hamon!
David; Won't you get a stand later?
Speedwagon; What?-
Meet the Pillarmen! (TF2 Theme plays)
Kars: I am Kars the Blade man. And these are my sharp blade wrists.
Esidisi: My power is making Fire flow through my blood.
Caesar: You all murdered my friend! Now die! *slaps Wamuu*
Wamuu: *takes a deep breath* Jump them Boys.
Wamuu, Esidisi and Kars start to beat Joseph, David and Caesar up
David: They jumping us! They Jumping Us!
Wamuu: Now here's a poison ring in your heart *throws the ring into Joseph's chest*
Esidisi: here's my poison ring too. *throws his ring into Joseph*
Kars, Wamuu and Esidisi dissappear
David: Oh no! My brother will now die with those rings embedded into him!
Joseph: What the hell do I do?!
Caesar: We must find Lisa Lisa!
Joseph and David: Yes!
Scene cuts to Air Supplena Island
Lisa Lisa: Hi I'm Lisa Lisa here to train you all on Hamon to strengthen your powers.
David: You're Hot.
Lisa Lisa: Thanks, usually People will say this is disgusting. *whispers to David* F### me offscreen later
David: Ooh! That's hot!
Caesar: David you're falling for My master.
David: She's hot!
Joseph: And she is!
Esidisi: *bursts through the wall*
Joseph: Oh no it's Esidisi!
David: Don't worry Dude! I got this! Karate Chop! *hits Esidisi with a karate Chop to the neck*
Esidisi: Ah!- *turns into dust*
Joseph; Yay now I feel Esidisi's ring is gone!
David: But we still need Wamuu's lip ring to cure you!
Esidisi/Suzie Q: *shows up* Joseph! I'm now possessing your love Suzie Q and I sent the Red Stone of Aja to Switzerland! All thanks to FAST MAIL SERVICE!
Joseph: *appears behind Esidisi* Omae wa Mou shinderu.
Esidisi/Suzie Q: Nani?!
Joseph saves Suzie Q from Esidisi and Now he and the others head off to Switzerland
Joseph: We've arrived in Switzerland!
Stroheim: *shows up again* Hey I'm back! I'm now fully robotic! I can shoot guns from my chest! I can crush stuff with my hands!
David: Wow we thought you died.
Stroheim: Not to say, I also have the red Stone of Aja!
Kars: *shows up* I'll be taking that now.
Stroheim shoots at Kars who cuts the bullets with his sword arm
Stroheim; How?!
Kars: My sword is made of a bazillion mini swords. *slices through Stroheim's chest not killing him*
Stroheim: Oh. *his body then falls to the floor*
Kars; Now I have the Red stone!
David: No you don't! *punches Kars really really far away and catches the stone* Got it!
Later near a old castle
Lisa Lisa: This is where the red stone was gonna be before we got it.
Caesar: Wamuu must be in there! I'll fight him!
David: You should not!
Caesar: We are no longer Friends Joseph and David! Let's do this! LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs into the castle*
Inside the castle
Wamuu: I see you have found me.
Caesar; Yes and I'll certainly kill you You son of a-
Caesar's legs get crushed by a Ceiling block cross
Caesar: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wamuu: Sounds of Victory, I love it.
Joseph: *shows up with David and Lisa Lisa* Caesar!!!!!!!!!
Wamuu: I'm out!
In the hallways of building
Joseph; Okay guys we got this! It's Me, David and- *notices David and Lisa Lisa are gone* where did they go?
Lisa Lisa: *offscreen* OH! YES! HARDER! DEEPER DAVID!
Joseph: What the absolute f?
Cut to Arena
Kars: You're too late Jojo and David! We've made our vampire Army!
Joseph: 1 v 2 us then!
Wamuu: I got this.
Joseph: No.
Joseph throws a boomerang as it cuts off Wamuu's head
Wamuu: Huh. Always wondered what death was like. *dies*
David: *uses his powers to turn Wamuu's soul into ash* Yes! Now I feel powerful!
Kars: Damm. Well I'll kill Lisa Lisa. *appears behind Lisa Lisa and stabs her*
Lisa Lisa: *coughs out blood*
Joseph: No! Lisa Lisa!
Smokey: *shows up* Oh No! Jojo and David-
Joseph and David: Huh?
Smokey: Hey Jojo and David..
Stroheim: *shows up* GERMAN FORCE SCIENCE COMING THROUGH MOTHERF#############!!!!!!!
