Malec's Strong Bond
Three months have passed by and everyone had still no luck on finding Magnus Bane, but they didn't give and tried everything they could. But during those three months, Valentine has been sending his Circle Members to capture a rare magic jewels and a special spell.
Nobody knows why they stole these items but they have a feeling that it's something that they will force Magnus to do, and everyone has still been looking for him. Meanwhile back in the New York Institute, Alec and Izzy were both in the main office looking really concern.
"I don't understand, it's been months Izzy, and yet we still haven't found Magnus." Said Alec as he still feel really sad.
"I know Alec, we are trying everything we could to find him, but nothing so far." Said Izzy as she looks at Alec." We will find him Alec."
"How Izzy, for months we have been looking for Valentine and we still haven't!" Said Alec as he felt so sad." I just want him back!"
"And we will Alec." Said Izzy as she hugs Alec.
Then a few moments later, Jace and Clary have both enter the main office, which have caught Alec and Izzy's attention as soon as they both look at them, and then Clary started to speak.
"Alec, there something I need to tell you alone." Said Clary as she looks at Alec and then at Izzy." Do you mind Izzy?"
"Take all the time you need Clary." Said Izzy as she and Jace left the room.
"Is there something you need Clary?" Asked Alec as he look at Clary.
"We have a bit of a problem, about a few weeks ago, the Circle Members have been stealing some valuable items from the warlock's." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"What, why are they doing that?" Asked Alec as he looks at Clary.
"We have no idea why they are doing this, but some of the warlock's believe to think it has to do with Magnus." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"Oh god, that Valentine really pushes me!" Said Alec in anger.
"Trust me Alec, we are trying everything we could to find him and Magnus, but we still haven't found them." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"Ugh, I can't take this anymore Clary, I want Magnus back, I want him in my arms again." Said Alec as he began to cry again.
Clary have saw how much Alec really loves Magnus with all his heart, and the months without him, he feels really miserable without Magnus, and then she started to lay her hand on Alec's shoulder, which got his attention.
"Alec, I know you miss Magnus, and I miss him too, but we won't be able to find him if we just sit around here." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
Then it started to make Alec realize that Clary is right about that, they won't be able to find Magnus if they just stay where they are, and then seeing how Alec needed some comfort, Clary started to hug him and then Alec hugs Clary as he began to cry again.
Meanwhile back in the mansion where Magnus has been kept prisoner for months, Magnus was in the bedroom looking so miserable than he already was before. It was so freezing in the bedroom, it was never warm for him to comfort, and the room was like winter minus the snow.
The cold air have pulsed through the vents of the huge bedroom, ever single day non stop. But that was not the thing that made Magnus so miserable and pale, it was the way that Valentine was making him live as for months.
For months, Valentine have made Magnus's life like a living hell, he had made sure that Magnus will never leave the mansion, make sure that his Circle Members will keep an eye on him, make sure that he doesn't use his magic, Valentine forces Magnus to kiss him and obey.
But the very worst thing that Valentine ever done to Magnus is that he have raped him, if Magnus doesn't do anything that Valentine tells him to do or obey him, he will take advantage of him, and it really made Magnus feel so miserable. The cold air and the tight chains made Magnus completely scare and vulnerable.
Magnus really wanted to scream out for help for anyone, like for Jace, Clary, Catarina, Isabelle, he would even be desperate enough to scream for Simon. But who he really wanted to scream help for is Alec, his handsome Shadowhunter boyfriend, but he couldn't be able to.
Valentine have kept Magnus restrained tightly and silent, with a thick white cloth wrap around his mouth so that he wouldn't be able to call for help, but Magnus was too cold, exhausted, and injured to scream for anybody.
For months, Valentine had kept him inside his bedroom, and sometimes he was chained into the bed against his will.
Sometimes Magnus is chained up while he was suspended in the air, like he was right now, Magnus had hung his head low, as drool started to absorb into the cloth around his mouth, it was the only amount of moisture Magnus was getting since he was placed inside the damned harness for many months.
Then Magnus have started to let some tears fall down from his cheeks and onto the ground, all Magnus wanted more than anything is to be free from the mansion he was trap in, but the one thing he wanted more than anything in the world is his Alexander. Magnus wanted to see his boyfriend, he wanted to be in his arms again and feel safe as he boyfriend will hold him.
And he wanted to get away from Valentine because Magnus was torture by him as he was his slave for months, and have raped him for a few months. The way that Valentine did to him was so awful, that he could never forget it.
The way Alec and Magnus have sex was so comforting and loving but the way that Valentine did to Magnus was so full of hatred and torture, Magnus doesn't know how long he could survive in the mansion.
