
|June 7, 1994|
Amayah |Not proofread|

After crying on my shoulder for awhile I told Donald to leave my house and give me a little space. He didn't like the idea of me alone in the house but I told him to let me be for awhile and clear my head. Eventually he left the house but not without continuously apologizing about his actions.

I told him lets forget and pretend that it never happend but truthfully. I can't forget. That woman all over him like that and not only that but he came in here and started attacking everybody.

It makes me think that maybe.. Maybe he is-

My phone ringing. I reach my hand onto my nightstand and grab my phone. " Hello?" I lazily answer.

"Hey girl where you at?" I hear a not so familiar voice on the other line. " Who's this?" I sit up on my bed." Girl It's Missy. Devante gave me your number."

"Oh, hi." I awkwardly said." You ain't coming today?" She asked. I stood up from the bed. "Come where?"

"Well Devante told us you were coming to record with us today. You coming right?" She asked. I don't want to disappoint her." Yeahh.. I'm coming." I sighed. " Aight see you soon." She said excitedly before hanging up.

I walked in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror before undressing and hopping in the shower.


"I keep getting these fucking letters, Lis. I don't understand." I said as walked down the street through the parking lot with my groceries. I held the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I searched for my keys from my purse.

"Im surprised you keep getting them. I haven't gotten them in a week." She said as I furrowed my eyebrows and going through my purse, searching for my keys. " Shit... I can't find my keys." I mumbled.

"Li you always lose something." I heard Lisa say on the other line. "Bitch let's not forget you lost your wig at the mall. We had to search for it the whole day."

"Don't talk about that Li. You know  how much i loved that wig. Gloria was so beautiful." She said as I still kept looking for keys.

"Looking for these?" Someone said, I turned around and was met with a smirking Jane holding my keys infront of me.

"I saw you drop it on your way to your car." She gave me my key as I sighed in relief. " Thank you." I thanked her before I opened the car door and put my groceries on the passenger seat.

As she was about to walk away from an Idea came into my mind. "Hey!" I called after her. She turned around and stared at me with her blue eyes. " Yes?"

"Do you... want to have lunch with me?" I asked, nervously. I don't know why I was getting nervous.. Must be her intimidating stare.

She still wasn't answering so I went on babbling." If your not busy of course And I mean I can cook.." I went on just talking not realising that she held a smile on her face.

"A-and." I started but I got caught off by her giggling." Sure I will." She said as she walked back towards my car."You will?" I asked kind off suprised.

"Yes of course." She smiled as she opened the car door and picked up the groceries and sat on the passenger seat. I sat on the drivers seat before starting the car. "So like bitch, you gon just forget about me?" Lisas voice was heard from the phone that I was holding. Me and Jane glanced at each other and laughed." Sorry, lis." I said before driving  out of the parking lot.


"Omg Aaliyah you got this flour everywhere." Jane laughed at me as I looked down at my clothes that were covered in flour as I laughed with her." Well atleast I tried cooking." I said as I tried to shrug the flour off of my shirt.

"It's alright atleast you tried. Go clean yourself up. I can finish the food." She shooed me away as she continued preparing fried chicken.

On my way to my bedroom to change my clothes the doorbell rang. I turned around and walked over to my front door and opened it. There stood Lisa with bags.

"Hey girl." She invited herself in and dropped her bags on the floor. "Wassup witchu?" I asked and studied her tired expression.

She sighed." Well Andre is back with his bullshit again and I couldn't take it so.. Instead of stabbing him in the ass I came here. Can I crash?" She asked and I nodded." Of course."

"It smells good as fuck in here. What you got here cooking and why you clothes all white? You be swimming in powder?" She asked her back turned towards the kitchen and staring straight at me.

"Fried chicken, Mashed potatoes and collard greens and no I haven't been swimming in powder.. This is flour." I answered before walking towards the kitchen. I could feel the smirk in her voice. " Fried Chicken, Mashed potatoes and collard greens..Damn Li. You making that 'i want somebody to wife me in the future' food. Go on housewife witcha bad self." She teased and I laughed.

When she spotted Jane all the teasing stopped. We all stood there in awkward silence as they stared at eachother. I looked at Lisa and she had a unexplainable look in her eyes that made me uncomfortable.

I cleared my throat to break the awkwardness." Umm. Lisa this is Jane, Jane this is Lisa." I introduced them to each other. "Hi." Jane waved awkwardly. "If your hungry, im pretty sure we have food for one more and maybe we could get to know eachother." Jane suggested,

Lisa glanced at me and then back at Jane and then back at me." Nahh, I'm not umm..." She paused." Imma go upstairs." She excused herself quickly before she walked away.

We stayed quiet till we heard the door close. Jane looked at me, frowning." Something I said?"

I shook my head." No, She is just tired. She has been going trough alot with her man so she probably just wants some rest." I told her. She nodded her head slowly before she started setting the table.

I started walking upstairs. I walk into my room finding Lisa going trough her stuff not bothering to look up at me. "What was that about?"

   "What was what about?" She asked as she kept going trough her things. "Why do you have to act like that? You didn't even say Hi to her."

She sighed before she looked up at me." The second I saw her, I just... I don't know.." She shook her head." I don't have a great feeling about her."

I cocked my head to the side. "You don't even know her.." I said. She gave me a questionable look." Do you?" She asked.

I stayed silent and avoided her stare." How long have you known this girl?" She asked. "This is the second time we have met." I truthfully told her.

"Wowww. Im so sick and tired of this 'dumb bitches' trend it needs to end." She shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose." So like.. You basically have a stranger in your house and cooking for you.." We both looked at eachother and after awhile my eyes widened.

I quickly walked back downstairs and found Jane throwing her bag over her shoulder. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going home." She said. " Why?" I asked. She shrugged." Well I feel like i'm not wanted here right now but don't worry i'm not mad at anybody and ummm.. I left you and your friend some food on the counter and I already ate so.. Thanks for the lunch.." she opened the door but before she stepped out she looked at me and smiled." I had fun." She said before closing the door.

I turned around and looked at Lisa who stood behind me with her arms folded. "We better order some tacos, pizza or sum cuz guurrlll.. We dont know what that girl put in there." She said as she walked towards the kitchen.

I scoffed and followed her to the kitchen and watched her throw the food away. "She only put some seasoning."

"She put her own seasoning aaight." Lisa said as she started to dial the pizza place. I went upstairs to change my clothes. Getting ready to chill with Lisa.


This chapter was a flop and im sorry that i've been taking so long to update but i've been planning on something for few weeks.

Many people don't known but my dream is to become a singer/ entertainer. I've know what i've wanted to be since I was 4yo even though I tell my parents otherwise. I'm still going to write new books and as a matter of fact another book is in works.

But anyway i've been thinking that I should start like a video Diary/ Vlog or sum like that. I will be filming when I go to the studio, telling you guys more about me, traveling and I will even film a meeting with my future record label if I ever get signed or something, you will get to hear my songs and I just want to take you guys on this journey with me.

We can talk about deep, happy, sad, funny stuff and I can open up about my life more and I hope you guys can relate. Things can get really personal in my videos. I can even help if someone feels like there is nobody to talk to. Im here you know... To give you advice and listen to you.

I really want to inspire people who would really give up on almost everything just to pursue their dreams. I've never ever told really anyone that this is my dream but I hope you guys believe in me and support me on this.

(I don't know how tumbrl works but can you post videos on there?) I will probably post my first Video Diary on youtube. I think this would be fun and I hope you guys will tune in.

My Video Diary, is dedicated to all the Dreamers out there.❤

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