
Meanwhile back at Magnus's loft, the Circle Members have all enter the loft with Valentine behind them, when Valentine have enter the loft, he was really inspire at how great taste Magnus has, when he was inside of Magnus's body, he only see the entrance of his loft.

But now that Valentine is back in his own body, he is now exploring Magnus's loft and is really inspired at how Magnus lived, then as he walks into the living room, he started to sit down on the couch and smirk.

"My, my, my, Magnus Bane really does have great taste in furniture and knows how to decorate." Said Valentine as he smirks.

Then when the Circle Members are looking around the loft, one of them started to look really annoyed that their leader is asking them to capture Magnus Bane to him unharmed, and then Valentine started to look at his soldiers and started to speak.

"Alright now, try to track down Magnus Bane now!" Said Valentine as he started to get really impatient.

"Okay, I have enough of this now, Valentine as much as I always respect you, why do you want us to capture this warlock?" Asked one of the Circle Members." I mean I was really shock that you want this warlock, I mean you hated the Downworld more than anything, so why do you want this warlock so badly?"

That got the other Circle Members to get really shock that one of the members have asked Valentine that, but they were also really curious as well on why Valentine wanted Magnus Bane so badly.

Then Valentine started to get up from the couch and started to go to the Circle Member, then the other Circle Members have all started to get really scared to what Valentine will do, then as Valentine is standing in front of the Circle Member that ask him the question, he started to raise his hand.

Then the Circle Member have started to close his eyes waiting for a punch from Valentine, but to his surprise, there wasn't a punch at all, in fact Valentine have just put his hand at the Circle Members shoulder, which shock the others, and then Valentine started to speak.

"You know, I have been waiting for some of you to ask me that question, and since you ask I will tell." Said Valentine as he looks outside the window." When I was inside of Magnus Bane's body, I have a felt a connection between the two of us, like I felt when I had a connection with Jocelyn."

"Wait, are you saying that you are falling in love with that warlock, and why have you suddenly started to love that downworlder?" Asked one of the Circle Members looking really shock.

"Because when I was in his body, the connection between the two of us have become so strong, I have started to realize why Alexander Gideon Lightwood love that warlock so much." Said Valentine as he look outside the window and smirk evilly.

"Okay, so what's this got to do with any of this?" Asked the second Circle Member.

"Well, I know that you all might think that this might be a crazy idea, but since apparently I started to feel a connection between Magnus Bane, I really wanted to marry him and make him my king, and that's why I wanted you all to find him and bring him to me." Said Valentine as he looks at his Circle Members.

"Okay, but even if we capture the warlock for you, what's in it for all of us?" Asked the third Circle Member.

"Ha ha ha, I heard you, now what's in it for you all?" Asked Valentine as he look his Circle Members." Well, let me show you all."

Then Valentine have started to take out his stele, then as he was about to activate a rune to show his plan, he held out his hand to one of his Circle Members, then as they took each other's hands, Valentine started to activate his rune and started to show the vision of his plan to his Circle Members and started to speak.

"You see my strongest soldiers, as soon as I get Magnus Bane into my arms, and get him to be the only downworlder in this world, I'm going to get him to use his magic to defeat all our enemies and rule Alicante with our own hands." Said Valentine as he smirks." And we will be able to rule Alicante with our bare fists, when Magnus Bane becomes my king."

Then when the vision of Valentine's plan have started to disappear, all the Circle Members have all started to understand why Valentine wanted Magnus Bane so badly, and they all started to smirk as they all like the plan.

"You all seem to love the plan." Said Valentine as he chuckled a bit." So, do we all now understand each other?"

Then the Circle Members have all started to look at each other with smirks on their face, then they all started to look at Valentine and one of them started to speak.

"We will do as you wish Valentine!" Said one of the Circle Members.

"Good, now don't waste anymore time, go and try to tracking down Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.

So all the Circle Members have all started to try to track down Magnus Bane while Valentine is waiting to get Magnus Bane into his arms. A few hours went by, and Valentine was just sitting on the couch in Magnus' loft, looking so impatient for Magnus Bane.

Valentine has been in this apartment for more than an hour and his men haven't been able to get a connection on the warlock, which got Valentine to get really annoyed because he was suppose to have the best soldiers.

