Magnus Injured
Meanwhile in the Institute, Alec was checking to see if the other Shadowhunter's who survive the Circle Member ambush are okay, they all seem okay but they have some minor injuries, then Alec have started to go to Jace, Izzy, and Clary to ask them how are the others doing.
"Hey guys, how are the others doing so far?" Asked Alec as he looks at his siblings and friends.
"They are doing okay, they survive the attack, but they have minor injuries, we are still checking on them." Said Izzy as she explains.
"Yeah, apparently Valentine must've train his Circle Members to become more stronger." Said Clary as she looks worried." I'm just really glad that Magnus is safe now."
"Yeah, if he were here, then it would've put him in more danger." Said Izzy as she agrees with Clary.
When Clary and Izzy have both mention about Magnus, it got Alec to get really upset when they mention his beautiful warlock boyfriend, since he can't go back to him because the Circle Members might follow, he has to stay with his siblings and friends so he can be safe, which made Alec really hate himself.
Then Jace started to look at Alec, and he saw that he was really upset and sad that he can't go back to Magnus and see if he is okay, and then he started to put his hand on Alec's shoulder.
"Alec, calm down, we will figure out a way to get to Magnus, but until then we gotta make sure that he is safe and that the other Circle Members don't know where he is." Said Jace as he looks at his Parabatai.
"You're right Jace, I'm just really worried about him right now, all I know is that Magnus doesn't want to be all alone." Said Alec as he looks worried.
"Don't worry Alec, I'm sure that Magnus is okay, in the meantime we need to check on the other Shadowhunter's." Said Izzy as she looks at Alec and the others.
So Alec, Izzy, Jace, and Clary have all started to go and check on the injured Shadowhunter's and hope that they are all okay and healed.
Meanwhile back in Magnus's loft, Magnus had started to woke up from his sleep. Magnus had been enjoying his good sleep after he lost a few sleeps for a few days, but apparently he can't sleep much longer and had to get up right now. So Magnus started to opened his eyes and slowly sat up from his bed, then he started to stretch his muscles.
Then Magnus started to see that the covers were still over him, then Magnus started to rub his hair to move it out of his face, and then he started to look around to see where he is, and he saw that he is in his loft. Magnus didn't remember coming back home and getting some good rest, and he realized that Alec isn't with him.
"Alexander?" Said Magnus as he started to look at the other side of the bed and saw Chairman Meow sleeping next to him.
Then Magnus started to feel really upset and disappointed that he was all alone in his loft, then Magnus started to get out of his bed, then he started to grab a hand mirror at his his bedside table and started to look at himself in the mirror, and he started to see that he doesn't have his makeup and earrings on.
Then he must've realized that Alec must have removed his makeup and his earrings off of him when he was letting him sleep in peace. It got Magnus to chuckle at how his beautiful shadowhunter boyfriend was so kind to him and care about him so much.
Then Magnus started to snap his fingers as he magic appear in his hands and his makeup is fixed on his face, he is wearing glittering golden and black eyeshadow on his eye lids which make him so attractive and Magnus will know that Alec will find him so attractive. Then he started to fix his hair and has two blue highlights on.
Then Magnus set the mirror down and he started to walk around his loft to look for his boyfriend.
"Alexander, are you here?" Said Magnus hoping that he isn't alone.
Magnus didn't want to be all alone. The last thing he wanted is to be all alone and he doesn't like it one bit. Especially not after the whole thing with almost being. . . Raped by that monster, Valentine.
"Alec, where are you, are you here?" Said Magnus as he called out for Alec.
But after a few seconds, there wasn't any response, and Magnus have started to realize that it was just him and his cat Chairman Meow. Then Magnus started to sigh in sadness, then he started to snap a glass of red wine into his hand, and then he started to sip the drink and took a seat on his couch.
Sometimes alcohol always made Magnus feel better whenever he felt lonely or sad. He didn't have his boyfriend Alexander here with him to comfort him when he feels sad and lonely, so all he had was different cocktails drinks.
Then Chairman Meow started to go to Magnus, after of have woken up from his nap, then he started to jump up at the couch, then goes to Magnus and rubs it head at Magnus's leg which got Magnus to smile at his cat and put him cup down.
"Why hello there my little kitty cat." Said Magnus as he pick his cat up and put him on his lap." I see that you've been fed by Alexander, he must've went back to the Institute, are you thirsty?"
When Magnus have said, all of a sudden, just as Chairman Meow was about to meow, Magnus's door was started to be violated by loud banging sound from the outside of the loft. It got Magnus to get startle and he jump up from his seat, as he was gripping Chairman Meow tightly which got the cat to get scare from the loud banging noise, and the door kept banging.
"Open this door now!" Shouted a voice from the other side.
