Making a Trade

Meanwhile back at the Circle Shadowhunter's hideout, inside the warehouse where there the cells were, Alec was banging his fists on the walls of his huge dark cell for hours after when Valentine have left him alone.

After when Valentine have told him what his plan was, he was really angry and worry about everything that's going on now.

Alec is angry that Valentine is using him as bait so he lure Magnus so he could capture him, and Alec was really worried that if Magnus did come, he will be a slave to Valentine and the last thing he want to do is to be away from his beautiful warlock boyfriend and he can't have that.

Alec kept on screaming in anger as he tried to get free from the dark cell he is in. Meanwhile inside a room, Valentine was sitting in seat in his main room drinking some champagne while he was looking at the security cameras, he is looking at one that has Alec in his dark cell.

The sound of Alec's angry screams could be heard throughout the entire warehouse where Valentine was keeping him, and all Valentine was doing is sitting in a chair in the main room of the warehouse, drinking a glass of champagne, listening to Alec's pleads and screams for Magnus. Valentine was smiling wide at all of Alec's screams and was really enjoying it.

"VALENTINE, LET ME OUT NOW!" Scream Alec in anger." VALENTINE!"

Valentine was laughing at Alec for begging him to not hurt Magnus, and all he can do is watch as Alec is suffering so much. Then a few moments later, one of his Circle members started to enter the room and he started to walk up to his leader who was getting tipsy about Alec screaming.

"Valentine, should we do something with the prisoner?" Asked one of the Circle Members." He's starting to get on my nerves."

"You can chain him down and gag him." Said Valentine as he stare at his champagne glass." Alexander won't be our prisoner for long, Magnus Bane should be here soon, and we won't worry about him being a nuisance any longer."

Then the Circle Member nod his head and gave a small bow to Valentine, then as he started to walk off to the cells, some of the other Circle Members started to join him to go to the cell. Then they open the door to Alec's cell, and just as Alec was about to fight them to get free, the Circle Members have all grab him with all their strength.

Alec was trying his best to fight as hard as he could, but apparently his shadowhunter strength no match for them, and there were more Circle Members coming in the cell. As Alec kept on fighting, one of the Circle Members hit Alec hard in the leg and he fell on his knees.

Then the Circle Members have all started to put runed chains on his wrists and started to hang them up from the ceiling, and Alec's arms were now suspended above him and the only way to stay comfortable was to stay on his knees, but Alec was still screaming in anger at the Circle Members as some of them left.

"Man, you shadowhunters." Said one of the Circle Members." You are willing to do anything to save the ones you love the most."

"Look, you don't have to do this." Said Alec." Just let me go."

The Circle Member just roll his eyes when Alec have said that and then he started to walk behind Alec, then he start gagging him with a strip of leather he had with him, it made Alec want to throw up because of how tight it was tied onto his mouth and how disgusting it tasted with his tongue.

The gag went in between Alec's teeth, which have silence him just a bit, but Alec was still screaming when the Circle Member just left, and Alec was still screaming into his tight and uncomfortable leather gag. Then the last Circle Member who is still in Alec's cell started to laugh at Alec and he slap him right at the face, wanting to get his revenge for a very long time.

"Get comfortable shadowhunter." Said the Circle Member as he laugh." You're gonna be here for awhile, but once we capture Magnus Bane, we won't need you, and once Valentine has Magnus Bane, we will use him to rule the world."

When the Circle Member have said that as he smirks evilly, it got Alec to get really shock at what he said and didn't seem to know about that, and when the Circle Members saw the look on Alec's face, he started to smirk evilly.

"Ha, I guess that Valentine didn't really told you the second reason why Valentine wants Magnus Bane, well, I guess I'll tell you." Said the Circle Member as he smirk." Well, as soon as Valentine get Magnus Bane into my arms, and get him to be the only downworlder in this world, he's going to get him to use his magic to defeat all our enemies and rule Alicante with our own hands, and we will be able to rule Alicante with our bare fists, when Magnus Bane becomes Valentines king."

When the Circle Member have explain Alec the plan, Alec have began to feel really shock and worried about Magnus, and then the Circle Member have started to leave the cell as he laugh at how worthless Alec is.

The cell door of Alec's cell banged really hard, making Alec flinch a bit, then a single tear fell from his eyes and drip to his cheek and chin. Here he was, Alec Gideon Lightwood, the head of the New York Institute, and one of the bravest shadowhunters alive, all chained up and gagged by Circle members, like an animal about to slaughtered into pieces.

But it's not that he is chained up that's worrying him, but Magnus Bane, his one true love and beautiful warlock boyfriend, is in so much danger from one of the biggest threats in the shadow world.

The tear fell from his face and onto the ground, he move his head down and look at the ground, the tear had left a small drop shaped stained on the ground, and the necklace he is wearing was now hanging down like him. It was the star necklace that Magnus had given him before he was taken by Valentine, and started to have a flashback of how Magnus give him the necklace.


