Malec Reunited

A few days later in Edom, at Asmodeus's castle inside the bedroom where Magnus is laying in a coma, Alec was laying next to Magnus sleeping after days of crying, and not leaving Magnus's side. But unaware to Alec, Magnus have started to shift a bit with his body, and he started to try to open his eyes.

Magnus wasn't sure where he was, but wherever he is, it was warm, comfortable and inviting where he is and it made him feel so safe, Magnus felt like he was a little kid again, laying in his big soft bed with his mother next to him and whispering to him some soft words into his ear while stroking his cheeks, promising that she will always be with.

It was also like if he was sleeping in a warm bath keeping his skin all smooth and safe and it was very comfortable, and made him smile at how warm he is now, after those terrible months he was in that cold and horrible room they Valentine have trapped him in.

But then Magnus started to feel something wet on his neck and to his shoulders. It was really strange to him, and he feel like he was outside and maybe it is raining. So Magnus started to slowly open his eyes and try to see what was dripping onto his neck.

Then when Magnus opened his eyes, he started to slowly turn his head around as he feel something above him, and he saw that someone in next to him, and it was not just any someone. It was nine other than his boyfriend Alec. Magnus saw that he was sleeping next to him without leaving his side the entire time and was crying that he really misses Magnus so much.

Then Magnus started to lift his hand, with the strength he has inside of him, then he started to lay his hand on Alec's cheek and rub it gently. Then Alec have started to wake up, after he feel something on his cheek, then as he open his eyes, he started to look at Magnus in shock as he saw Magnus awake smiling at him.

"Hey. . . Alexander. . ." Said Magnus as he smiles at his boyfriend and cough.

Then Alec started to get really shock and surprise to see Magnus wake up, Alec had been at Magnus sides for over the last few days, telling him so many stories about the two of them being together, telling him how much he loves him so much and and how much he has been crying over the last few days.

But now Magnus's eyes are open now meaning that he is awake. Then Alec started to inaudibly gasped at the sight his beautiful warlock boyfriend awake, that he started to gently wrap his arms around his waist, never wanting to let go of Magnus.

"MAGNUS!" Cried Alec as tears came out." Oh my god, you're awake!"

"Alexander, I'm so happy. . . To see you again. . ." Said Magnus as he cough again.

Then Magnus started to hug Alec back for how much he misses Alec so much during those months, then Alec started to notice how the glitter magic that surrounded Magnus's body healing him was starting to fade away. Then Alec saw that Magnus's skin is all healed from all the scars are healed. And as Magnus started to sit up at the bed, Alec started to hug him as he started to cry in happiness.

"Magnus, thank the angel!" Cried Alec as he pull Magnus into a hug.

Magnus was so confused at first, but he was really happy that he was back in the arms of his shadowhunter lover, then Magnus move forward to hug Alec, and his arms tightening on his neck and shoulders, and then tears started to fell down his cheeks because he missed Alec so months that had been strip away from them all because of Valentine.

Alec and Magnus have both had dream of this moment, that they would be reunited again to each other's arms. Then Alec started to move Magnus away from his neck and moved forward and kissed him right at the lips, which cause Magnus to fall back to the bed as Alec was on top of Magnus.

Then Magnus started to kiss Alec back immediately and they both felt the love that they had missed so much time with each other. Alec did not want to pull himself away from the lips that he was stripped of for months, and Magnus wanted to stay in this moment forever, kissing his Alexander while in his arms.

Both they both knew that they had to let go though, because they had to exchange words that they had been wanting to say ever since they'd been separated for months. Then Alec moved his lips from Magnus and stared at him in his gorgeous eyes.

"Magnus. . . I'm so sorry." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." I'm so very sorry."

"No Alexander." Said Magnus as he press his hand on his boyfriend's shirt covered chest." You have nothing to apologize, I sacrificed myself to Valentine Morgenstern."

"But I could've stopped all of this from happening." Said Magnus as he look sad." You know that. . ."

