Magnus's Sacrifice

A few hours later at the New York Institute, in Alec's bedroom, Alec was sitting on one side of his bed, while his beautiful warlock boyfriend Magnus was still sleeping at the other side of his bed. After being held captive by Valentine and his Circle Members for few hours, Alec really misses Magnus so much that he didn't want anything happen to him.

'Magnus looks so peaceful when he is sleeping, I love him so much.' Though Alec as he look at Magnus with a smile.' I don't want anything bad happen to him and I don't ever want anything bad happen to him.'

Then as Alec smile at his sleeping beautiful warlock boyfriend, Chairman Meow started to jump at the bed, then the cat started to go to Alec, then as it reach to Alec's lap, it started to rub its head at Alec with a soft purr, and Alec smile at the cat and pet him gently.

"Hey Chairman Meow." Said Alec as he smiles at the cat." I can see why Magnus really likes you, you always know how to make one of us feel better whenever we feel sad."

Then as Chairman Meow purr softly at Alec, the cat started to look at Magnus who is still sleeping, then Chairman Meow started to leave Alec's lap, and goes to Magnus as it rubs its head against Magnus's arm.

"I can see that you are really worried for Magnus, he'll be okay." Said Alec as he smiles at Chairman Meow.

Then a few minutes later, while Alec was rubbing Magnus's face gently, Magnus started to stir as he felt his boyfriends warm hand on his face and he opened his eyes, Alec got shock that he woken up Magnus, but Magnus wasn't upset or shocked, he just smile at Alec and sat up, and started to touch Alec's hand.

"Hey." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"Hey Magnus." Said Alec as he smiles back.

Then Alec started to kiss Magnus, as he felt like he was missing his lips from his few hours of captivity from Valentine and his Circle Members. Then Magnus started to kiss Alec back, then he cupped his boyfriend's cheeks as they started to make out a bit.

Then Alec started to lay Magnus on the bed as he was on top of him, and he started to kiss Magnus's neck, which Magnus started to moan a bit, then Alec started to travel down Magnus's body, as he kisses around his chest, which have cause Magnus to moan in pleasure.

Then as Alec continues to kiss at Magnus's chest, his mouth capture one of Magnus's nipples between his teeth and gave it a tentative bite, sucking on it slowly, and Alec watch with awe at how Magnus arched his back and cried out in sheer pleasure.

Magnus moan at how Alec was kissing his chest and how he is kissing his nipples, and wanted to keeping feeling the pleasure. Then Alec kiss all over Magnus's chest, then he kiss down to at Magnus's abs and he started to kiss at his navel, as his hands were at Magnus's chest and massage it a bit, which cause Magnus to moan in pleasure.

Then as Alec kept on kissing Magnus's navel, he started to trail some kisses at Magnus's abs, Alec started to kiss back up to his chest and neck, which cause Magnus to moan even more at how Magnus is kissing him and he continue to kiss him more. And then Magnus started to pull away and looked at Alec.

"Wow, someone's really happy to see that I'm awake." Said Magnus as he smiles.

"It's just that I really miss you so much." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.

"It's only been like few hours Alec." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.

"I know that, but it kinda felt like years." Said Alec as he smiles.

"Oh Alec, you can be a bit of a drama king." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec and started to hold his wrist.

But then after a few moments of holding Alec, Magnus started to realize that his skin was harder than it usually is, then Magnus started to look down and saw the chafing that had occurred around his boyfriend's wrist, and started to get worried.

When Alec started to see the look on Magnus's face, he started to realize that his wrist was still chafing when he was Valentine's prisoner, and then he started to look at Magnus with worried in his eyes.

"Magnus I can explain. . ." Said Alec as he tried to explain but Magnus kept rubbing his skin.

"What happened Alec?" Asked Magnus in a worry voice.

Apparently Alec started to see the worried look on Magnus's face, and he realize that he couldn't lie to him, and not wanting to worry his beautiful warlock boyfriend more than he already was, he started to explain him what really happen.

"During our mission to save the mundane's from the Circle Members, Valentine have capture me." Said Alec as he explains.

