Saving Magnus
Meanwhile back at where Magnus is, he was still in the back of the van as the car was still driving, Magnus have really hope that Alec was able to reach out to him, and can be able to save him from Valentine, because he doesn't know how long he could live like this.
'Oh Alexander, please come to my rescue, I want to see you again.' Thought Magnus as he look at his necklace.
Then the car have stopped, which have gotten Magnus to get really shock and worried, then some Circle Members began to open the door and then they grab Magnus and got him out of the car. And then Valentine have started to go in front of Magnus and smirk evilly.
"Soon Magnus Bane, once I get rid of all the downworlders, you will become my king." Said Valentine as he stroke Magnus's cheek.
"I swear to you Valentine, once Malachi and his soldiers find out about this, you will be rotting your life in Edom once you are sentence to death." Said Magnus as he glared at Valentine but the Circle Leader started to laugh.
"Oh Malachi won't interfere, because he works for me." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly.
That got Magnus to get really shock that Valentine have said that, because apparently he have started to realize that the Council of the Clave have been a Circle Member all along and has been working with Valentine the whole time. Meanwhile back at where Alec and Clary are, they were both ready to go find Magnus and bring him back home and defeat Valentine for good, till Clary's phone ring and saw a message and got really upset.
"What's wrong Clary?" Asked Alec as he look at Clary." Is everything OK?"
"That was Luke." Said Clary as she explains." Valentine's on his way to Idris and he has Magnus."
"What?" Asked Alec in shock." How?"
"He made a deal with the Seelie Queen." Said Clary as she explains." Luke's warned all the other Downworld leaders."
"Damn Valentine." Said Alec in anger.
"If Valentine gets to that lake. . ." Said Clary as she started to feel worried.
"He won't." Said Alec as he look serious." Malachi's army is armed and waiting for him.
We need to warn him."
"Who knows how many Circle Members will be there?" Said Clary as she looks worried." If we don't do something soon, Magnus life will be in danger."
"We need to go to Idris and warn them." Said Alec as he look serious.
Then Clary have started to nodded her head, then she took out her stele and created her portal, then as Alec and Clary went through the portal, they have both arrived at Idris, then they have started to go to the campsite to where Malachi and his army is. Then as they have arrived at the campsite, they saw the Council coming out of the tent and go to him.
"Consul Malachi." Said Alec as he and Clary hoes to the Council of the Clave." Alexander Gideon Lightwood of the New York Institute."
"Clary Fairchild." Said Clary as she introduce herself.
"I know who you are." Said Malachi as he look at Alec and Clary.
"Valentine is on his way to Lake Lyn." Said Clary as she explains." He has the sword and the cup."
"Yes, I'm quite aware of Valentine's progress." Said Malachi as he look at the two shadowhunter's.
"We need to get to the water." Said Alec as he look serious." Now."
"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen." Said Malachi.
It got Clary and Alec to get really confused and shock that Malachi said and don't know why, till when Malachi turn around and they both saw a Circle Rune on his neck and they were both shock as they saw it.
"You're a Circle member!" Said Alec in anger.
Before Alec and Clary could do anything else, Malachi's soldiers began to grab them and started to led them inside the tent.
"You can't!" Said Clary as she tried to get free." Let me go!"
"GET OFF ME!" Shouted Alec in anger.
And then some of Malachi's soldiers started to chain Alec and Clary so that they won't move, and they left to go see Malachi. As Alec and Clary kept on struggling to get free, Alec started to feel really angry that Malachi have betray the Clave and I'd working for Valentine.
"Do you have any idea how many speeches me, Jace, and Izzy heard Malachi give?" Asked Alec as he look really upset." How many times I've heard him preach loyalty to Clave above all else under the Angel, and all along he's. . . He's been working with our greatest enemy."
"How does the Consul, the leader of the entire Clave, end up a Circle member?" Asked Clary as she look really confused.
"Valentine threaten to wipe out any Shadowhunters who opposed him." Said Alec as he look betrayed." Malachi's just trying to save his own ass."
"And sit back while everything around him is being destroyed." Said Clary as she look so hurt.
The Malachi started to enter with some other Shadowhunter's were coming in the tent behind him, and then Alec started to look at Malachi with so much anger and betrayal in his eyes.
"How could you side with him?" Said Alec in anger.
