Alec and Clary meets Asmodeus

A few hours later, somewhere in another dimension, inside a big bedroom inside a castle, Alec was lying on a bed with the sheets covering him except his bare chest which has his shirt off, and started to wake up.

Usually whenever Alec gets captured by the Circle Member's or a Rouge downworlder, they would take him someplace where is usually cold and makes him freeze a bit, but the very strange thing is that it wasn't cold at all, in fact it was hot, like the summer time.

At first Alec tried to open his eyes so that he could see where he is but couldn't because something is blocking him, so he move his head to the side and realize that a soft cloth was covering his eyes meaning that he's blindfolded.

Then Alec started to realize what happen before he got capture. He and Clary had found Magnus, he had actually found him, after long months of being away from him, but as soon as Alec and Clary were about to take Magnus to Idris heal his tired, injured and probably traumatized beautiful warlock boyfriend, they were stop by a mysterious man, who almost look like Magnus with his identical cat eyes.

That mysterious man threw some magic at him and Clary, which cause them to pass out. But as soon as he remember, he started to realize that Clary and Magnus are not with him and it made Alec really worried.

So Alec started to sat up quickly from his bed as the thought of Magnus came, then as he soon as sat up from the bed, he wants to try to take the cloth out of his eyes and realize his hands aren't restrained. Then once Alec open his eyes, he started to see that it was really bright, then Alec got out of bed and saw that the cloth has sweat, meaning that he had been sweating because it was hot.

Then as Alec stood up, he look around his surroundings, he was in some kind of bedroom, it has a kingsize bed a floor length mirror, and many windows, but apparently he didn't see Magnus or Clary anywhere. Then as Alec got his shirt and boots on, he open the door and start to leave the bedroom and started to look for Clary and Magnus.

"Clary, Magnus!" Yelled Alec as he was looking." Clary! Magnus, please, where are you?!"

Meanwhile in another bedroom inside the castle, Clary started to wake up after being hit by some kind of magic from the mysterious man after getting Magnus back. Then after a few seconds, started to get out of bed and saw that her clothes were missing, meaning that she isn't wearing her clothes.

She tried to cover herself with the bedsheets till she saw an outfit by a chair and started to put it on. The outfit she is wearing is a dark blue shoulder-less long sleeve dress that goes to her knee's, and blue heels on.

"Oh my god, where am I now?" Asked Clary as she looks around." This doesn't look like Idris at all."

Then as soon as Clary looked around the bedroom, she have started to realized that Alec and Magnus aren't both with her and it get her to get really worried and scared that something bad might've happen to them.

"Oh my god, where are Magnus and Alec?" Said Alec as she look around." More importantly, where are the Mortal Instruments?"

Then after a few moments later, Clary started to leave the bedroom to look for Magnus and Alec and the Mortal Instruments, as Clary was going to every hall every pass minutes, but still hasn't found Magnus, Alec, or even the Mortal Instruments. Then as Clary made a turn to another hallway, she bump into Alec, and they were both really happy to see each other.

"Alec!" Said Clary as she hugs Alec.

"Oh god, thank goodness you're okay Clary, I mean Jace would kill me if anything bad happen to you." Said Alec as he hugs Clary back.

"Alec, where are we?" Asked Clary as she finish the hug." This doesn't look like Idris at all."

"I don't know Clary, in fact, I don't even know where we are." Said Alec as he looks around and saw a window." There a window."

Then Alec and Clary both started to go to the window, then as they open, they both saw that everything looks all red and orange, the whole land is so dry, and all the trees look so dry up, and it got Clary and Alec to get really shock.

"Wow, wherever we are, this place doesn't look really safe." Said Clary as she look shock.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that wherever we are, we are definitely not at Idris." Said Alec as he closed the window.

"But wait a minute, where are the Mortal Instruments?" Asked Clary as she looks worried." More importantly, where's Magnus?"

"I don't know where Magnus is, he wasn't with me after I woke up, but we need to find him and the Mortal Instruments so we could get out of here!" Said Alec as he look worried.

So Alec and Clary started run at each hallway to find Magnus and hope that he's okay, along with the Mortal Instruments. They felt like it has been hours because the castle they are in is really big, and then before they could keep running to find Magnus, they were stop by someone who was oddly familiar to Alec and Clary. It was the same man that attacked them and Magnus while running to Idris.

"You." Said Clary and Alec in anger.