Joseph: How the hell is he alive?!
Speedwagon: *shows up* He's alive cause of German Science.
Stroheim uses the UV Lights to turn all the vampires into ash
Kars: *was seen wearing the stone mask with the red stone of aja in it* can I get some of that?
Some of the UV lights shines onto the red stone
David: No!
Speedwagon: Oh hell no!
Joseph: Stroheim you f###### up!
Stroheim: IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!
Kars then explodes as he was now seen wearing new outfit and has new hair style and look
Kars: I'm Kars the Ultimate Life Form!!!!!
David: WAY to go. We're f#######.
Kars: *makes a squirrel pop up in his hands*
Smokey: Oh hey it's a squirrel!
The squirrel then jumps at Stroheim and starts biting his insides out
Smokey: I wished to sit this one but I didn't.
Kars: Now let the good time rolls!- *notices David is gone* Where's David?
David: *offscreen* DOMINOES MOTHERF#########!!!!!!
David hits Kars with a plane as he flies towards a volcano
David: Time to say Good Night Boy!
Kars: Oh I'm so f####### dead.
David crashes the plane into the volcano as we then see him land perfectly
David: I'm alive! I'm alive!
Stroheim; *shows up with Joseph* nice one David!
Joseph: Yeah buddy!-
Suddenly Kars comes out of the ground and cuts off David's arms! Both of them!
David: AH!!!!!!! MY ARMS! F###!!
Kars: I'm alive b#####! YOU ALL WILL DIE!
Joseph; Hey! No one cuts off my brother's arms and gets away with it!
David then gets up and kicks Kars into the ground as suddenly the volcano erupts sending David and Kars into the air
Joseph: David!!!
Stroheim: He got him!
We then see Kars flying through the air with David
Kars: you made the volcano erupt?! You are so dead!
David: We'll see about that b#######! YEEHAW!!!!
David kicks Kars further into the air as Kars was now in space
Kars: *starts to be frozen* Wait! David! David! Save me! I'm not ready to die!!!!
Kars then turns into solid ice as we see David hit the ground
David: Perfection! F### you Kars! F### everyone!-
David gets crushed by the giant rock as we then see everyone at David's funeral
Smokey: I'm sad David died.
Speedwagon: He was a young brave lad.
Joseph; he was the best brother ever.
David: *shows up* And a sex machine!
All: DAVID!!!
David: I'm back Motherf#######! I can't believe I'm at my own funeral and today is my brother Joseph's wedding!
Smokey: a Wedding?
Suzie Q: *shows up next to Joseph* Hello!
Speedwagon: Well David is not dead but Joseph is married?
Joseph: I know right?! There has to be a cool surprise at the end!
Lisa Lisa: Joseph, David, I'm gonna say this..., I'm your mother.
Joseph and David: *they both puke out their guts onto the ground*
Many years later on a ship in 1983, sailors were seen Opening a coffin
Dio: *pops out of the coffin* WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It turned out That Dio was not dead and he stitched together the body parts of Markus and Jonathan together, Plus in Japan
David: *shows up with Joseph as the two were much older* Guess who's back! David Joestar!
Joseph: and Joseph!
David: During our time away. We've come to Japan to meet our 17 year old grandsons Jotaro and Zane Kujo!
Jotaro: *was seen in a cell with Zane* Sup?
Mohammed Avdol: *shows up* And I'm Mohammed Avdol! Joseph and David's new friend from Egypt.
Caesar: *shows up* And I'm back as well! I'm now sporting robot legs since my legs were crushed in Battle Tendency! Also I'm still looking the exact age thanks to Lisa Lisa! I'm sad she's gone and we never see her again!
David: We've come to filthy Japan because Jotaro and Zane are in a cell! And thanks to our daughter Holly calling us!
Holly: *shows up* My Husband left me!
Joseph: why are you in jail you two? Have you been in trouble?
Zane: Nah its cause of the Ghosts we have!
Star Platinum: *shows up next to Jotaro* Ora.
Pro Wrestler: *shows up next to Zane* ORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David: Those are not ghosts, those are stands!
Jotaro: What?
Avdol: Stands! They're fighting spirits!
David: It's also permanently replacing Hamon!
Caesar: I still have Hamon so I can use it!
Jotaro: Cool, teach us? Wait what the f### is Hamon?-
Later at Jotaro and Zane's school
Kakyoin: Hello Jotaro and Zane Kujo. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin and I'm here to become your ally!