When Alec have told Magnus that, Magnus started to get really worried that all of this happen while he was asleep. And he started to grab Alec's face to see some injuries he have.

"Are you hurt?!" Asked Magnus in a worried voice.

As Magnus was cupping Alec's cheeks and turning his head to see any injures, he saw that there was a red mark that was starting to bruise on the back of Alec's head and neck from the leather strap that was tightly tied as his gag over his mouth, and then Magnus started to look at Alec.

"Alec, did all of this happened while I was asleep?!" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec with worry in his eyes.

"Magnus, I. . ." Said Alec as he was about to explain till Jace came in.

"Alec." Said Jace which got Alec and Jace to look at him.

"Jace, you okay?" Asked Alec as he look at his Parabatai.

"I'm okay, but we need you Alec, we have a bit of an situation." Said Jace as he started to get out of Alec's room.

"Magnus, I'll be right right back." Said Alec as he looks at Magnus.

Then Alec give Magnus a quick kiss on the lips, then he started to follow Jace as he closed his bedroom door. But Magnus was really upset about how Alec is injured by being kidnap by Valentine and his Circle Members. Then Magnus started to get out of Alec's bed, he started to put on his clothes, and started to leave the bedroom.

Then when Magnus have reach the main room, he saw his boyfriend and his friends looking really serious, so he hide to make that they don't see him, but making that he is listening to their conversations.

"How you doing Jace?" Asked Alec as he look at Jace.

"I'm doing good Alec, I'm really glad that Simon and the vampires got me out of there." Said Jace as he smiles at Simon.

"Its nothing Jace, just helping out friends." Said Simon as he smiles back at Jace.

"I just can't believe that Valentine went too far into attacking the mundanes just because he wanted Magnus." Said Clary as she sounded angry." I can't believe that I'm related to him."

"It's not your fault Clary, but we really need to stop Valentine, and more importantly we need to make sure that Magnus is safe." Said Izzy as she looks worried.

"Guys, there something you need to know, Valentine's Circle Member told me the second reason why Valentine wants to Magnus so badly." Said Alec as he looks at the others.

"What is it Alec?" Said Izzy as she and the others listen, unaware that Magnus is listening.

"We all know that Valentine wanted Magnus to be his lover whether he likes it or not right?" Asked Alec.

"Yeah, what about it Alec?" Asked Clary as she looks concerned.

"The Circle Member told me that as soon as Valentine get Magnus Bane, and get him to be the only downworlder in this world, he's going to get him to use his magic to defeat all our enemies and rule Alicante with and iron fist." Said Alec as he explains." And the Circle Members will be able to rule Alicante with their bare fists, when Magnus Bane becomes Valentines king."

Once Alec told the others about Valentine's plan, the others were really shock that Valentine will go that far, but Magnus was the most shock that Valentine will go that far. He couldn't believe that Valentine will go that far to make sure that he will get his hands on him.

"I can't believe it, Valentine is a psycho path, but that is so insane!" Said Izzy in anger.

"Valentine is going way too far, there's no way we are going to let that happen!" Said Jace in anger." And guess what, when Valentine notice I was glamouring as Magnus, he order his Circle Members to track down other warlock's and get them to tell them to bring Magnus to him, or they will suffer the consequences."

That got the others to get really shock and angry that Valentine is doing this to get Magnus to be his slave, but Magnus was the most shock, because his people and family are suffering consequences from Valentine all because he wanted him to be his sex slave.

As the others kept on talking, Magnus started to sneak pass them, and started to go outside of the Institute, and then he started to grab his hair, and started to feel really sad. Everyone he know and love is all suffering from Valentine's wrath all because he wanted Magnus so badly.

Then Magnus have started to realize that the only way to protect all his love ones is to give himself up to Valentine so he can protect them from his wrath. Then after a few moments later, Clary and Alec started to come outside of the Institute when they have realized that Magnus wasn't in Alec's bedroom, and saw Magnus outside and goes to him.

"Magnus, what are you doing out here, you had me worry sick!" Said Alec as he hugs Magnus tightly.

"When we saw that you weren't in the bedroom, we were so worried that you were kidnap." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus and saw that he's really upset." What's wrong?"

