*Warning: sexual content*
*Brace yourselves*
After when Alec and Clary have found out what Valentines plan for Magnus from Kyle, a warlock who was tortured from Valentine, they were both really angry and disgusted that Valentine wanted Magnus to be his husband.
Clary was really angry with Valentine, but Alec was so angry that Valentine wanted to marry Magnus so he can have him all to himself, he was so angry that he made a fist and started to punch the wall, which cause Clary to jump a bit.
"Alec, are you okay?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.
"No I'm not, I can't believe that Valentine wants Magnus to be his own husband, do you have any idea how many times I always hear that Valentine wanted to get rid of all the downworlders." Said Alec as he look at Clary." And now, Valentine says that he wants Magnus all to himself and wants to marry him so he can make Magnus his own."
"How can Valentine, the Shadowhunter that hated the Downworld more than anything, ever ended up wanting Magnus Bane all to himself?" Asked Clary as she looks so confused and disgusted.
"Remember what Kyle said, he says that ever since the body switch between him and Magnus, he started to feel a connection between himself and Magnus." Said Alec as he feels so angry.
"And now Magnus will be in more trouble now that Valentine is still out there." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." How are we going to protect Magnus now?"
"We'll just have to keep tracking him till we find him and bring him to justice." Said Alec as he grab his bow and arrows.
"Then I'm with you Alec, I want to stop Valentine as well, he tried to kill my best friend, he let a demon in and made you kill my mother, and I know it's not your Alec." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." I want to kill that man as much as you do, because the way he wants to get rid of the Downworlders, I won't let that happen."
Alec saw that Clary really cares about the Downworlders and will do anything to stop Valentine, he then realize why Jace loves Clary so much, because she will do anything to fight for the Shadow World and the Downworld and smiles at Clary.
"I see why Jace likes you, I'm really glad that you came." Said Alec as he smiles at Clary and Clary smile back." Now let's find try to find Valentine."
Then just as Alec and Clary were about to try and track down Valentine so they can bring him and his Circle Members to justice, Alec's phone started to vibrate in his pocket, which got Alec and Clary's attentions and thinking that it must be Izzy or Jace.
Then Alec pulled out his phone and saw that it was Izzy calling him. Then Alec put his bow down and quickly answered the call.
Izzy: Alec, are you okay?
Alec: Yeah, I'm okay why?
Izzy: Because we haven't seen you or Clary in the Institute and we were really worried, is Clary with you?
Alec: Yeah, Clary is with me, we were both trying to track down Valentine.
Izzy: Did you and Clary found him?
Alec: We did and we have found out why Valentine wanted Magnus.
Then Alec started to explain to Izzy what Kyle have told him and Clary about Valentines plan and why he wanted to capture Magnus, once he finished explaining, he can hear from Izzy's experience that she is really shock and disgusted by Valentine.
Izzy: I can't believe that Valentine wanted Magnus to his husband whether he likes it or not, I can't believe that he will be that low.
Alec: Speaking of Magnus, hows he doing Izzy?
Izzy: Well, the seraph blade went deep into his back and hit his shoulder blade really hard. But since he already start healing himself when he was injured, nothing to drastic happened, so he's going to be okay.
That got Alec and Clary to sigh with relief that Magnus is going to be alright and Izzy continues to talk.
Izzy: They managed to close the cut and stitch it so that Magnus won't lose anymore blood. Magnus just needs some fluids but he also needs you Alec, I've never seen Magnus so scared.
That got Alec to sigh at what Izzy have just said, he understand that Magnus had the right to be scared after what Valentine did to him. I mean he was being hunted by Valentine for the sake of the angel and wants him to be his husband whether he likes it or not, and then he started to speak.
Alec: We'll be there soon Izzy. But, I need something from you.
Izzy: Sure Alec, what do you need?
Then Alec started to feel like he was going to regret what he is going to say to his sister, but it was the only way to keep Magnus safe from Valentine and his Circle Members, then he took a deep breath, and started to ask Izzy what he wants.
Alec: Izzy, do we have magic dampening bracelets?
Then when Alec have said that, there was just silence from the other side of the line for a moment and Clary was really shock at what Alec said. Then Alec heard the sound of heels from the other end of the phone, meaning that Izzy was walking somewhere where she could privately talk to her big brother and making sure that Magnus is not hearing this.
