Tracking down Magnus Bane

Meanwhile outside of New York City, Alec was running through the sidewalks trying to get to the Institute. After he have received that phone call from Jace that he and the others are being attack by the Circle Members, he wanted to get their as fast as he can to help his siblings and friends.

But as he kept on running to the Institute, he was started to think about Magnus, he really hated that he had to leave him all alone in his home, but he had to go and help out his siblings and friends.

"I really hope that I'm not too late!" Said Alec as he kept on running." But I really hated that I had to leave Magnus all alone, but it's a good thing that I made a protection rune so that he can be safe.

Then as Alec have arrived at the Institute, Alec started to pull out his bow and quiver out to get ready to fight, and then as Alec have nocked an arrow into the bowstring and slowly made his way inside to the Institute, Alec was starting to get really pissed.

He was so pissed that his siblings and friends was taken hostage by Valentine and his Circle Members and that he was forced to leave his beautiful warlock boyfriend alone and vulnerable after he was tormented by Valentine, and Alec was going to have to shoot dozens of Circle members just to let out his anger.

Then Alec have started to ran up the stairs to the Institute, he started to kick the door opened, and he was holding the bow up to make sure he is on guard. Then he started to shot some of his arrows at members that were holding Jace as a hostage.

Then the arrows that Alec have shot, it hit at one the Circle Members in the chest, neck and back, and they all started to fell to the ground in unison laying dead. And then Jace pulled his arms up and rubbed his wrists after they were a bit sore for being held by the Circle Members.

"Jace, are you okay?" Asked Alec as he goes to Jace.

"Yeah, I'm okay, but a little bit sore by being held by the Circle Members." Said Jace as he looks at the Alec.

"Where's Izzy and Clary?" Asked Alec as he pulled our another arrow from his quiver.

"I don't know, the Circle Members just attack us out of nowhere, and I think that they're downstairs in the prison wing." Said Jace as he looks at Alec." But wait a minute, where's Magnus?"

"Don't worry, Magnus is safe." Said Alec as he looks at his Parabatai." Magnus is. . ."

But before Alec could tell where Magnus is, Jace have started to place his hand over Alec's mouth before Alec could say anything, then he started to look around to make sure that no Circle Members are around, and looks at Alec.

"Alec, don't tell me where Magnus is." Said Jace as he look at Alec.

"Wait, why not?" Asked Alec as he look confused.

"Because Valentine is trying to find him and try to figure out where he is." Said Jace as he looks at Alec." If one of his men hear you, they'll find Magnus and will try to take him."

That got Alec to get really shock and angry that Valentine is trying to figure out where his beautiful warlock boyfriend is and then as he calm down, and then he started to look at Jace.

"I promise myself that I won't let him hurt Magnus, and I'll make sure that he won't hurt him." Said Alec as he was gripping his bow." But where is everyone else, where have they gone?"

"Some of them are in the prisoner wing, and the rest are dead after the attack." Said Jace as he look at Alec." I'm just really glad that mom, dad, and Max are all at Idris and not here."

"Yeah, I'm really glad too, cause who knows what the Circle would've done to them." Said Alec as he looks at Jace." Where are the others?"

"I'm guessing that they are downstairs being held captive by the remaining Circle Members that are here." Said Jace as he looks worried.

"Come on, let's go and save them." Said Alec as he got his bow and arrows ready.

Then Jace started to grab a fallen seraph blade that one of the Circle Members have drop and then he started to follow Alec, then they started to make their way downstairs to rescue Clary, Izzy who are being held captive.

Then as they have arrived downstairs to the cells, they see that Izzy are Clary are okay but being held captive in a cell with some of the Circle Members standing guard making sure that they don't escape.

"Well, looks like this is going to be fun." Said Jace as he got ready to fight.

"You're telling me." Said Alec as he got his arrows ready to shoot at the Circle Members." Okay, let's do this."

Then when the Circle Members have saw Alec and Jace, they all got their seraph blade's and started to fight Jace and Alec. The fight was long and hard, but it was easy. Well, Alec would have said it was too easy, it was hard because there were many Circle Members, but he was too worried about saving the one his cares about in the cells.

After a fight with the members of the Circle Members, all of them were laying on the ground dead, then Alec started to open the cell holding Izzy and Clary. Then as they both got out of the cell, Alec started to held them both in a tight hug cause he was happy that they are okay.

"Are you two okay?" Asked Alec as he sounds worried.

"Yeah, we're fine, just a bit sore from fighting with the Circle Members." Said Clary as she hugs Alec back. "But I'm really worried about Magnus, where is he?"

"Please tell me that Valentine didn't get to him?" Asked Izzy as she started to get worried.

"No, Magnus is safe." Said Alec as he calms the two girls down." But I can't tell you where he is."