"There is only one side, the side of the angels." Said Malachi as he explains." Valentine is only doing what the Clave has been trying to accomplish for centuries: eradicate demons.
"No. . . No!" Said Clary as she looks at Malachi." The angels would never be in favor of killing millions of innocent Downworlders along with demons."
Then when Clary have said that, Malachi have started to go to Clary, and he started to kneel down to her and speak.
"When Raziel created the first Shadowhunter, there was no such thing as Downworlders." Said Malachi as he look at Clary." But over the centuries, disgusting half-breeds emerged. Warlocks, vampires, Seelies, werewolves. They banded together, grew more powerful. Finally they will be destroy, except for Magnus Bane, because Valentine has special plans for him."
When Malachi have mention Magnus's name, it got Alec to scream in anger by the mention of Magnus's name, and struggles to get free, and then Malachi signal his Shadowhunter's to get them and they took them outside. Then during somewhere at night time, Alec was being held by two Circle Members while Clary has her head down at a stump looking so scare.
"It's gonna be OK Clary." Said Alec as he look at Clary.
"How?" Asked Clary looking so scared.
Then Malachi have started to go to Clary with two Circle Members begins him, and then Malachi started to speak.
"Your father won't approve but he'll understand your deaths were a necessary sacrifice." Said Malachi as he look at Clary.
"For mass genocide, you're the Consul of the Clave." Said Clary as she looks at Malachi." How can you let this happen?"
"Cleanse the world of demons, how can I not?" Said Malachi as he look angry." Proceed!"
Then Malachi's shadowhunter's started to place Clary's head at the tree stump, and then as the Shadowhunter raise his ax to chop Clary's head, Alec began to feel so furious that he started to scream.
"NO!" Shouted Alec as he break free.
Then as he break free from the Circle Members, he started to grab his blade and stab them, which give Clary the opportunity to get free and then she grab a blade and started to stab the Circle Members and slice Malachi's neck which cause him to scream in pain and fall to the ground. Then Alec and Clary both glared at Malachi as Alec raised his blade at Malachi.
"Wait please wait!" Said Malachi in fear.
And then Alec stab Malachi by the chest and he was laying in the ground dead, and then he started to look at Clary.
"Are you OK?" Asked Alec as he look at Clary and she nodded." We have to go."
Then Alec and Clary we're running as fast as they could to find Valentine and save Magnus. Alec sense that Magnus was getting closer, the faster he was running the closer he could feel him coming in the woods. The necklace started to glow more as he run into the endless road of trees and bushes. He was going to find Magnus.
Alec and Clary both ran as fast as they could, but their speed rune's deactivate but Alec and Clary both made it, and the necklace was glowing at it's brightest, then Alec and Clary both hid behind one of the trees and pulled out one of their seraph dagger so they could get justice for Magnus.
Then Alec look over and saw Lake Lyn and realize that Valentine is not there yet, so they must've arrived early, and he and Clary started to wait for them to come. But then they both saw a dark black powder on the clear ground and saw many rose petals around the clear ground, and then Alec and Clary both gasp to realize what was going on.
Valentine's plan was that once he gets rid of all the Downworlders, he is going to force Magnus to marry him so he could make sure that Magnus will never leave his side and force him to obey him. Alec got really angry about that and he was not having that. Not today or ever.
Then Alec and Clary both heard the sound of feet coming close to them. Then Alec and Clary both started to pull out their stele and activated their silence rune. They both were not going to be caught when Alec tried to find his beautiful warlock boyfriend. Then Valentine have started to appear with the Soul Sword and the Mortal Cup in his heads and then he started to speak as he turn his head.
"Bring me my future warlock husband." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly.
Then three of Valentine's Circle Members have began to appear as two pulled Magnus who look really weak. Alec saw that Magnus's once beautiful tan skin is all gray and must've been injected, saw that he has some cuffs that is cutting of his magic, and look so miserable.
"Oh my god, Magnus!" Whisper Clary as she felt so terrible for Magnus.
All Alec can see is red and he saw Magnus looking so terrible, that he wanted to jump out of his hiding place and kill Valentine with his bare hands but he has to wait for the right moment. Then Valentine have started to see the star necklace hanging on Magnus's neck.
"What's this beautiful item here?" Asked Valentine as he grab the star necklace.