Alec: Trust me Izzy, I know this makes me sound like a idiot, but it's the only way to protect him, when Clary and I talked to one of Valentine's prisoners, he told us that Valentine was going to Magnus' loft to try and track him, so if we give Magnus the bracelet, Valentine won't be able to track him and his magic.
Izzy: But Alec, do you have any idea what will Magnus think about this, he's going to freak if you go into his room with a magic dampening cuff.
Alec: Look Izzy, I know that Magnus will freak out, but I will take care of that, please?
Then Izzy sight from the other side from the other line of the phone. There was another moment of silence from the other line and then Izzy started to speak.
Izzy: Just get here as soon as you can, okay?
Alec: Okay, also can you get Magnus to my room at the Institute please?
Izzy: Sure thing Alec.
Then Alec have started to hung up his phone and puts away his phone in his front pocket. Then Clary have started to look at Alec and speak.
"Alec, are you crazy, Magnus is already scare enough as it is since Valentine is tracking him!" Said Clary as she looks at Alec." If you put a magic dampening cuff on him, he will freak!"
"I know Clary, but it's the only to keep Magnus safe from Valentine, and it won't be that long." Said Alec as he looks at Clary.
Clary was going to regret the idea, but then she have realized that Alec is right, and it's the only way to protect Magnus from Valentine, then Clary have started to sight for a bit and look at Alec.
"I guess you're right Alec, if we could capture Valentine, will have to protect Magnus from him." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." We should get back to the Institute."
Then Alec have nodded his head, then he and Clary started to pull out there stele and activated their speed rune to get to the Institute as fast as they can and they ran as fast as they could to get to the Institute.
As Clary and Alec ran back to the Institute, Alec started to think that the conversation with his warlock boyfriend was going to suck, but it was the only way to keep him safe, Alec would rather kill himself than let Valentine get his hands on his beautiful boyfriend, and he knew that Magnus's magic will be block forever.
Meanwhile back in the Institute, Magnus is inside Alec's room waiting for his boyfriend to return for two hours and is getting impatient. Magnus wanted to go home, but he couldn't because Izzy told him that with his back is stitch and would tear if he tried to move.
But Magnus wanted to get up and see his handsome shadowhunter boyfriend, after being attack by the Circle Members and being injured, all Magnus wanted was to see his Alec and relax in his arms. Then Izzy and Jace both walk in a moment later, which startle Magnus a bit. Jace had a small light gray stack in his hand along with a glass of water.
"Hey Magnus, how are you feeling?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Magnus.
"I'll be honest Isabelle, I'm pretty cold." Said Magnus as he smile at Izzy.
Even though Magnus is wrapped in thick blankets so he wouldn't get cold, the warlock was still shivering. Then Jace handed the glass to Izzy and got out a black hoodie from Alec's closet and give it to him.
"Here you go Magnus." Said Jace as he have the hoodie to Magnus." It should keep you warm."
"Thank you Jace." Said Magnus as he put on the thick sweater over his body.
Then Izzy handed the water to Magnus and he drink it and Izzy started to speak to Magnus to see if he's okay.
"Have you been able to feel your magic Magnus?" Asked Izzy as she takes the empty glass from Magnus once he was done.
Izzy was asking Magnus that question for the sake of her brother and to make sure Magnus wasn't injured too badly and hope that it will infect him.
"Not really, it's a pretty weak feeling if you know what I mean." Said Magnus as he looks at Jace and Izzy.
Jace and Izzy both nodded their heads as they both knew what he meant and hope that he'll be okay after what Alec will do, then a few minutes later, the door of Alec's room started open and Alec walked inside with Clary, and his eyes started to go to his beautiful warlock boyfriend.
"Magnus." Said Alec as he run up to Magnus and hug him as carefully as he could.
Magnus returned the hug, gripping his boyfriend's back and neck because he wanted to be with Alec so badly.
"Will leave you two alone to give you some privacy." Said Clary as she looks at Alec and Magnus. "Feel better Magnus."
"Goodbye biscuit." Said Magnus as he still hugging Alec.
Then Clary nodded her head and left with Jace, but Izzy stayed for a moment, then she started to look at Alec, and she was holding something in her small purse.
"Alec." Whisper Izzy.
