Coming up with a Plan

A few minutes later, somewhere that is near the bay of the city, the Circle Members were dragging Alec and Jace back to the warehouse, while the two Lightwood's were both trying to get out of their grips.

After when they arrived at the club where the Circle Member's were attacking, Alec and Jace were both wondering what the Circle Members are going to do with them, but Alec just hope that they will never find Magnus.

"Ah, I see that you all finally understand how to get a job done." Said a evil voice from the shadows.

Then Alec and Jace both turn their heads a bit to see who was that speaking to the Circle Members and they saw that it was none other than Valentine Morgenstern. Valentine was walking over to the two of them and smiled at them evilly.

When Alec saw Valentine standing in front of him and Jace, he stare at him in disbelief and anger, not because he order his Circle Members to capture him and Jace, but because of what he's wearing. Alec started to recognize the jacket that Valentine is wearing now, Magnus always wear it on multiple occasions and especially on date nights with him, and Alec screamed out in protest as he tried to get to Valentine but the Circle Members hold him tightly.

"Do you like it?" Said Valentine as he smooth the jacket to make Alec more upset." I borrow it from my future king when I get him in my arms."

"Magnus would never join you!" Shouted Jace in anger." He wouldn't be caught dead to be with you and your stupid Circle Members."

"You say that now Jace." Said Valentine as he look at Jace. "But just wait a few moments, I have a very special pan for him, and once it's complete, he'll come to me, and choose to be with me."

It got Alec to scream at Valentine in anger and wanted to tear him apart with both his bare hands, but before he could do anything, one of Circle Members violently shoved a needle in his neck, it cause Alec's vision to go blurry and his hearing started to fade a bit.

"Alec!" Shouted Jace trying to get free.

But before Jace could do anything to help his Parabatai, one of the Circle Members grab a pipe and swing it at Jace's head so hard, that Jace is knock out cold and fall to the ground, and Valentine smirk evilly that the two Lightwoods are knock out cold.

"You can send the Wayland boy back to the Institute as a message." Said Valentine as he looks at his Circle Members." We have what we need, and now all we have to do is wait so I could get my Magnus into my arms."

Then the Circle Members did as they are told, then they all started to take Jace back to the Institute. Alec's vision then became completely black and he could no longer see, hear, or think about anything. But he could think about one thing in his mind, and the one thing he though of is Magnus.

Then a few hours later, Alec started to wake up, and started to become aware of his surroundings as he got up, and the very first thing he felt inside of him was rage, like blinding, fiery, hot rage, he could feel anything and everything other than anger, but no, he was upset.

No, upset is a bit of an understatement, Alec Lightwood was very furious, as Alec got up from the floor, despite the pain in his arms and legs he is feeling after being knocked out, he started to look around to find out where he was and where Jace is. The room he is in was really dark, like most of the times he was kidnapped on missions before, but apparently on those kind of missions, Jace and Izzy would come to rescue him or his friends would come to save him.

But for the very first time, Alec didn't want to be rescue, he want to stay in Valentine's clutches until he could have his chance to kill him for everything he's done to his beautiful warlock boyfriend Magnus. Then Alec started to shift over to try and find a light source, a window, or a door. But he couldn't be able to see anything because it's dark.

But right now, Alec was in complete and utter surprise, because to his surprise, he wasn't restrained with runed chains or in a cage. It was just him and a dark room, usually whenever he get kidnap, they would usually restrain the prisoner but now he isn't restrain.

Then Alec tried to get out his stele or any of the daggers he kept the pocket of his jacket, but to his surprise, there was nothing in his pockets, all of his weapons were gone, apparently Alec knew that Valentine wasn't an idiot, and that he knew what he was doing when made Alec his hostage, and he started to groan in anger and look around to get a better vision.

Alec squint hard enough to know where he could see two windows, then he locate high up in the walls and and saw a window boarded up with wood, but the wood didn't block the windows all the way, because there was a few streams of moonlight coming inside the room, but were very tiny. Alec also saw a door that was barred like a prison cell and runed, then he walk over to the bars and start to pull on them as hard as he could.

But apparently the bars were runed all right and the door refuse to budge, and Alec yell in anger and walk backwards all the way back to the spot he had woken up on, there was no way out. Alec brush one hand through his hair in anger. Then a few moments later, someone started to walk up to the cell door.

