Audition Form:
✧ Written In The Stars
Full Name|
✧ Hugo Diaz
✧ Sometimes people call him Hugh
✧ Middle Prince of Spain
✧ 17
✧ Closeted Homosexual
Face Claim|
✧ Luke Newton
Financial Status/Education|
✧ With being the middle Prince of Spain, he is financially very well and he has always been lucky in terms of education. He has received a great education as well as being provided music lessons and other opportunities that most people his age would not get.
Soft is one of the best words to describe Hugo for many different reasons. He's soft and gentle but can also be fragile and easily hurt. He isn't someone that enjoys any sort of conflict, he would rather be with his family, specifically his younger sister, doing something nice and calming. He is gentle and very rarely, if ever, raises his voice so if he does then it must be for something serious. Forget fighting or being loud and shouting, he'd rather play piano, go on a walk or have a cup of tea. The last thing Hugo wants to do is make anyone upset, hence why he's so calm and lovable. People tend to naturally feel like they can talk to him about their feelings, he's a good listener and constantly gives off those relaxed, safe vibes. He will be honest about what he believes in however sometimes he finds it hard to find his voice and stand up to let out his thoughts, although he can bicker with his brother from time to time and he seems to have no problem with that... Hugh also prefers to stay neutral in situations of conflict, he isn't one to 'take sides', he would rather just do what he can to try resolve it and help both sides if possible- choosing who to support seems like an awfully tedious process that he doesn't want to be involved in. He prefers a calm environment without any tension, which is why he sometimes prefers to be alone.
Hugo very clearly matured faster than his older brother, that is apparent to pretty much everyone who knows them. He is a gentleman and he just happened to row up pretty quickly. Now, that doesn't mean that he is boring- he may be mature but he still likes to have fun and go on adventures whenever he gets the opportunity. He loves to see new places and find new areas to stare longingly out at the many amazing stars in the sky for hours on end. He is intelligent, partially because he had an education but also because he had naturally taken up the hobby of reading books and music sheets. Hugo tends to read books on the stars and astrology, he finds it interesting and it has been a strong passion to him for a while, they are his favourite books to read.
He enjoys learning new things and extending his knowledge, occasionally he comes out with random little facts about something present in a conversation, however the base of his knowledge tends to be on stars. He's kinda the definition of a Sagittarius man, take that as you will...
He has always had a strong and genuine sense of empathy for people. If he can help out in any way then he will try to, sometimes that may even mean putting his own reputation on the line however his passion for caring and helping people over rules most things. Some people may see him as a push over for this and may even take advantage which he can sometimes be completely oblivious to as he tends to think optimistically, especially when it's someone he trusts as he always sees the good in people. He would rather assume the best than the worst which can make him seem very naive at times.
Hugo is also very polite, this goes hand in hand with him being mature. He wanted to be the gentleman his mother expected her son to be, he never wanted her to be disappointed in him, he was very close to her and learnt a lot from her. If he see's you standing alone, looking sad at a ball, he will definitely be the guy to push any anxiety aside and ask you to dance to cheer you up a bit.
One thing that Hugo loves just as much as the stars would have to be a good adventure. He is mature and tends to follow the rules, yes, but he could never turn down the opportunity for an adventure- weather he's meant to go or not. He often sneaks out at night to find a new place to look at the stars, its peaceful and he could stay there for hours. He likes to explore interesting and unique architecture if he has the opportunity, as well as looking at area's where great nature is. He loves to take it all in and live in the moment, this can range from beautiful new flowers blooming in spring or him seeing the most incredible thunder and lightening storm known to man. Hugh loves adventure, one of the things he wants from life is to see the world.
As much as he has had a lot of experiences and opportunities, he hasn't dealt with some hardships in life that most people did. everything was handed to him, he never had to worry about money or if his future had limits. These lack of experiences can lead to him being very naïve- he tries to be empathetic but he cannot understand everything. Sometimes his lack of understanding may make him sound ignorant however it is not at all intentional. The worst thing that has happened to him has to be his mother's death, this made him understand things a lot more however there are still certain issues that he does not and possibly will never understand. (His mother's death is touched upon more in the backstory!)
