Valentine's Obsession
Somewhere at a park at New York, inside a church that looks abandoned, there were many Shadowhunter's walking around looking through the computers for any danger that is going on at the city. At a table were two girls and a boy waiting for Alec to come.
The first girl has long black hair, has dark brown eyes, has many tunes all over body, has a dark ruby necklace around her neck, has a black sleeveless shirt on, has a dark brown leather jacket on, has a serpent bracelet on her wrist, has black ripped pants on, and black ankle boots on. Her name Isabelle Lightwood, or Izzy for short, she is a Shadowhunter, and she is Alec's little sister.
The second girl next to Izzy has long red hair, has green eyes, has many runes around her body, has a dark red shirt on, has a black leather jacket on, has dark blue pants on, and black ankle boots on. Her name is Clary Fairchild, she is a Shadowhunter, and she is Izzy's best friend.
And the boy at the other side of the table has blonde short hair, has blue and brown eyes, wears a grey muscle shirt on, has a black leather jacket on, has black pants on, and black boots on. His name is Jace Herondale, he is a Shadowhunter, Clary's friend, and he is also known as Izzy and Alec's adopted brother, and Alec's parabatai.
"Okay, now that Valentine is now back where he belongs, what do you think they are going to do to him?" Asked Clary as she looks at Jace and Izzy." I just can't believe that monster is actually my father and I have no idea how my mom likes him."
You see, Valentine is also known as Clary's father and Clary had no idea how can she be related to a monster like him. the Circle
You see back then at Idris, Valentine was the husband of Jocelyn Fairchild. Under his leadership, he and his friends formed the Circle and tried to keep the peace for the Clave.
But apparently some of his friends and followers were not initially aware, that his ultimate goal was the eradication of demons and Downworlders alike from the world. In his desperation to overpower Downworlders, Valentine began to experiment with Downworlder and demon blood. He injected himself with both, while he injected his first unborn child with demon blood as well while still in Jocelyn's womb, who he named Jonathan.
Eventually, Jocelyn grew tired of trying to help Valentine and his growing hunger for power. She and Luke plotted together, and, to halt Valentine's plans, Jocelyn took the stolen Mortal Cup and went into hiding.
He apparently fake his and his son's death for years and trick Jace into thinking that he is his son and Clary's brother till they learn the truth, and he was still held captive in the Institute.
"I still can't believe about what happen to Magnus, he really suffer so much in Valentines body, and I never seen Alec that overprotective." Said Jace as he looks at the girls.
"I know, I feel so bad for Magnus for how he has been going through." Said Clary as she looks at her friends.
"I know, I can't even imagine how Alec felt when he have notice the body switch before they almost execute Magnus in Valentines body." Said Izzy looking upset.
"The last time I saw him, he was trying to cheer Magnus up, and yet I have never seen Alec that mad at Valentine." Said Jace as he looks at the girls.
Then as they continued to talk, Alec have came in and started to go to them, he was still worried about Magnus and hope that he will be okay.
"Hey guys, sorry that I'm late." Said Alec as he goes to his sibling and friend.
"Hey Alec, hows Magnus doing after what happen with the body switch?" Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"He says that he's okay, but I can tell that he's not, and apparently he's not telling me what it is." Said Alec looking so worried.
"Can we all blame Magnus for what happen to him, I mean he was switch at Valentines body, and he was tortured." Said Izzy as she looks worried." I can't imagine what he has been going through."
"Tell me about it, Valentine is a monster, and he has to be punish for what he made Magnus go through." Said Jace as he looks concerned.
"Any news from the Clave?" Asked Alec as he look at his partners.
"Yes, finally, they have decided to punish Valentine for all the crimes he did, and in a few days he will be sent to Idris for his crimes." Said Izzy as she explains.
"It's about time, I want that a**hole to be punish for he did to my boyfriend!" Said Alec as he made some fist.
Clary, Izzy, and Jace have all seen how angry Alec is and they can't blame him, he loves Magnus with all his heart, and he was anger at himself for not knowing about this, and then Clary have started to speak.
"Alec I know that you are angry about the body switching between Magnus and Valentine, but it wasn't your fault." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." You didn't know that it happen."
"But I could've know sooner and Magnus would never have suffer in there!" Said Alec as he made some fist.
"Alec, we promise that we will punish Valentine for all his crimes." Said Jace as he looks at Alec.
That got Alec to smile at his parabatai and friends that they will punish Valentine for what he have did to Magnus. Then all of a sudden, Clary have started to see Magnus coming in the building.
"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Asked Clary which got the others to look at him.