Then Magnus started to struggle as he tried to get free from the Circle Members grips. He did not want Valentine touching the necklace at all since he was connected to Alec. Then Valentine pull the necklace right off of Magnus' neck which made Magnus to scream through the gag.
Alec wanted to stab him for even touching Magnus and Alec's own necklace have stop glowing once Magnus's necklace was remove, but he saw Magnus in front of him. Then Valentine threw the necklace over his shoulder and it landed right below Alec's feet.
Then Clary lean over to the necklace and pick it up, then as she gives Alec the necklace, he put it in his pocket and waited until the right moment, then the Circle Members drag Magnus to Valentine who is at the center is the rose petals that are around them.
"Now before we could raise the angel from the lake, it's time that we should get marry." Said Valentine as he takes of the gag from Magnus." So you better get ready Magnus, because you will become my husband whether you like it or not."
Then Magnus started to get really scared that in a few seconds he is going to be married by a psycho path, but Alec and Clary had enough of this, so they both pulled out their daggers and then they all jump out of their towards Magnus' captors.
"HEY!" Shouted Alec in anger.
"LET MAGNUS GO YOU MONSTER!" Shouted Clary in anger.
Then they all look over their sides in shock to see the head of the New York Institute and Clary Fairchild in Idris. The two holding Magnus down on the pentagram let him go immediately.
"ALEXANDER, CLARY!" Shouted Magnus as he look so happy to see his friend and boyfriend again.
"Don't just stand there you idiots, seize them now!" Shouted Valentine in anger.
The the three Circle Members pull out their seraph blades and swung it in their hands, Alec and Clary both smirk at each other and knew that this is certainly going to be fun for them. Then the Circle Members charged at them like lions pouncing for a hunt, then Alec and Clary started to fight.
As the Circle Members kept on fighting Clary and Alec, Magnus started to feel really worried for Alec and Clary as they fight the Circle Members, he wanted to help them, but Valentine was holding him so he wouldn't go to Alec and Clary to help them.
Then as Alec and Clary kept on fighting the Circle Members, Alec saw Magnus being strangle Valentine. He saw Valentine holding out a diamond ring that he stole from the mundane world and hold out Magnus's hand out. Then Alec's eyes started to wide as he knew what Valentine is doing, then he pull out his bow, and shot an arrow right in his arm. He let Magnus go as soon as the arrow went inside his skin and bone.
Valentine scream in pain as he clutch his arm and fell to the ground and Magnus sighed in relief and he was safe for now. But before Alec could go to Magnus, one of the Circle Members started to tackle him to the ground and was about to kill Alex, till Clary have stab the Circle Members by the chest and he fell to the ground.
Then as Alec got up with the help of Clary, they both started to look at the Circle Member who was holding his bleeding arm tightly, then they started to glare at him, and the Circle Member started to speak a bit.
"Wait. . . Please I. . ." Said the Circle Member as he tried to speak.
But before the Circle Member could say anything, Alec started to punch him in the nose so hard that more blood started to fell from his body, this time spilling out his nose like water out of a faucet.
"Don't you dare speak!" Shouted Alec in anger." How dare you touch my boyfriend?!"
The Circle Member tried to speak again but Clary started to punch him in the nose once more even harder than Alec, then his grip on his throat had loosened, and now he was able to speak, and the words that came out of his mouth were strange and complete out of thin air.
"Wait please. . . I surrender to the authority of. . . the Clave!" Said the Circle Member which cause Alec to growl in anger.
"Oh no you don't!" Shouted Alec in anger. "You betray the Clave and joined the Circle Members!"
"You broke the accords and followed the orders of a mad man and kidnapped a downworlder!" Shouted Clary in anger.
"But not just any warlock, the High Warlock of Brooklyn!" Shouted Alec in anger." My beautiful warlock boyfriend!"
"I could have kidnapped goddamn Clary Fairchild, but it doesn't matter!" Shouted the Circle Member." You can't touch me because I surrendered to the Clave!"
Alec and Clary both laugh at what the Circle Members have said, then Clary started to grab another seraph dagger that she kept in her holster for emergencies, then as she pull the dagger out, Alec pushed the Circle Member harder into the dirt, and Clary handed Alec her seraph dagger and he started to look at the Circle Member.
"Let me tell you something about me and the Clave, I'm the head the of the New York Institute and my parabatai is the grandson of Imogen Herondale." Said Alec as he glared at the Circle Member.
