Magnus's see's his Mother Again
Somewhere is a beautiful field where the grass is green and the sky is blue, in the middle of the field was Magnus laying on the ground with his eyes closed and look like he was in a peaceful sleep. Then after a few moments later, he started to open his eyes and got up from the ground.
As he got up from the ground, he started to see that he wasn't wearing the clothes that he was wearing when he was Valentine's prisoner. Magnus is wearing a white blazer shirt that opens a little to see his bare chest, has white pants on, and has the same star necklace that connects him to Alec.
Then as he began to walk, he started to see so many beautiful trees and beautiful white flowers on the ground, as he kept on walking, he saw a lake close to him and then as he goes to the lake, he started to look at his reflection, and saw that his hair is down, and has a bit of white eyeshadow on with glitter.
"Hmm, not my choice of picking an outfit, but I do look good in it." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then as Magnus was about to walk again, he began to slip and was about to fall to the lake, and he close his eyes waiting to be hit by the water, but to his surprise, he didn't fall into the water, then he open his eyes and saw that he is standing on the water.
It shock Magnus at first but he started to realize that it was kinda cool, that he started to walk on the water and was really enjoying it, then as he walks over the water, he started to enter a forest, and as he walk down the path, there were many white butterflies flying around, and Magnus was smiling at them.
Then as he kept on walking down the forest, he started to arrive at another plain field, then as he was about to walk, the wind started to blow through him, at first he was a bit confused, till when he turn he saw a bit of fog which makes it harder really hard for Magnus to see, then he saw a figure coming to his direction.
"Who's there?" Asked Magnus as he look really confused.
Then the figure started to come out of the fog and that figure was a beautiful Indonesia woman. The beautiful woman has long black hair that pass her shoulders, has dark brown eyes, she wears a white shoulder-off long sleeve dress that goes to her feet, and has white flats on. The woman's name is Indah, and she is known to be Magnus's birth mother.
"Hello Magnus." Said Indah as she smiles at Magnus.
Then when Magnus have saw his mother for the first time after her suicide attempt when he was kid, he started to get really shock to see his mother again after so many years, that all of a sudden, his eyes began to fill with some tears and he open his mouth a bit.
"Ma. . . . Mother?" Asked Magnus as he began to go to her slowly." Mother. . . Mom. . . MAMA!"
Then Magnus runs to his mother as quickly as he can, and then Magnus throw his arms around his mother as he hugs her, and then Magnus's mother started to wrap her arms around Magnus and hugs him back as they were both embracing into a comforting hug.
"Oh, my beautiful Magnus, you have grown so much." Said Indah as she smiles at Magnus and kept hugging him." And you have become a very beautiful and magical man now."
Then as Indah still hugs Magnus in a soft and loving embrace a mother will give to her child, Magnus have started to remember that he was the cause of his mother's death and that she kill herself, that all of a sudden, he started to bury his face on his mother's shoulder, and started to cry so much, much to Indah's shock and she looks at Magnus.
"Magnus?" Asked Indah as he look at Magnus as he kept on crying.
"I'm so sorry mother. . . I'm so sorry that I caused you to kill yourself. . ." Said Magnus as he kept on crying." And I'm so sorry that I have killed your husband and made you feel so scared of him."
As Magnus kept on crying into his mother's shoulder, Indah look at Magnus at how much he really misses his mother so much and how he thought that it was his fault for her suicide, then she started to smile at her Magnus, and then she started to hug him and rub her hand on Magnus's head gently.
"It is alright my son, none of this is your fault." Said Indah as she smiles softly.
"But mother. . . I was the one. . . Who caused you to commit suicide." Said Magnus as he kept on crying.
"It wasn't your fault Magnus, it was my fault, I was so scared about the cat eyes you have that I forgot that you are still my sweet boy, then after I have passed, I have been watching you for years with the angels." Said Indah as she smiles at Magnus." And I wanted to say that I'm so proud of all the wonderful things you have done my beautiful son."
Then as Indah have started to place her hands at Magnus's cheek gently, she started to lift Magnus's face gently so she can look at him, and Magnus look at his mother as he has tear stain on his face and that his makeup was smearing from all the crying he was doing.
