Alec's Shatter Heart

A few months went by after Magnus have sacrificed himself to Valentine in order to protect all the downworlders, his friends, his family, and his boyfriend. Everyone who cares about Magnus so much, were all so upset and sad, that they all did everything they could to find him.

But with no luck, they couldn't be able to find him, but they wouldn't give up, and kept on trying to find him no matter how long it takes. Meanwhile back at the New York Institute, Clary and Jace were both looking at the computers to look for any Circle Members.

"Anything yet?" Asked Jace as he looks at Clary.

"Nothing, it's been a few months Jace, and the Circle Members haven't attack, which is really strange." Said Clary as she looks at the computers." I don't understand that."

"I know, but I'm really worried about that, I mean there is like no way to find Magnus." Said Jace as he look so worried.

When Jace have mention Magnus, Clary started to feel really sad that her best warlock friend is being held a prisoner by Valentine, and then she have started to remember the day when Magnus gives Clary the picture of her and her mother when she was young.


Clary and Simon were both at Magnus's loft to talk to him to see if he could bring Clary's mom back from the dead, and Magnus opens the two doors and started to walk in.

"Absolutely not." Said Magnus as he walks into the living room as Clary and Simon follow him.

"Is it possible, Magnus, tell me, can it be done, yes or no?" Asked Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"Sure, there are warlocks who've done this sort of thing." Said Magnus as he look at Clary." But what you're talking about is dark, dark magic, it's wildly unpredictable."

"Have you ever done it before?" Asked Simon as he look at Magnus.

"No, and don't encourage this." Said Magnus and looks at Clary and strike her arms." Biscuit, I'm sorry, I know how important she was to you."

"She was my mom." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." If you were me, if we were talking about your mom. . ."

"I wouldn't bring her back." Said Magnus which got Clary to look confused.

"I don't understand." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"I was nine years old when my mother realized what my cat eyes meant." Said Magnus as he explains." She couldn't live with the fact that she bore the son of a demon."

Then he started to look at the dagger that is presented on the coffee table, and Simon started to realize that it was the same dagger that Magnus got from Camille's house in India.

"So she took her life." Said Magnus as he look at the dagger." With this very keris.

"I'm so sorry." Said Clary as she looks at Magnus." I didn't know."

"It was a long time ago, and over time it. . . It got easier, never easy, but easier." Said Magnus as he looks at Clary." Your mother was a special woman, she only wanted to protect you at all costs, so much so that she had me remove your memories, since we can't get those back. . ."

Then Magnus started to snaps his fingers and then a picture of young Clary and Jocelyn have started to appear in his hand and gives it to Clary.

"Take one of mine." Said Magnus as he smile at Clary.

Then Clary started to take the picture from Magnus and was really happy and shock to see the picture of her with her mother when she was a child.

"Oh, my God." Said Clary in shock." When was this?"

"The day I met you, the first thing I notice is that you both share the same laugh." Said Magnus as he smiles at Clary," Losing your mom, it's not something you make better with magic, you just head straight into it and cry your eyes out."

Then Clary looks at the picture of her with her mother and smile at it, then she hugs Magnus which Magnus hugs back, and then Clary and Simon have both started to leave the loft.

End of flashback

"I still can't believe that Magnus has to sacrifice himself." Said Clary as she felt really sad.

"Will find him Clary, I know how much you care about him, and I know how much Alec loves Magnus so much." Said Jace as he also feel upset.

"How's Alec doing?" Asked Clary as she looks at Jace.

"He's still really upset about Magnus sacrificing himself, he never left the office, he barely eats." Said Jace as he look at Clary.

"I don't blame him." Said Clary as she looks upset.

Meanwhile in the main office, Alec was standing in front of the fireplace looking really sad and have tears coming down from his eyes. It has been months since Magnus sacrificed himself to become Valentine's slave, in those months a lot has happened.