Zane: what happened to the fleshbuds?
Kakyoin: Dio did not get fleshbuds thanks to him stitching together the body parts of Jonathan and Markus Joestar together!
Jotaro: Cool, welcome to the team!
Later at the Kujo Household
Joseph: Nice to meet you Kakyoin!
Kakyoin: Thank you, I'm such a good friend of Jotaro and Zane now!
Holly: It's nice to see my babies making friends at school! Gah! *falls to the floor*
Joseph: Holly!
Jotaro: What happened to her?!
Caesar: since she has a birthmark of the Joestar family, Her stand is awakening but it's also killing her!
David: To save Holly from certain death! We must travel to Egypt and fight Dio and defeat him!
Kakyoin: That will take really long! Also I hope we get more members on the team!
Joseph: Yeah also let's get the hell out of Japan so we don't get noticed-
Tomoko Higashikata: *offscreen* Joseph? Joseph is that you?
Later on a Plane
Avdol: *was seen drinking wine with Kakyoin and Caesar*
David: Say Jotaro and Zane, did we ever tell you we survived plane crashes-
The plane explodes as we cut to Hong Kong in a diner
Jotaro: Well this sucks.
Polnareff: *shows up* BONJOUR MONSIEUR JOESTAR! I am Jean Pierre Polnareff and I want to join your team!
David: *slaps Polnareff* Boom you're in! Also we're dropping the terrible accents!
Polnareff: But why?!
Kakyoin: Cause the other two parts took place in Europe and-
David: Plus I f######### my mother in Battle Tendency!
Polnareff: Oh no I get it. I'm still in the team am I?
All; Yes!
Caesar: I need to teach you guys except for Joseph and David how to use Hamon!
Zane, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Avdol and Polnareff: Teach us and we'll make it your while!
One Hamon training Montage later as we cut to Singapore
Polnareff; say why do we have a Orphan with us?
Anna: Because you guys saved me from both the Imposter Captain and that weird monkey! Plus they skipped my shower scene!
Zane: Good so no one can see your damm Little tits. God that sounds bad.
Joseph; Plus we're in Singapore!
All: Yay!
Polnareff: Let's go find our room and- *starts getting stabbed by a puppet stand* Oh, never mind.
In India
Polnareff: I'm gonna go use the bathroom! *looks inside the men's bathroom as he then shuts the door* I can hold it.
J.Geil: *shows up* Hey Polnareff! I'm here!
Polnareff; *gasps* You're the man with the two right hands!
J.Geil: Yes I am!
Polnareff slaps J.Geil which kills Him as we cut to outside
Polnareff: I'm sorry do we know you Cowboy?
Hol Horse: The name is Hol Horse, and I'm a cowboy with my Stand Emperor!
Zane: Cool you wanna join our team?
Hol Horse: Tell The writers to bring me my money.
All: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later on the road
Jotaro: Hey there's a car chasing us, can it be a stand user?
Kakyoin: If a car was a stand, then the sun could be a stand!
Zane: F### you Kakyoin.
Later again
Enyaba: Hello! Welcome! Make yourselves at home!
Hol Horse: She's a enemy stand user Jotaro!
Jotaro: *his eyes lit up with rage* GET HER STAR PLATINUM!
Star Platinum: *shows up and hits Enyaba with a barrage of punches* ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! ORA!!!
Later again again
Death 13: Hello Kakyoin! I'm a enemy stand user and if I kill you in your dream! You die in real life too!
Kakyoin: Ah. Okay. Well what if I tell you that Your stand user is a baby.
Death 13: I don't care!
Kakyoin: Okay. *jabs his finger into Death 13's chest* cause Hamon will kill you!
Death 13: *screams in pain as she dies*
Cameo: Polnareff I am a Genie! I can grant you unlimited wishes!
Polnareff: Then I wish for a copycat of Avdol to show up!
Copycat Avdol: *shows up and laughs evilly*
Avdol: *walks over to Copycat Avdol and burns him to death* Okay Cameo get out of here.
Cameo: Ah man. *starts to float away*
Zane: *shows up* Actually! You can help us! I wish for a Big submarine to show up!
Cameo: wish Granted!
A submarine shows up in the water
All: WOO!!!!!!
Zane: Cameo if I blow a whistle, that means you have to show up! And help us from now on! Okay?