"Yes, it's me, I see that you two don't know my name." Said the mysterious man as he smirk." My magic is quite powerful, so allow me to introduce myself again, my name is Asmodeus."

"Listen, I don't care what your goddamn name is or whatever you are!" Said Alec in anger." All I want to is where's Magnus?!"

"What have you done with him?!" Asked Clary in anger." And what have you done to the Mortal Instruments?!"

"Relax you two, Magnus Bane is perfectly fine." Said Asmodeus in a calm manner." He's currently resting now, and your Mortal Instruments are safe."

Then Asmodeus started to wave his hand as magic started to appear, and then in one quick flash, the Mortal Instruments have appeared and Clary started to grab them and making sure that they are real and safe, much to their delight.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that Magnus is okay?" Asked Clary looking so worried for Magnus.

Then Clary have started to mention Magnus, Alec was just much as worried for Magnus, that he started to go to Asmodeus, went down to his knees, and then he started to beg to see his beautiful warlock boyfriend after so many heartbreaking months.

"Please, just let me see Magnus." Said Alec as he beg." Please let me see him and I swear that will give you anything, just let me see him, and don't hurt him, I really. . ."

"Why in the Lilith's name would I ever hurt Magnus?" Asked Asmodeus as he raised his eyebrow.

Then when Asmodeus have said that, it got Alec and Clary to get really confuse at the fact that this man in front of them, who have brought them down to wherever they are, isn't going to hurt them or Magnus, it was really strange for both of them and Alec started to have a terrible feeling in his stomach.

"Okay, if you won't hurt us or Magnus, what do you want then?" Asked Alec as he look confused.

"Magnus never got the chance to tell you about me did he?" Asked Asmodeus as he chuckled a bit.

Then Alec and Clary started to shake their heads no, they both really didn't want to say real words to this dark warlock or whatever he was, then Asmodeus began to chuckled again at Clary and Alec's fear and nodding response. Then he use his ringed fingers to motion Alec and Clary to follow him. Then Alec and Clary both quickly walk him. They both look at the place where they are being held captive.

There were many torches filled with red fire at every turn. It was strange, but Alec and Clary chose not to judge and kept their mouth close. They did just that as Asmodeus lead then through his castle. Then as Asmodeus walk over to the hall and stop at two big doors, Alec and Clary stop and look at Asmodeus.

"I don't expect for Magnus to talk about me." Said Asmodeus as he kept on walking." He's not really fond of me if you know what I mean."

"No, we don't know what you mean." Said Clary as she looks at Asmodeus." We don't even know who you are, we'll except you did mention your name."

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Alec as he look at Asmodeus." And how do you know Magnus?"

Then Asmodeus started to nod his head, as he understood the questions that Clary and Alec are asking him for, and then he gladly started to answer them for the shadowhunter boy and girl.

"I thought that you shadowhunters would surely know who I am, you did study about us, so let's get to the point, I am the greater demon, but I prefer to be called the most important prince of hell that there is."

"Prince of Hell?" Said Alec on shock." Wait a minute. . . Are you saying. . . That are we in. . ."

"Yes." Said Asmodeus as he answer." I've taken us down to Edom."

"Okay I'm really confuse here, what is Edom?" Asked Clary as she looks confused.

"Edom is another dimension where all the demons and all the Rouge downworlders are banished so they won't hurt the mundane's." Said Alec as he explains.

"I see that you know much about this place." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." Yes, we are in Edom, and I happen to be the king of this place."

"But what the hell does this have to do with Magnus?" Asked Alec as he look confused." Is he dead?"

"No Mr. Lightwood and Ms. Fairchild, Magnus is not dead, but that's not the reason I brought him down here." Said Asmodeus as he look at Clary and Alec." The reason why I brought Magnus here is because. . . I am Magnus's father."

When Asmodeus have said that, it got Alec and Clary to get really shock, Alec knew that all downworlders had a demon parent, but he never knew Magnus have a dangerous parent. Especially one of the prince of hell.

"Okay, now I can see why Magnus doesn't talk about you." Said Clary as she still look shock." I mean, we all know that every downworlder has a demon parent, but I can see why Magnus doesn't want to talk about you, no offense."

"None taken my dear." Said Asmodeus as he smiles at Clary.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain this." Said Alec as he look at Asmodeus." Why did you take him here?"

"Because he is my precious beautiful son and the reason why I brought him here is because he injured. . ." Said Asmodeus as he began to feel really angry." By. . . This mad man!"