Valentine's real son, Sebastian, who happened to be Johnathan Morgenstern disguising as Sebastian had was only helping the other Shadowhunter's so he could get back at his father, and what's worse is that he almost killed Max, who is the little brother of Alec, Izzy, and Jace, but he was really lucky that he is still alive.

Then after a few days, Jace had killed Sebastian at a bridge, and they were all relief now that Johnathan is dead, but they all knew that the fight was far from over and the war is only beginning.

But Alec didn't even care about the fight and he didn't even want to do or see anyone right now, and right now Alec was losing himself, and he hasn't being doing anything for the past few months.

Alec would often lay in his bed he used to share with Magnus and hugged his pillow tightly, Alec really miss Magnus so much with all his heart, he was mourning him like he was dead or killed, although Alec stop crying a long time ago over Magnus, he still really wanted to see him again, to hold him in his arms, to kiss him in his soft lips, and to keep him safe from any danger.

'I miss you so much Magnus, I want you back in my arms.' Thought Alec in sadness.

Then as Alec was looking at the fireplace, he didn't hear or know that Izzy was coming inside the office, and when she saw Alec staring at the fireplace looking really sad, she couldn't be feel bad for Alec at how sad he is for missing Magnus.

"Alec." Said Izzy which snap Alec back into reality.

Then Alec turn to see his little sister standing behind him from the entrance of the office, Izzy had just returned from closing a rift with Catarina so they were both exhausted. And then Alec started to force himself a smile.

"Hey Izzy, how are you?" Asked Alec as he tried to smile at Izzy.

"Are you thinking about Magnus again?" Asked Izzy as she offer Alec a smile.

Then when Izzy have mention Magnus, Alec's fake smile began to fade away, and then he nodded his head as tears began to fall out of his eyes.

"It's been months Izzy." Said Alec as he started to shed some tears." Months since Magnus left, I need to find him. I need to know that he's okay."

"We'll find him Alec." Said Izzy as she looks ah Alec." Once we capture Valentine again. . ."

"If we do Izzy!" Said Alec as he cut of his sister." It's been months and we still haven't found him yet, we'll never find Magnus again!"

Then when Izzy saw how miserable Alec is about Magnus, she started to walk over to him and hug her brother, then Alec hug her back and made him break down and he started to sob in his little sister's hair, but she didn't even care, Izzy just wanted Alec to be comforted.

"I'm so sorry Alec." Said Izzy as she hugs Alec." I'm so sorry, I promise we will find a way to get him back, but maybe you should get some fresh air, you haven't left the Institute for a long time."

Then Alec started to see that Izzy is right, he hasn't step out of the New York Institute for months after Magnus sacrifice himself, so he started to grab his jacket and go out to get some fresh air. A few minutes later, Alec was on top of a rooftop looking at the night sky.

As he was looking at the stars, he dug his hands into his pockets of his jacket, and then he started to feel something inside one of them, and then he took out the object and it was none other than the magic dampening bracelet that Magnus had to wear before his sacrifice.

"Oh god, I miss you so much Magnus, I want you in my arms, I can't take it anymore!" Said Alec as he grip on the bracelet." Ugh, this is so difficult, I really wanted to find you but all these voices in my head told that I need to stay here, I just don't know what to do, and all I could do is scream!"

Then as soon as Alec have said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play and then Alec have began to sing as soon as he started to walk slowly.

Alec Lightwood: The day the
Door is closed
The echoes fill
Your soul
They won't say
Which way to go
Just trust your heart
To find what
You're here for
Open another door
But I'm not sure anymore
It's just so hard

"Alec, where were you?" Asked Magnus before Alec could say anything." When I woke up you weren't here and Izzy and Jace had no idea where you and Clary were, where were you Alexander?"

Alec swallow for a bit and then he started to move his hand to Magnus's cheeks and started to speak.

"Clary and went looking for Valentine." Said Alec." I was so angry that you got hurt and I wanted to make him pay and get justice for you. I found a warehouse where he was staying."