Then Alec rub Magnus's cheek gently, then then Magnus let go of Alec and watch him walk up to his little sister. Then Izzy look at Magnus for a second, making sure that he isn't looking or paying attention, and saw Magnus' eyes went to the window in Alec's room.
Then Izzy turn back to her big brother and stated to dig in her purse, then she pull out a magic dampening cuff and held it out to Alec.
"You're lucky that I keep a few i here." Said Izzy as she looks at Alec. "Are you sure that you want to do this?"
"Yes Izzy, I'll do anything to protect him." Said Alec as he puts the bracelet in his pocket.
"Be careful Alec." Said Izzy and started to leave the room.
Then Alec turned back over to his beautiful warlock boyfriend and sat back on the other side of his bed, and they went back into their hug, Alec's finger's lingered over the feeling of stitches on Magnus' back and making sure that he isn't pressing them to hard.
"I'm here now Magnus." Whisper Alec.
Magnus pulled back from the hug and kiss his shadowhunter boyfriend and Alec kissed him back, after being worried about him for so long. Then when they broke apart, Magnus started to speak about what happen.
"They came to my loft Alec." Said Magnus." They were trying to force their way in, but someone put a protection rune on my door, which is you."
"I have no regrets for trying to keep you safe." Said Alec as he hold Magnus's ring hand in his.
"They got passed the rune after a few moments, but I create a portal, and as I ran in the portal, one of the Circle soldiers threw their blade at me and it hit me, and here I am." Said Magnus as he look at Alec." The doctor's say that I'll be okay in a few days."
"Thank the angel." Said Alec as he look at Magnus. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."
That got Magnus to smile, then he held up his hand to Alec's hand and kissed his palm and knuckles. The. Alec had to bring up the cuff soon, he didn't know where Valentine was and what he was doing to try and track his boyfriend, and then Magnus look at Alec.
"Alec, where were you?" Asked Magnus before Alec could say anything." When I woke up you weren't here and Izzy and Jace had no idea where you and Clary were, where were you Alexander?"
Alec swallow for a bit and then he started to move his hand to Magnus's cheeks and started to speak.
"Clary and went looking for Valentine." Said Alec." I was so angry that you got hurt and I wanted to make him pay and get justice for you. I found a warehouse where he was staying."
It got Magnus to get really scare at what Alec is telling him and then Alec continues to explain to Magnus.
"Then he told his soldiers to take him to your loft so that he could track you." Said Alec as he bit his lip.
"Alexander. . . What are you trying to tell me?" Asked Magnus as he look nervous.
Then Alec started to sight and pull out the magic dampening bracelet from his pocket which got Magnus to tense at the sight of the bracelet and back away from it and Alec looks at Magnus.
"Magnus, I can't have him tracking you from your magic and I won't let him get to you." Said Alec as he look at his warlock boyfriend." This is the only way to keep you safe Magnus."
"You want to put the magic blocking bracelet on to protect me?" Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"Magnus, before you say anything, I promise it won't be forever, It'll only be until we find Valentine." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
Then Magnus look at the bracelet, then after s few moments, Magnus started to roll up the sleeve of his hoodie on his left wrist, which got Alec bite his lip when he saw Magnus roll up his sleeve and then he open the cuff.
"Magnus. . ." Said Alec as was about to continue.
"Just do it Alexander, it's okay." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
At first Alec hesitated a bit, then he turn away as he slap the cuff on Magnus's wrist, then once it was on Magnus's wrist, he started to bit his lip to stop him from screaming from the pain he's experiencing from the bracelet, and then his magic is completely cut off, and then Alec grabbed his boyfriend and held him close so he could comfort him gently.
"I'm so sorry Magnus, it's going to be okay." Said Alec as he run Magnus's back as gently as ever.
"I love you so much Alec, I love that you're trying to protect me." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"I love you more Magnus, more than anything." Said Alec as he looks at Magnus.
Then Magnus look up at his boyfriend and the two were staring at each other as time was flying by, then the afternoon began to end and the sun is setting, then the beautiful purple and blue colors were filling Alec's room and make it look beautiful.
Then Alec look at his door for a minute and then he started to smile, then he got up and approach to the door, then he look outside for a few seconds, then close the door and lock it, then Alec walked back to Magnus and sat on his bed.
