Kanagelane OCs

Wow just Regina put this up to almost 1000 words just like that, damn. Also don't judge me but these are all gonna be girls. Also if y'all don't appreciate my 3000 words worth of detail I may cry.

Role: Half-Breed
Name: Regina Marie Fielding (Since that's her name. Her backstory is gonna be different ish tho)
Nicknames: Genie, Gene, Rege, Regie, Ree, Genes, Bitch, Red, How Do You Always Have Tea, Aladdin.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: She's got some issues, but most people do so it's whatever. She down plays a lot of the things shes been through because other people have been through worse. She's seen worse. She's good at leading, she has a good head on her shoulders. She does her best to be everything she can and it tends to backfire when she over extends herself. Regina is a kind person, and she has a huge heart and a soft spot for animals and young kids and open fields and she really doesn't like big cities even though she's lived in them her whole life. She stays because that's her family's home. The city she lives in isn't home, but it is to everyone around her. So she stays. She tends to bottle up her feelings until they explode. That's just how she is, and as she gets older she goes to therapy, and she gets better. But as of now she hates therapists so don't mention it. She also really doesn't like hospitals. Also hey guess what you get to see her at a stage in her life where she isn't at peak skill yet. So she's always training. Always working. Always forcing herself to get better so she never accidentally lashes out and hurts someone.
Powers: Telekinesis, Flight (which technically comes with the Telekinesis) (She doesn't use it unless she has to), Psionic Strike which is like almost like a shock wave she can send on a person, it can make the ground shake, cause head injuries, it can cause internal bleeding, death etc. Needless to say she tries to avoid using it because it scares her. She can blend into the background for a temporary period of time. You can still sorta see her if you concentrate, as it's mainly just advanced camouflage. Can sorta, and it's really only for a thing I want to do later, touch things that have emotional significance to her, and have a flash of the memories that object has seen. But it only works with things that are valuable to her, and it's really emotionally and physically draining. She doesn't know it exists, and 💯 will happen out of nowhere.
Appearance: Sophie Turner with curly red hair.

Civilian Clothing:

Hero Name: Blindside
The cape is black instead of white and the mask is below

Strengths: She's physically strong, so that's a bonus, and she has strong powers. She's obviously smart as well, as that comes with the territory. She's pretty decent at reading people and is good at going undercover. She's witty and has a dry sense of humor, and she's my baby. She's got some money, which is always a nice thing.
However, that's besides the point.
Weaknesses: She has pretty shitty people skills, and gets freaked out easily. Regina is pretty easily spooked not gonna lie. In this point in her life, she's so freaking scared of herself, she works herself so hard it's unhealthy. She has unrealistic standards and beats herself up when she doesn't meet her goals. She 💯 just needs a hug. Any elemental based powers. She's all mental power wise so anything super physical is a major challenge for her. Sliver also burns her skin. So do some other rare metals, like copper and specific types of reflections made from mirrors tend to throw her off a tad. Found that one out the hard way.
Fears: Being inadequate. Being obsolete. She can't stand the idea of being completely and utterly alone. It scares the shit out of her. That she might be too much. To unsteady. To unpredictable for anyone. She also is kinda paranoid that she'll get too close to someone and they'll stab her in the back.
Weapons Of Choice: Either her powers, guns, knives, sometimes modified tasers or her own fists and feet. She's somewhat comfortable with several weapons and fighting styles, but the above are the ones she tends to use the most.
Family: Tony Stark (Bio Dad) (Alive) Unknown Alien Woman (Bio Mom) (Unknown), Shiloh Fielding (Adoptive Mom) (Alive), Susie Fielding (Adoptive Mom) (Alive), Rebecca Fielding (Twin Sister) (Alive) (Is not in the hero or villain business, and isn't crazy) (Likes to mind her own business)
Backstory: Her dad is a man hoe ok. He's just a rich genius billionaire Playboy in this. He still makes weapons and just sorta exists. He pays money and stuff for his twins but they've never met him, like ever. He's never even seen them. He's an asshole. Their mom dropped them off outside a fire station in Boston when they were two months old, and they were soon found to be Tony's kids, but he didn't want them, so a Boston family adopted them, and he sent money every month for their care, and as they got older, for them to spend and for college. So they've got a bit of money, but it's not like, insane. She discovered her powers early on, and put two neighborhood kids in the hospital for bullying her sister on accident at age nine. They moved after that, to Chicago. That's where she shattered all the windows of her boyfriend's parent's house after he broke up with her, saying he was going out with another girl behind her back. They moved again to New York. Her sister broke the pavement for almost two blocks. Then to Miami. Everything went normal from there. And then she graduated and joined up with these people.
Medical: Anxiety, mild OCD, panic attacks, depression, Inferiority Complex.


