
|May 19, 1994|

"Ow, Bitch." I flinched away from Aaliyah and her hot curling iron. "Dont be burning my scalp." I rubbed my scalp in pain as she pushed my hnd away and pulled me back towards her.

"Stop moving girl! Beauty is pain." She said. Still moving my head around she forcefully grabbed chin and turned my head to look at her.

"If you keep moving imma stick this hot iron up yo ass." She said sternly. I leaned back by her sudden aggresive tone and raised my hand.

"Okay now you on some next level kinky shit." I told her she nudged me playfully after telling me to shut up.

Lisa come out of my walk in closet holding two dresses. She held them in front if my face and I shook my head. She threw her head back in frustration before throwing the dresses on my bed. "Thats it. I quit with this dress stuff Aaliyah you can handle hat." She fell back on the bed.

"Yeah just one curl..aaand done." She smiled obviously proud of her work. I was about to go see how I look in the mirror but I was stopped." Nah uh." Aaliyah shook her head." You can't see yourself till our work is done."

"Stop moving!" Lisa said as I was flinching like a bitch. She was plucking my eyebrows at the moment and it hurts."That shit hurts Lisa." I whined as I touched my brows in pain. She slapped my hand away before she grabbed my face making me look like a fish.

"If you keep flinching imma pluck your eyes out." I leaned back again." Can you guys stop being so raw?" She rolled her eyes before going back to her plucking. After she finished with my eyebrows she started doing my make up. Aaliyah was in my closet rummaging through my clothes.

After Lisa was done with my make up she leaned back and stared at my face for awhile making me anxious to know how I look. A smile slowly creeps on her face." Aaliyah come look at this." She called her over. Aaliyah walked over and and looked at me. "Girl you look so beautiful." She smiled sweetly at me making me blush and glancing down shyly before glancing back at them. She reached her hand for me to take before leading me towards my closet.

"I found the right dress for you." She gave me the dress and I nodded. Still a little bit uneasy about the dress I still put it on. She left the closet so I can get dressed. After I put it on, I nervously walked out of the closet.

Nervously fiddling with my fingers I looked up and saw Lisa and Aaliyah with their mouths open. "What do you think?" I shyly put my hand behind my back shifting my weight from foot to foot.

"You looks so beautiful girl. This dress looks so good on you." Aaliyah said clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Donald definelty gone give you some." She smirked at me. I giggled at her before she went to my jewerly box and in a second she found diamond earrings for me to wear. After Aaliyah found me heels to match. It was time to see how I look.

"Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and they slowly turned me around."Okay open them."

I opened them and I gasped. "Wow.."

|I dont see my character as Karyn Parsons but you guys can picture the
character as anyone you want.|

I checked myself out in the mirror. Obviously satisfied with how I look I turned around to hug Aaliyah and Lisa and thanked them. In the middle of our hugging there was a rock thrown at my window. Lisa pulled away from our group hug before walking over to the window.

She turned to me smiling. "He is heeeree." She sings teasingly. I panic "Oh my god. He is here. Do I look okay?" They just laughed at me."Girl you look fine." Aaliyah said before handing me a black leather jacket and a purse. "Now go." They rushed me downstairs.

I took a deep breath before walking downstairs. I slowly opened the door and Donald stood there leaning against his benz. Lifting his head up slowly as he heard the door open. He had a Black leather jacket, baggy leather pants, black boots, gold jewelry and dark round glasses.

Might I say... he was looking good..

I closed the front door before walking towards him. He slowly walked towards me taking his glasses off while his eyes traveled up and down my body. He stood in front of me looking down at me. His mouth slowly opened he struggled to speak." I-Im uuhh.." he stuttered before closing his mouth and gulping nervously while still looking at my body.

"Y-you." He cleared his throat before he looked me in the eyes." You look very beautiful."

I smiled shyly." Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." He nodded and said a quiet 'thanks' before taking my hand and we were on our way.