The Circle Members all look like as if they were struggling so hard to see him in their minds and yet they can't be able to track Magnus Bane. They all tried everything they could to track him down. They all tried one of Magnus's jackets, his sweaters, his shirts, his pants, his jewelry, the couch cushions, and even all the books that Magnus reads.

They were even do desperate enough to try his underwear to track him down, which kinda end Valentine to punch one of his men for disrespecting Magnus and it kinda scare one of his men.

But no matter how hard the Circle Members tried, they all couldn't be able see Magnus or know where he is, some of Valentine's men were even parabatai and they attempt to use their parabatai tracking to get to Magnus Bane, but they still couldn't see him or know where he is.

Then Valentine was starting to make some fists when he saw each of his men all fail and are at trying to find Magnus Bane, it angered him so much that he wanted Magnus Bane and he wanted him now.

Then Valentine saw one of his men trying to track Magnus through a dark blue jean jacket, which is a really attractive jacket he can give Magnus that, and then the Circle Member started to look over at Valentine, then he place the jacket down and started to approach to his leader and look defeated.

"Sir, we have tried everything we could to track down the warlock." Said the Circle Member." We couldn't be able to find Magnus Bane."

That got Valentine to get so angry, that he started to stand up from the couch, and he started to back handed the Circle Member as soon as he said Magnus's full name, and Valentine was fuming with rage that he started to look at the other Circle Members.

"Do you all really think that I'm an idiot?!" Shouted Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.

"Of course not Valentine, we are trying our best to find him." Said the Circle Members as they looks at their leader." But it seems like the Shadowhunter's must either be keeping him somewhere with water or. . ."

But then when the Circle Member have said that, it got Valentine to a sudden realization at what he have said, and then he started to punch Magnus's coffee table in a fit of rage, which cause the glass and wood to break as soon as they connected, the Circle Members that were close to Valentine all started to jump back from the moment Valentine punch the table.

"They're blocking off his magic." Said Valentine in anger." You can't be able track a warlock if you can't feel his magic!"

Then Valentine's Circle Members have all place down the items that they were using to track down Magnus Bane and they all stood right near Valentine, and then Valentine started to get really angry which got the Circle Members to get really scare.

He had been apart from Magnus for far too long and he hated it every second, he wanted the warlock with him and he wanted him now. He wanted Magnus to be at his side and being his lover in more ways that Jocelyn ever was or tried to be, to him Magnus Bane was special to him, and Valentine swore to the angel that he would be his forever.

"Ugh, I have been waiting for far too long, I want Magnus Bane and I want him now!" Said Valentine in anger.

"We are trying Valentine, but like you said that Shadowhunter's must've block his magic, and it's wasting out time." Said one of the Circle Members as he look at the jewelry he was using to track Magnus." Why can't we just lure him out, like use some kind of bait to get him to us?"

When one of the Circle Members have said that, it have gotten to get Valentine to get really shock that he hadn't thought of that soon, and he started to look at the Circle Member who have said that.

"You, what is your name?" Asked Valentine as he look at the Circle Member.

"It's Jacob." Said the Circle Member named Jacob.

"Well Jacob, you are so smarter than I ever thought." Said Valentine as he smirk.

When Valentine have said that, it have got Jacob and the rest of the Circle Members to get really shock to what Valentine have said, and then Jacob started to speak.

"I'm very flatter for what you said Valentine, but what do you mean?" Asked Jacob looking confused.

"Like you said Jacob, we're going to have to lure him out." Said Valentine as he walk around the loft and look at the photos." Since Magnus is a man of family and friends, and he adores everyone he knows, we'll have to play with his emotions to get to him."

"That's a good idea Valentine, but there's only one problem, how exactly are we supposed to lure him, if he has so many love ones?" Asked one of the Circle Members.

"Magnus Bane has so many friends and family members he love so much, there has to be someone who he loves so much, and we could use them to lure him out." Said Valentine as he look at the photos.

Valentine saw a photo of Magnus Bane alone, wearing a dark red blazer shirt that open up a bit to see his chest, has black tight pants on, has gold eyeshadow on, and wears black leather low heeled boots on, Valentine also thinks that Magnus look so attractive in the pictures, then he took the picture and shoved it into the inside pocket of his jacket.

Until he and Magnus Bane are together, the photo of the beautiful and attractive downworlder would have to do for Valentine for now on, then Valentine continue to look at the photos that Magnus had in his loft and then he came across one photo of him and Alec.