"Even you Circle Members should know that." Said Clary as she glared at the Circle Members.
"What I'm going to do to you will just be water under the bridge." Said Alec as he stab the Circle Member through the chest.
"ALEC, CLARY!" Shouted Magnus.
Then Alec and clary both turn and then Valentine started to punch them both which cause them to fall to the floor in pain. Magnus was trying to warn them because as he turned, Valentine was right behind them. Then Valentine plunge the seraph blade into Alec's shoulder, making him scream in pain. Alec held the blade that was still sticking out from his skin and Clary tried to help him but Valentine press her arm and cause it to bleed badly and get her to scream in pain.
And right now, Alec started to get really furious. The one who had stabbed him pressed his boot against Alec's back to keep him still. Then Valentine started to pull out the seraph blade out of Alec's shoulder which got him to groan him in pain.
"Now, I have been waiting for this my entire life, and nothing is going to stop me from pursuing my work!" Said Valentine as he glare at Clary and Alec." Not even the Lightwood Shadowhunter or my daughter!"
Then Alec tried to squirm out to reach his boyfriend, but the wound was letting out too much blood and the boot on his back was just too heavy. Magnus saw how Clary and Alec are both struggling, and so with all his strength, he started to get up and grab a seraph blade from a dead Circle Member.
Then Magnus started to creep behind Valentine without letting him know, and then Valentine have started to raise his blade at Alec and started to speak.
"Now to finish my work!" Said Valentine as he smirk evilly.
But before Valentine could do anything, all of a sudden, he was stab through the chest with a seraph blade which cause him to drop the blade he was holding and he was coughing out blood, and he turn to see Magnus was the one who stab him.
"I hope you rot in Edom for the rest of your miserable life!" Said Magnus as he glared at Valentine.
Then Magnus took out the blade out of Valentine's chest and fall to the ground as he drop the blade and Valentine drop to the ground. Then Alec and Clary took out their stele and activated their healing rune quickly. The skin formed back together and they were both healed. Then as Alec and Clary got up from the ground, Alec pick up the blade from the ground and glared at Valentine.
"This is for Magnus." Said Alec as he sliced Valentine's neck.
Then blood started to sputter out of his neck and he started to choke on his own blood. Then Valentine have died and Clary and Alec look at each other knowing that Valentine will no longer be the problem of the Shadow World and the Downworld. Then Magnus started to scream in pain, and Alec drop the blade as he and Clary go to him.
"Oh my god Magnus!" Said Clary as she looks worry.
"Magnus, can you hear me?" Asked Alec as he look worried.
As Clary go to get the mortal instruments, Alec was checking on his beautiful warlock boyfriend, Magnus' eyes were dropping, like he was about to pass out, but he still found the strength to nod his head, and Alec smiled at Magnus knowing that he's okay and he grab Mangus knees, and carried him bridal style. Then as Clary got the mortal instruments, she started to check Magnus's pulse.
"Magnus's pulse is really low Alec." Said Clary as she look worried.
Then Alec set Magnus down gently on the ground and then he drew the unlock rune on Magnus's chains and on the harness that must of been tight enough to crack his ribs.
"Magnus." Said Alec as he put his hand in Magnus." Magnus, take my strength to heal yourself please!"
Magnus started to look up at Clary and Alec and he gave them both a weak smile as he started to speak softly.
"You. . . Two came for me." Said Magnus as he smile weakly at them.
"Of course we did Magnus. . . I'm not going to leave you again." Said Alec as he started to cry.
Then Magnus started to chuckle weakly at his boyfriend's and best friend, it always warm the warlock's heart to see his boyfriend Alexander cry whenever he was hurt. Then Alec realize that Magnus was in no condition to take any of form shadowhunter strength, then Alec held Magnus's cheek and he kiss him on his dry, cracked lips and Magnus also kiss him back. Then after Alec finished kissing Magnus, clary started to speak.
"We need to get Magnus some help, but if I use my portal rune, I don't think that Magnus will survive." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." We need to get him to Idris, so we can heal him."
"Hold on baby." Whisper Alec as he look at Magnus." We're going to get you help okay?"
Then Magnus slowly nodded his head and then his eyes started to drop, consciousness was started to slip away from him, and was about to pass out. It got Alec and Clary to start freak out, Magnus couldn't fall asleep, if Magnus does, his condition would only get worse.