"I heard everything from your conversation, is it true that Valentine is trying to torture the other Warlock's?" Asked Magnus as he look at Clary and Alec.

That got Clary and Alec to get really shock that Magnus was listening to their conversation, but they know they can't lie to him, so Clary started to speak first.

"Yes, that's true, but Jace order the Shadowhunter's to go and save them from the Circle Members and make sure that they are protected." Said Clary as she explains.

But apparently Magnus started to pull away from Alec's hug, and he started to pull a bit of his hair, as he feel guilty about all of this, but then Clary started to speak.

"Magnus, this isn't your fault." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"Clary is right Magnus, none of this is your fault Magnus." Said Alec s he look at Magnus.

"He captured you Alec because he wanted me!" Said Magnus as tears came out of his eyes. "He was going to to kill you, because he wanted me, didn't he?!"

"Magnus, this isn't your fault, none of this is." Said Alec as he pull Magnus into a hug." I would do anything to protect you, I will even get torture if it meant that you'd be safe."

"But I wouldn't be safe Alec." Said Magnus as he pull away to look at Alec. "Valentine is doing this because you're important to me. He might do it again, whether it's you, Clary, Izzy, Jace, Catharina, Raphael, Madzie, or anyone else."

"Magnus, listen to me, we won't let any of this happen, Valentine might be a strong Shadowhunter, but we will not stop till he's capture!" Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." You are important Magnus, you are the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and our friend, and we made a promise that we won't let anything bad happen you!"

"Magnus, I won't let him." Said Alec as he looks at Magnus.

"No, I won't let him Alexander and Clary." Said Magnus as he looks at the two." Which is why I need you. . . To let me go."

When Magnus have said that, Clary's eyes began to go widen, while Alec's heart started to shatter into pieces. Alec wasn't going to let Magnus go to Valentine in order to protect him and the Downworld. He wasn't going to let Magnus become a slave to the former shadowhunter who wants to get rid of the Downworld.

Alec couldn't even bare to lose his beautiful warlock boyfriend who have helped him be true to himself, then Magnus started to held up the wrist that his cuff was one without saying a word, then Alec knew what he meant, Magnus needed the cuff to be removed in order to go to Valentine.

"No, no, no!" Said Alec as he started to stutter." You can't go to Valentine Magnus, there's no way I won't let Valentine take you and make you his slave."

"This is the only way to keep you safe Alexander, to keep you all safe." Said Magnus as he looks at Alec and Clary." This is what I have to do as a leader, as a friend, and as a boyfriend. Not only to protect my people but to protect you and the others, I love you so much Alec, and because of that, I have to do this."

"Magnus, don't do this, Valentine is a psycho path, you know what he always does to his prisoner's!" Said Clary as she started to shed a few tears in her eyes." You are like a dad to me, there's no way I'm going to let you become Valentine's slave!"

"Magnus please. . ." Said Alec as he fell on his knees and held Magnus' hand so tightly and began to cry." Please don't go to Valentine, you don't know what he'll do you!"

"Alec's right, I may not know my father, but he won't have mercy!" Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"Please, Magnus, stag with me!" Said Alec as he kept on crying." Magnus I love you more than I love myself, my sister, Jace, and my parents and Max, I love you too much to let you go!"

"I love you too Alec, I love you so much more." Said Magnus as he look at Alec with some tears coming out of his eyes.

Then Magnus started to lean to Alec and kiss him, then Alec got up and held on to that heated kiss for as long as he could, but he didn't know that Magnus use his hand to release the cuff from his wrist, then Magnus started to pull away from Alec, and then tears sting in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Alexander and Clary." Said Magnus as he still have tears in his eyes." But this is the only way to keep you all safe."

Then Alec and Clary have saw that the magic dampening bracelet is not on his wrist, Magnus magic returned to his hands and his paleness disappeared, then Magnus open a portal quickly and before he could go, Alec started to grab his arm, not letting him go.

"Magnus, please don't go, I love you so much, I can't lose you!" Said Alec as he cried and hugs Magnus hard.

"I love you too, Alexander." Said Magnus as he hugs Alec and cries." But I have too, so goodbye Alexander!"