The photo that Valentine is looking is the one they had taken on one of their dates, and the two could have been more in love in that moment as they both stare at each other in the eyes. Valentine chuckled, taking the photo and holding it up.

"Ah, the Lightwood Shadowhunter boy." Said Valentine as he rub his thumb on the small photographed version of Alec's cheek. "The two of them must be close, since they are both. . . Boyfriends and lovers."

Valentine have spat those last three words with a bit of rage in his voice, then he saw three photos on the table with Magnus and Alec in them. One picture had Alec and Magnus sitting together at a table having a meal together, and one has Alec and Magnus at a party having a great time.

Then there was one picture where Alec pulled Magnus in for the kiss and look like they are having a romantic time together, Valentine saw that their lips were together and they looked so happy in the photo.

It made Valentine so angry to see this weak shadowhunter kissing his future warlock king, then Valentine started to make a an evil sly smile and then he turned to his men and started to speak.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood and Magnus Bane seems to be so close, and they'd do anything for them." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly." If we can capture Alexander Gideon Lightwood, we can be able to lure Magnus Bane, and capture him."

"But there's one problem Valentine, Alexander Gideon Lightwood is one of the best Shadowhunter's in New York City, how exactly are we suppose to capture him?" Asked one of the Circle Members.

"Alexander Gideon Light is a Shadowhunter that vows to protect all the mundanes from any danger, we just need to set a trap for him, and if we capture him, we capture Magnus Bane." Said Valentine as he smirks evilly." I have a job for all of you, I want you to attack the mundanes to get the attention of those shadowhunter's, find Alec Lightwood and bring him to me, so we can use him to lure Magnus Bane."

"You got it Valentine." Said one of the Circle Members.

"And before you do that, report some other Circle Members back here, so that the can alert me of some Shadowhunter's are coming here." Said Valentine as he look at his Circle Members.

Then the Circle Members nod, then they left the loft with seraph blade in their hands, to attack the mundanes to please their leader, then one they were all gone, Valentine started to walk into the Magnus's bedroom and was amazed at how it look.

His fingers started to rub against the wood of the dressers and then he started to rub his fingers at the soft sheets of his bed. He saw that the king sized bed had more than enough room for two, it cause Valentine to lick his lips, thinking of sharing the bed with Magnus once he gets him.

Then Valentine started to open one of the drawers that Magnus kept his clothes in, then Valentine pull out a dark green long-sleeve shirt, his obsession was getting stronger, since he's been away from Magnus too long, Valentine wanted him so badly.

Then Valentine crunch the shirt and shove it into his nose, smelling the sweet scent of Magnus Bane. He doesn't know what's wrong with him, but he started to like it, Valentine love this feeling his body and brain was creating ever since he and Magnus switched bodies back, and he longed to be close to Magnus's body again.

Valentine smell one Magnus's shirts, he fell back onto Magnus' huge bed, and moaned a bit when he pulled back again, Valentine longed for Magnus, he needed him so much. Then as Valentine got up, he look over at Magnus's closet, then he opened the closet and saw many beautiful long and extensive collection of dark, colorful and shiny clothes.

Valentine admit that Magnus has good taste in clothes, then he pulled off one of his jackets that is dark red with silver trims on and he rub the leather fabric against his fingers, and started to smirk evilly.

Then Valentine started to take off his jacket and puts on Magnus's jacket, and it felt like to be in his body again, and it made Valentine smiled as he look at the jacket. Then he heard some footsteps coming from the entrance of the loft and he felt like it's one of his Circle Members and he was right.

"Valentine, we were in contacted you needed us, we came to take you somewhere safe, because apparently our hideout is being investigated by the Shadowhunter's." Said one of the Circle Members.

That got Valentine to get really angry about that, but then he started to nod his head, and he started to leave the loft with his Circle Members. Then after a few minutes, they arrived at a abandoned church that even the Shadowhunter's wouldn't even look, and Valentine was in a room that has a fireplace that is already light up with fire.

Then Valentine started to look out the balcony of the church and see the view, and then he started to took out the picture of Alec and Magnus kissing each other looking so happy together, which made Valentine really angry.

"Ugh, I can't believe that Magnus is with that Shadowhunter, he decided to help those weak Shadowhunter's when he could be with me and my Circle Members." Said Valentine in disgust.

Then Valentine started to put away the picture, then as he look at the night sky, he started to keep thinking about Magnus, and he really wanted Magnus Bane all to himself.