"If you were in a North Carolina what are you doing here in L.A?" I asked Donald as he took a sip of his Hennessey. He was the one drinking since he was old enough I just asked for them to give me some apple juice.

We were in a very rich looking white people restaurant. We were the only black people in here. It made me feel so uncomfortable when we walked in here and all the white folks were giving us weird looks.

"The main reason I came to L.A is because i've been producing for some artist over here." He told me and took another sip. My eyes widened a little bit. "You produce?"

He nodded." Yeah. I even got my own group.. its called Jodeci." I nodded as I I started to pick on my food. Where have I heard that name before...

"They were the boys who sang Cry for you, right?" I asked still picking on my food. He cocked his head to the side while tapping his finger on the rim of the glass slowly."Yess.."

I stopped my actions after I realised who I was talking to. I knew he looked familiar.."So you are one of the group members.....Devante, right?"

He raised his eyebrows and gave me a weird look before clearing his throat." So you trying to tell me.. You don't recognize my voice? You don't recognize me at all?" He questioned and held his hand against his chest. Looking a bit offended.

I shook my head no." I thought you looked familiar but I never really thought much about it." I shrugged. "Oh.. that's new." He mumbled. He shook his head slowly and folded his arms across his chest, looking confused as ever.

"Usually the ladies go crazy when I tell them that I'm Devante swing.." he sighed while looking at me in disbelief. I took my glass and brought it close to my lips.

" Well maybe I'm not like all the other Ladies." I took a sip and he watched me attentively. He just quietly stared at me and I stared back at him. His lips formed into a smirk, looking like he is trying to hide a smile.

This wasn't an awkward silence. This was much more intense and.. sexy in a way.

"So... Amayah.." he started slowly as he leaned back in his chair. I put my glass down, waiting for him to continue." You have a man in your life?" He asked.

I sighed." I had but... Not anymore." I told him before softly biting my lip. His gaze shifted to my lips and back to my eyes. Growing nervous under his stare I quietly whimpered in my chair.

"Y-you have a woman in your life?" I stuttered. He chuckled darkly. "She is Long.. gone.." He answered slowly with his deep voice. I didn't know if I should've been scared of his tone or turned on.

I looked back down at my plate and started picking at my food again. "You full?" He asked. I looked back at him and nodded." But i'd like to take this home for Lisa and Liyah."

He nodded." Aight they gon wrap it up for you." He said before he snapped his fingers and called for the waiter.

"Yes Mr. Degrate?" The waiter asked. "Can you wrap this food up for my lady and umm.." He motioned for him to come closer with his finger before whispering something in his ear.

"Of Course Mr. Degrate." The waiter smirked before taking my plate and walking back to the kitchen. Donald took out his wallet before throwing a hundred dollar bill on the table." Come on, I want to take you somewhere." He held out his hand. I took it and we stood up. On cue the waiter came out of the kitchen with my food foiled up into a swan.

Donald took it and gave it to me. " Have a nice evening Mr. Degrate." The waiter winked at him. Donald nodded at him. "You too Vincent."

After the waiter left to his own duties we walked over to the exit. Near the exit Donald saw Champagne in a ice bucket, glasses and red roses.

He looked around him before taking the champange out of the ice bucket and grabbed two glasses. I gasped and looked around us. "What are you doing?!" I whisper/yelled.

"Shhh." He sushed me. "You can't just take that. You are going to get us in trouble." I told him before looking around again making sure that nobody sees us. He took my hand before taking one of the roses with his teeth and quickly walking out of the restaurant. We quickly got in the car and I turned to him. "Why would you do that?" I asked him. He laughed." Don't worry about it babygirl."

I sighed calming down a bit." Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere special."


He stopped the car and turned it off. I looked around confused." Where are we?" He grabbed the champagne and the glasses." In the hills. Come on." He said before getting out of the car. I opened the door and took off my heels because my feet were killing me.

I closed the door and held my shoes before he grabbed my other hand and lead my somwhere. We walked up the the small hill before we came into a stop.