Then Asmodeus started to use his magic to open the door, which got Alec and Clary just to look inside the room. Then as Asmodeus enter the room with Alec and Clary, they both walk over and were both shocked at who they saw and that person is none other than Valentine.

They both knew that Valentine is dead, but they never expect for him to be send down to the worst dimeson of hell. They both saw that Valentine is on his knees, his arms strapped behind him on a pole, with fresh blood dripping down his face and shirtless body. Alec and Clary were kind of disgusted by what they saw but Alec saw it as justice for his beloved beautiful warlock boyfriend.

"Why is my father down here?" Asked Clary as she looks at Asmodeus.

"His soul has been sent down here for all the crimes he had done in your world." Said Asmodeus as he glared at Valentine.

"Wow, I never knew that all rouge shadowhunter's souls go here for all their bad deeds." Said Alec as he look shock.

"Did you two get the chance to ask Magnus what this monster did to him?" Growled Asmodeus as he approach to Valentine." Do you both know what he did to my son?!"

Alec and Clary both look at the greater demon and flinch a bit, because if there is one thing that they would never do is to piss off a greater demon, even though they didn't do it, they knew that Asmodeus would tortured them with his own bare hands and they wouldn't want that to happen.

"No." Said Alec as he answer Asmodeus question quickly in fear.

"We don't know what Valentine did to Magnus." Said Clary as she look at Asmodeus with a little fear.

Then Asmodeus nodded his head as he understand that they don't know what Valentine has done to Magnus for the past few months, then he started to grab Valentine's neck with the hardest grip that Alec and Clary have ever seen, and then Valentine started to cry and beg to Asmodeus to stop and have mercy.

"Please. . . Please don't hurt me. . ." Said Valentine as he cry." Please. . . Have mercy. . ."

"SHUT UP YOU MONSTER!" Shouted Asmodeus in anger and then looks at Alec.

"Do you know what he did to my son, to your true love, Mr. Lightwood?!" Asked Asmodeus as he feels really angry.

Apparently Alec couldn't respond to Asmodeus's question, he was focus on the blood that is dripping from Valentine's body, whatever Asmodeus did to Valentine had truly broken the man, then Asmodeus started to slap Valentine's face hard and he fell back on the pole crying.

"This evil, disgraceful excuse for a Shadowhunter's did unspeakable things to Magnus!" Said Asmodeus as he glared at Valentine." Do you want to tell them what you did to my beautiful son?!"

But Valentine was silent and still kept on crying, then Asmodeus started to nodded his head, then turn back to Alec and Clary and started to speak.

"Valentine Morgenstern did so many things to Magnus that would give a greater demon such horrible nightmares." Said Asmodeus as he look at Alec and Clary." He put Magnus in a harness that blocked his magic, held him hostage, tortured him with that agony rune, and made him feel so weak, but he did something far worse to my son."

"What did he do to Magnus?" Asked Alec as he look at Asmodeus looking so concern.

"Valentine Morgenstern did a very horrible thing to Magnus." Said Asmodeus in anger." Valentine Morgenstern had. . . Raped Magnus!"

Then when Asmodeus have said that, it have got Alec and Clary to get really shock to what Valentine have did to Magnus, but Alec was in complete shock at the word that Asmodeus have just said, a word that shouldn't even exist and be deleted from every language.

In all those months that Alec and the others had been searching for his beloved beautiful warlock boyfriend, Valentine Morgenstern had raped his beautiful warlock boyfriend, he had raped Magnus, he took advantage of his Magnus all those months.

Clary was so angry for what Valentine have done to Magnus, but Alec's hands began to tighten into fists, that he started to yell in anger, and run up to Valentine, and he started to punch him repeatedly, Valentine yell out in pain as Alec punch him. But Alec didn't care as he kept hitting him hard as he could.

"WHY?!" Shouted Alec in anger as he kept on punching Valentine." WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MY BOYFRIEND?!

Clary was a bit scare at how Alec is really angry at Valentine, but she didn't care all cause she knew Valentine deserved it, but Asmodeus watch as Alec attacked his beautiful warlock boyfriend's rapist, and he is please with a huge smile on his face as Alec attacked the man that attacked his beloved Magnus. Then Alec stop once one of his punched fist had a cut on his skin, then he pull himself away from Valentine in disgust.

"I hope that you're happy here Valentine." Said Alec in anger and turn to Asmodeus." If you are Magnus's father and care about him, promise me something."