Ok ok I'm kinda pumped for these next ones.

Role: Penny Peabody
Name: Anastasia Walker
Nicknames: Ana, Stazie, Sicko, Crazy bitch.
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: She's actually quite clever, and has been known to mainly do her own thing. She goes where she wants, and doesn't particularly enjoy being tied down. She enjoys being apart of the ringleaders buisness because she gets to ruin lives seemingly without consequences. Stazie is a bit unhinged, but she really only wants what she thinks she deserves. She's wicked smart, and isn't easily manipulated and you can't easily trick a master trickster. She specializes in roping people into owing the Ringleaders favors, which she obviously can use at her whim. Stazie obviously doesn't do things for free, and has a private law firm that isn't easily tied to her name that makes her the majority of her money, and is how she gets a lot of information. She always has an ace up her sleeve, and even when you think you have her backed up into a corner she'll turn around and have some serious blackmail material on you to shove up your face, and then she'll walk out with a smirk on her face and your cash in her pocket. Don't underestimate her, because it very well may be a damming mistake on your part.
Powers: She has a heightened sense of awareness of her surroundings. She's really good at reading people, and she's pretty good at seeing when you're lying due to this power. It seems simple, but it's pretty badass when you think about it. She may look innocent at first glance, but I suggest you look again. Her powers aren't very 'strong' and to most normal standards they're ordinary, and aren't particularly special. However, she truly made the most of what she was give, like she was taught. She took a crappy hand and turned it into a straight flush. 
Appearance: Evan Rachel Wood

Civilian Clothing:

Villain Name: She doesn't really have one.

Strengths: She's incredibly clever, and tends to be a bit smarter than people give her credit for. 'I'm more than just a pretty face.' She's gotten quite good at using what's available to get what she needs. Nothing is off the table for her. Sex, drugs, it doesn't matter to her, as long as she wins. Because that's what she was brought up to do, win. FYI, I imagine her with a pretty southern drawl type thing. 'My daddy didn't raise a quitter, and he sure as hell didn't raise no loser. So pony up, or I slit your throat.' She's smart, and knows that if she plays her cards right she'll get what she wants eventually. She's very patient. She's 💯 in for the long con.
Weaknesses: She doesn't know when to stop. She'll use you then drop you with little to no emotion necessary. She doesn't really know to have a real emotional connection. The best way to beat her is with brute Force. While she's a good fighter, she's better at talking her way out of situations. However, it's not to say she's not a competent fighter. However, she's not a specialist in that department. She has other more developed skills. She's easily beaten if she's fighting a large group, or with two particularly powerful fighters. She's also not really well versed in how to to combat magic.
Fears: Losing. Being a disappointment to her father, who she's gone to great lengths to impress. She wants to be the best at what she does, and to her credit, she is. However, she always thinks that she could be beaten any day, and sees any attempt to reach out as weakness, and will squash anything remotely threatening to her operation instantly.
Weapons Of Choice: Knives for sure. All kinds of blades really. She does carry one gun on her hip, however most of her weapons are blades. She's good with a sword, but regularly carries a machete on her back and has several knives, daggers and such hidden on her body.
Family: Alexa Walker (Mother, deceased), Carl Walker (Father, Alive.) Antoinette & Jesse Walker (Older Twin Siblings) Hannah Walker (Younger sister) Declan Walker (Baby brother)
Backstory: She grew up in a family of criminals. They stole, dealt drugs and smuggled illegal goods into and out of the country. So basically they did bad shit. And her older siblings were slated to run the family business, so as the middle child, she never really got as much attention as she wanted. She was constantly pressured to be a good as she could be. To win. To do better than everyone else. She was taught to fight, taught to lie, taught to seduce and cheat and steal. And the better she got the more her ambition grew and well now we're here folks. Her backstory is riddled with general emotional trauma, as her father wasn't quite the same man after her mother died giving birth to her brother. He drank more, and took it out on Ana specifically, perhaps because she looked like his late wife the most. He was constantly putting her down, telling her she wasn't as good as the others. So she took that to mean she had to get better. She had to be better. She left her family at age seventeen, and she started her own little group of people, stealing shit from other people. She rose up slowly, making a name for herself in different ways. She went to law school with money made, and got her law degree and passed the bar exam, and soon enough she opened up her own private practice, which soon flourished into a thriving buisness, which she uses to funnel various illegal things through.
Medical: She's got bipolar disorder, and OCD.
Other: None ATM.