"Wow.." I breathed out.

"So this is what L.A looks like from up here.." I said. He didn't answer me. He lead me to a huge rock where we sat down. "Hold these." He gave me the glasses and he took the champagne bottle and shook it.

When it popped I let out a small squeal earning a chuckle from Donald.
"So what made you bring me here?" I asked him as he poured champagne in the glasses. "I wanted to bring someone here who I think could understand where im coming from and not judge me." he looked down before taking a sip from his champange.

I waited for him to continue but he never did. "What do you mean?" I asked after few minutes of silence.

"There was this one girl.. I thought she loved me but she didn't..I wanted to do everything right but I felt like everything I did wasn't enough for her.." He told me as he looked in the distance. Waiting for him to continue I took a sip from my champagne.

"All I wanted to do was to love her and she didn't seem to get it." He gulped he looked like he was about to get angry. He shook his head laughing at himself but I didn't find nothing funny.

"I never brought her here because I didn't feel like she was the one for me anymore." He looked at me." But I brought you here and this is only our first date." He bit his lip and shook his head." I might sound corny but there is just something about you.... and I don't know what it is but it made me bring you here."

I just stared at him in awe. No one has ever said anything like that to me. 'There is something about you.'

"Wow.. Don.. I don't know what to say." I said as my cheeks started to feel warm. He didn't answer he just stared at the side of my face and took a sip from his glass.

"You don't have to say anything.. " he said quietly. " Wait here." He gave me his glass before he hopped down from the rock and jogged over to his car.

He came back holding something behind his back before he climbed on the rock again. He gave me the red rose and smiled. "I think you should have this."

I blushed." Thank you." He took my hand." Come on. I should take you home.

He jumped down the rock first and he catched me. Carefully making me land on my feet.
We walked back to his car and he took me home.

"Thank you for this night.. This is one of the most romantic nights i've ever had." I told him as we stopped in front of my front door.

"Your welcome." He nodded and licked his lips. "We should do this again sometime."

"We definitely should." I nodded." Okay so.." We nervously laughed before pulling eachother into a warm hug.

"Bye.." I said he. He just nodded and started to walk away but I felt like I forgot to do something. "Don wait!"

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to walk back to me. I fiddled with my fingers as he now stood in front of me again. Looking down at me with his beautiful eyes.


"I-I never got to properly thank you when you saved me." I bit my lips nervously. He looked down at my lips and licked his lips again.

He waved me off." It's no prob-

I grabbed him by his jacket and crashed my lips against his soft big ones. He stayed still and it made me think that he didn't want the kiss but as I was about to pull away he pulled me back. His hands slowly cupping my cheeks as our tongues wrestled together our lips moving sync.

If I was saying that his lips didn't taste like heaven... im lying as a muthafucka..

After being in a lip lock for few seconds we pulled away. Our noses still were touching both of us breathing softly, our eyes still closed.

"Damn..." Donald breathes out. I smiled before pulling away from his embrace. " See you around, D."

I opened the door to my house and got in. Leaving him on the porch. After I closed the door to my house and leaned against it and not a minute pass by my bestfriend run down the stairs and bombare me with questions.

Meanwhile On the other side Donald was smirking and tapping his middle finger and index finger against his bottom lip while walking back to his car like a gangsta.

| Okay guys. So there is this person saying that im copying their stuff. I just want to let it be known that.

I don't copy. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I mean I wouldn't want my shit being copied, why would I want to copy anybody else? I don't agree with copying and I don't fuck with copy cats. I don't know which part the person is talking about but she told me that there is similarities with her story.

I'm sorry about that I haven't noticed. When I started writing this book I thought about the movies The perfect guy and Obsessed. I did not once think about your story and I dont remember reading your story either sis...

And just to let everyone know. Im not the type of person who takes somebodys elses work and takes credit for it. I don't do that.

Ps. Im not mad at anybody. I just wanted to make something clear|

Anyway what did you guys think of this chapter?🔥😝

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