It got Magnus to get really scare at what Alec is telling him and then Alec continues to explain to Magnus.

"Then he told his soldiers to take him to your loft so that he could track you." Said Alec as he bit his lip.

"Alexander. . . What are you trying to tell me?" Asked Magnus as he look nervous.

Then Alec started to sight and pull out the magic dampening bracelet from his pocket which got Magnus to tense at the sight of the bracelet and back away from it and Alec looks at Magnus.

"Magnus, I can't have him tracking you from your magic and I won't let him get to you." Said Alec as he look at his warlock boyfriend." This is the only way to keep you safe Magnus."

"You want to put the magic blocking bracelet on to protect me?" Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

"Magnus, before you say anything, I promise it won't be forever, It'll only be until we find Valentine." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

Then Magnus look at the bracelet, then after s few moments, Magnus started to roll up the sleeve of his hoodie on his left wrist, which got Alec bite his lip when he saw Magnus roll up his sleeve and then he open the cuff.

"Magnus. . ." Said Alec as was about to continue.

"Just do it Alexander, it's okay." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

At first Alec hesitated a bit, then he turn away as he slap the cuff on Magnus's wrist, then once it was on Magnus's wrist, he started to bit his lip to stop him from screaming from the pain he's experiencing from the bracelet, and then his magic is completely cut off, and then Alec grabbed his boyfriend and held him close so he could comfort him gently.

"I'm so sorry Magnus, it's going to be okay." Said Alec as he run Magnus's back as gently as ever.

"I love you so much Alec, I love that you're trying to protect me." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.

"I love you more Magnus, more than anything." Said Alec as he looks at Magnus.

Alec Lightwood: Voices in my head
Tell me they know best
Got me on the edge
They're pushin'
They're pushin'
I know they've got a plan
But the ball's in my hands
This time is man-to-man
I'm drivin'
Fightin', inside of
A world that's upside down
It's spinning faster
What do I do now
Without you
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad
I'm gonna scream
I can't chose
So confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad
I'm gonna scream
I'm kicking down the walls
I gotta make them fall
Just break through them all
I'm punchin'
I'm gonna
Fight to find myself
Me, and no one else
Which way, I can't tell
I'm searchin', searchin', can't find a
(Way that I should turn)
I should, to right or left, it
It's like nothing works
Without you
I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream
The clock's running down,
Hear the crowd getting loud
I'm consumed by the sound
Is it him
Is it love
Can the magic
Ever be enough
Gotta work it out
Gotta work it out
You can do it
You can do it

"Magnus, I won't let him." Said Alec as he looks at Magnus.

"No, I won't let him Alexander and Clary." Said Magnus as he looks at the two." Which is why I need you. . . To let me go."

When Magnus have said that, Clary's eyes began to go widen, while Alec's heart started to shatter into pieces. Alec wasn't going to let Magnus go to Valentine in order to protect him and the Downworld. He wasn't going to let Magnus become a slave to the former shadowhunter who wants to get rid of the Downworld.

Alec couldn't even bare to lose his beautiful warlock boyfriend who have helped him be true to himself, then Magnus started to held up the wrist that his cuff was one without saying a word, then Alec knew what he meant, Magnus needed the cuff to be removed in order to go to Valentine.

"No, no, no!" Said Alec as he started to stutter." You can't go to Valentine Magnus, there's no way I won't let Valentine take you and make you his slave."

"This is the only way to keep you safe Alexander, to keep you all safe." Said Magnus as he looks at Alec and Clary." This is what I have to do as a leader, as a friend, and as a boyfriend. Not only to protect my people but to protect you and the others, I love you so much Alec, and because of that, I have to do this."

"Magnus, don't do this, Valentine is a psycho path, you know what he always does to his prisoner's!" Said Clary as she started to shed a few tears in her eyes." You are like a dad to me, there's no way I'm going to let you become Valentine's slave!"