"I just can't by to see how you guys are doing and I also wanted to get out of the loft for a while." Said Magnus as he goes to them.
"Magnus are you sure you're doing okay?" Asked Alec as he goes to his boyfriend.
"Of course Alexander, I just wanted to get out of my loft for some fresh air." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." So, what were you all talking about?"
"We were talking about what will Valentines punishment be once the Clave comes in a few days." Said Jace as he looks at Magnus.
"Well, did you all think of something?" Asked Magnus.
"Nothing yet, but I really wanted to punch that bastard in the face!" Said Jace in anger.
Then as they were all trying to figure out what to do with Valentine, some of the Shadowhunter's came to them to ask Alec about something they needed to tell them, and then Alec started to follow them, and then Magnus have started to walk to the elevator door.
"Magnus, where are you going?" Asked Clary which got Jace and Izzy's attention.
"I'm going to the cells to see our prisoner." Said Magnus as he was about to push the button.
"What, no Magnus, you can't go down there." Said Jace as he grab his wrists." You have been through enough because of that man downstairs, why would you want to go down there?"
"Because I like a little "talk" with him and want to know what he has been doing inside my body." Said Magnus as he glared at the elevator button.
"I don't know Magnus, Jace is kinda right, I mean you already suffer so much when Valentine took over your body." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." Do you really think that it's a good idea to see our prisoner now that you are in your body?"
"I'll be fine you guys." Said Magnus as he look at Clary, Jace, and Izzy.
Jace, Izzy, and Clary were about to make Magnus rethink about this, but they knew that Magnus won't rethink it and will go anyway, so Jace started to speak.
"Fine, but while you're down there, can you use your magic to make a new ward for Valentine?" Asked Jace as he looks at Magnus.
"Yeah, with the Clave deciding on Valentines punishment in a few days, we might want to make sure that he won't escape once the Clave arrives." Said Izzy as she looks at Magnus.
"Of course, besides I want to use my magic to do something to him, but I won't kill him, don't worry." Said Magnus as he looks at Jace, Izzy, and Clary.
"Just please be careful Magnus." Said Clary as she looks at her warlock friend.
"I will biscuit." Said Magnus as he smiles at Clary.
Then Magnus have started to go downstairs to the cell while the others are starting to get worried about Magnus and regret about sending him down there all alone. Meanwhile in the cells, there was a man that is sitting on his bed looking down at the floor.
The man has brown eyes, is wearing a blue prisoner outfit, and has black and white sneakers on. His name is Valentine Morgenstern, and he is the leader of the Circle Shadowhunter's and is arrested for his crimes.
After the whole body switching event, Valentine was having a greater of effect from the body switch from Magnus Bane. For the first ever since the uprising of the Circle Shadowhunter's, he had no idea what was going on, but he have started to feet a connection toward the High Warlock of Brooklyn, a very strong connection towards him.
Valentine have knew from the body switch that it wasn't a spell or any kind of magic, but for the first time in his life, Valentine have started to feel as if Magnus Bane was his other half of him, the second half he had been looking for before Jocelyn left him with his daughter Clary. It was like Magnus was his. . . His soulmate he has been searching for his enter life.
'I have no idea what was going on with me, but I have started to feel a connection towards that warlock.' Though Valentine as he looks at his hands.' I'm suppose to think that he is a disgusting warlock, but now I feel like he is the missing part of me, that Magnus is something else, and I feel like I want him.'
And now for the very first time ever, Valentine wanted the downworlder to be with him, but he doesn't just want Magnus, he needed Magnus all to himself.
'I need that warlock all to myself, since he is the powerful warlock ever since he the High Warlock of Brooklyn, he will be able to use his magic to destroy all the terrible demons.' Though Valentine as he smirk evilly.' Once I got out of this cell and got my Circle members together, me and Magnus would rule together., I'll make sure that Magnus would be the only downworlder that survived.'
Then as Valentine keeps thinking about escaping and getting Magnus all to himself, he was starting to think what will happen once he have rid the world from all demons, defeated all the other Shadowhunter's, and having Magnus Bane by his side.
Valentine's Though
Valentine is in the throne room of the Clave looking out of the balcony, seeing all of his Circle Member Shadowhunter's training and punishing the other Shadowhunter's who have become Valentine's slave, and he was smirking evilly outside.
"At last, with all my enemies defeated and all those demons vanquish, I have finally ruled Alicante!" Said Valentine as he smirks evilly." And now, I have finally be able to rule Alicante with my Circle Shadowhunter's."
"Oh Valentine." Said a voice behind him.
