Chapter 107.



The small club was nearly full to the brim packing in far to many that it is intended to have. People were walking around with glasses full of thick liquor that only made me want to throw up. The sharp burn of whiskey down my throat numbs the unbearable pain running down my side and for a moment, I can still feel the knife plunging into me and running down my body.

It's been three days since I left my father's house, in Holmes Chapel. Since then I've gotten multiple rides from friends and somehow made my way down to Hastings, four hours from my father. The minute I was out the door I knew I needed to get this knife situation dealt with before I bleed to death. I ended up tying a few shirts around myself until I got to someone's house.

I don't remember the name of the girl that helped me. We had fücked a few times in the past, Ashley, Ashlyn, Alicia, something like that. Her father is a doctor and was able to sew me back up and send me on my way. I refuse to go to any hospitals regardless as to what her father said, so my only hope was finding a few rides here and there and trying to get as far away as I can from my father.

My goal is to get to at least get to Portugal, I have no idea how I plan to accomplish that but I hope I can at least get there and find a plane to America. For now, I'll stay here and find a way to earn some money. Until then, I plan on sitting here and drinking myself sick, trying to rid myself of the pain on my side. I have to change the gauze soon, but right now I'm two whiskeys in.

As the music bumped around me, I felt someone staring at me from the corner of my eye. I looked down the bar quick to see I man looking at me with squinted eyes. I turned my head back to the front hoping the guy saw that I had caught him and that he should just fücking look the other way. When I turned my head back, he was still staring at me but now, he grabbed his drink and moved closer to me so that only a single bar stool was between us.

I felt really uncomfortable and wanted nothing more then to get the fück out of here. This guy is still fücking staring at me and I am about two seconds away from clocking his face.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked rudely making him chuckle to himself.

"Just like I expected" he said with a nod making me squint my eyes. He has an American accent.

"What's that supposed to mean? Who the fück are you?" I asked turning to face him.

"Why are you here by yourself?" he asked, throwing me off a bit.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you here by yourself? You've been downing whiskey for the last hour and not talking to a single person. What are you doing here by yourself" he said.

"Because I feel like it. Why are you even talking to me?" I asked.

"You seemed a bit lonely" he said shrugging making me cock my head back a bit.

What the fück was this guy on about? So what if I'm here by myself. So what if I choose not to talk to people. So what if I choose to drink this whole fücking bottle of whiskey on the shelf in front of me. This guy is creeping me the fück out and if he doesn't scoot his ass back down to the end of the bar, I will knock his fücking teeth out with the nearly empty glass in front of me.

"I'm straight" I said making him laugh.

"Me too, small world" he commented making me squint my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it" he said.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"I don't want anything" he said.

"Clearly you do considering you just wandered over here and start talking to me like I'm your best pal" I said.

"Jesus, you know people say Europeans always treat tourists with respect, did you not get that rule?" he asked making me take note on his American accent.

"I guess not" I said rolling my eyes and polishing off the whiskey in front of me.

"Slow down, liquor will always be there, don't try to get the night on so fast" he said making me groan.

"Listen, I don't know what you want from me. I don't have much drugs, I have no money, and no hot girls, can you just leave me alone" I said.

"I don't want any of that, trust me I have enough of that to share the wealth with the world. You seem upset and the best thing to do is to vent to a stranger" he said.

"Hell fücking no" I said shaking my head.

"If you keep it bottled up it will only hurt you more" he said.

"How do you know I have something wrong with me?" I asked.

"Because, I was just like you when I was younger" he said.

"Oh, I bet" I said chuckling to myself at the irony.

"It's true" he said.

"So you were abused your whole life by your father, beaten, spit on, stabbed to near death?" I asked making his eyebrows raise.

"Not to that severity" he said, shaking his head.

"Exactly, so I highly fücking suggest you shut your goddamn mouth" I said pounding my fist on the bar.

"Relax alright, I get it you're angry. You have absolutely every right to be, but don't take it out on me. I'm trying to numb the pain just as much as you and let me tell you, it's not easy. Drinking it away won't help, talking will" he said making me shake my head.

"No" I said.

"I'm not going to push you, clearly whatever it is, is a sensitive topic for you" he said.

"Thank you" I said, rolling my eyes.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Harry.." I responded.

"Harry what?"

"Harry Styles"

"Well, Harry Styles you said you have no money, if you need somewhere to crash for the night, I have a hotel a few blocks away from here if you want" he said.