Cameo: Okay! *dissappears*
Zane: Cool let's get in the submarine!
In the submarine
Caesar: I just realized this submarine is packed with us all in it! There's Me, Joseph, David, Polnareff, Avdol, Jotaro, Zane, Kakyoin and Hol Horse.
Hol Horse: along with that new Cameo friend we made!
Polnareff: Say anyone mind if I open a window?
All: No Polnareff don't!
Polnareff opens a window as water floods the entire submarine as we Cut to the group arriving on a beach in Egypt
Joseph: Screw you Polnareff!
Avdol: We've also made it to Egypt!
David: Yes! Now we can meet our new member of the team and fight nine stand users representing the Egyptian Gods!
All: Woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later we're now in Part 2 of Stardust crusaders
Polnareff: Look I'm just saying it's weird Walk like a Egyptian was played for the part we weren't in Egypt!
Avdol: Polnareff, that take is so cold Not even Magician's Red could burn it.
Caesar: Look alive! Chopper with our new member inside!
A chopper then lands as a Dog came out of the chopper, this Dog was Iggy
Jotaro: What is that?
Joseph: That's Iggy!
Jotaro: Is he gonna be my best friend?
Iggy: Only if you don't piss me off Jotaro Kujo.
Jotaro: Hold up!
Joseph: Group Picture!
Joseph uses his camera to take a picture of himself and the group
Jotaro: *looks at the picture* I wonder why Hol Horse is close to me and-
David: Everyone stop! *whispers* there's a enemy stand! Don't make a sound!
Kakyoin: Don't worry guys, I can stop this stand- *gets his eyes cut* Oh. *falls to the ground*
Polnareff: Oh God, being blinded is Worse by a blind guy!
Hol Horse: Emperor Throw!
Hol Horse grabs Zane and throws him towards N'Doul who's on the ground
N'Doul: What the f### does Emperor Throw-
Zane hits N'Doul and kills him
Hol Horse: Hey Zane Sorry about throwing you man, we Cool?
Zane: We Cool!
Jotaro: I'm surprised Zane is getting along with Hol Horse.
Iggy: Says the guy with Star Platinum.
Jotaro; Hold up.
Joseph: Alright everyone! We shall split up and look for More enemy stand users!
Avdol: If that makes you and David both be Fred, then I'm assuming me and Caesar are Velma
Jotaro: Polnareff and Hol Horse are obviously Shaggy.
Polnareff: Careful Jotaro, that makes you, Zane and Cameo Daphne.
Iggy: Anyone calls me Scooby-Doo and I'll bite your f########## nose off.
Jotaro: Hold up!
Oingo: *shows up with Boingo* Sup Idiots! I'm [Zenyatta!]
Boingo: and I'm [Mendatta!]
Oingo: and We're the [Zenyatta-Mendatta] Brothers!
Hol Horse: Why the hell is this happening Mr Joestar?
Joseph: Copyright is a total b#####.
Hol Horse: Ah I get it.
With Jotaro and Polnareff for the Anubis Arc
Polnareff: I'm saying the Sword is the stand!
Jotaro: then who's the Stand user?
Polnareff; anyone who holds the sword!
Jotaro: How is that possible?
Polnareff: I don't know Jotaro, the Manga was made for kids.
With Zane and Hol Horse in the Alessi Arc
Alessi: Hello Zane Kujo and Hol Horse! I am Alessi! And my stand can turn you two into Kids!
Hol Horse: Actually the arcade game says that Your stand can't make anyone into a kid if they're old, they'll be turned Young.
Alessi: Oh sh##.
With Joseph, Caesar, David and Avdol in the Mariah Arc
David: Caesar! Get off of my crotch!
Caesar: *muffled* I can't! God I hate this! Help me God!!!
Joseph: Jesus christ this is happening to both of us, Avdol is stuck to me and Caesar is stuck to you!
David: Plus I don't want to be gay! I lost my virginity by f######## Lisa Lisa in Battle Tendency!
Joseph: *points to Mariah* is that the stand user?
Mariah: Yeah I am, plus I'm really hot.
David: OOH!!!!! *Jumps into the air as he breaks free from Caesar and runs over to Mariah as she grabs her*
Mariah: Hey let me go a##hole!
David: No we're going to my place so I can bang you! *runs off with Mariah* WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caesar: He got free just like that?
Daniel J. D'arby: Bonjour Monsieurs! Name's D'arby. Come sit and play a game with me.
