Chapter 106.

Unedited... sorry :(


"...and the boss just yelled at us for the rest of the shift until all of the oil was cleaned up!" Collin said over the blaring music, making tears nearly fall from my eyes in laughter.

For the last hour we've sat in the same spot on the couch and talked. I found out he works in a mechanic shop in town and lives with two roommates, in which he pointed out to me from across the room. He has one younger brother and his mother and father are divorced. He tells me stories about how his boss is a jerk and yells at his workers because he cheated on his wife, such like the one he just told.

It was peaceful, even with the club music blaring around us. It felt good to just sit and talk to someone unknown of the situation I'm in and hear what's going on in the real world. It made me realize that the world keeps going, even if it feels like mine is over, things keeping moving. People keep walking, sun keeps shining. Just sitting here talking to Collin has changed my perspective of the world around me.

"So, what about you? I've chatted myself up real nice, but you've kept yourself a bit of a secret" he said, taking a sip of the beer he ordered a while ago.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked, with an awkward laugh.

"The obvious, you have an American accent, how did you end up here?" he asked making me gulp.

I haven't told him about Harry and quiet frankly I have the right not to. This is supposed to be a fun night, full of laughs and good times. I'm not going to sit here a divulge in my tragic love story with a near stranger. There is just no way, so instead I'll bypass that and tell him everything but the fact.

"Needed a change" I lied straight through my teeth.

"I'm guessing a big one?" he said with a laugh making me nod.

"Oh yeah" I sighed.

"Keep going" he encouraged.

"I have 5 other siblings, two older brothers and three younger siblings, two boys and a girl. The younger ones still live in America with my mother, the older ones are just all over the place. I miss them, but I had to do what I had to do" I said, which was not a complete lie, I didn't have much of a choice when I came here.

"And what did you have to do?" he pressed.

Collin is sweet, once his cocky opening act was over, his smile had turned caring and generous but he's just a stranger. I really don't want to explain my whole predicament and rat Harry out to someone I just met an hour ago. I feel bad that I'm leaving him in the dark, but I really should take Sophia's words. Tomorrow I probably won't even remember his name.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable talking about it" I said, making him nod.

"Don't worry about it, don't feel like you have to tell me everything just because I did. I'm an open person, I understand that some people are more reserved, you're just one of those people" he said making me sigh in relief and smile.

"Thank you" I said, leaning back on the couch.

It fell silent between us but I was thankful. The club around us had only gotten more crowded as time went on and I could only imagine what time is right now. My drink had been gone for the last half hour and after countless attempts at getting me another, I refused to drink any more. My head was throbbing a bit and I know I'm not drunk, but I have a feeling that's what would happen if I had another.

My face feels tired and I know for a fact that my makeup is smeared across my face. I flattened out my dress before standing up and taking my purse with me.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom, okay?" I said, making Collin nod.

"Alright" he said making me smile and walk away from him towards the front of the club where the bathrooms are.

I should go up and tell the rest that I'm okay, but I have a feeling Sophia already divulged in the story of what I'm doing. I wonder if Luchesi would think poorly of me, considering Harry is his brother and it's not really the best decision on my part to start talking to a guy when I have everything going on with Harry. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed through the crowd to get to the small bathroom.

I felt a hard chest slam into me making me whimper in pain and back away. I felt a push from the people around me as I continued to crash into the same solid chest. I tried to fight my way around the people to get away from the crowd but it was completely pointless. There was way too many people in this club and not enough space to fit them all. I was pushed back into the same chest before the voice above me rattled.

"Watch where you're fücking going bitch" the voice barked making me whimper and back away.

I knew that voice. I knew it all too well for my own good. I slowly looked up and let my eyes fall in the soothing abbess of the dark forest green eyes I loved so much. I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I heard a sharp in take of breath from his full lips. His eyes raked down my body making me suddenly feel extremely self conscious about my outfit choice.

His hair looked messy and was greaser then I have ever seen it. His shirt was dirty and had brown stains down the front.  He had on a pair of black jeans but anyone would be able to tell that down the front were red stains of blood. He had on his brown boots which were covered in mud and the only thing that seemed right about his appearance was the same piercings in his eyebrow and lips.

He looked a bit skinnier then usual, not abnormally skinny, but just enough where I could tell the slight difference. His face was more sunken in as if someone had sucked all life out of him. Dark circles framed his eyes as lack of sleep was clearly evident on him. He looked nothing like I remembered him almost three weeks ago. He looked so different, so broken.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, over the loud music.

"This is my club" he responded making me back up even more.

"Oh, sorry" I said trying to walk away before my legs gave out from under me. As I turned around I felt his large hand wrap completely around my arm and pull me back a bit. I quickly turned around and pulled my arm out of his grip.

"Do you not want me here?" he asked, making my heart slam in my chest.

"No, I don't" I quickly said, turning and running away from him to the bathrooms.

My heart was slamming in my chest as I approached the door which I threw open and slammed it behind me. I sighed in relief realizing I was all by myself before turning the lock on the door and walking over to the sinks. I let my palms rest on the counter before looking in the mirror at myself. I looked like a complete mess. My makeup was worn off and my eyes were beginning to tear up.

I can't even believe that he is here right now after Sophia told me he wouldn't be. I wonder if someone told him that I was going to be here tonight? What if this was all a set up for us to get back together? The thought that everyone set this whole night up only makes my stomach feel even more unsettling and after that drink I had I feel like I could throw up any second now.