He can also be internally quite anxious. If someone intimidates him for whatever reason, it is very likely that he will avoid them all together when he can, purely because he get's anxious and again, does not like confrontation. He often tries to push through this anxiety so that he represents his family well, however it is not always possible. He would much rather be at some clearing, staring at the stars, than at a big party with high status people who expect him to fit a certain image. He has this longing desire to be perfect, but that is not possible and he feels like it never will be since he realised he is homosexual. He knows that his father would never accept this and as far as Hugo is concerned, he can never find out.
Hugo certainly has his flaws just as much as the next person however an admirable thing about him is that he is genuinely a good person. He cares for people and with every decision he makes, he has the best intentions at heart. Does he make mistakes? Absolutely. But is he trying to do what he genuinely thinks is in his and other people's best interest? Of course! He is a loyal person, his loyalty mainly lying with his family, however a lot of this changed when she passed away. He would still do anything he can to protect his family and the people he loves, especially his younger sister. He always cared for his mother's opinion very strongly so he thinks about her often when he makes decisions and what she might advise him to do.
✧ Being the middle son of his family, there is not as much pressure on him in certain aspects to marry and produce an heir, etc. This pressure tends to be laid upon his older brother, Hugo definitely has more freedom however he has other internal pressures to worry about. From a fairly young age, Hugo realised he was unique to most in a way he didn't quite understand and hadn't vocalised to anyone.
Men of his status were usually just naturally expected to marry women, create alliances between families, own some land and start a big family with their wife to continue the family name. This was normality, the social expectations that were assumed to happen in most cases. But he came to realise he didn't have an attraction to women like much other young men his age did, much rather he has an attraction towards the other men.
He still doesn't quite understand why he feels this way and why it should have to be different for him.
He would love to understand the feeling of love as he sat beneath the stars with someone as they planned out an amazing future of travelling and happiness, however he was not sure he would ever get that. He would never make his sexuality public, this is mainly due to his father.
Hugo has never been close to his father, he was definitely a mother's boy growing up and he had a very close bond with her, one that he has never come close to sharing with his father. When in the same room together they barely speak, if at all. He only ever speaks to his father when he needs to for some reason. This opportunity doesn't surface often as if he needs to know something he will usually ask everyone but his father first and most of the time someone else would have the answer for him.
Hugo cares about family, he always has and he probably always will however there is definitely a big gap when it comes to a relationship with his father. Part of him wants to make him proud which is another reason why he doesn't feel like he can make his sexuality public, the few strings they have that resembles a relationship would certainly be completely snapped and unrevivable if he spoke up about these feelings. Hugo knows his father will not approve at all. He had a good life: opportunities, family, money, education, status- yet who he loved seemed to plague over these things and almost outweigh them. It was not uncommon for him to wish upon a star that one day, maybe his feelings would change.
Another major event of his life and gap in his family occurred when his mother died. Hugo took his mother's death extremely hard, harder than most. He was incredibly close with her, always a mother's boy rather than a fathers boy. He has been a lot more reserved since his mother's death, he is not close to his father so he valued his relationship with her a lot. He never completely got over it and he isn't sure if he ever fully will. It was a dark time for him at first and he deals with it much better now however he still thinks of her every day and in many different situations.
She taught him so much, he thinks about her every time he plays the piano since she taught him.
He likes to believe that she is one of the stars in the sky, and if she is- she is definitely the brightest one there. Maybe it's silly, but he finds comfort in laying under the stars and sometimes talking about his life to them, imagining that he is telling his mother everything that's going on. He finds comfort in having an outlet to talk to her still. This is another reason why he loves the stars so much, not only are they a passion- they are a comfort.
Other than his secret, he does have a lot going for him. Since a young age he's dreamed of travelling the world, seeing the stars above each different place and exploring and seeing everything he possibly can.
He grew up with a great family bond, his mother and younger sister mainly making up for the lack of bond with his father. Some of his fondest memories include sitting at the ballroom's grand piano while his sister danced around the room and they still do this now!
He also gets along with his older brother and can handle him however it is not uncommon for them to bicker over some sort of disagreement, Hugo occasionally scolds him on his immaturity, telling him that he needs to slow down the partying and consider settling down to make sure his duties are met. Maybe it makes him sound boring, and he probably shouldn't put these expectations on his brother since Hugh himself doesn't like it, however he has a lot of responsibilities. He and his brother seem like complete opposites which is probably why they can clash from time to time. It can be quite shocking that they are even brothers in the first place when it comes to their personalities.