"I have saw how much you have done for all the people you care, how you were able to protect them, and how much you have so many family and friends that are always at your side." Said Indah as she wipes his tears away and smile at Magnus." And I wanted to say that I'm so proud of you Magnus, I'm so proud that you were there for anyone who needed, and you are still my sweet boy as the day you were born."
Then after Indah have said that, Magnus saw that his mother is telling the truth and that she is really proud of him for how much he have done so many good things and that he was always there for people who needed his help, that Magnus started to fell onto his knee's and hold his mother's hands as he kept on crying a bit.
Then Indah started to kneel down to her knees and hugs Magnus back to comfort him, and then all of a sudden, soft music have began to play, and then Indah started to sing a lullaby that she always sing to him when he was just a little boy.
Indah: Baby don't cry now
No more tears
Mama will save you
From all your fears
Lou lullaby now
Mama is here
Always remember
That I love you
My love is so deep
My Magnus
Smile at the angels
Up above you
And sleep
"Aku cinta kamu, mama." Whisper Magnus as he smiles at his mother.
"Aku cinta kamu, Magnus." Whisper Indah as she kisses Magnus's head and continued to sing.
Indah: Baby don't cry now
Lou lullaby now
Baby don't cry
Then after Indah have finished singing her lullaby song to Magnus, Magnus started to lift up his head to look at his mother and smile at her, and then Indah started to use her finger to wipe Magnus's tears and smile at him, then they both started to get up from the ground.
"I'm really sorry mother, for what I made you did, I didn't mean for you to kill your self." Said Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Do not apologize my son, it wasn't your fault, it never was." Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." The truth is that I was really selfish on killing myself that I still forgot you are still my sweet boy even though you are a warlock."
That got Magnus to smile at his mother for how she finally understands and still love him, then Magnus started to look around to know where he is and then he started to look at his mother.
"So, where am I mother?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"You are in the "After Life" my son." Said Indah as she answers Magnus's question.
"The After Life?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Yes, it's where all lost souls come here to decide if their time has come to join the angels or if it's not their time." Said Indah as she explains." Whenever someone goes unconscious or goes in a coma, they come here to decide if they want to join the angels or if they don't want to die yet."
"Wait, so am I dead mother?" Asked Magnus as he look shock.
"No you're not dead my son, your soul is trying to figure out whether you are ready to join me or that you want to go back." Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." Come with me, I wanted to show you something."
So as Indah have held out her hand to Magnus, he took her hand and she started to lead him out to the forest, and then after a few moments later, they were both out of the forest, and Magnus was so shock and amazed at the sight he is seeing.
Magnus is seeing a beautiful field with many beautiful flower and saw many man, women, and children running around the field looking so happy altogether, and are wearing white clothes, and then Magnus started to look at his mother.
"Wow, this is place is so beautiful, who are these people?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"They are known to be the lost souls that chose to be here after they all pass, sometimes they wait for their loved ones once they pass, so they can be reunited again." Said Indah as she smiles at the lost souls.
"Even all the innocent downworlders and shadowhunter's come here?" Asked Magnus as he look curious.
"Yes, even all the innocent downworlders and shadowhunter's come here to rest their souls." Said Indah as she smiles.
"But what happen to all the people, downworlders, and shadowhunter's that some bad things?" Asked Magnus as he look confused.
"Well my son, if they all do very horrible things that goes against everything we believe in, then they all go to Edom, where the souls will be torture." Said Indah as she explains.
That got Magnus to understand that, he does remember that there are many people, downworlders, and shadowhunter's that some so many bad things to innocent people, that they should be deserve to be tortured for all the bad deeds they did. Then Indah and Magnus both started to go back inside the woods.
"But mother, I still don't understand how I am here now?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Well my son, the reason why you're here now is because your soul is trying to choose if you want to join the "After Life" or go back." Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." Tell me Magnus, do you remember the last thing that happen?"
Then when Indah have said that to Magnus, he started to realize what he had remember what happen. The last thing that Magnus remember was that his boyfriend Alec and Clary were rescuing him from Valentine, before Valentine could kill Alec and Clary, Magnus was able to stop Valentine and he killed him.
Then he did everything in his own strength and power to stop Valentine from bringing destruction to the world and stab him by the heart, but he was so weak of what Valentine did to him for all those months that he was started to feel so unconscious, so Alec and Clary tried to take Magnus to Idris so he could get heal, till they were stop by his father, Asmodeus, and he use some kind of magic that made him go to sleep.