Then Magnus put his cat down, then he started to held up his hand and use his magic to summon a fireball, and he was scared of what might to come through that door. But Magnus was started to get really confuse because the door kept on banging, but didn't break down yet, he expected the door to open already because the wood wasn't that strong.
Then Magnus started to walk a bit closer to the door to see why it hasn't open yet, and saw the imprint of a rune on his door, meaning that Alec must've made a protective rune so no one will break in.
"Thank you Alexander." Said Magnus as he smiles a bit.
Then as he step away from the door, he started to go to the couch to get his cat and got him in his arms, and the he started to form a portal to the Institute so he can get safe from whoever is trying to break in his home.
As he tried to create a portal, his magic was still weak from his torment but he tried his best to get somewhere save, then Magnus's hands began to hurt from how much magic was was trying to do, but he finally made a purple portal. Chairman Meow was still in Magnus's arms, look confused about what was going on.
Then just as Magnus was about to go through the portal, the door was kicked open, the door fell down to the floor and a dozen Circle members ran inside, carrying seraph blades looking for Magnus.
"There his is!" Shouted a Circle Member when he saw Magnus." Get him before he escaped!"
Then Magnus ran inside the portal as soon as he saw the men with red circle brands on their neck, but Magnus didn't run fast enough, and one of the Circle Members threw his seraph blade at him and it hit him right in the back as he ran, but he ran inside the portal.
Then the portal have close and Magnus was gone and his is heading to the Institute, but he was injured. Then as he have escape, the Circle members started to screamed in anger that they didn't capture Magnus as their leader told them to do.
"Dammit, Magnus Bane have got away!" Shouted a Circle Member in anger." Valentine will kill us if he knows we didn't capture him!"
"Wait, didn't he also say that we shouldn't hurt the warlock?" Asked one the second Circle Member.
It has gotten the Circle Member who threw his seraph blade at Magnus to get really scared and nervous when the second Circle Member have said that.
"Oh boy, Valentine also says not to harm Magnus Bane, now he is really going to kill us, and I don't like to see him angry, now what are we going to do?" Asked a third Circle Member.
"Don't worry, we will get Magnus Bane, he will slip up soon, and when he does, we'll capture him and bring him to Valentine." Said the second Circle Member.
"And how are we going to do that, we gotta finish the job, and you know Valentine hates waiting." Said the third Circle Member.
"Well, Magnus Bane isn't going anywhere, he looks too weak to do another magic spell, and once we get him, will bring him to Valentine." Said the second Circle Member as he smirks evilly.
"Good, now contact the members all around New York City, we need to make sure that they are keeping an eye out for Magnus Bane." Said the second Circle Member.
"But remember!" Said the Circle Member leader as everyone turned to look at him. "No one contacts Valentine until we have the warlock, if he finds out that we don't have the warlock yet, he will have our heads."
Then all the Circle Members have all started to leave Magnus's loft and start to look for the warlock and they hope that they will find him soon or Valentine will get so angry, and they don't really like seeing him anger.
Meanwhile back at the New York Institute, Alec had been helping the members of the Institute rebuild the building that the Circle Members destroy, some of the computers are back online and all the Shadowhunter's that are injured are being tended to in the infirmary.
Jace had been bruised pretty badly, while Clary has a cut at her arm, and Izzy has a bad bruise at her face, so right now Jace was applying some hot water to help his bruises, while Clary is get medical treatment for her arm, and Izzy has hot water for her bruise on her face.
"Thanks Alec." Said Jace as Alec remove the rag on one of his bruises.
"Yeah, the fight we had was really tense." Said Clary as she clean the blood from her arm.
"And this bruise on my face really hurts, those Circle Members can really put up a fight." Said Izzy as she put some ointment in her face.
"You don't have to thank me guys." Said Alec as he looks at his siblings and friend." I'm always here for you whenever there is danger."
Then Jace started to stand up to grab a shirt, while Clary puts a bandage around her arm that has the cut, and Izzy finish treating her face.
"Have you gotten in contact with Magnus yet?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.
"No, I haven't received anything." Said Alec in disappointed.
For the past few hours, Alec hadn't heard anything from Magnus's loft and he wasn't even allowed to contact him to make sure he is okay, but it was the only way to protect him and keep him away from the Circle's clutches and from Valentine.
But no matter how much it killed Alec, he knew that he was doing the right thing, but he really wanted to see his beautiful warlock boyfriend, to know that he's alright, that he'a safe and away from Valentine's obsessive and evil ass.
"I'm so worried about him you guys." Said Alec as he rub his head." I can't call Magnus, text him, or even send him a fire message, I don't even know if he's still safely at his loft. . ."
"Alec I'm pretty sure that Valentine doesn't know where Magnus' loft is." Said Jace as he calm Parabatai." There is no way that Valentine will find him there."