"I want Magnus Bane all to myself, if I can ever get my hands on him, and I really want him now." Said Valentine as he look outside the window." I have been away from him for so long, it felt like fire whenever I see him in my dreams, like hellfire."

Then as soon as Valentine have said that, all of a sudden, the bells at the abandoned church began to ring, and then Valentine started to hear some soft singing that sounded like the Silent Brothers.

Silent Brothers: I confess to
God almighty
To blessed
Mary ever Virgin
To the blessed
Archangel Michael
To the holy apostles
To all the saints

And then soft music have began to play and then Valentine began to sing as he started to come inside the room from the balcony.

Valentine Morgenstern: My dearest
Magnus Bane
You know I am
A righteous man
Of my virtue
I am justly proud

Silent Brothers: And to you

Valentine Morgenstern: My dearest
Magnus Bane
You know
You're a downworlder
The kind of love
I am not allowed

Silent Brothers: That I have sinned

Valentine Morgenstern: Then tell me
Magnus Bane
Why you always
Haunt my dreams
Why your gently eyes
Burn through my soul

Silent Brothers: In thought

Valentine Morgenstern: I want you
I need you
The sun caught
in your raven hair
Enchants me in a way
Can't control

Silent Brothers: In word and deed

Then as Valentine kept on singing, he look at the fireplace and then a vision of Magnus started to appear from the fire and dance around the fire and look like its staring at Valentine and then Valentine started to sing again.

Valentine Morgenstern: Like fire
It's driving me insane
Your beauty
And kindness
Is turning me to sin

Then as Valentine have fell to the floor onto his knees, the fire started to spread out on both sides from Valentine and then some ghost versions of the Silent Brothers have started to appear from both sides of Valentine, and when he look at them, he started to get up and continued to sing.

Valentine Morgenstern: It's not my fault

Silent Brothers: Through my fault

Valentine Morgenstern: I'm not to blame

Silent Brothers: Through my fault

Valentine Morgenstern: It is the warlock
The demon who
Sent this flame

Silent Brothers: Through my most
grievous fault

Valentine Morgenstern: It's not my fault

Silent Brothers: Through my fault

Valentine Morgenstern: If in God's plan

Silent Brothers: Through my fault

Valentine Morgenstern: He made the
Demon so much
Attracted than a man

Silent Brothers: Through my most
Grievous fault

Valentine Morgenstern: Forgive me
Magnus Bane
I hate to see you
Sad like this
Don't think that
You are forced
To be my king
Just say that you love me
So we'll live in eternal bliss
And rule the world together
Side by side

Then the fire vision of Magnus Bane have started to disappear and then the smoke have started to turn into a vision of Magnus Bane and move its arms like he was about to hug Valentine.

"Valentine, we did as you have told us to do." Said the Circle Member." We are now attacking the mundanes, but we have some sort of problem."

"What?" Said Valentine as look shock.

"It seems that the Shadowhunter's are getting suspicious about our attacks." Said the Circle Member." It seems that they know that it's a trap and we might not be able to get Magnus Bane."

"But how? I. . ." Said Valentine as he look at the picture of Alec and Magnus and started to look angry and look at the Circle Member." Never mind, get out you idiot!"

Then as the Circle Member leaves Valentine all alone again, he started to look at the fireplace with anger as he crunch the picture.

"I'll have him, I'll have him even if I have to destroy all of his friends and family!" Said Valentine as he continues to sing.

Valentine Morgenstern: Hellfire
Dark fire
Now Magnus
It's your choice
Choose me or
They perish
Be mine
Or your friends

Then Valentine have started to throw the picture of Magnus and Alec looking really happy in the fireplace and it started to burn in the fire, and then Valentine have continued to sing.

Silent Brothers: Lord have mercy

Valentine Morgenstern: God have mercy
On him

Valentine Morgenstern: Lord have mercy

Valentine Morgenstern: God have mercy
On me

Silent Brothers: Lord have mercy

Valentine Morgenstern: But he will be mine
Or they will burn

Then after when Valentine have finished singing his song, he started to look at the picture that is burning in the fireplace, he swore that he will get Magnus Bane, evening it means to destroy all his love ones no matter what happens.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

Jacob belong to me

The song that Valentine sung is a parody of "Hellfire" from the movie "The Hunchback of Norte Dame"

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