Then Magnus violently push Alec off of him, then Magnus ran into the portal, and Clary tried to stop Magnus.

"MAGNUS NO!" Shouted Clary.

But apparently Clary was too late, and the portal have started to close as soon as Magnus was gone.

"Magnus!" Shouted Alec in sadness.

Alec have started to fall to the ground with sadness and started to cry. His beautiful warlock boyfriend was now gone, and Valentine would have him soon and Alec would never see him again, then Clary started to kneel down to him and hug him for comfort as she also cries that her best warlock friend is gone and becoming Valentine's slave.

After a few short moments, Magnus was now in a deep dark woods, then he saw a big mansion that looks abandon, meaning that it must be where Valentine is hiding. Magnus thought of Valentine, looking at his cold, dark eyes, and realize that he was going to be a prisoner to him.

But he'd do anything to keep his friends and family safe. And most importantly, he will do anything to keep his Alec safe. Then Magnus started to wipe his nose and his tears to calm down, then he started to take a deep breath, and walk towards the mansion keeping his head up high to keep Valentine from making him even more upset and sad than he already was.

Then as Magnus approach to the mansion, he started to feel his magic rushing through his fingers, but calm down and his magic started fade away from his hands, then Magnus walk towards the door, and was met with some Circle Members who were guarding the doors.

Then when they have saw Magnus approaching, they all held out their seraph blades to him, but then Magnus didn't even put up a fight, and he started to held his hands out in defeat.

"I'm not here to fight, I heard that Valentine wanted me." Said Magnus as he look at them." Take me to him now."

When Magnus have said that, the Circle Members started to look at each other in confusion that Magnus is giving himself up, but they decided to do what Magnus have said to them, then some began to grab him by the hands and pull him as hard as they could through the door and towards wherever Valentine was.

Then they arrived at a room that has the door closed, then one Circle Members told the others to stay outside with Magnus so he can inform Valentine, then he went inside the room to see Valentine sitting at a couch reading a book.

"Valentine?" Said the Circle Member.

But Valentine didn't even bother to look up from the book he is reading, he was enrage at the fact that he hasn't had Magnus, and Valentine didn't turn around as he closed the book really hard.

"I thought I told you to not disturb me unless you found a way to capture Magnus without hurting him." Said Valentine as he growled.

"We have Valentine." Said the Circle Member." It appears that Magnus Bane have just give himself up."

When the Circle Member have said that, Valentine started to drop the journal in his hands and turned around to face him, he was really shock that Magnus Bane is here, then he started to smirk and started to smirk.

"That's great news, I need you to do something for me." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly.

Then after a few moments later, the Circle Member started to come out of the room after talking with Valentine, then the Circle Members have started to wait for their orders while Magnus looked really scared about what's going to happen.

"Valentine wanted us to take Magnus to the bath so he can get himself cleaned up, and bring him to the dining room." Said the Circle Member.

Then when the Circle Members have nodded their heads, some of them began to take Magnus to the bathroom while some stay with the Circle Member to get the dining room ready.

Then when Magnus have arrived at the bathroom, he was a bit amazed at how it looks, it has many beautiful gold designs on the walls, a big round bathtub in the middle of the room, and some mirrors on the walls, and then a Circle Member came with some fresh new clothes and give it to Magnus.

"You might as well get freshen up Magnus Bane, Valentine hates waiting." Said the Circle Members.

Then as soon as all the Circle Members have left and closed the door, Magnus started to put the new pair of clothes on the sink countertop, then as he started to fill the tub with hot water, he took off his clothes and his jewelry, except the necklace that has the star jewel that connects him to Alec, and he started to take a bath.

As he washes himself for a few minutes later, he started to dry himself and the he started to put on the new fresh of clothes that the Circle Members have gave him. He is now wearing a dark blue button up long-sleeve shirt, a black blazer coat, dark red dressed pants, and dark gray boots on.

As soon as he finished fixing his hair, put on his makeup, and put on his jewelry, he started to take a deep breath, and left the bathroom meeting some Circle Members outside waiting for him. Then they started to lead him to the dining room where Valentine is waiting for him, and when they have arrived, Magnus saw Valentine standing at a table that has a candle at dinner.