That got the girls to get really relief that Magnus is safe and that Valentine doesn't know where he is, but then Alec have started to realize that he can't go back to Magnus because if he does, then the Circle Members will follow him and will capture Magnus.

"Dammit!" Shouted Alec as he stomp at the floor.

"Alec, what's wrong?" Asked Clary as she looks worried.

"You know I said that I can't tell you where Magnus is right?" Asked Alec and the others nodded." But I can't go back to him either and if I do, then the Circle Members will follow me and capture him."

"Hey Alec, it's okay." Said Izzy as she tried to calm her brother. "We'll find a way to get to Magnus eventually."

"Izzy is right Alec." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." For now, we just need time to find and stop Valentine before he can get to Magnus."

"Did Valentine leave the Institute?" Asked Izzy.

"Yeah." Said Jace as he enter the cell and hug the two girls." Valentine left a few minutes ago with one of his Circle Members, but now he wants to follow Alec to see where Magnus is."

"Wait are you saying that I can't. . ." Said Alec as he tried to understand what Jace is saying." Are you saying that I can't go home to him?"

Then Jace nodded his head as he answer Alec's question, and then Alec started to growl in anger and he started punch the wall of the cell before he started to leave the cell. Alec's knuckles started to bleed when he punch the wall hard, then he walked up the stairs, and started to go to the back exit of the Institute.

"Alec, wait!" Said Clary as she tried to keep up.

Then as Alec was about to leave the Institute, he turn around and he saw Clary running up to him. Clary was struggling in the heels she is in, but nothing stopped her from catching up with her friend.

"Alec, wait!" Said Clary as she got to Alec." Where are you going?"

"Can't you see Clary, I can't go back to Magnus, so I'm finding Valentine." Said Alec as he look at Clary." And I'm going to make him pay for what he did to you, Izzy, Jace, and what he did to Magnus!"

"Look Alec, I'm sorry that this all happening right now but you can't just waltz up to Valentine like that." Said Clary as she tried to stop Alec." Valentine will kill you if you go up to him, or maybe something worse."

"What could possibly be worse Clary?!" Asked Alec as he felt like losing his patience.

"Valentine will draw the recall rune on you and you'll be forced to give up where Magnus is hiding." Said Clary as she explains." It will put Magnus into more danger if Valentine does that!"

Alec stopped being angry for a moment. Clary was right, for once. If he went off with nothing but his arrows and his bow, he'd surely get captured. And then Valentine would find any rune, draw it on his skin and force him to give up where Magnus is.

"I just really need to see him Clary." Said Alec as he felt so upset." I really want to make sure that he's safe and not in any harm."

"I know Alec, I wanted to make sure that Magnus is safe, and we will find a way to make that happen." Said Clary as she lays a hand on Alec's shoulder. "But right now we had an Institute to rebuild, check to see if the remaining Shadowhunter's are okay and we need to find Valentine as soon as we can."

That got Alec to look at Clary, then he nodded his head, and Alec look back at the back door. Alec thought that it would be so easy to leave the Institute and get to Magnus, then take him somewhere far away, and run off with his beautiful warlock boyfriend into the sunset like he'd often dream about so they could be happy together.

But Alec knows that he couldn't go to Magnus and take him somewhere far away, not with his life, safety, and dignity hanging at the balance with Valentine out there looking for him.

"Your right Clary, with Valentine on the loose, I can't just go to Magnus like that, or it will put him in danger." Said Alec as he looks at Clary." For now, we should go back to the main room and find that bastard. . . No offense Clary."

"None taken Alec, Valentine was never my father anyway, and I'm not forgiving him for what he did." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.

"Come on." Said Alec as he holds Clary's shoulder. "Let's go Clary."

So Alec made his way with Clary back to the main room of the Institute to check out the others to see if they are okay. As they walk back, Alec started hate himself for bot going back to Magnus to see if he okay, but he had to do this to protect his beautiful warlock boyfriend, to keep him safe, and no contact is his best bet right now, but he had to make sure that Valentine doesn't find him.

Meanwhile outside of the ocean near at the city, inside a ship that has been glamour so that no one will see, Valentine was inside in his main room with one of his Circle Members looks looking really annoyed.

Valentine has pacing around in his room, rubbing his fingers together in a fit of impatience and anger for hours ever since he had escape from the Institute. Ever since he have escaped, all he ever could think about is Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

All Valentine could think about is that he needed to find that Warlock, he needed to find Magnus Bane and keep him with him once he does. Valentine wanted to keep Magnus as his warlock king when he finally took over the world and eliminated all the downworlders except for Magnus.

As he kept on pacing back and forth in his room, two Circle Members have enter the room, which have gotten Valentines attention, and then he started to look at his Circle Members as they stand in front of him.

"Well, have any of you found anything yet?" Said Valentine he look at his men.

The men were kind of surprised that they acknowledged them before they acknowledged him.