"I love my son so much, despite how much he hates me, I love my beautiful boy, and I will do anything to protect him." Said Asmodeus as he look at Alec." Why else do you think I would have this man here in my custody for what he had done to him?"

"Please promise me that you'll make sure that Valentine Morgenstern suffers down here for what he did to Magnus." Said Alec as he rub his knuckles.

When Alec have said that, it got Asmodeus to smile at Alec and then he run his hand over Alec's knuckled, which healed in a matter of moments, meaning that he use his magic to heal him.

"Of course." Said Asmodeus as he smiles." Now, let's go see Magnus."

Then Asmodeus started to lead Alec and Clary our of the room where Valentine is being chain, before Clary and Alec left the room, they both give Valentine one last glared, and then they left the room.

Then Asmodeus took Alec and Clary through his palace into another bedroom. Alec was looking around the room, trying to distract himself from the fact that Valentine had raped his beautiful warlock boyfriend, his hand were twiddling with the necklace that Magnus had given him that connected the two of them. It started to glow, meaning that Magnus was getting closer.

Then Asmodeus pull Alec and Clary inside the bedroom, and on the bed was none other than Magnus laying in bed with sheets covering him. The clothes that he was wearing when Alec and Clary rescue him were gone. Magnus has no shirt, pants, jewelry or makeup on, but the sheets cover most of his body, but they can see his bare chest. Alec knows that Magnus look like a beautiful angel whenever he didn't wear makeup.

Alec and Clary could see all of the scars and open wounds on Magnus. They saw glitter all over him that is healing his wounds, his eyes were close, he was sleeping and he so beautiful and peaceful when he's sleeping. Alec gave a weak smile at the fact that Magnus's getting better, he wanted to give him the tightest and safe hug he would given Magnus.

Alec and Clary look over at Asmodeus, like they are looking for permission to go and touch Magnus, then Asmodeus nodded at them, then Alec and Clary ran over to Magnus at one side of the bed, Clary is at the right side of Magnus's bed, and Alec is at the left side of Magnus's bed and put his hand over Magnus's face gently.

"Magnus, can you hear me?" Asked Alec as tears are dripping down from his face.

"Is he okay?" Asked Clary as she looks at Asmodeus.

"He's in a very deep sleep, the injuries he had really infected him." Said Asmodeus as he look at Alec and Clary. "He can't hear anything that we're saying, but once all of his injures are checked out and healed, he'll wake up."

"Why is there glitter all over him?" Asked Clary as she looks at Asmodeus.

"It is a special magic glitter, it is the one thing that is actually healing him after what happen to him." Said Asmodeus as he look at his son.

"Valentine. . ." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

Then Asmodeus started to put his hand on Alec's shoulders, which got Alec to turn around so that they both faced each other.

"Valentine may have rape him, but he didn't do any damage, Magnus will be okay, physically, but mentally, I'm not so sure." Said Asmodeus as he look at Alec.

"He'll be fine, because I'll be right here for him." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.

"My son certainly chose someone worth fighting for." Said Asmodeus as he smiles at Alec.

Then Alec started to clutch Magnus's cheek gently, his cheeks were so soft like new skin, and he was really happy that he was able to touch and hold his beautiful warlock boyfriend. Then as Clary touch one of Magnus's hands, Asmodeus started to go to her, and touch her shoulder to get her attention.

"Let's leave these two alone." Said Asmodeus as he look at Clary.

Then Clary nodded her head gently, then as she and Asmodeus were both about to leave the bedroom to give Alec some alone time with Magnus, Alec turn to look at the two of them.

"Please don't hurt Clary." Said Alec as he look at Asmodeus.

"I would never hurt the girl that Magnus see's as a daughter." Said Asmodeus as he smiles.

Then as Clary and Asmodeus both left the bedroom, Alec started to look back at Magnus and touch his cheek gently as he caress it with his hands and smile at Magnus.

"Magnus. . ." Whisper Alec as he move forward and pressing his lips onto his lovers." I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here, I promise."

Apparently Alec knew that his eyes were way to teared up that he was probably seeing things as his tears came down from his face, but he could swear by the angel that he saw Magnus smile, just the slightest.

"I love you Magnus Bane." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus with tears." No matter what you might think, I love you so much."

Then Alec started to get on the bed and started to lay next to Magnus, then he started to wrap his arms around Magnus's waist and pull him closer to him, then he buried his face at Magnus's neck and kiss him by the cheek, and hope that he will wake up soon.

Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform

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