Polnareff: so He gets to have the Terrible accents!
Joseph: That's Tom Schalk.
Polnareff: I said what I said.
Zane: Fine, *sits down* Deal me in Motherf##########! *puts on some Sunglasses*
Daniel D'arby: Good!
Avdol: Careful Zane! He's a true gambler who doesn't play by the rules!
Daniel D'arby: Two Pair!
Zane: *slams down five cards onto the table* D'arby... allow me to present: EXODIA! THE FORBIDDEN ONE!
Daniel D'arby: Impossible!!!!!!!!!! *gets shot by a big beam as he disintegrates into dust*
Zane: Ah sh## I should have asked him about Dio's mansion.
Hol Horse: can't we ask Iggy?
Joseph: Where is Iggy anyways?
Meanwhile with Iggy
Iggy: I'm a dog on a normal day in Egypt and I'm alone on my-
Iggy gets grabbed by Pet Shop flying in as Iggy screams as we cut back to the others
David: Okay Guys, let's split up and look for Iggy!
Hol Horse: Hey Jotaro, mind if I shoot you?
Jotaro; Why?
Hol Horse: cause I see Iggy in the air being held by Pet Shop.
Jotaro: Do it. I'll deflect the bullet.
Hol Horse shoots his Emperor at Jotaro who deflects the bullet as it hits Pet Shop killing him
Iggy: *screams as he lands on Hol Horse's shoulder*
Jotaro: He's fine! Yay!
Kakyoin: *shows up* Guess who's back?
All: KAKYOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kakyoin: Plus I have Dio's location!
David: Perfection! Let's go stop Dio and change his O to a E!
Hol Horse: Let's do this!
Kakyoin: these sunglasses cost a lot of money!
Zane: I'm ready to woop some a##!
Caesar: Let's go end this once and for all!
Iggy: Yeah no. Sorry guys but I know what story I'm in. One step in there and I'm dead. Avdol. You're coming with cause I don't want you dying.
Avdol: Agree, we'll see you guys after you defeat Dio. Peace!
Avdol and Iggy run off
Kakyoin: More like Man's best failure.
Hol Horse: I really should take a hint on this.
Zane: Say Hol Horse, your gun is out.
Hol Horse: Well do you think That Dio came back from hell and stitched together the body parts of Markus and Jonathan together?
Inside the Mansion
Hol Horse: Be careful Caesar and Polnareff. We're in enemy Territory. Be careful.
Polnareff: don't worry Hol Horse. You're a friend of ours and we're brothers to the end!- *Suddenly Hol Horse gets killed* F###! Man! He was so young!
Vanilla Ice: *shows up* sorry Reff and Caesario. Name's Vanilla Ice. And I put your friend-
Caesar: on Ice, bubble cutter! *throws his bubble disc's at Vanilla Ice*
Vanilla Ice: *gets hit* Damm! Alright! These little piggies about to go home! Any last words Motherf####?!
Polnareff: Just One! Silver Chariot has touched Emperor's gun.
Vanilla Ice: What the f###?
Hol Horse's stand the Emperor then shoots its last bullet at Vanilla Ice which hits and kills him.
Polnareff: Rest in piece Hol Horse.
Terence D'arby: The reason why Jojo All Star Battle R was remastered was because Bandai Namco loved the series so much they wanted to add in Characters from the original game into the remastered and ever since that, There's been DLC drops non stop with the latest being Diego Brando Slash the World.
Joseph: Jotaro! Why are you hitting your half heat attack instead of your great heat attack?!
Jotaro: I'm trying Old Man!
Joseph: Try harder!
Meanwhile with Caesar and Polnareff
Dio: Hello Caesar and Polnareff! Where's your friend Hol Horse?
Polnareff: Dio! We're gonna murder you for what you did!
Dio: go ahead and try b#####.
Polnareff and Caesar run up the stairs but it was endless
Dio: Ha! You two can't even do the BLJ!
David: *bursts through the wall with Joseph, Kakyoin, Jotaro and Zane* Guess who's back!
Dio: I'm out! *leaves*
Jotaro: so where's Hol Horse?
Caesar: He's dead.
Jotaro: Damm. Anyways we need to fight dio so- *notices Kakyoin and Zane are gone* where the hel are Zane and Kakyoin?!
Kakyoin: You can't move anywhere from the ropes made by Hierophant Green Dio! You're surrounded by all angles!