Then Valentine have started to turn where the voice is coming from, there he see Magnus Bane standing behind the curtains doing an attractive pose. Magnus has two red highlights on his spiked hair, has golden eyeshadow on, has black nail polish on, he wears a black trench coat open to see his bare chest, has golden cuffs on his wrist, has black pants on, and black dressed shoes.
"Valentine, I have never realized how incredibly handsome you are." Said Magnus as he smiles at Valentine.
"Of course my dear warlock, now that a the demons have been eliminated from the world, the world is now safe." Said Valentine as he smiles.
"I have no idea why I was so blinded by all the bad deeds they have done." Said Magnus as he goes to Valentine." And I have no idea I was so blind to love Alexander Gideon Lightwood."
"Well, now that the Lightwood family is being punish, you are here with me my beloved warlock." Said Valentine as he smiles at Magnus.
Then Magnus goes to Valentine as he wrap his arms around his waist, and they both look out at the view of Idris, and Valentine smile for his victory as he has Magnus in his arm as his king.
End of Valentine's Thoughts
After when Valentine have finished thinking about his plan to get rid of the demons, as if someone had been reading his thoughts about the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus have started to come inside his cell looking really angry when he enter the cell.
Then Valentine have started to look up and smiled at Magnus as he sat the floor of his cell. It kinda got Magnus to swallowed hard when he saw the former Shadowhunter that stole and used his body for evil while he was in his disgusting body.
Magnus wanted to use his magic to blast a fire blast at Valentine, but he have started to force his hands behind him because he knew he couldn't do it even though he wanted to. His magic was growing to his hands, wanting to spit blue fireballs at the evil Circle leader.
"Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn." Said Valentine as he was smiling at Magnus. "I got to say, I never thought that you'd come to see me after the body switch."
"You have no right to speak to me!" Said Magnus in anger." Not after what you did."
"But I got to say, I enjoyed every moment of being inside of you Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he started to stand up and licking up his lips. "I wonder how much I'll enjoy being inside of you while still in my own body."
That have gotten Magnus to get really angry at what Valentine have said to him as he exhaled hard out of his nose. That got Magnus to stare at Valentine with pure rage in his eyes as he made some fists with his hands.
"If actually I could, I would kill you right here and right now for your crimes." Said Magnus in anger.
"No you wouldn't Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he look at Magnus. "Because just like me, you have also feel the connection between the two of us, I know you feel it Magnus Bane, I feel it too."
"Wow, you really are more crazy than I ever thought Valentine." Said Magnus in anger." I think I'm going to have to shut you up."
Then Magnus raise his hands and was about to use his magic to do something to Valentine, when all of a sudden, Valentine have started to get up and then grab Magnus wrist and pin him at the wall really hard, which makes Magnus scream in pain.
"I know you feel it Magnus, that we have something together." Said Valentine as he push Magnus close to the wall.
It got Magnus to get so scared that Valentine is pinning him to the wall and tried to get free from his death grip. Meanwhile at the upstairs, the others were talking about what they are going to do with Valentine till they heard from the Clave. And then Alec have started to come back after his talk with the other Shadowhunter's and saw that Magnus is not with them.
"Where's Magnus?" Asked Alec as he looks at his siblings.
"We asked Magnus to reinstate the wards to make sure that Valentine doesn't escape from his cell." Said Jace as he look at Alec.
"You sent Magnus down there with Valentine alone?!" Asked Alec looking really upset.
"Well he wanted to go alone, we tried to ask if we can come with him, but he doesn't want us to come with him." Said Izzy as she looks at her brother.
"For some reason, I feel really worried about this situation." Said Alec as he looks at his siblings.
"Alec, I think your being a bit dramatic about all of this." Said Jace as he look at Alec.
"Well you weren't with Magnus this morning were you?" Asked Alec as he look at his siblings.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Asked Izzy looking at Alec.
"Magnus is really upset about something, I have the sneaking suspicion that it has to do with the fact that he and Valentine switched bodies, and that he was tortured!" Alec yelled back at his sister.
"Alec try to stay calm." Said Jace as he tries to calm Alec down.
Then as Alec, Jace, and Izzy continue to argue, Clary have started to look the security camera's to where they see the cells, when she saw Valentine pinning Magnus to wall, and seeing that he's in trouble, and she have started to run to the cell which got the others attention.
"Clary, where are you going?" Asked Jace as he looks at Clary running.
"What do you think what's wrong with her?" Asked Alec as he looks at his siblings.
"Let's follow her because I'm guessing it had to do with Magnus." Said Izzy as they all follow Clary.