He looked so.. lost and distant. Even if he didn't know it was me he crashed into, his harsh words still left a mark in my chest. I wonder what he's doing right now. Maybe he's going home, he probably has much more important things to do then to worry about him and I.  I mean after all, he hasn't tried to contact me at all these last few weeks so he's probably lost interest.

My thoughts were proved wrong as there was a pounding on the door behind me.

"Arabella! Please open up!" Harry yelled, making me stiffen in my place.

"Please Arabella! I really need to talk to you!" I heard again making me slowly approach the door.

"Leave me alone, Harry!" I yelled hearing the door being pounded on again.

"I'm not leaving until you open this door!" he yelled making my heart pound.

"You can't sit there forever!" I added.

"Either can you!" he said, pounding the door even harder making it nearly fall of its hinges.

I know all to well that he could easily burst right through that door which is why I made a point of staying far away from it. There were grunts on the other side of the door as his fist pounded into the wood and it was only the matter of minutes before the old thing would fall to the ground. I nervously bit my lip and looked around seeing if there was a way about, but no such chance.

"Arabella just open the door, we need to talk!" he said, making me back away from the door.

"No we don't!" I denied, knowing all to well it was farther than the truth.

"Arabella! Please" he yelled.

"Go away!" I yelled back.

"I'm not mad at you for talking to that guy!" he said, making me freeze in my spot.

My breathing became shallow as the pounding on the door came to a halt. How did he know about Collin? Did he see us talking downstairs? Did Sophia tell him? My hands were trembling as my legs were beginning to feel like jelly. Will he fight with Collin because we were talking? We've never had a situation like this before where it involved another guy interfering with our relationship. Is he going to yell at me?

No, Arabella you need to stop. You can't let him walk over you anymore. In a few weeks your going to be 18 and an adult, he can't keep controlling you. With all the confidence I could possibly muster up, I huffed and slammed my purse down on the counter before walking over to the door and quickly unlocking it before swinging it open. He was standing in the hallway, eyes wide and lips parted, ready to make an excuse, but I wasn't going to allow it.

I grabbed the front of his dirty shirt before pulling him into the bathroom roughly, slamming the door and locking it behind us before pushing him further into the room. His eyes were wide in shock as he searched my face for an explanation for my behavior.

"How dare you, come here and mock me after you've been ignoring me for weeks!" I yelled, jabbing an accusing finger on his chest.

"What?" he confusingly asked.

"I sat in the room for days without eating or sleeping because of you and now your going to show up like you've been here for me the whole time because your self confidence is at stake?" I screamed, feeling all the anger only build up more and more.

"I have no idea what your talking about" he said.

"You knew what your were doing that whole time. You ignored me and didn't even check up on me after I know Luchesi told you what was going on. Now, because I'm finally getting on with my life you decide to show up and ruin it for me just because you don't know how to handle the fact that you have self confidence issues, nope, absolutely not happening" I said making him shake his head.

"My self confidence is doing just fine thank you very much" he sarcastically replied.

"So it doesn't bother you that, that guy was flirting with and wanting to buy me a drink" I said, raising my eyebrows making him roll his eyes.

"Arabella, don't act like this, what has gotten into you?" he said, in that condescending voice that makes me want to slap him.

"You! Don't you see! You have done this to me! You've made me feel guilty for every little thing I do and now, I'm not playing that game anymore, Harry!" I yelled.

"Stop acting like it's all about you!" he screamed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You've fücked me up just as much as I have you! I can't even fücking think without feeling like I'm doing the wrong fücking thing!" he yelled.

"Don't try to turn this on me! You already dug yourself a deep enough hole!" I screamed, making his eyes darken with anger.

"Don't say shït like that to me! Stop being a fücking bitch!" he yelled making me fire back.

"Me? Oh no, you're a self centered jerk who has no regards to anyone and you never know when to stop!" I screamed.

"But yet you still love me and you still fücked me even when I told you what I did was messed up!" he taunted.

"Don't throw my virginity in my face! And you out of all people to talk! The man that doesn't kiss or love, oh please you were so quick to do both with me!" I screamed. 

"Shut the fück up!" he screamed.

"You know what? I'm done! Done with this!" I screamed.

"Fine!" he screamed storming towards the door before unlocking it and turning around.

"You know what?" he started, shoving his hand in his pocket "I wanted to give this to you at a special time when I can explain it, but now I don't give a fuck" he said pulling out a clump of wrinkled papers. "Read it, burn it, rip it, I don't care what the fück you do with it, I just don't want to ever fücking see it again" he said throwing the papers on the ground.

With one final glare, he swung open the door behind him a walked out, with a string of curses following him


so yeah that was a fun reunion :)

Congratulations Louis! I hope we get to meet him soon!
As for me considering I'm a Larry supporter, I'm just going to see what happens! I really just want Louis as happy as he can possibly be!

Question timmmmmeeeeee!

Question 1:
Do you have any ideas for the ending?
I have some but not everything is certain yet!

Question 2:
When is Arabella's Birthday?
January 13th! It just passed :(

Question 3:
Do you do any other activities other then dancing?
I like playing hockey and soccer!

Question 4:
Do you have a boyfriend?
I wish!

Question 5:
Do you have a trailer for the sequel?
No I don't :(

that's all for today! ask any you want right here!!

Thanks for the love and support!

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