"Of course I do Magnus, and I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that it from happening." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

"He told me that you wouldn't want me and you'd abandon me once you found out what he had done to me." Said Magnus as he feel upset." And that he'd be the only one that could love me once everyone found out what he had done."

"Magnus, no matter what Valentine did to you, I will always love you." Said Alec as he kiss his forehead." I will always love you no matter what Magnus."

That got Magnus to smile at Alec, that he have started to kiss him again, and then Alec eagerly kiss Magnus back as much he misses Alec so much. Then Alec kiss Magnus's neck, which Magnus started to moan a bit, then he travel down Magnus's body, as he kisses around his chest, which have cause Magnus to moan in pleasure for how much Magnus's misses Alec's lip against his body.

Alec continues to kiss Magnus's chest, then his mouth capture one of Magnus's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Magnus arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure.

Magnus moan at how Alec was kissing his chest and his nipples, and wanted to keeping feeling the pleasure. Then Alec kiss all over Magnus's chest, then he kiss down to at Magnus's abs and he kiss at his navel, while his hands were at Magnus's chest and massage it a bit, which cause Magnus to moan in so much pleasure.

Then as Alec kept on kissing Magnus's navel, he started to trail some kisses at Magnus's abs, Alec started to kiss back up to his chest and neck, which cause Magnus to moan even more at how Magnus is kissing him, and Magnus pull away and looked at Alec and smile.

"I have been wanted to kiss you for so long after those long cold months." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"And I've been wanting you back in my arms for as long as I waited." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

Then after Alec and Magnus share one last kiss, Alec started to get off of the bed, then Magnus was about to get out of the bed when he gave realize that he wasn't wearing any clothing, he realize that he was naked, and he cover himself as he blush in embarrassment.

"Magnus, what's wrong?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus.

"I'm. . . I'm not wearing any clothes, meaning that I'm naked." Said Magnus as he blush in embarrassment.

That got Alec to get a bit impressed that Magnus is not wearing any clothes, which meaning that he wanted to see Magnus without any clothes on, then Magnus started to realize what Alec is thinking and he threw a pillow at Alec's face.

"Alexander, don't just stare or stand there, can you at least get me some clothes please?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.

"Oh right, sorry about that Magnus." Said Alec as he blush.

Then Alec have started to look around for some clothes for Magnus to wear, then he saw one of Magnus's clothes at a chair, that as he grab them, he started to give them to Magnus, and then he turned around so that Magnus will be able to change.

Then after a few minutes later, Magnus was now wearing a dark blue button shirt that shows a bit of his chest, wears a black blazer coat on, has black dressed pants on, and black dressed shoes on. He also has his star necklace on. He also has his makeup on.

"Wow, even after so many months apart, you still look as beautiful as you are." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"And I still miss you Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

Then Alec started to go to Magnus and kissed him right at the lips, and Magnus kissed him back, then a few moments later, the door from the bedroom started to open, which got Magnus and Alec to separate from their kiss, and then Clary came in and saw Magnus awake and okay.

"Magnus!" Shouted Clary in happiness and goes to Magnus and hug him." I'm so happy that you're okay!"

"Biscuit, I'm so happy to see you again!" Said Magnus as he hugs Clary back." And I'm really glad that you are okay too!"

"Well thank Lilith and all the princes of Hell, that my beautiful boy is okay." Said a voice behind Clary.

Then Clary and Magnus broke apart their hug as they and Alec look over to see Asmodeus standing right behind them smiling. Asmodeus had return to see if Magnus is okay after he have tortured Valentine. Then Magnus started to get really scared when he have saw his father, that he moved closer to Alec and Clary, thinking that he is going to hurt them.

"Magnus, it's okay, he's not going to hurt you." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"Yeah Magnus, Asmodeus have brought you here so he can heal you." Said Alec as he look at Magnus." He really does care about you Magnus."

Then Magnus look back at Alec and Clary for a moment and then he started to look back at his father, Asmodeus knew that Magnus didn't really like him after all the things he made him do, and that they didn't have the best father and son relationship, but no matter what, they were father and son, and Asmodeus really cares about Magnus.