"Well, well, well, I see that the Lightwood is awake." Said a evil voice.

That person was none other than Valentine, and when Alec saw him, he started to scream in anger and ran up to the door, and start punching it when he saw the evil Circle leader. But the rune on the door cause Alec to be thrown all the way back onto the wall of his prison cell and fell to the ground, andValentine chuckle once Alec stood back up.

"Careful now Alexander." Said Valentine as he smirk evilly." Maggie would really hate to get you back with some spinal injures if you do things like that."

When Valentine have mention about Magnus, it got Alec to get so angry, that he ran back to the cell door and looked at Valentine with an angry stare and started to yell at him.

"Don't you dare call him that, or better yet, don't you even say his name!" Said Alec in anger.

When Alec have said that, it cause Valentine to chuckle abut and then he turn to the side, then he pull a lever and a light turned on inside Alec's room. Alec could see Valentine clearly without having to squint his eyes. Then Alec realized that Jace must be held captive also when he went unconscious, but apparently he wasn't in the cell, and he could barely feel him through their parabatai bond.

"Where's Jace?!" Yelled Alec as he grip the bars hard." What have you done with him?!"

"Relax Lightwood, your precious little parabatai is just fine." Said Valentine as he cross his arms." I sent him back with some of my men to the New York Institute."

"I swear to the angel, if you hurt him or anyone else there. . ." Said Alec in anger till Valentine cut him off.

"Don't worry, I instructed my men not to hurt him or anyone else, I've had enough causalities for a few weeks." Said Valentine as he look at Alec." They were told to take Jace back there and let Magnus know that you're here with me, and he'll have no choice but to be with me."

When Valentine have said that to Alec, he have finally realized what Valentine's plan was. Valentine is going use him as bait to lure his boyfriend to save him and get him to be with him. Alec knew how much Magnus loved him with all his heart, he loved him more than anything even himself.

Alec knew that Magnus would do anything, to keep him safe and away from all types of danger, and he wasn't going to have that. But Alec didn't want anything to happen to Magnus. Especially after the body switch. Magnus didn't deserve this, Alec wouldn't let his beautiful warlock boyfriend to get hurt. But most importantly, Alec wasn't going to let Valentine get to him. Not now or ever!

"Take me instead!" Said Alec gripping the bars tighter.

The words that were coming out of Alec's mouth came out fast before he could even think on what to say. But Alec didn't care because he was really desperate for his boyfriend's safety.

"Leave Magnus out of this and. . ." Said Alec as he kept begging." And take me instead!"

"Ah, you Lightwoods, you are so quick to think of others before yourself, that's the one thing I admire about your family Alexander." Said Valentine as he smirk evilly at Alec." You and your family would sacrifice your own lives before letting someone take others, that's really sweet."

"Look Valentine, just do whatever you want to me." Said Alec as he beg. "Torture me, brainwash me, anything, just leave Magnus alone, and I'll do anything you want!"

"You know, I would love to take you up on that offer if we were in any other situation." Said Valentine as he look at Alec. "But this time, you can't persuade me, I want Magnus Bane, and I'm going to get him."

Then Valentine started to reach through the bars and grabbed Alec's cheeks tightly, and smirks evilly at him.

"You're the one way." Said Valentine as he smirk evilly." And Magnus Bane would have no choice to be with me in order to save you."

Then Alec started to pull  back from Valentine and then he started to punch the bars again, only to be thrown back into the wall and fall to the ground. Valentine laughed at his attempt to break free and save his beautiful warlock boyfriend, then he wave his hand as a farewell to Alec and started to to walk off.

"No, come back here Valentine!" Yelled Alec. "Leave Magnus alone, please, Valentine!"

Apparently during all the yelling, Alec didn't even realize that tears started to fall down his face from his eyes. He knew that Magnus was in danger, and he was in a cell trying to break free and save to man he had fallen in love with.

"VALENTINE!" Yelled Alec as he fall down on his knees crying.

Meanwhile back at the New York Institute, Magnus had fallen asleep after Alec had left with the others to save the Mundane's from the Circle Members. Clary come by and dropped off Chairman Meow, so Magnus will have company with the grey cat. Chairman Meow grazed around the room and slept along side Magnus as just a little bit of protection.

The cat may be small and cute, but he could scratch someone like crazy if anyone makes him angry, apparently Magnus had the scars to prove it. Magnus slept peacefully and is having happy dreams of him and Alec together.