"Jace is right Alec, you're over thinking things." Said Izzy as she looks at her brother." Like you do all the time whenever you are worried."
"I think I have the right this time you guys." Said Alec as he sits down." It's just that. . . I love him so much."
"We know you do Alec." Said Jace as he looks at Alec." And we'll find a way to get in contact with him or bring him here to the Institute safely, we promise."
"In the meantime, we really need to find Valentine and bring him to the Clave." Said Izzy as she looks at the others.
"Yeah, but it might be hard t find him." Said Clary as she explains." I mean, he could be any. . ."
But before Clary can finish what she was about to say, all of a sudden, loud crash came from another room, which have caught Alec Jace, Izzy, and Clary's attention. They were a bit shock and scare thinking that it might be the Circle Members attacking again.
So Jace, Izzy, and Clary have pull out their seraph blade and Alec grabbed his bow in case if they need to attack. Then they ran out of the room they were in and started to run to the source of where the loud crash was coming from. They were really hoping that it was Valentine trying to attach so they can capture or maybe one of his Circle Members.
But none of their answers were correct. Then they all turn to the corner to one of the halls in the Institute and they were all shock to see what made the loud crash. Right at the floor of the Institute was Magnus Bane, he crashed into one of the tables in the hall, which have broke and he was holding his cat in his arms.
"Magnus!" Yelled Alec yelled as he drop his bow and runs down to his boyfriend.
Then the others runs to him to see if Magnus is okay. There was blood dripping down his back from the blade that the Circle Member have thrown, his face was really pale and he was clutching his cat, Chairman Meow in his arms.
"I'm going to go get some help for Magnus." Said Jace as he runs out of the hall to get help.
Then as Jace left to get some help, Clary started to take Chairman Meow fromMagnus's arm and care for the cat, while Izzy came back with a medical kit, and Alec pulled Magnus into his arms and he clutched his cheek as he was really worried for Magnus.
"Magnus, baby you are going to be okay, just hold still for a moment." Said Alec as he still hold Magnus in his arms." Please, hold still for me baby, we are going to get the blade off of you."
Then as Alec kept on holding Magnus in his arms, Izzy started to grip the handle of the blade and slowly started to pull it out from Magnus's back. Then Magnus started to scream in pain as the blade was coming out of his back, and he started to slam his fists onto the tiles of the ground and tried to move.
Alec held Magnus into his arms as Izzy got the blade out of his back, and he held Magnus to his neck as he rolled in pain. Then as Izzy got the blade out of Magnus's back, he back started to bleed badly, and Izzy got a clothing Magnus's back so it won't bleed more.
"Magnus you need to heal yourself now." Said Alec as he still held Magnus in his arm." Please heal yourself baby!"
Then Magnus try his very best to heal himself from the attack that the Circle Members, but the pain was unbearable, the blade had hit bone and Magnus was having a hard time trying to heal himself. Then Jace have return with some of the shadowhunters that worked in the infirmary.
They were carrying a cot and they gently started to pull Magnus onto it. Then Alec follow as quick as he could, holding Magnus' hand all the while, then as the shadowhunter's have pushed Magnus into the infirmary, Alec was about to go in to make sure that Magnus is okay, but Jace pushed him back.
"Alec you can't go in there!" Said Jace as he looks at Alec.
"He's hurt Jace!" Shouted Alec as he try to push through his parabatai." Jace, let me go, I need to see him, please!"
"Alec, you can't go in there now." Said Jace as he looks at Alec." They need to take care of Magnus first. It's going to be okay."
Then as soon as Jace have says that, Alec didn't realize that he was crying, his eyes were dripping wet, and he fell to his knees and cried, then Jace was still holding onto him and calming him down. Alec didn't know how long they had been standing there, it felt like a while and he saw his little sister and Clary running up to him.
"How's Magnus doing?" Asked Izzy looking so worried.
"We're not sure yet, they are still trying to heal him, but I think he's going to be okay." Said Jace as he explains.
Then Clary look at Alec as she saw how upset he looks, then Clary look at the Chairmen Meow, who is still in Clary's arms, and saw that he looks worried for Magnus as well.
"Are you gonna be okay Alec?" Asked Clary as she looks at Alec.
"I just need a minute to get some fresh air." Said Alec as he got up." Call me when they have anything on Magnus."
The. Alec turned and walked away from the infirmary, the he grab his leather jacket and his bow and started to head to the exit of the Institute. Alec wanted to go and find Valentine, and kill him with his bare hands, for what he did and what he's going to do to Magnus.
But what he didn't know is that Clary was looking for him and saw him going out of the Institute and she started to know where he is going, so she started to grab her seraph blade, then she puts Chairman Meow down to her bed and started to follow Alec so he won't get hurt when Alec finds Valentine and one of his Circle Members.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
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