And Asmodeus really wanted to do everything he can to keep his beautiful boy safe from any danger. Then Asmodeus started to carefully approach to Alec, Clary, and Magnus. Then Magnus looked at Alec and Clary, as if for permission to let him go to his father, and they both nod their heads.

Then Magnus started to slowly approach to his father, holding his shirt that was covering his bare and scar covered body, then when he have approach to his father, and he have started to hug Asmodeus, much to Asmodeus's shock.

"Father, thank you so much." Said Magnus as he hug his father." For saving my life."

At first Asmodeus was really shock that Magnus is now hugging him after so many years, but then Asmodeus nod his head and hugs Magnus back as he smiles at his son.

"Your welcome Magnus, you may think that I don't care about you, but I do love you my beautiful boy." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.

Then Magnus smile at his father and as he kept on hugging him. Alec and Clary both smile at how Magnus is hugging his father, then they both walk over to Magnus and Asmodeus, and then Alec put his hands on Magnus's shoulder which got his attention.

"I'm really happy that you and your father were able to work it out." Said Alec as he smiles.

Clary also smiles at Magnus as he was able to forgive his father, and then after their hugs, Asmodeus started to look at the three people, as Clary is holding the Mortal Instruments, and then he started to speak.

"Now, it's time you go back home, I'm guessing that after these few days went by, your friends and family must be worried sick about you." Said Asmodeus as he look at Alec." Once you go through my portal, some of his internal injures may resurface, so make sure he gets rest and love of course."

Then Alec gave a smile to Asmodeus once he gave said that to him, Alec knew that Magnus needed so much love and care, and Alec is going to give Magnus all the love and care he needed and deserved, and then Alec look at Asmodeus and smiles.

"Of course." Said Alec as he smiles." I'll make sure that he will be okay."

"We Love Magnus so much, that we will never let anything happen to him." Said Clary as she smiles.

Then Alec started to pull Magnus into a his arms into a bridal style as Clary holds the Mortal Instruments, then Asmodeus started to open the portal and motioned for the three of them go through, then Alec and Clary both nod their heads at Asmodeus and then they walked through the portal, with Magnus finally back in Alec's arms.

Meanwhile back at the New York Institute, Jace was standing in the main room of the Institute, Jace was gripping his seraph blade tightly. Apparently Jace and the others haven't heard from Alec and Clary for a few days, meaning that they had both gone missing for days, and no one knew where they are, and it was really strange. Jace didn't know what to do and what he had expected.

As soon as Alec and Clary both went missing, Jace could no longer feel Alec through their parabatai rune and Jace work really hard to capture every Circle Members, interrogating every Seelies, and torturing evil warlocks, whatever he can to find out what happened to his parabatai and his girlfriend.

But no matter what the accords now said and what he does, he couldn't be able to find them and it was really started to get him to worried so much. And then Izzy have started to come in the room with Raj and Underhill behind her.

"Well, did you guys find anything?" Asked Jace as he look worried.

"No, we have looked all over the city, but there's still no sign of them." Said Izzy as she looks so worried.

"Even all the Downworlders are trying their best to find them." Said Raj as he explains.

"But there is still no sign of Alec or Clary, and even the warlock's magic can't be able to track them." Said Underhill as he explain.

"I just don't understand, where can Alec and Clary be, they wouldn't just disappear like that." Said Jace as he look really worried.

Then a few moments later, Simon have started to arrive at the Institute with Raphael, Maia, Luke, Catharina, and Madzie behind him, and they started to go to Jace, Izzy, Raj, and Underhill with worry looks on their faces.

"Well, did you guys find them?" Asked Jace as he still look worried.

"No we haven't, I mean we have look all over the city, and we still can't find them." Said Simon as he also look worried." I mean, all the vampires, warlock's, and werewolves try to find them, but there's still no sign of them."

"I just don't understand, where can they be?" Asked Luke as he look so worried than ever.

But before could ever answer Luke's question, all of a sudden, the monitor began to beep and Jace started to see a faded signal coming outside of the Institute, and then Izzy started to go to him.