Role: The Ringleader
Name: Willow Rhetler
Nicknames: Will, Low, Willie, Boss, Actually Legitimately Crazy ngl.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Yeah she's pretty gay. It comes into play in her backstory. But I want her to have a possibly equally crazy gf. Or someone she abuses. Either sounds fun.
Personality: Well if you weren't paying attention, she's fucking insane. Woot woot. She has no concept of anything outside of what she assumes is reality. She takes what she wants by force and when you pull back she gets angry, and like slices your fingers off. She just takes and takes and doesn't give back. She figures, I've had so much taken from me, It's my turn to take what I want. And she wants everything. She wants to take everything important. She wants to be loved. She wants to be adored. She wants to rule. She's unhinged. She's not evil for the sake of evil. This sort of crazy isn't born, it's made. She went through unspeakable abuse, physically, mentally and emotionally since birth till she was about twenty, and for about nine years she's been building up to the most amazing show the ever put on. She wants to preform. She wants to shine. All she's ever wanted is attention, and the only way she knows how to get that attention is to take it by brute Force. By lying and cheating and killing and after all that bloodshed she'll finally come up on top, because that's all she knows.
Powers: She has a silver tongue. If she thinks about it hard enough, she can lie her way through any situation. If she really tried, she could probably make most normal average citizens believe just about anything she says. She can push people in the 'right direction' and with a bit of nudging she can usually get things done pretty efficiently.
Appearance: Kimmy Schramm

Civilian Clothing:

Villain Name: The Master. Man idk.
Costume: But all black, and more guns, less swords. Perhaps less straps around the titties? Eh. A lot of superhero costumes have like boob cutouts or things that accentuate the tits. Like I feel like the boob straps would be uncomfortable. Eh 

Strengths: She's an amazing liar. Like she can become a different person in an instant. She's quite good at hiding how freaking insane she is. She usually seems normal when you first meet her. Anyways. She's pretty clever, but isn't the smartest. But she sees that weakness and has people around her to cancel that out. She can take constructive criticism. However, you have to be very careful when giving it, because if she takes it the wrong way you could end up in the basement. She loves to torture people. Always with knives, and maybe a gun. But mostly with knives. She just thinks it's so fun. Which is somewhat concerning but what can you do. She's great at getting information by any means. She's an outside the box thinker, and she applies all sorts of styles and skills to her place of work. So yeah. There's that. Woot woot.
Weaknesses: She's got terrible anger issues. The easiest way to beat her is to make her really mad and emotional, because then she isn't quite thinking clearly. She'll become erratic and more off than usual. She also has a weird thing with fire. She enjoys using it, but it burns hotter than usual on her, so it hurts more. She's got some serious blindspots when you get close to her. She's very susceptible to being tricked by constant flattery. She doesn't understand why anyone would want to betray her. It doesn't compute in her brain. So an undercover operation would totally work on her, if you could get past all of her other lackey's. But if you were caught she'd totally make your death a painful one.
Fears: She fears her parents. Like deathly afraid of ever seeing them again. She's also quite afraid of bees and spiders. Some normal fears. She's afraid of being irrelevant, of being a nobody.
Weapons Of Choice: Knives. Guns. Tasers. Anything that hurts really bad. She also likes grenades not gonna lie.
Family: Alice Rhetler (Mom, deceased), Gerald Rhetler (Dad, Deceased.)
Backstory: She was raised in a very conservative Catholic household, where her parents were very 'nice' conservative parents. From the outside she appeared to live in a white picket fence perfect American dream life. She was popular at school, she had amazing parents and they had a decent amount of money. They seemed perfect. However, her father was physically abusive towards her and her mother, and her mother blamed it all on her. And when she started showing signs of liking girls, it all got so much worse. So when her powers started to show, she took full advantage of it. She would torture small animals, and realized she took pleasure in it. So when one day her father's abuse got so bad, she slit his throat. And then her mom's. The memory was so painful, she blocked it out, and thinks they're still alive. She took a bus to Canada, and started her business there. And then she moved back to the States. And slowly, she began to build an empire. It started to blossom into something that she always wanted to have. She always wanted control over everything in her life, and now she's got it, and she isn't going to let go so easily.
Medical: Manic Depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, bipolar disorder, compulsive liar, IED.
Other: She loves animals of all kinds. She has an exotic zoo. Snakes, birds, a tiger, you name it, she's probably got it. Also, she has several dogs and cats. She doesn't really play around when it comes to her babies. So don't threaten them. Ever.

Catralicious oMFG FINALLY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER. Jesus fucking Christ why do I do this to myself.

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