"The last thing I remember was that Alec and Clary came for me, Valentine was about to kill them, till I was able to stab him before he could." Said Magnus as he remember." And then Alec and Clary were about to take me to Idris so I can be healed, but then Asmodeus came and hit some kind of magic that made me go to sleep."
"Since you remember what happen, do you want to go back?" Asked Indah as she looks at Magnus.
"I don't know mother, I mean I have suffer so much, I don't know why I should go back." Said Magnus as he look so confused and scared.
"My son, I wanted to show you something, take my hands." Said Indah as she hold out her hands.
Then Magnus have started to take his mother's hands, then as their hands touch, a bright white light have started to appear, then Magnus close his eyes for a bit, then after a few moments later, Magnus open his eyes to see that he and his mother are inside Asmodeus's castle in Edom.
"Mother, where are we?" Asked Magnus as he look at Indah.
"We are in Edom my son, the bright light has taken us to where you are now." Said Indah as she look at Magnus's right side." And I believe that you should turn around to see what I mean."
Then Magnus turn to where his mother is looking at, and then he was shock at what he is seeing, he saw himself laying on the bed all cover up with the bed sheet but only letting his bare chest exposed, and saw Alec laying next to him with his arms around him and his head bury in his neck, and Magnus was so happy to see his boyfriend after so many months apart.
"Alexander!" Shouted Magnus as he run to him.
But when Magnus try to touch Alec to show that he is here with him, his hand started to go through him, like he was some kind of ghost, which have really shocked Magnus and then he tried to get Alec's attention that he is here with him.
"Alexander, I'm right here, please listen to me!" Said Magnus as he tried to get Alec's attention." Alexander I'm right here, please!"
But apparently Alec didn't seem to hear Magnus as he tried to speak and it seem that he didn't know that he was here no matter how hard he tried, and then Magnus turn to his mother and started to ask her a question.
"Mother, why can't I touch him?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother." And he can't seem to hear or see me, who can't he?"
"Apparently my son, your soul is like a spirit, we can see and hear the person we are seeing." Said Indah as she goes to Magnus." But apparently they can't see or hear us, they don't even know we are here."
That got Magnus to understand and nodded his eyes, then Magnus started to hear some whimpering and sniffing sounds, that he turn to see Alec lifting his head with so much tear stains on his cheeks, looking so sad than he was before, and then Alec started to speak.
"Magnus. . . I really don't know if you can hear me. . . But if you can, I really want you to wake up." Said Alec as he kept on crying." And I don't know if you can understand. . . But this is all my fault. . . I should've stop you when. . . You were about to sacrifice yourself to Valentine."
When Alec have said that, it got Magnus to get really shock that he would even said that to himself, and then Alec continued to talk.
"Magnus. . . I really want you to wake up. . . You are my whole world. . . You were the only one that could help me whenever I had I problems. . ." Said Alec as he kept on crying." Please wake up Magnus. . . I just can't live without you. . . I love you so much. . . You are my beautiful warlock. . . And I love you. . . So much."
Then Magnus saw how much pain Alec is in, then he saw Alec kissing his sleeping self on the lips and bury his face in his neck again, and then Magnus and his mother have started to arrive back to the "After Life" and Magnus turn to his mother with shock in his face.
"Mother, why is Alexander that devastated, I have never seen him this sad." Said Magnus as he goes to his mother and then Indah grab his hands.
"Magnus, do you love that Shadowhunter?" Asked Indah as she looks at Magnus.
"Of course I do, Alexander is the love of my life, why are you asking me this?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Magnus, when you and Alexander first met, you have already ended your relationship with Camille, you and Alexander have fell in love at first sight, and you couldn't keep away from each other, you two were like so perfect together." Said Indah as she smiles." Those were the most happiest moments that you and Alec have ever had, you and Alec really love each other."
That got Magnus to smile that his mother was right, he and Alec have loved each other so much, no matter how different they are or where they come from, they love each other for who they are, and then Indah started frown a bit.
"But do you remember the day you sacrifice yourself to Valentine Morgenstern in order to protect the downworlders?" Asked Indah as she looks at Magnus.