Then Alec started to go back inside his room, as he start to get ready to go with Jace and the others, and then he started to turn back to Magnus and started to speak.

"I have to go Magnus." Said Alec in disappointment. "The Circle Members are attacking the mundane's and I need to go stop them."

When Alec have said that, it got Magnus to get a bit upset that Alec have to go and he'll be all alone, and then he started to put on a fake smile, but apparently Alec knew the smile Magnus is making, and then he started to sit next to Magnus and look at him.

"Magnus, you know how much I don't like leaving you, but I'll be back, I promise." Said Alec as he grabs Magnus's hand.

Then Magnus started to nod his head as he understands that Alec has to go and protect the mundane's from any danger, and then he started to kiss Alec's head, which got Alec to smile at him.

"But before you go Alexander, I want to give you something that I've been wanting to give you." Said Magnus as he smiles.

Then Magnus then over to one of Alec's bedside tables and then he started to grab one on his necklaces that he was wearing before, and Magnus grab one pendant necklace that has a silver diamond star, and he held it out to Alec.

"This is one of my favorite necklaces I always love." Said Magnus as he smiles." I got it from a friend that says that it represents a strong kind of magic, as long as o wear the matching one, the person wearing it and I would find each other."

Then Magnus started to hold up a matching gold necklace with the same diamond star on it.

"It's like a connection between two people who's hearts are as one." Said Magnus as he puts the necklace over Alec's neck." Even though you can't give me any runes, I can give you this, and as long as we wear the same necklaces, we could always find a way to find each other."

Then Alec touched the star that is on the chain of the necklace and rubbed it in between his fingers and then he started to look at Magnus and smile at him.

"Thank you Magnus." Said Alec as he smiles." I'll cherish this necklace forever."

That got Magnus to smile at his Shadowhunter boyfriend, and then he lean to Alec and kissed him.

End of Flashback

Magnus had given him this necklace and the necklace was his connection to his beautiful warlock boyfriend. Before he came to rescue him. He knew that Magnus would come and save him, now matter how dangerous is sic Magnus would go through hell and back to rescue him.

Meanwhile outside of the warehouse, Clary, Jace, Izzy, Simon, Luke, and Raphael are all outside with some vampires that Raphael brought with him, and then Luke started to look at them.

"Okay, so you all know the plan?" Asked Luke as he look at the others.

"Yes, Jace is going to glamour himself at Magnus to trick Valentine so we could get Alec out of the warehouse, and once he's out, Raphael, the vampires, and I will go inside the warehouse to get Jace out." Said Simon as he explains.

"How's Alec doing Jace?" Asked Clary as she looks at Jace.

"I can feel him, he's doing okay but it feels like he's been chained." Said Jace as he look worried.

"We need to hurry." Said Izzy as she looks worried.

Hours went by and Alec silently knelt on the ground, he was trying to not choke on his gag and chafe his wrists more than they already was and he was still feeling worried about Magnus. Then after what seem to be another hour later, the door to his cell opened and then a voice came in.

"Alec!" Shouted a beautiful recognizable voice.

When the voice was heard, Alec was hit with the worst pain and panic in his life, he looked up from the ground and standing from the far side of him was Magnus running up to him. Then Alec started to yell at him through the leather strap that was his gag that he need to leave and that he couldn't be here right now.

Alec also saw Valentine behind him with his Circle Members smirking evilly, then Magnus started to knelt down right in front of Alec and hugged him in relief, despite how Alec was trying to get away from him and telling to leave now.

"Are you hurt Alec?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec then turn to Valentine and glare at him." Have you hurt him?"

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Magnus my future king." Said Valentine as he smiles at Magnus.

Alec started to scream in anger at Valentine into the gag but started to feel really worried about Magnus. Then Valentine started to pull out a stele and tossed it to Magnus which he have caught it. Then Magnus used the unlock rune on the chains and Alec's wrists were free and he tore the leather gag from his mouth and lips.

Then Alec started to grab Magnus' wrist, not even realizing that the magic dampening cuff he put on his warlock boyfriend is missing. He also complete disregarded the fact that "Magnus" knew a rune and how to work a stele. Then Alec started to realize that it wasn't Magnus at all, it was Jace.

Then after a few seconds of looking at him, Alec realized that it wasn't his Magnus at all. It was Jace who is glamour to be like Magnus Band to free him. Then Alec started to realize that he didn't want to give it away, knowing that Magnus was safe.

"Play along." Whisper Jace and the Alec continued to look worried.

"Magnus... no!" Said Alec as he continued to be worried. "You need to leave now!"

Then Jace started to look back at Valentine, still under the glamour of being the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and started to speak.

"Let him go Valentine." Said Jace with the voice of Magnus." I'm here now, now let Alec go now."

"Magnus, no!" Yelled Alec as he continued to hold Jace's arm making sure Valentine is buying it.