Then a few moments later, the door to the bedroom began to open up from it's locked state that was in and then Valentine along with three Circle Members started to come inside the room, Magnus wanted to look up, but he was weak and disgusted with the men to even look up, and then Valentine began to speak.
"Unchain Magnus now." Said Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.
That got Magnus to look up, just with a bit of confusion in his face on why he was being unchained because it has never happen before, then the two other Circle Members started to walk over to Magnus, then they undid the chains that were connected to him and Magnus muffle into the cloth, trying to ask what was going on.
"Take the gag off of him, let my future king speak." Said Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.
Then one of the Circle Members have started to pull cloth roughly out of Magnus' mouth, and then Magnus started to cough a bit and spit out some of saliva from how many days he was in from that gag, and then looks at Valentine.
"What are you doing Valentine?" Asked Magnus a bit painfully." If you are here to rape me again, haven't you already torture me enough?"
"Oh I'm not going to rape you again my beloved." Said Valentine as he smirks at Magnus as stroke his face." But I'm going to take you somewhere else."
"Where are you taking me Valentine?" Asked Magnus as he look at Valentine.
"Apparently, your Shadowhunter and Downworlder friends are ruining my plans and are close to us any day." Said Valentine as he look at Magnus." They kill some of my best Circle Members even my son Johnathan, but I had a plan for the both of us."
Then when Valentine have said that with a evil smirk on his face, Magnus have started to spit at Valentine's face and glared at him and the Circle Members.
"I swear to you Valentine, when you die from the hands of the Shadowhunter's, I'll will tell my father to make you suffer the painful torture in Edom." Said Magnus then he was gag tightly again.
Then Valentine have started to go to Magnus and Magnus close his eyes thinking that Valentine will slap him, but Valentine have grab Magnus's chin and pulls him to look him straight at the face.
"Oh don't worry Magnus, we won't be separate ever again, because I'm going to pursue my plan like I should've done months ago." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly." Take Magnus to the van, and make sure that the magic dampening harness is ready, Magnus will be needing it since I'll get rid of all the downworlders."
Then Magnus's eyes began to go widened as he was being shove out of the room, Valentine is planning on getting rid of downworlders and breaking his promise, and then Magnus started to scream into the gag and squirmed to try and break free.
But the Circle Members held him tighty and they pulled him out, Valentine is making sure that Magnus is the only downworlder who survives, but he doesn't want that to happen. Magnus pull as hard as he could to break free, but nothing work until he felt something.
The Circle Members had unchained one of his wrists and they were free. After months of restrains, gags, and torment from Valentine, the magic was returning slowly to Magnus's hands and arms, but there was only so much he could do before they realize that he was free.
Magnus had to do something and do it fast. Then Magnus kept on struggling as a distraction as he thought of a spell he could conjure to contact anyone that could find him and save him.
Then Magnus's head was forcefully push down as he was brought outside and then his necklace fell from his shirt and hang from his neck, and his eyes widen, it was the matching necklace he given Alec, the ones that connected two souls if they're love is strong. Then Magnus quickly rub his fingers together and snap, then the magic went to the necklace's star, then it glow faintly, so that only Magnus knew it's glowing. It was working, and is connecting his soul with Alec's and Magnus smile.
"You idiots, his wrist is unchained!" Yelled Valentine as he slap one of the others hard for not paying attention.
The Circle Members quickly grab the fallen chain and cuffed Magnus' free wrist and the magic stopped flowing, but what he had done was enough, the magic reach the necklace and it's star, soon Alec would feel it, and would come, and be able to rescue him.
"You sit inside the truck as long as you can my beloved warlock." Said Valentine as he grabs Magnus's neck." Once I've gotten rid of every single downworlder and you are the only survive, you will become my king, and you will obey me no matter what."
Then Magnus's neck was free and Magnus coughed hard as Valentine took the gag off, and then the trunk closed and he was enclosed in darkness, Magnus had never been afraid of the dark before, but after months of being in the same bed as Valentine, nothing scared him more than darkness.
But the necklace's star was still illuminating the faintest light purple glow, much to Magnus's relief, and he knows that Alec would be here soon to save him, he pray that his boyfriend is still looking for him and hadn't given up, but he pray that Alec still loved him enough to have the necklace's magic work. Then Magnus felt the car start to move and he sighed loudly.
Meanwhile back at New York City, Alec and Clary started to head back to Magnus's loft so that Alec would calm down, when they have arrived, Alec started to took one of Magnus's rings and try to track down Magnus.
Clary didn't want to leave Alec alone after everything that had went down. She stood right across from Alec as he grip the ring hard, then Alec scream in frustration and threw the ring across the room with all his shadowhunter strength, and it hit one of Magnus's vase and broke it.
"Alec, calm down, being frustrated won't help at all." Said Clary as she tried to calm Alec.