"No, no, no, no, Magnus, please!" Said Alec as he cried. "Stay awake for me, please. You can't fall asleep on me, not right now!"
Magnus was so desperate for the hold of his Alexander that he tried his best to oblige by his rules, Magnus tried his best to keep his eyes open for him. Alec and Clary smile at how Magnus was trying to please them, then Alec and Clary pull out their stele and quickly activated their speed rune.
Then Alec pull Magnus back into his arms as Clary hold the mortal instruments, and then Alec and Clary ran as fast as they could to Idris, they knew that Magnus needed help, he needed all the help he could help. Alec and Clary kept running as fast as they could, even the rune deactivate, they were reduce to their normal speed.
But Alec kept his hands tightly around Magnus's knees, then he look down at him as he ran. Magnus was beginning to sweat from his his forehead and his eyes started to roll to the back of his head.
"Magnus, please stat awake for me!" Cried Alec as he shake him as gentle as he could while running.
Alec's lungs began to burn as he was running, but he didn't stop, he needed to get Magnus some help. Then when Clary made a turn to get to Idris, she suddenly stop which got Alec's attention, and then they both look to see someone standing by their path.
There was a dark figure, purposefully standing in Alec and Clary's way, making them stop dead in their tracks, Alec held Magnus closer to him as Clary held the mortal instruments tightly, not knowing if the figure was a friend or foe.
The shadow figure is a man, he has short black hair, dark brown eyes that are similar to Magnus's, he was wearing a full black suit and blazer, with a ruby red circlet over his head, and a cane held in his head. Then Alec pull Magnus's head under his neck, then Magnus rattled breathing is being felt from his collarbone.
"Alexander. . . Clary. . ." Whisper Magnus.
Alec started to knew that this man in front of him, Magnus, and Clary was a threat. He could feel Magnus beginning to shake and shiver through his body.
"Who are you?" Asked Alec as he hold Magnus closer.
Then the mysterious man moved out from the shadows, the man look oddly similar to Magnus, even his cat eyes were similar to Magnus's. Then Alec and Clary both took a step back as soon as they saw the man's full face and body, Magnus was shuddering from fear of this person.
"Stay back." Groveled Alec as he glared at the man.
"Stay away from us or I swear we will banish you back to whatever realm of hell you're from!" Said Clary as she glared at the man.
"I don't think that we've been introduced." Said the mysterious man as he smirk." I'm Asmodeus."
Then all of a sudden, a blast of black magic shot from Asmodeus's hand, it hit Alec, Clary and Magnus so hard, that Alec was force to let go of Magnus as he fell back onto the ground where Idris was located, then Magnus scream in pain as he was pulled off of Alec's arms and fell to ground beside him.
"Magnus!" Scream Alec.
Alec and Clary both tried to stand, but the magic that Asmodeus shot out at them must have been keeping him pinned to the ground. Alec groaned and screamed to try and break free of his invisible bonds, but nothing, and even Clary could be able to get herself up but she was still holding the mortal instruments. Asmodeus chuckle at Alec's angry attempts to get free and how Clary is struggling. Then Magnus clutch himself and scream in pain as the pain shoot through his body.
"Magnus. . ." Cried Asmodeus softly as he run down to Magnus and rub his cheek.
"Get away from him!" Shouted Alec as he and Clary tried to get free.
Then Asmodeus started to point his hands at Alec and Clary, then as his magic went to the two Shadowhunter's, they both fell into a magical sleep, they wouldn't be a bother to him anymore, and then Asmodeus knelt down and checked Magnus' pulse, it was slow, but Magnus will be okay.
"What. . . Are you. . . Doing. . . Here?" Said Magnus as he tried to speak but then Asmodeus put a finger to his lips.
"Shh, quiet my beautiful son." Said Asmodeus as he look at Magnus." Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."
Then Asmodeus started to wave his hand over Magnus's face and then Magnus also fell into a magical sleep like Clary and Alec, then Asmodeus started to pull Magnus over his shoulder, and then he started to open his portal, but before he could go through the portal, he look over at Alec and Clary.
"These two people must really mean something to you, huh son?" Whisper Asmodeus to his sleeping son.
Then Asmodeus raised his hand and then Alec and Clary both started to float into the air, and then Asmodeus carried his son through the portal and carried Alec and Clary along with him to somewhere safe and where Magnus can be heal.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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