He was dreaming of the two of them making out on a private beach looking out at the sunset together and having a happy moment alone and holding into each other's arms, and he was loving every minute of that dream.

If only it were possible, the two of them could run away together again, their few days in Tokyo were really grand and romantic, but they both ever wonder if there was a way to go somewhere else together away from New York and just go somewhere where the two of them could be themselves and be happy together.

Then Magnus started to shift to the opposite side of the bed, still asleep and dreaming of his Alexander, the cuff was uncomfortable to sleep in, but Magnus found a way to sleep peacefully. If the cuff made Alec feel better about Magnus' safety, then he would gladly wear thirteen of them just to see Alec smile and blush in the cute way he always did.

As Magnus kept on dreaming of his Alec, he wasn't really away to what was happening outside of his boyfriends room. Outside in the main room of the Institute, was nothing but a war zone out there. Izzy had ran as fast as she could with her speed rune all the way to the Institute after what happen at the night club.

When Izzy have ran inside the doors of the Institute, she started to scream at the top of her lungs about what had happen.

"Valentine has Alec and Jace!" Yelled Izzy as she ran into the arms of Simon, who was there with Luke to help Clary locate Valentine.

"Woah, woah, woah, Izzy calm down." Said Simon as he calm her. "Just try to breathe Izzy."

"What happened Izzy?" Asked Clary as she and Luke approach to the two.

"Alec, Jace, and I were at the night club saving the mundane's from the Circle Members, but apparently Valentine set a trap at the night club." Said Izzy as she explain." Then all of sudden,these Circle Members came out of nowhere and grabbed Alec and Jace."

"Oh my god!" Said Clary as she started to feel worried." Are they okay?"

"I don't know." Said Izzy as she looks worried." I was going to help them, but Alec signaled me to run before they could get to me too."

"We need to track Jace and Alec before Valentine does something he might regret." Said Luke as he started to look over to one of the monitors.

Then Izzy, Simon, and Clary all follow Luke to the monitors to find Alec and Jace. But before the could even start, the door of the Institute started to open again. They all turn to see Jace walking inside as he was a bit limping, groaning loudly in pain from his head.

"JACE!" Shouted Clary as she and Izzy runs to him.

"Are you okay?" Asked Simon as he looks at Jace.

"What happened?!" Asked Luke looking concerned.

"It's Valentine, he and his Circle Members took Alec." Said Jace as he groan in pain.

Then Luke started to help lift Jace off the ground and onto a gurney that some of the shadowhunters had brought in, Jace was placed on his back and winced in pain.

He grabbed Izzy's hand tightly to prevent being taken to treatment and then they all started to treat Jace. As they press a cloth on Jace head where the blood is dripping, Jace bit his lip hard to prevent screaming, and small drops of blood started to drip from the skin of his lip and onto his chin.

"Jace!" Said Clary as she hold his shoulder and rubbing it smoothly." Jace, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine Clary, I'm a tough soldier." Said Jace as he looks at Clary.

The Jace started to pull out his stele and he started to activate his healing rune. The blood stop dripping and skin started to close back together. Izzy sighed in relief that one her brothers was okay and Clary was also relieved that her boyfriend is okay, even Simon is glad. Then when Jace sat up, he started to grab the hands of the two girls and started to speak.

"Valentine's holding Alec captive." Said Jace as he explain." The Circle members that dropped me here said that Valentine wants an exchange. He wants Magnus for Alec."

"Is he out of his mind?!" Said Luke in anger.

"More like sick in the head!" Said Simon as he help Jace up.

"There's no way Alec is going to give up Magnus like that." Said Clary as she looks concerned." Who knows what he'll do to Magnus."

"Yeah, Magnus was already scared when Valentine try to rape him." Said Izzy as she looks worried." I can't imagine what Valentine will do to him if he gets Magnus."

"But then again, who knows what he'll do to Alec if we don't comply." Said Jace as he look worried as well.

"Can you feel Alec through your parabatai bond?" Asked Clary as she look worried.

"I can feel him." Said Jace as he feel Alec through his bond." But it's a bit weak."

"So he's alive?" Asked Luke as he look at Jace.

"For now, but I don't know how long he will be." Said Jace as he look at Izzy." Izzy, where's Magnus?"

When Jace was about to continue, Izzy started to held her hand up, she knew what Jace was thinking and thinks that he is out of his mind.

