Chapter 113


I grabbed my abandoned drink on the table in front of me and brought it to my lips, feeling the thick liquor slide down my throat. It's been three days since Arabella and I found Harry at the site of his old house. They haven't talked at all, but I've made sure to keep in contact with him. He's been busy moving into that new house of his and getting other paperwork finished.

Both him and Arabella have told me about there 'break up' and at this point, I'm not even going to bother trying to help them fix it. I understand they both look to me for help, but sometimes it's completely ridiculous the stuff they ask me. I don't think they understand that maybe, I have a life and I have to do things for myself. I can't just sit around and help them when they need it and be gone when they're back together.

I want to make my brother happy, I really do, but I'm also trying to live my life as well. I can't do that when both of them are constantly going back and forth and using me as a means of communication with each other. If you want to fück, then fück. If you want to be broken up, then stay away from each other. It's simple as that, but I guess not because now they are 'in love'.

In love. My ass. I can never see myself in love. Harry was bound to fall in love because he's just too easy, not me. I love my brother and sister and my mum and step dad and step siblings but that's family love. Love love, is something I don't even want to think about. I can't imagine splitting my life with someone else. I can barely tolerate people in general, never mind someone constantly on my back all the time.

Which leads to where I am now. Sitting on a couch, at the club, by myself.

Thank fücking God.

At this point, I guess I'm in Savage. It was never really announced but I have basically took the damn place over after Harry decided to fall off the face of the Earth for two weeks. People were slowly realizing that if this gang is going to run right, then we need more then just Harry as the lead. Which is why when Harry comes back I'm forcing him to allow me, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn to step up as leaders.

The other four were always looked at as leaders but everyone knew it was Harry that made the final decision. He can't keep disappearing for weeks on end and expect everything to be fine when he got back. Especially considering the plan that was being decided between Savage and Ferocious. It's time we finally settle all the shit that has been brooding between us after all these years.

I looked around the club watching shit faced girls hike their skirts up for the watching men. I haven't had sex in a couple weeks and there's a girl in the far corner of the dance floor that seems to catch my eye. I watched her for a little, taking in every dip and curve of her body in the short tight dress. She looked a bit young for my taste, but I guess she'll have to do for tonight. Before I could even stand up a small figure planted itself in front of me.

"Something special caught your eye?" a voice below me asked, making me roll my eyes.

"Why are you here?" I asked looking down at her.

Her body was toned and for such a short girl, her legs looked even longer in the tall heels on her feet. Her dress clung tight to her curves and hugged her chest especially tight.  Her and Arabella have a similar body type, although besides that one time, Arabella would never again wear such a short dress.

"What? I can't have a drink by myself on a Wednesday night?" she asked, sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Not when your by yourself, no you cannot" I said.

"Relax, stop acting like you own me" she sassed, sitting down on the couch.

"Why did I fück you again?" I asked myself making her chuckle.

"Because I made you breakfast in the morning" she said with raised eyebrows.

"Well, I'm very much regretting it" I said, plopping down next to her on the couch.

The familiar feeling of her body radiating against mine made something go off in my head, but as soon as it came, I pushed it away. Somehow this tiny thing has managed to put me through more stress then Harry and Arabella combined.

"So, what brings you here by yourself?" she noisily asked, taking a sip from her glass.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked making her roll her eyes.

"I really don't, I'm just trying to make conversation to stall you before you go over and fück little miss 16 year old" she said making me furrow my eyebrows.

"She's sixteen?" I asked, looking over at the girl I was going to bring home.

"That's my friends little sister, how she ever got in here is beyond me, but she's 16. Has probably every sexually transmitted disease out there and a boyfriend" she said making my mouth drop. "But.. don't let that stop you from fücking her brains out"

"Don't knock on her, I bet that was you when you were sixteen" I spit at her making her laugh.

"Close, at sixteen my parents were forcing me to go to an all girls church camp" she laughed "Little did they know I would get kicked out for trying to finger all the girls" she said making me laugh. 

"If you're bisexual I swear you get the best of both worlds. In your case, you get to get fücked and you get pussy" I said making her shrug.