Magnus started to realize what Alec wanted to do to him but was to afraid that he might hurt him, so he started to lean towards Alec and kissed him in the lips and pull back after a few seconds and look at Alec.
"Do it Alec." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"Are you sure Magnus?" Asked Alec as he look a bit scared.
"Yes, go ahead Alec." Said Magnus as he put his hands down and looks at Alec's eyes.
At first Alec was a bit scared, but then he started to unzip the hoodie that Magnus was wearing to keep himself from getting cold, then as he took it off, he started to see Magnus's abs and chest while his hands are feeling his smooth skin, and Magnus moan at how Alec is touching him.
Then Magnus started to raise his hands to Alec and took off his shirt too, admiring with pleasure what he found under that piece of dark cloth, Alec had an incredible, mouth-watering body and Magnus wanted to worship every inch of his arms, his abs, his chest, and his neck.
"Wow Alexander, you really work out a lot." Said Magnus as he look at Alec and smirk at him.
Then they both started to kiss each other, as they wrap their arms around each other and their chests touched, the skin-to-skin contact was so unbearable, then Alec pull away, then bury his face to Magnus's neck, smell him a bit and he likes how Magnus smell.
"Mmm. . . You smell so nice Magnus." Said Alec as he started to kiss Magnus's neck.
It cause Magnus to moan in pleasure at how Alec is kissing his neck that he press him closer to him, and then Alec started to kiss Magnus again. Then as Magnus and Alec continued to kiss each other, Alec started to lay Magnus gently on the bed as he was on top of him and Magnus is below his boyfriend. Then as Alec pull away from his boyfriend, Magnus started to look at Alec and admire his blue eyes, as he trace his finger through his lips, which made Alec capture one of his fingers and biting them gently and Magnus moan a bit.
Then Alec gently laid his hand on Magnus's chest, as he slowly trace a line down to the slope of his abs and ending at the waistband of his pants. Then Alec started to lean forward and began planting feathery kisses on Magnus's chest, which cause Magnus to moan a bit more, then Alec kiss all the way down to his navel, and Magnus moan in pleasure.
Then Alec started working his way back up to Magnus's nipples, then he capture them with his mouth, then as he kissed Magnus's nipples, he started sucking on them gently, bringing the nubs to complete hardness. As Alec is making love to his sensitive nipples with his mouth, Magnus' eyes are close shut, as he hands were grabbing on the bed sheet and he kept on moaning in pleasure.
"Oh, Alexander." Said Magnus as he give himself over to the pleasurable sensation of Alec's wet mouth on his nipples.
Then as Alec finished making love to Magnus's sensitive nipples with his mouth, he started to kiss Magnus again, and then Magnus started to turn till he on top of Alec, and they both continued to kiss each other.
Then Magnus started kissing Alec's neck and marveling at the sounds the shadowhunter could make. Alec had a spot on the left side of his neck that made him moan loudly but not too loud for anybody to listen from the outside of his room, and Magnus was really pleased to use it to his advantage.
"You're so sexy Alexander." Whisper Magnus as he continued to kiss Alec's neck.
Then Magnus started to travel down his body, as he kisses around Alec's chest, and he started to lose himself in Alec's chest hair, it was so damn masculine and so damn sexy, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life there.
Then as Magnus continues to kiss at Alec's chest, his mouth capture one of Alec's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Magnus watch with awe at how Alec arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure.
Alec have started to moan at how Magnus was kissing his chest and how he is kissing his nipples, and wanted to keeping feeling the pleasure. Then Magnus started to kiss all over Alec's chest as he was so pleasure by his chest hair, then he kissed down to Alec's amazing abs and then he started to kiss at his navel as his hands were at Alec's chest and massage it a bit, which cause Alec to moan in pleasure.
'Oh god, how did I get so lucky to be with Magnus?' Thought Alec as he has his eyes still closed.' I don't ever want anything bad happening to him.'
Then as Magnus kept on kissing Alec's navel, he started to trail some kisses at Alec's abs, Magnus started to kiss back up to his chest and neck, which cause Alec to moan even more at how Magnus is kissing him and he continue to kiss him more.
Then Alec grab his face and kiss him again. Alec and Magnus have both started to make love to each other as if they haven't been doing that for a long time, and they both stay in the bedroom as they kept on kissing each other and enjoying their time with each other.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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