"No, we haven't found anything yet." Said one of the Circle Members.

When one of the Circle Members said that, Valentine started to feel really angry that his Circle Members haven't found Magnus, that he started to move up to the Circle Member as fast as he could, and he stab him right at the chest with his seraph blade.

That Circle Members started to choke on his own blood when Valentine have stab him and he died and fall to the floor laying dead. The other Circle Members around him kept their mouths shut as he fell to the ground dead, looking really scared that Valentine was so angry that they haven't found Magnus yet.

"I can't believe that neither any of you have found Magnus yet!" Said Valentine as he held his seraph blade and looking at the other Circle Members." Where have you checked?"

"We've checked all over New York City and all the places that Magnus likes to go." Said another Circle Member." The Pandemonium, his favorite bars, and everywhere else, we haven't found him yet."

"Well, you guys are certainly not looking in the right places where Magnus Bane is." Said Valentine as he roll his eyes.

"But no offense sir, but why do you want to get this warlock, you said to yourself that you hated the Downworld." Said one of the Circle Members.

"That's true, but ever since the body switch between me and Magnus Bane, I have started to feel something towards him, and he might be the key to rule the world." Said Valentine as he smirks.

"That could work boss, but how are we suppose to find Magnus Bane, we looked everywhere." Said one of the Circle Members.

"I think that we're just going to have to think outside the box, like ask for some directions." Said Valentine as he look angry." I want you to find any downworlders, and make them talk, see if they know anything about Magnus Bane. That is. . ."

Then Valentine have started to pause for a moment when he have said that, then he turned around to the place where the big lockers are and he started to smile, then he started to walk away from his place in that spot and over to a large hold of lockers that are standing.

Then Valentine have started to kick open one of the doors of the lockers and the door have open wide. Inside the locker was a captured warlock, who is cowering in fear and in pain when Valentine have captured him.

He was cover with dry blood all over his face and his body when Valentine tortured him, the tattered shirt he was wearing was not helping with his injures or his freezing sensations he was having. Then Valentine smiled down at the almost twenty one year old prisoner warlock, then he knelt down at the warlock and smiled at the warlock.

"Finally, you seem to come in handy right now." Said Valentine.

The warlock started to shook in fear from the sound of Valentine's voice and then Valentine started to speak to the injured warlock.

"You're a warlock, so you know about lots of warlocks that are in this city." Said Valentine as he smirk evilly." You should know where to find a certain one, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane, do you know where would he be?"

Then the warlock started to look up at Valentine when he ask him a question, his left eye was swollen and a dark shade while his right eye was wet from tears from all the pain he has been going through with Valentine.

The warlock was keeping his mouth closed so he wouldn't say anything, and he just kept staring at Valentine as if he was a ghost and he wasn't a real person.

Then Valentine started to roll his eyes that the downworlder isn't answering his question and then he started to grab the downworlder prisoner by his throat and pick him up from the floor.

"Now, I'm going to ask again, and this time, I won't be as nice as before." Said Valentine as he look at the warlock." Where would Magnus Bane be hiding?"

"Loft!" Said the warlock as he was being choked out.

The warlock was trying to break free from the grip of the ex shadowhunter who betray the Clave. Then Valentine started to let go of the warlock and then he cross his arms, and he he started to listen to the scared warlock go on.

"He used to have clients all the time." Said the warlock in fear." They would come to him and ask for special spells or potions."

Then the warlock have quickly started to babble the address of Magnus's loft before he bursting into a fit of coughs after the pain he was in, it got Valentine to smile at the warlock, his torture had worked perfectly.

"Thank you very much, you have been a wonderful help." Said Valentine as closed the door of the locker and locked it." You can give this warlock a thicker blanket this time. That shall be his reward."

Then he started to go to his Circle Member Army as they all waited for his command and then Valentine have started to speak to his best soldiers.

"So, that just shows that you haven't been looking in the right places." Said Valentine as he looks at the Circle Members." I want all of you to go to the loft, find Magnus him bring him back to me, but don't hurt him, I want him here unharmed."

Then the Circle members started nod at their leader and then they started to walk off, with blades in hand, and they were all ready to bring back the High Warlock of Brooklyn to Valentine.

Meanwhile at Magnus's loft, in the bedroom, Magnus was still sleeping even when everything was happening, he was catching up on the days of lost sleep he hasn't catch. He was very comfortable and peaceful as he was sleeping in the bed he shared with Alec.

Apparently Magnus's cat, Chairman Meow was so far his only source of protection and keeping him safe and sound, and then the cat started to nuzzle in Magnus' arms as he slept.

Magnus was having sweet dreams of him and Alec while Chairman Meow rubbed his cheek against Magnus' arm. Alec knew in his head that Magnus was sleeping and Magnus was safe, and knew that he would be safe for now, but Alec didn't know that Magnus is in a lot of danger now.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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