Magnus was trying to keep his breathing under control, looking at the Circle Leader and making sure he won't let his magic out of control. Then as the the Circle Members brought Magnus to Valentine, he started to smirk and look at his Circle Members.

"Leave us." Said Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.

Then all the Circle Members all left the High Warlock with Valentine alone in the dining room. Then Valentine started to move a chair for Magnus to sit, at first Magnus was a bit tense, but then he started to sit down, and then Valentine started to sit down as well.

"What made you decide to come Magnus Bane?" Asked Valentine as he smiles at Magnus." I know that this isn't a plan from the shadowhunters or the Clave, cause they wouldn't allow it, so what made you come."

"You did Valentine." Said Magnus as he look at Valentine with no fear." You made me come to you."

When Magnus have said that, Valentine's yellow teeth shine through his lips as he smiles, which Magnus wanted to puke just being this close to the man, but decided to hold it in, and look at Valentine.

"I'm glad that you're here, I was getting frustrated trying to find you." Said Valentine as he looks at Magnus." I have big plans for us, once I. . ."

But before Valentine could say anything else, Magnus started to do something that made him realize that it will be a big rush, he started to grab a knife at the table, then he got up and point that knife at his heart, which got Valentine to get up from the table looking shock.

"Okay Valentine, let me make this very clear, I agree to stay with you and your Circle Members." Said Magnus as he look at Valentine with a glared." But if I agree to become your sex slave or whatever you want me to be, you have to leave all the downworlders, the Shadowhunter's, my friends, and family alone. Got it?"

Before Valentine's could say anything, Magnus have pulled the knife closer to where his heart is and started to speak again.

"If you even think about lying to me or break that promise, I will kill myself, I don't care what will happen to me, but I will murder myself if you ever think about getting rid of all the downworlders." Said Magnus as he glared at Valentine.

Valentine wanted to denied it, but his obsession for Magnus is much more stronger than ever, and then he realized that he had no choice. Then he started to go to Magnus and kissed his forehead, which was grossed out Magnus and want to kill him right now, but he couldn't, cause he was doing this for his friends, family, and for Alec.

"I promise you Magnus Bane, you're friends will remain unharmed." Said Valentine as he look at Magnus.

Then Magnus started to look into Valentine's to make sure that he isn't lying, then when he saw that he isn't lying, he started to put down the knife at the table and nodded, he then realized that this is his life now, and have to stay here to keep the love of his life safe.

Then Valentine grab Magnus's wrists and pulled him closer to him, and capturing his lips in a kiss, and it was really vile to Magnus being kissed by Valentine Morgenstern, the one Shadowhunter that wants to kill many innocent downworlders and Shadowhunter's.

'Oh god, how can Jocelyn like kissing this man, but most importantly, how did she ever fall in love with him?!' Thought Magnus in disgust and Valentine pulled back.

"You're going to have to kiss me back Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he looks at Magnus." If you want you precious downworld friends, your family, and friends alive, kiss me now."

That got Magnus to let a tear slip past his defenses, but he had no choice, and he had to protect all the downworlders and his family and friends. Then Valentine have kiss him again, and Magnus started to kiss back, he didn't enjoy it at all and thought it was horrible, and Valentine let's go of the kiss.

"Now that was an enjoyment I've been waiting for." Said Valentine as he smirks." Follow me now."

Then as Valentine began to walk and Magnus following him, Magnus make sure that Valentine isn't looking and started to wipe his lips from the kiss that Valentine give him and thought it was so disgusting, which it was. Then after a few moments later, Valentine brought Magnus to a bedroom that has a king size bed, beautiful blue walls with silver designs, a black makeup vanity, and a white wardrobe.

"This is your new room for now on Magnus, if you need anything, my Circle Members will attend you." Said Valentine as Magnus walk inside the room." And one more thing, my Circle Member made sure that the whole place is safe with our magic ward so you won't escape."

Then Valentine kissed Magnus again and left the room as he closed the door and locked it. Then Magnus started to go to the bed and started to lay down, and look at the star necklace that is connected to Alec. He started to cry in sadness because he now misses Alec so much, but he has to do this, even if he doesn't like it.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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