"That's a bit creepy" I said.

"Come on, I'm not like that I have six kids" he said.

What do I have to loose? Nothing.

"Fine, just try not to kill me" I said, sliding off the barstool.

"Let's go" he said as I slung my backpack over my good shoulder.

"Wait, I don't even know your name" I said.

He turned around with a smile before swiftly replying.

"James Casper"


I stormed back into the house, feeling the anger radiate off my body. I grabbed the nearest thing I could find, which ended up being some random vase and flung it across the room towards the wall. It fell with a smash as each individual piece fell to the floor in broken shards. I'm still fücking angry, I want to smoke and forget but I also want to punch every fücking wall.

That was exactly how I didn't want to end this night. I wanted to bring her back to me. I wanted to see her and touch her and kiss her, instead we yelled and screamed and if that didn't fücking scream Merry Christmas then I don't know what will. Everything about tonight was a blur of fücked up anger, I don't even remember driving home. I wish I took a different approach which things tonight.

Maybe instead of throwing that guy into the mix, I should have made a better approach at talking to her. I'm fücking pissed that she was talking to a guy, I just assumed that she would think I'm mad so telling her that I wasn't seemed like the logical thing to do. Boy was I wrong. How could me telling her that possibly offend her? I did absolutely nothing wrong, why did she yell at me?

Because you fücking pushed her away for weeks you dumb fück.

Oh, right. But besides that and the whole obsession thing, I didn't really do anything wrong. I mean my obsession wasn't my fault, I can't control that fücking part of my brain, If I could I most certainly wouldn't be in the predicament I am in now. But at the same time, I wouldn't have been with Arabella, and I still would be the miserable angry bästard that I used to be.

I felt my anger begin to very slowly fade away. My senses were all coming back and the pain in my chest only heightened. I walked over to the couch and sat down slowly. It's too quiet here. The dogs aren't here and either is Arabella. It's only me. Don't start again, just focus on something else. I have grown out of that, it's not with me anymore. Even if I am lonely right now.

I wish I would just take all of my problems right now and burn them just like I will someday this fücking house. I took a deep breath and rested my shaking hands on me knees. Seth and Elliot started this whole mess and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be in the predicament I am in right now. This needs to end. The anger, the madness, the sorrow, it has to end, and I'm going to be the one that stops it.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed the number as fast as I could. The ringing in my ear made my heart beat even faster and when it stopped, and the voice began talking, I felt my breathing shallow.

"Harry?" Seth said over the phone, coming out more as a questions.

"We need to talk" I said.

"Okay, about what?" he said confusingly.

"It had to end" I said.

"What does?" he asked.

"You know what I'm talking about, don't play stupid" I said.

"The rivalry?" he asked.

"Everything. I can't do this anymore, the stress of this whole situation is building up and I am about to have a nervous breakdown because of you" I said.

"She had to know" he reminded me.

"I know that, but it's killing me having her so close but so far away. You don't understand what it's like, you grew up in a perfect loving house, loosing someone who for once loves you hurts" I said.

"We did what we had to do" he said.

"I know, I should have done it a long time ago, but it still hurts" I said.

"So, what are you saying?" he asked.

"I want to have a meeting with you, we need to discuss things. It's time to move on" I said, breathlessly.

"As in what?" he asked.

"As in.. it's time we join forces" I said.

I know everyone wants to kill me, I misses my update day but literally I wrote this chapter 5 times and it sucked so i just rushed to get this up!

Question Time!

Question #1
When will we get a Luchesi POV?
Soon, I promise! I absolutely love writing in his point of view!

Question #2
Which era Harry do you picture for this book?
Kind of like Take Me Home era, short curly hair, bandanas, white or black t-shirt, stuff like that. There's a reason that I have him look like this ;)

Question #3
Will you write anymore Harry fanfiction?
I hope so, it's really fun!

Question #4
How did you come up with the titles?
Well Excessive was never always Excessive, when I first first started this book ( like chapter 1) it was Hurricane O'Styles but then it didn't really go with it so I changed it to Excessive because I thought it sounded cool. Then Obsessive, for 1 rhythms and 2 well.. Harry's obsession lol

Question #5
Is Luchesi gay?
No, but there's another character in this book that is! *Cue Niall's obnoxious fucking voice* You don't know that song haha

That's all for today! Ask your questions here!

Thanks for the the love and support!

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