"Yes, why are you asking me that?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Magnus, when you sacrifice yourself to Valentine Morgenstern, Alexander became so devastated, he loved you so much, that he didn't want anything bad happen to you." Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." He was so upset that he spend those months trying to find you, but apparently during those, he almost tried to commit suicide."
When Indah have mention that to Magnus, it have got him to get really shock that Alec will tried to commit suicide, that at first he though that it wasn't true, but then another bright white appear, and then Magnus started to see that he was in rooftop of a building which he started to get really confuse.
Then Magnus have started hear some crying sounds, and he turn to see Alec standing at the edge of the roof, and it really shock him so much, and then as Alec was about to fall, Clary have started to come and was shock at what she is seeing.
"ALEC!" Shouted Clary as she runs to Alec.
"Don't move Clary, I mean it!" Said Alec as he stop Clary.
"Alec, what are you doing?!" Asked Clary as she look so shock." Get down from there now!"
"You know what I'm doing Clary, I just can't handle this anymore." Said Alec as he kept on crying.
"But I still don't understand why you're doing this Alec, I know you are upset, but why are you going this far?" Asked Clary looking really worried.
"Oh well let's see, Magnus have sacrificed himself to Valentine, and it's been months. . . MONTHS CLARY!" Shouted Alec as he look so upset." And I feel like I won't be able to see Magnus again, and I started to feel like I won't ever see him again!"
"Alec listen to me, I know how much you miss Magnus, but if you jump off the roof, you won't be able to see Magnus again." Said Clary as she looks so worried." Just come down there and let me help you."
"I know you want to help me Clary, but the truth is, I just can't take this anymore!" Said Alec as he turn around and was about to drop off.
"ALEC NO!" Shouted Clary in fear.
Then Clary started to run towards to Alec as Magnus was so shock and scared that his boyfriend was about to die by jumping of a roof, and then Clary grab Alec's arm and got him off the edge as Alec was struggling.
"Clary. . . Let me go!" Shouted Alec as he tried to get off of Clary's grip." I mean it. . . Let me go. . . I can't. . ."
"Please Alec. . . Stop this. . ." Said Clary as she won't let go of Alec." Just listen to me. . ."
"You can't help me, Alec!" Said Alec as he tried to get out of Clary's grip.
"Alec please. . . Please just. . . Listen to me for a second!" Said Clary as she hold Alec tightly." Listen to me!"
"You can't!" Shouted Alec as he was breaking out to cry.
"Just let me be here with you!" Said Clary s she hugs Alec.
"CLARY!" Shouted Alec in sadness.
"Please Alec. . . Please. . ." Said Clary as she and Alec fell to the ground." Please Alec. . . Calm down.
Then Alec stop struggling out of Clary's grip and then he started to cry in sadness as Clary tried to calm him down as she also ry as well. Magnus have never seen Alec that sad before and he never meant to make him feel so sad, then when he have realized that he is back at the "After Life" he started to look at his mother.
"I didn't know that I made Alec that upset, I mean I was only trying to protect him and my family, I didn't mean to make him feel upset." Said Magnus as tears came out of his eyes." This is all my fault, I was the one that made Alec feel so upset."
"Magnus, you sacrifice yourself to Valentine so you San protect your friends, and you didn't know this will happen." Said Indah as she looks at Magnus." You are a strong and honorable man Magnus, and you always vow to protect your loved ones."
"Yes but look what it almost got Alec to do mother, I was the one who made him feel like this, because I have to sacrifice myself to Valentine." Said Magnus as he started to fall to his knee's and cry." I don't even know if I'm strong, I feel like I was so weak and I couldn't be able to protect my love ones, I don't even know what to do."
Then when Indah saw how upset Magnus is as he was on his knees and crying, she started to smile softly at him and started to ask him a question.
"Magnus, let me ask you something." Said Indah as she look at Magnus." Who are you?"
"I don't know who I am." Said Magnus as tears came down." I just don't know who I am mother."
"Then why do you hesitate my son?" Asked Indah as she looks at Magnus.
"I don't know." Said Magnus as he look so confused.
Then as soon as when Magnus have said that as he kept on crying, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then Indah have started to sing as she was walking to Magnus and touch his shoulder, which cause Magnus to look at his mother.