Then Valentine nodded his head and smile at Magnus as he likes the offer, then Valentine snapped his fingers, then one of the Circle Members came in and started to grab Alec and lead him away from Jace, and Alec kept on pushing and screaming.

"Get off of me!" Shouted Alec as he tried to get free." Let me go, MAGNUS!"

Then as the Circle Members led Alec out of the cells, Alec kept turning around trying to get back to his warlock boyfriend who is actually Jace glamour as Magnus. Then a sack was pulled over his head, so that he couldn't find his way back to his glamoured parabatai, and then Alec was thrown out of the warehouse.

Then Alec started to pull the sack off his head and looked around and realizing that it was just him. Then Alec started to run away from the warehouse, then he saw his sister, Luke and Clary, and started to make his ways towards them, and they are so relief that Alec is okay.

"Alec, I'm so glad that you are okay." Said Izzy as she hugs Alec which he hugs her back.

"Where's Magnus?" Asked Alec as he started to feel really worried.

"Magnus is back at the Institute." Said Luke as he looks at Alec." He's safe there."

"Does Magnus know what's going on?" Asked Alec.

"No, he doesn't know what's going on." Said Clary as she toss her seraph blade in the air." He's still asleep."

That got Alec to feel so relief that Magnus is safe and he doesn't know what's going on right now, and then he started to see Simon emerged from behind them.

"What is the daylighter doing here?" Asked Alec looking confused.

"I'm going to get Jace out of the warehouse while you go to Magnus." Said Simon as he look at Alec." Don't worry we'll get Jace out and make that he's okay, you should go to your boyfriend now."

Then Alec started to sigh happily, he was going to see Magnus, the real Magnus back at the New York Institute and he started to look at Simon.

"Thank you Simon." Said Alec as he smiles.

"No problem." Said Simon as he started to look at the other vampires." Let's go get Jace now.

Then Simon and the vampires start running as fast as they could into the warehouse, while Luke, Clary and Izzy are following right behind them with their weapons ready, and Alec have nodded his head trusting that his friends would be fine.

Then Alec started to held his stele, which Jace had slid into his pocket without letting Valentine know, and he started to activate his speed rune, then he ran as fast as he could back to the New York Institute.

It wasn't just the rune that is making him go fast, it was his need to see that Magnus was alright and that he is safe from Valentine and his Circle Members. Then as soon as Alec have arrived at the Institute, he started to walk inside the building, but he was stopped by Raj. On any other day this would have been alright, but apparently, when Alec needed to see Magnus do bad, Raj had to stand right in front of him.

"Nice to see you back Alec." Said Raj as he smiles." Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Raj." Said Alec as he feel impatient." I need to get through."

Then Raj smiled and moved to the side, allowing Alec to run to his bedroom where his beautiful warlock boyfriend was. Then Raj started to roll his eyes as soon as Alec was gone. The reason why is because Raj hated Alec, due to the fact that he was dating and in love with a downworlder and he couldn't understand why he is dating a warlock when he should date a Shadowhunter.

Then Alec started to walk up to his bedroom where Magnus was as soon as he got out of the elevator, his heart was beating fast and himself still hyped up on adrenaline from running all the way here. As soon as he got close to his bedroom, he saw Underhill standing outside of the room, it kind of made Alec made happy, but worried and scared at the same time.

"What happened?" Asked Alec as he look at Underhill." Is Magnus okay?"

"Yes, Magnus is fine Alec." Said Underhill as he look at Alec." Your sister requested for me to keep guard of the room in case an attack or he awoke."

"Is Magnus still asleep?" Asked Alec as he feel worry that his choice to use a magic dampening cuff made him sleepy.

"Yes." Said Underhill." He's still asleep, and he doesn't even know what happen."

"Thank you Underhill." Said Alec as he smiles." You can leave now, I'll take it from here."

Then Underhill nodded his head, then left to go help his fellow Shadowhunter's, then Alec started to walk inside his bedroom and as he got inside, he was welcomed warmly by Magnus's cat, Chairman Meow. He meowed at Alec and started to rub his soft cheek on Alec's ankle.

"Hey there kitty." Said Alec as he smiles and picks the kitty up." Have you been protecting Magnus for me while I've been gone?"

The cat purr at Alec and then he rubbed his declawed paw on Alec's arm, which got Alec to smile at the cat, then Alec looked over at the bed to see that Magnus was still asleep. As soon as he saw his beautiful warlock boyfriend in the bed, he put down his cat and walked up to him, and he saw that Magnus seem so peaceful and happy.

It made Alec feel so happy that his beautiful warlock boyfriend is safe and sound, that he started to rub his head gently, and smile down at Magnus, Alec started to hope that Magnus will never know what happen, but little did he know is that Magnus will realize what really happen and that he will have to do something that will make Alec so heartbreaking and wouldn't let him go.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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