"No way Jace." Said Izzy as she looks at Jace." We are not giving Magnus up like that!"

"Izzy is right Jace, we are not going give Magnus up like that." Said Clary as she looks at Jace." You know how crazy Valentine is, we don't even want to what he's planning to do to him."

"Valentine has Alec, I'm not just. . ." Said Jace as he was about to continue till Izzy stop him.

"No Jace!" Shouted Izzy as she looks at Jace." We are not doing it, even if you did give Magnus to Valentine, how do you think Alec will feel?

"Izzy is right, what do you think Alec will say to you after the fact you have his boyfriend up to him?" Said Clary as she looks at Jace." If you do that, you'll weaken your bond permanently."

Jace was about to say something, but stop and realize that they are right. Alec would hate Jace forever if he gives Magnus up to Valentine, and Alec would carve off his parabatai rune with a rusty knife, Jace loved Alec like a brother, and he couldn't do that to him.

"Maybe you're right Izzy." Said Jace as he looks at Izzy." What do you suggest we do?"

Then they all try to come up with a plan on how they are going to save Alec from Valentine without having to give him Magnus, and then Simon got an idea that might work.

"I think I know how we can save Alec without having to give Magnus to Valentine." Said Simon as he got everyone's attention." Maybe one of you can glamour as Magnus and Valentine won't notice, then we get Alec out of there, and once we get him, we can hide Alec and Magnus somewhere where Valentine couldn't get Magnus."

"That's actually a great plan Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles.

"It's actually an amazing plan." Said Clary as she smiles as well.

"I like the sound of that plan." Said Luke in agreement." But one problem, let's just say that Izzy did the glamour, how do we get her out?"

Apparently when Luke have said that, Simon hadn't thought of it that far. His plan seemed so foolproof for about ten seconds till what Luke said. But then he got another idea.

"What about Raphael?" Asked Simon as he look at the others." Maybe I can ask him if the vampires can help take us out of there."

"They are pretty fast." Said Jace as he agree.

"I'll call Raphael." Said Simon as he was about to call Raphael for help.

"I'll do the glamour." Said Jace as he look at the others." I want to punch the asshole myself."

"Alright then." Said Luke as he look at the others." Get your weapons ready."

"Let's hurry up." Said Izzy as she look worried." I don't think Alec might not have a lot of time."

"And one more thing, no one mention this to Magnus, the last thing we need for him is to be worried." Said Clary as she looks worried.

Then everyone all started to agree, then they all started to get ready to save Alec from Valentine, then as Jace got his blade from his room, he started to see Alec's bedroom, then he started to open the door gently, and started to go inside Alec's bedroom to check on Magnus.

Jace saw that Magnus is sleeping peacefully, which is a good thing that Magnus doesn't know what's happening. Jace have started to realize why Magnus is so important to Alec, he loves him so much that he will do anything to protect him from any danger.

He will do the same thing for Clary if she's ever in danger, then as he was about to leave, Magnus started to shift a bit because he was feeling cold, then Jace started to pull the covers over Magnus to keep him warm, and Magnus went to sleep peacefully.

"Jace?" Said a voice softly.

Then Jace turn to see Clary coming inside the bedroom, then when she look at Magnus, she smile at how peacefully he is sleeping, then she started to touch his face softly so she won't wake him, and Jace started to speak.

"I see why Alec loves Magnus so much, he made him feel true to himself, and understands him." Said Jace as he look at Clary." And he always here whenever we need help."

"He's always there for us and protect all of us, and now it's our turn to protect him." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." Now let's go save Alec."

Then Jace took one last look at Magnus and started to leave the bedroom with Clary as he close the door gently. Then as they were about to leave, they saw two Shadowhunter's coming towards them and they are known as Raj and Underhill.

"Raj, Underhill, what do you want?" Asked Jace as he looks at the two Shadowhunter's.

"Izzy wants us to inform you guys that they are ready and wanted us to get you two." Said Raj as he looks at Jace.

"Okay, we are going now, one more thing, you two guard Magnus and make sure he is safe." Said Jace as he looks serious." And whatever you do, don't tell him what happen, we don't want him to get worried."

Then the two Shadowhunter's started to nod their heads stand on each side of Alec's bedroom door, and then Jace and Clary have both started to leave to go save Alec, and they really hope that the plan will go well.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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