Indah: I know a boy
From an country
He stands apart
From the crowd
He loves the friend
And his family
He makes his
Whole family proud
Sometimes the world
Seems against you
The journey may leave a scar
But scars can heal
And reveal just
Where you are
The people you
Love will change you
The things you have
Learned will guide you
And nothing on
Earth can silence
The quiet voice
Still inside you
And when that voice
Starts to whisper
You've come so far
Do you know
Who you are
Then when Magnus's mother have said that to Magnus as she took her hands, it got Magnus to think about who he really is after he always ask himself who he was after years he had spent, and then Magnus he started to look down at the ground.
"Who am I?" Asked Magnus as he let's go of his mothers hands and started to sing.
Magnus Bane: I am the warlock
Who loves my family
I'm the Warlock
Who loves my friends
They chose me
I am the High Warlock
Of Brooklyn
I was chosen
To protect the warlock's
Who put their
Trust in me
They chose me
I've delivered us
To where we are
I have journeyed farther
I am everything
I've learned and more
Still they chose me
Then all of a sudden, Magnus's magic have started to spread around him and his mother, and the magic started to show the memories of how Magnus accomplish so many good things, how he has many great friends, and a wonderful boyfriend, and then Magnus have started to smile as he started to sing.
Magnus Bane: And the call isn't
Out there at all
It's inside me
It's like the tide
Always falling and rising
I will carry you here in
My heart you'll remind me
That come what may
I know who I am
I am Magnus
That after when Magnus have finished singing, his magic have started to go around him, as many white flower petals and butterflies go around him, and then he smile that his magic is coming back to him and he feel more powerful than he have ever felt, and then his mother smile at him and started to speak.
"I ask again my son, who are you?" Asked Indah as she smiles and then Magnus reveal his cat eyes.
"I am Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and I vow to protect the ones I love!" Said Magnus as he feel proud of himself.
Then all of a sudden, Magnus's magic started to spread out with a golden color and then after that few moments, Magnus was now wearing his usual outfit, and he had never felt more happy than he ever was.
Then when Magnus turn to look at his mother with his cat eyes, Indah smile at Magnus at he gorgeous he looks with his cat eyes, and then she raise her arms to give him a hug, then Magnus goes to her and hugs her with full embrace.
"Thank you mama." Said Magnus as he hugs his mother.
"Your welcome my son, I'm always here for you whenever you feel lost or sad." Said Indah as she smiles at her son.
As Indah and Magnus kept on hugging each other in a beautiful and comfort embrace that they haven't had for a long time, all of a sudden, Magnus have began to glow in a bright blue light, which got him to stop hugging his mother and look really confused.
"Mother, what's happening to me?" Asked Magnus as he look confused.
"Your soul has chose that you should go back to your family and friends, your soul think it's not time for you to pass." Said Indah as she smiles at her son." It's time that you should go back now."
"What, no mama, I don't want to leave you." Said Magnus as he cries a bit." I can't leave you mama!"
"I have to my son, your family needs you more than ever, Alexander needs you." Said Indah as she strokes Magnus's cheek gently.
"I know that mama, but what about you, you have to be with." Said Magnus as he cries a bit.
"I'll be with you Magnus, even if you can't see me, I will always be with you at the stars." Said Indah as she smiles.
"Look up at the stars?" Asked Magnus as he look at his mother.
"Yes Magnus, they say that the stars in the night sky, the ones that you love will always be there for you, and they will always take care of you." Said Indah as she smiles at Magnus." Just promise me one thing Magnus, that you will always stay true to yourself and never stop believing in yourself."
Then Magnus look at his mother once she have said that to him and smile at him, then Magnus started to smile at her as he wipes his tears away, then he nodded his head and then Indah kiss his forehead and hug him one last time as Magnus hug her back.
"Aku cinta kamu, mama." Said Magnus as he smiles at his mother.
"Aku cinta kamu, Magnus." Said Indah as she smiles as well.
Then as soon as Magnus and Indah have both finished hugging each other, Magnus started to glow in a blue light and then he started to go back home while his mother smile at him one last time and was really proud of Magnus for who he is now, and Magnus have started to realize that he has the most important thing he always have, a family who loves him.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
Indah belong to me
The song that Indah sing to Magnus is a parody of "Carrie Reprise" from "Carrie: The Musical"
The song that Indah and Magnus Sind is a parody of "I Am Moana" from the movie "Moana"
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