Then Alec, Jace, and Izzy have all started to follow Clary to the cell where Magnus is with Valentine. Meanwhile at the cells, Magnus was trying to get out of Valentine's grip, but he was so strong, he couldn't be able to.
"Let me go you monster!" Said Magnus as he tried to break free.
"You will be the only downworlder that survives Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he looks at Magnus." I swear that you will be with me, whether you like it or not."
Then all of a sudden, Valentine have started to smash his lips into Magnus's lips, and Magnus eyes went widen in horror that Valentine is kissing him, and he tried to break free from the Circle leaders grip.
"No, get off me!" Shouted Magnus as he tried to get free.
Then to make matters worse, Valentine have started to kiss Magnus neck, which makes him feel so uncomfortable, and Valentines grip was so hard that he have ripped Magnus's shirt, much to his horror. Then Magnus started to scream in horror because he was being rapes by this mad man.
"HEY, GET OFF OF HIM YOU BASTARD!" Shouted a voice that Magnus recognize that sounds like an angel.
Alec and the other came to cell and saw Valentine taking advantage of Magnus, all Alec ever saw was red, because his boyfriend is being tormented by Valentine, so he ran into Valentines cell so fast, and then he punch Valentine so hard that he went flying to the floor and Magnus fell to the floor looking so scared for what Valentine did to him.
Then some other Shadowhunter's soldiers that went with Alec, Clary, Izzy, and Jace all ran into the cells as well, and then they all started to shove Valentine into one of the walls as one of them have many chain runes.
"Restrain Valentine now!" Yelled Alec in anger." Use Chains, ropes, I don't care, I don't want Valentine to move at all!"
So the shadowhunters are doing as they were told by Alec, then they all started to use the thick pairs of handcuffs and chains on Valentine and making sure he doesn't move. Then Alec turned over to see Clary trying to help Magnus calm down, but he was so scared, then Alec started to go to him and grabbed his cheeks with hands gently.
"Magnus, I'm right here baby, I'm right it's okay." Said Alec as he tried to calm Magnus down." Hey, Magnus I'm right with you."
But Magnus was breathing really hard that he didn't hear Alec talking to him. He was really scared about what was happening to him, that his own eyes never left Valentine's sight, even as he was started to be pinned down and put in restrains.
"Magnus!" Yelled Alec as he tried to get Magnus to respond. "Magnus I'm right here with you, say something please."
Then Magnus started to look up at Alec with fear in his eyes and then he grab the hands that were on his cheeks and look at Alec softly.
"Alexander. . ." Said Magnus in a bit of fear and sadness.
It got Alec to sight in relief that Magnus is okay, that he pulled him into hug, and he start rubbing the back of his neck trying to calm him down after what was happening to him.
"Oh thank the angel." Said Alec as he hugged Magnus. "It's okay Magnus, you're going to be alright."
Then Alec started to lift Magnus into a bridal style, then he started to walk out of the Valentines cell with his boyfriend in his arms. Then Jace, Izzy and Clary all started to get really worried for Magnus when they have saw him in Alec's arm looking really scared.
"Clary, I need you to make a portal, I need to take Magnus back to his loft." Said Alec as he look at Clary.
"Alec wait." Said Jace as he look at his Parabatai." You can't leave just yet."
"And why not, boyfriend was just violated by that sick bastard and he's emotionally unstable, I think that I have the right to go, beside, I run this Institute." Said Alec as he growl at Jace. "Look, guys I need you to keep an eye on Valentine, please."
"You got it Alec." Said Izzy." We'll make sure that Valentine stays put."
"Thank you." Said Alec as he look at his siblings.
"Make sure Magnus is safe and okay." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"I will." Said Alec as he smiles.
Then Clary started to make a portal rune and Alec walks through it with Magnus in his arms to his loft. Then when Alec and Magnus both arrived at the loft, Alec started to go to the bedroom and lays Magnus on the bed, as he was still shaking up on what happen.
"Magnus, just breathe baby." Said Alec as rubs his back gently. "Just try to breathe, I'm right here with you, it's okay."
"Alexander, I'm so sorry." Said Magnus he hold on tightly to Alec. "I'm so sorry Alexander."
"Don't apologize Magnus, it's not your fault." Said Alec as he keep on rubbing his back. "I'm right here, I'm right here with you now."
Then Magnus hugs Alec tightly as he started to cry for what Valentine did and Alec hugs him back trying to calm his boyfriend. Alec started to swear that he will make Valentine pay for what he did to Magnus and that he will protect Magnus with all his heart no matter what happens.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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