"Hey, it could be you too, you could get fücked and get pussy just like the rest of us" she said making me laugh.

"No thanks I'm just a cat person" I said making her head drop back in laughter.

Although she pisses me off, she's hilarious when it comes to girls. Her and Harry would get along great but I don't think I want everyone to know about her yet. I saw what happened to Arabella when she was with Harry and I don't want her to end up like that. Although her and I aren't dating, and she unlike Arabella stands up for herself.

"How's your brother?" she asked.

"A mess. I told you about the house thing right?" I asked making her nod.

"He flipped and burnt down his house" she said making me nod.

"Yeah. I just don't even know how to help him anymore. It's like sometimes he wants to get help and other times he wants to just sit and sulk" I said.

"What about his girl?" she asked.

"Same thing. They're both to stubborn to realize that they're both wrong. Arabella shouldn't have freaked out on him at the club and Harry shouldn't have ignored Arabella after what happened" I said.

"Sounds like they both need a good fück" she said making me nod.

"Tell me about it" I said.

"Is she hot?" she asked.

"Who? Arabella?" I asked.


"She's good looking. She's not confident enough to be hot. Well actually, one night when she came to club she was hot, and had a shit load of confidence but then she saw Harry and that all went to shit" I said.

"She into girls?" she asked making me groan.

"Do you have like a sex problem where all you want to do is fuck?" I asked, making her laugh.

"Maybe, I haven't fücked any girls in a while" she said.

"You wonder why I don't bring you to meet them, Arabella wouldn't even know how to react to you" I said making her look over at me.

"Why? Is she homophobic?" she asked making me shake my head.

"No, definitely not, that girl loves everything with a pulse. But knowing you, you would flirt with her on the spot. She's such a people pleaser she wouldn't even stop you in fear of hurting your feelings" I said.

"I would not!" she laughed making me smile.

"Yes you would, we'd leave you alone with her for five minutes and come back to you two fingers deep" I said making laugh even more.

"Whatever you're just jealous I get more pussy then you" she said making me shake my head.

"You wish" I said.

"Wanna bet?" she asked making me raise my eyebrow at her. We've played this game a million times.

"You want to bet with me?" I asked making her shrug her shoulders, a sultry look glazing over her eyes.

"Why not?" she asked making me smirk and lean into her ear.

"Just remember how many times I've been between your legs" I said dropping my voice, my hand pressing between her crossed legs.

A shiver ran through her body as she looked up at me with dark eyes. Her lips crashed onto mine as her body came crawling into my lap and straddling my waist. I felt her hands rest on my stomach and I let mine fall on her thighs. Her tongue tried to dominate mine but the minute I gripped onto the bare skin of her thighs, her dominance was all gone. I was in control.

Her hips ground down on mine in my own controlled movements as her lips moved in sync with mine perfectly. There was no way that other girl in the corner had a shot of coming home with me now that she was with me. Her hands raked through my hair giving myself a light tug before I pulled my lips away with a wet pop.

"You can't keep being my dirty little secret" I said making her eyebrows furrow.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I don't want them to ruin you" I responded.

Sorry about not updating last week, I had competition and had no motivations to write

but finally the book is starting to pick up omg I have never been so happy in my life. The next two chapters may seem like a drag but I promise they're important..

I'd re-read this and the next two chapters a couple times for any missing clues ;) (there is a reason for every single word in this book)

Also, Happy Easter to those who celebrate Easter! If you don't then Happy Sunday!!!

Questions!!!! (this is another character ask)
Questions #1
Arabella, if you were in Harry's shoes don't you think it would be hard to tell him that secret?
Arabella: If Harry really loved me as much as he lead me on to believe then he would have told me regardless.

Questions #2
Luchesi, do you ever think about what it would be like if Arabella loved you instead of Harry?
Luchesi: Arabella and I have a different relationship. Sometimes out of loneliness I ponder the idea but I just can imagine it. She's his, all and completely his and that's my brother. I look at her like someone That needs my help rather then someone I want to be with

Question #3
Harry, do you have a daddy kink?
Harry: It's hot, you're giving me ideas ;)

That's it for questions leave any others here!!!
Thanks for the love and support!!

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