"What is it?" Asked Izzy as she look worried.

Before Jace could answer his sister the question, he started to go outside of the Institute to see what was going on, and then Izzy, Raj, Underhill, Simon, Luke, Raphael, Maia, Catharina, and Madzie all started to follow him outside.

Then as Jace, Izzy, Raj, Underhill, Simon, Luke, Raphael, Maia, Catharina, and Madzie have arrived outside, they saw a portal appear and then three figure came out of the portal and those three figures are none other than Alec, Clary, and Magnus.

"Alec, Clary!" Cried Jace as he run up to them.

Even though Alec didn't look like he was in any imminent danger, he started to realize that he was holding Magnus in his arms. Because if there was one thing that Alec didn't give up on, is that he didn't give up on finding his beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"Jace." Said Alec as he smiles.

Then as he put Magnus down, he started to pull his brother into a tight one armed hug. Jace tightly gripped him, tears falling down his cheeks. And then Izzy, Raj, Underhill, Simon, Luke, Raphael, Maia, Catharina, and Madzie are happy that Alec and Clary are okay, but when they all saw Magnus, they were all really surprise that Magnus is alive and okay.

"MAGNUS!" Cried Izzy as she goes to him and hugs him." Oh by the angel, you're alive!"

"Isabelle, it's so great to see you again!" Cried Magnus as he hugs Izzy.

Then after Magnus and Izzy hug each, Raphael and Maia also began to hug him for how much he has missed him for all those months that Magnus has been a slave to Valentine. Even Catharina, Simon, and Madzie hug him for how much they have miss him.

"Magnus, we are so sorry." Said Jace as he look at Magnus." We should've stop you for sacrificing yourself to Valentine and we shouldn't let you go through this pain."

"It's okay Jace." Said Magnus as he smiles at him and everyone else." I'm here now and that's what matters."

"Where were you guys?" Asked Jace as he look at Alec, Clary, and Magnus.

"Me and Clary have found Magnus in Idris, Valentine was about to raise the Angel Raziel, but we were able to stop him, but then right before he was about to finish us, Magnus was the one who kill him." Said Alec as he and Clary smile at Magnus.

When Alec have said that Magnus have killed Valentine for good, Jace, Izzy, Raj, Underhill, Simon, Luke, Raphael, Maia, Catharina, and Madzie were all so shock and surprise that Magnus have killed Valentine in order to protect the downworlders and the shadowhunter's.

"Oh my god, Magnus I can't believe that you did that!" Said Simon as he hugs Magnus.

"I did this to protect my friends and family." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Magnus!" Shouted Madzie as she runs to Magnus.

"Sweet Pea, it's so good to see you again!" Said Magnus as he picks Madzie and hugs her.

"But I don't understand, if you guys have defeated Valentine, why didn't you come back?" Asked Jace as he look at Alec, Clary, and Magnus.

Alec and Clary both started to look at Magnus, as if they are seeking permission to talk about what Magnus never really wanted to talk about to anyone. Then Magnus smiled at them and nodded his head and then they started to speak.

"We were about to go to Idris so that Magnus can be healed." Said Clary as she explained first.

"But before we could get there, we were captured by Magnus's father." Said Alec as he explains.

"Wait a minute, your father?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Magnus." Who is your father Magnus?"

"We'll, let's just say that he's someone that you don't want to mess with." Said Magnus as he puts Madzie down." My father is Asmodeus."

"Wait a minute, Asmodeus, as in the greater demon and prince of hell?" Asked Jace in shock.

"Yes, Asmodeus had took the three of us down  to Edom and he healed Magnus." Said Alec as he explains." And apparently he really helped us."

"Well all that matter is that you are all safe, the Mortal Instruments are back where they belong, and Valentine is now gone." Said Luke as he smiles.

That got everyone to get really happy that Valentine and his Circle Members are now gone and they won't be a threat to the Shadow World and the Downworld, but most importantly, Magnus Bane is safe and is now with the people he love.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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