"How Clary, I want Magnus back, and yet I can't be able to track him down." Said Alec as he felt frustrated.
"Let me try." Said Clary as she took one Magnus's shirt and try to track Magnus.
Clary and Alec try for hours but still nothing and couldn't be able to track down Magnus. Then Alec sight in disappointment, they both try for hours and yet they still don't have nothing, and then Alec started to collapse on the sofa.
"Alec, there might be only two options here." Said Clary as she looks at Alec." Either that Magnus's magic is being blocked or. . ."
"Don't say it." Said Alec as he choke a bit.
"Alec, I'm so sorry." Said Clary as she sit next to Alec." We'll find him, and we'll make Valentine pay."
"How Clary, it's been months and yet we still haven't found them yet, and I just don't know what to do." Said Alec as he feel sad.
Alec was really desperate, Magnus had to be out there, Alec pray that Valentine hadn't harmed his lover, but he hoped that Magnus had escaped and was desperately searching for someone to removed the cuff that someone had left on him. Before Clary could say something, her eyes grow widen as she got up from the couch.
"Alec. . ." Said Clary in shock.
Then Alec looked up at and raised his eyebrow in confusion, till Clary pointed to what she was looking at, then when Alec look down at his chest, the necklace that Magnus had given him was glowing, it was bright yellow as the sun.
Then Alec started to gasp at it, then when Alec move his hand to the star and held it in his hands, Alec's eyes suddenly glowed the same yellow as the necklace.
"ALEC!" Shouted Clary but her eyes suddenly glowed identically.
The bright light was also affecting Clary and they were both seeing where the necklace is showing them. They were standing in a dark hallway. Alec look around, with the necklace's star still clutched in his fingers. Clary was so confused as she look around as if she was dreaming.
"What's going. . ." Asked Clary till they heard footsteps.
Then Alec pushed Clary out of the line of sight and looked from the crook of the hallway. They saw Valentine and his Circle Members approaching. Valentine was standing in the front while two Circle Members were holding something. But it wasn't a something, it was a someone, and that person is none other than Magnus.
Then Alec gasp in shock at the condition his beautiful warlock boyfriend is in, Magnus was so pale that it was almost gray, he was in some kind of harness, glowing blue, which must be what was blocking his magic. His arms were forced behind him.
Not a word came out of Magnus's mouth, because a tight gag was wrapped around his mouth.
"Magnus!" Shouted Alec as he still hold the necklace's star.
Then Alex move forward to try and grab them, but they just phased through him. As if he was a ghost or a hologram. And then Alec gasp at what had happen.
"I don't think they can see us." Said Clary as she saw the Circle Members.
Then Alec and Clary followed them, as Alec was watching his beautiful warlock boyfriend being dragged away, then Alec look closer to see that one of Magnus's wrists were free, the magic must have slowly went back to his hands, so that must have been what activated the necklace. Alec and Clary both saw the faintest purple from Magnus's identical necklace star.
"You idiots, his wrists is unchained!" Shouted Valentine as he slap one of the Circle Members that was holding Magnus.
Then Magnus was chained up again, making Alec really angry, then as soon as the chain snap around Magnus's wrist, Alec and Clary magically returned back to where they were standing in Magnus's loft.
"What?" Said Alec as soon as he couldn't see Magnus anymore." No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"
"What the hell just happened?" Asked Clary as she was still confused. "Where were we and how did that happen?!"
But Alec wasn't responding at all, he was looking down at the necklace that Magnus had given him, then a huge smile appeared on his face. It got Clary to get scare all of a sudden. Alec barely smiled at all around her.
"Alec, what is it?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.
"I can feel Magnus." Said Alec completely out of breath. "I can feel him again, I can sense him!"
"The necklace." Said Clary in shock." This has to do with the necklace around you."
"Magnus said that the necklace represents the connection between us, he said that if I was wearing the matching necklace to his, I would be able to find him again." Said Alec as he explain." Magnus's magic must have been blocked with those chains he was wearing, but when his wrist was free, he must of sent some magic to the necklace so I'd be able to track him!"
"We can track Magnus now, Alec this is great!" Said Clary as she smiles.
"But we need to hurry, if the magic in that necklace runs out, he'll be gone again and it might be too late." Said Alec as he pull out his stele and activating his speed and stamina rune.
"Alec, let me come with you, I want to get back at Valentine for everything he has done." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.
"Okay Clary, I could use the backup anyway." Alec retorted." But leave Valentine to me, he took Magnus from me, I'm making this personal."
Then Clary took out her stele and activate her runes, then Clary and Alec ran out of the loft. Alec was going to find and bring back Magnus home and make Valentine and his Circle Members feel more pain than they've ever experienced. Alec would be their agony rune once he found his beautiful warlock boyfriend.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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