"Magnus please. . ." Said Alec as he fell on his knees and held Magnus' hand so tightly and began to cry." Please don't go to Valentine, you don't know what he'll do you!"

"Alec's right, I may not know my father, but he won't have mercy!" Said Clary as she looks at Magnus.

"Please, Magnus, stag with me!" Said Alec as he kept on crying." Magnus I love you more than I love myself, my sister, Jace, and my parents and Max, I love you too much to let you go!"

"I love you too Alec, I love you so much more." Said Magnus as he look at Alec with some tears coming out of his eyes.

Then Magnus started to lean to Alec and kiss him, then Alec got up and held on to that heated kiss for as long as he could, but he didn't know that Magnus use his hand to release the cuff from his wrist, then Magnus started to pull away from Alec, and then tears sting in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Alexander and Clary." Said Magnus as he still have tears in his eyes." But this is the only way to keep you all safe."

Then Alec and Clary have saw that the magic dampening bracelet is not on his wrist, Magnus magic returned to his hands and his paleness disappeared, then Magnus open a portal quickly and before he could go, Alec started to grab his arm, not letting him go.

"Magnus, please don't go, I love you so much, I can't lose you!" Said Alec as he cried and hugs Magnus hard.

"I love you too, Alexander." Said Magnus as he hugs Alec and cries." But I have too, so goodbye Alexander!"

Then Magnus violently push Alec off of him, then Magnus ran into the portal, and Clary tried to stop Magnus.

"MAGNUS NO!" Shouted Clary.

But apparently Clary was too late, and the portal have started to close as soon as Magnus was gone.

"Magnus!" Shouted Alec in sadness.

Alec have started to fall to the ground with sadness and started to cry. His beautiful warlock boyfriend was now gone, and Valentine would have him soon and Alec would never see him again, then Clary started to kneel down to him and hug him for comfort as she also cries that her best warlock friend is gone and becoming Valentine's slave.

Alec Lightwood: I don't know
Where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad
I'm gonna scream
I can't chose
So confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad
I'm gonna scream
I don't know
Where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
I want my own thing
I can't chose
So confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad
I'm gonna scream

Then after when Alec finish singing his song, he started to scream in anger, and then he started to fall to his knee's and cry in sadness. He really misses Magnus so much that he couldn't take it anymore and that he has to find him now.

"Alec." Said a calm voice.

Then Alec have started to turn to see Clary standing right behind him, Clary was following Alec to make sure that he's okay after what happen with Alec, and she couldn't help but feel so sorry for him.

"Clary, what are you doing here?" Asked Alec as he look at her.

"Well, I was taking a break after looking at the monitors and I saw you up here, and I wanted to know if you are okay." Said Clary as she goes to Alec.

"I'm done." Said Alec as he looks down at the floor.

But Clary saw that Alec is not doing okay and that he really misses Magnus so much, she could tell by looking into Alec's eyes, and then she started to lay her hand on Alec's shoulder, which cause him to look at her.

"Look Alec, I get what you are feeling, I miss Magnus too, we all do, and we are not giving up on finding, just let it all out Alec." Said Clary as she looks at Alec.

And then Alec have started to cry for missing Magnus, and then Clary started to hug him for comfort.

"I really miss him so much, I want him back, I want him in my arms." Said Alec as tears came out of his eyes.

"I know Alec, I miss him too, we all do, but like I said we won't give up until we find him." Said Clary as she still hugs Alec." Besides, here's one thing I do know, Valentine can't hide forever and we will bring him to justice."

Then Clary continues to hug Alec for comfort as Alec kept on crying, but little did he know is that Clary is right, Valentine won't hide forever and Alec and everyone else will Magnus when the Circle Members steal something so precious that it will prove how much Alec loves Magnus.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

The song that Alec sung is "Scream" by "Zac Efron"

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