Luckily his older brothers crazy life style tends to take his fathers attention from him which is probably why Hugo gets away with sneaking out so often, at least it's only to look at the stars! His father never even notices he's gone and probably wouldn't really care.
✧ STARS! If you haven't guessed by now, he has a passion for stars and astrology. It often seems like he knows everything about them yet he is still reading another book on stars, what more does he have to learn? He would argue that there is always more to learn, especially when it comes to a subject as broad as the stars in the sky and the other planets that surround earth.
✧ Travelling. He absolutely loves to travel and explore new, foreign places as well as learn about different cultures and beliefs. One of his biggest dreams is to travel the world, seeing every single star and everything he possibly can while he's still young and has the chance. When he's a little older he wants to travel the world.
✧ Playing piano, it's relaxing and he learnt when he was younger. It was always a nice bonding activity between he and his mother and he still loves it to this day because of this, he likes composing new music. He's not always confident in his music writing but he is definitely skilled, especially when it comes to playing it since he has for so long. He is reminded of his mother when playing.
✧ Going on walks, usually he likes to take walks on his own, weather this is to have a small adventure and see something new, or simply walk round the gardens underneath the stars and the pale moonlight. He always finds walks relaxing, he never knows how long he will be, where he will end up and what he will find, its exciting.
✧ Horse riding. Naturally he loves horse riding, this can be good for his bigger adventures that cannot be reached by him walking. He likes animals, he was scared of horses as a kid but learnt to like them and grew very fond of the adventures they could take him on as well as their peaceful company.
✧ He likes art, can he sketch/paint? No, not at all- but he can definitely appreciate a beautiful piece of art work. He likes a lot of the arts, including theatre too, it's not something he gets involved in but he does like to watch.
✧ Stars!
✧ Astrology
✧ The rain, he doesn't like when rain clouds block all the stars however he finds it so refreshing when it rains to go outside and enjoy the moment by standing in it and watching as it falls- even though he can end up soaked when he finally gets back inside...
✧ Nature
✧ Travelling
✧ Music, specifically piano, violin, and the harp (he can't play the violin or harp, he just likes how they sound)
✧ Adventures
✧ Spending time with his younger sister.
✧ Having to talk to his father about something, also dislikes their lack of relationship however he doubts that will change.
✧ His brothers immaturity.
✧ The internal confusion and struggle with accepting and understanding his sexuality.
✧ Conflict, especially unnecessary ones.
✧ Unnecessarily rude or intimidating people.
✧ Overly crowded events where he can not leave if he wants to.
✧ Questions concerning relationships/gossip.
✧ Hugo is a genuinely good person. He just wants to do the best he possibly can and he is a great person to trust. He will listen and help if he can.
✧ He is intelligent and when he's passionate about something, like he is for the stars and travelling, he is determined to learn as much as he can. He likes learning and has a good memory.
✧ He naturally tends to be a peacemaker since he doesn't like choosing sides. Understanding both perspectives and being a middle man can help conflict sometimes.
✧ He has unrealistic expectations sometimes. He is fine with being an ear for people to listen to however he doesn't understand that sometimes he needs to talk about how he's feeling too. He can put things all on his own shoulders which he doesn't need to do and not realise that it's fine to ask for help.
✧ Hugo can walk into trusting people too easily, not with everything- but not far from it. He can be naïve and his judgement on people isn't always great.
✧ Despite the fact his brother has more pressures, he sometimes finds himself slightly jealous over his older brother. He has a clear attraction towards women, he could have any woman of status to marry, he's handsome and the heir to a throne- he has the world at the palm of his hands yet he throws it away to party. Hugo doesn't like to show this jealousy however it is certainly there deep down.
✧ Beautiful People - Lana Del Rey
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
✧ "The millions of stars in the sky make me realise how small and insignificant we are, but don't you find that comforting? Our decisions don't have as much as an impact as we feel, so surely we should live for the moment and not the expectations"
okay I've absolutely fallen in love with this OC it's been so fun writing him over the past few days!
Thank you for reading!
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