Dio: All Angles Hmm? Tell me Kakyoin. You know what a meme is?
Kakyoin: a What?
Dio: *stops time and floats over to Kakyoin as he uses The World to punch a hole into Kakyoin's chest* that's too bad. I do know Memes.
Time resumes and Kakyoin gets sent flying into a water tower
Dio: *appears behind Zane* Hello Zane!
Zane: dio! So we finally meet! *summons his stand Pro Wrestler* I will end you!
Dio: So will I B#####!
Joseph: Jotaro! Zane! Dio's ability is stop time itself!-
Dio: ZA WARUDO!!!!!!! *Stops Time as he throws a knife towards Joseph and David*
Time resumes as Joseph and David get hit by the knives and fall to the ground
Jotaro and Zane: Dio! *they start to approach Dio*
Dio: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away you two are coming right towards me?
Jotaro: We can't get close to beat your- *he and Zane get knives thrown into them* A##. *falls to the ground with Zane* Good thing the comics blocked the knives
Dio: Pretty sure that killed them. *takes a entire stop sign out of the ground* But just to be safe!
Zane: *to himself in his thoughts* I hate Mondays!
Caesar: *shows up and stabs a bubble disc through Dio's head* this is for Hol Horse motherf########!
Polnareff: *shows up and stabs Silver Chariot's sword through Dio's skull* Yeah! You done for now!
Pro Wrestler and Star Platinum: *they both show up* Ora!
They both punch Dio so far away as he then hits the ground
Jotaro: *gets up with Zane* You f######### with the wrong Crusaders Motherfucker.
Zane: Hey swearing uncensored. Yay!
Dio: Hang on a sec! *stabs his fingers into Joseph and David's bodies* Let me get some sip! *starts draining the blood from Joseph and David*
Zane: No stop! Don't!
Joseph: *appears as a ghost with David* Hey we're going into the afterlife.
David: I hope Kars doesn't mind we visit him. Also kick Dio's a## Boys!!!!!!!!!
Dio: Now that I have Joestar Blood, Jonathan and Markus's bodies are mine!
Jotaro: Wait a second I got a question, since you have two bodies, does that mean you have two d###?
Dio: Road Rolla. *dissappears*
Jotaro: Zane does it feel weird I prefer the Oil Tanker from the OVA?
Dio then crushes Jotaro and Zane with a steamroller
Dio: Finally! Everyone in the Joestar bloodline is dead!
Time then stops as Dio couldn't move
Dio: Nani? Dude what is going on? Why am I not moving?
Jotaro: *appears behind Dio with Zane* Dio. We stopped time.
Dio: How?!
Zane: The Manga was made for kids. Follow the premise.
Dio: *groans* Fine, then I shall-
Suddenly Iggy shows up and bites Dio's nose as he then tears it off his face
Dio: Oh, *explodes into guts*
Iggy: That was for my homie Danny. *walks away*
Jotaro: Hold Up a minute!
Speedwagon Foundation Doctor: Listen Jotaro and Zane! We're trying everything to bring your grandparents back to life.
Zane: why don't you guys infuse Dio's blood into their bodies and-
Joseph: *wakes up with David* Hey we're alive!
Jotaro: Wait! How do we know you both are not possessed by Dio?
Joseph: Because you two have 6 year old Uncles that will show up in the next part!
Zane: Buy us a PS5, Two PS5 Controllers and a copy of Tekken 8 or else we're telling Grandma
Joseph: You little f###-
Later at the airport
Joseph: You sure you don't want to come stay with me and David in America?
Jotaro: Or Japan with me and Zane?
Polnareff: No. I thought I might spend some time in Italy. Anyways I hope I get to see all of you again, and I hope one day we'll reunite to fight a big evil.
Zane: Yeah. Too bad I miss everyone. What happened to Caesar and Avdol?
Joseph: They're alive and they'll appear in the next part.
Jotaro: Zane, I'm betting on money Avdol will wear his Grey colored appearance in Part 4.
Zane: Pay me ten if Caesar doesn't go senile.
Jotaro: Deal.
And after that, Jean Pierre Polnareff never saw Joseph, David, Jotaro or Zane again. Iggy will also return in Part 4 and that's the end!
We then see it was a story book being read by Aidan as he closes the book
Aidan: So what did you guys think?
Everyone was then seen with shocked looks
Smg4: What the Fu-
The End.
Jojo Diamond is Unbreakable and Golden Wind Recap coming soon.
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