A/N btw DeVantes hair is going to be like this through the whole 1994.
|June 6, 1994|
"Where should we go next?"Aaliyah asks walking towards me while holding her shopping bags. I decided to go shopping with her since she seemed more upset than Lisa was. Lisa was back at home probably arguing with her boyfriend so she isn't with us today. " That shoe store over there, I wan't to get me some new shoes." I said before running and pulling her along with me towards the store.
I look around the store and there are so many nice shoes in here. I can't pick which section I should go to first "Adidas, nike, Fila or reebook..." I asked myself as I looked around again. I rolled my eyes and just went randomly. I walked over to the nike section checking some if the shoes out. I looked around the store and saw Aaliyah just walking around also checking out the shoes.
I went back to look at the shoes. I grabbed one of the nikes that I found dope and nodded my head in satisfaction." Nice..." I looked around the store to find someone who works here but they were busy assisting somebody else so I put them back on the shelf. I continue to look at the shoes.
While I was looking at the shoes, I felt a presence behind me. I didn't pay it no mind because I thought it was Aaliyah trying to creep up on me or something. "Excuse me miss?" The person tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and the woman smiled at me as soon as I turned around.
"You dropped your walle-" she stopped her sentence and studied my face making me grow uncomfortable under her gaze. She had an amused expression on her face before pointing at me. Slowly she started to look familiar too. " Aren't you the quiet girl from the lil coffee shop?"
I cocked my head to the side and studied her face and It clicked. I nodded my head smiling." Yeah and you are the talkative girl, right?" I pointed out to her and she nodded her head letting out that very cringeworthy giggle.
"You dropped your wallet by the way." She said as she gave me my wallet. I took and looked down awkwardly." Thanks.. Umm you here alone?" I asked her she sighed while looking around the store." Yeahh, I just came to check out for some clothes, since I had nothing else to do." She said, I nodded and licked my lips. We stood there in a awkward silence before Aaliyah walked up to us. "Did you find anything?" She asked me while holding a pair of sneakers before shifting her eyes to the woman in front of me.
"Who is this?" She nodded towards her." She is someone I met at the coffee shop the other day." I said.
"Oh, okay." She nodded, Aaliyah had a little look in her eyes but I don't know what it is. After we had a little awkward silence the woman decided to speak up again. "Well, I should get going and umm it was nice to meet you." She said to Aaliyah before turning to walk away before she could get too far I called back for her.
"Hey!" I said, she slowly turned around. "Yeah?" She walked back." Since you don't have nothing else to do.. Why don't you come grab a bite with us?" I offered. She glanced at me and Aaliyah back and forth awkwardly.
"That's nice but I don't want to be a burden." She declined. " Nahh come on, we can get to know eachother better. " I offered again.
"Come on it will be fun." Aaliyah said, smiling. I glanced at Aaliyah fighting the urge to look at her weird. The woman shrugged and smiled. "Alright then."
" My dad is like part Swedish and part english and then my mom is Italian." She said before taking a sip from her soda.
"Oh, thats cool. Can you speak Italian?"
She shook her head." No. I only know what arrivederci means, which means goodbye in italy." She said.
"Oh thats cool." I said." So why did you leave the country?" Aaliyah asked her as she bit into her frie. She stared at us for awhile before she slowly swallowed and was softly tapping her cup with her fingers while looking down. "Well... I lost someone and after that I kind of lost hope and i just felt like..."she sighed pausing." I had nothing left here so i left."
We looked at her with sorrow." I'm very sorry." I said. She just shrugged and waved us off." It's not your fault and besides I was offered a job there and I took it. So I got on my feet pretty quickly.
"If you don't mind me asking...How close were you and the person you lost?" Aaliyah asked. I nudged her and gave her a look. She whispered a quiet 'what' and I shook my head. "No, no it's okay. I can answer that." She assured." Me and the guy... I can say that I was truly falling in love with him but before him I was with another guy who at first was so nice, so loving so caring... He was everything a woman could dream for in a man.. Too good to be true. He started to get really possessive, manipulating and controlling.
There was a point were I felt like I was being mentally abused. things got very dangerous and I wasn't feeling well so Michael.. My late boyfriends name is Michael. He was there for me, helped me to stay strong.. He was there when my ex- boyfriend wasn't so one day I gave into him and I..... cheated on my ex."
Me and Aaliyah listened closely as she continued.
"I was falling in love with him while I was falling out of love with the other guy but that still didn't mean that I wasn't in love with him. I was very in love with my ex." She said.
"But if you were so in love with your ex why did you cheat on him?" Aaliyah asked. She sighed." The thing is... I was in love with both of them but at the same time I was falling out of love with the other one and I just.. I don't know I gave into him and had sex with him.. What even made it worse we did it in the bed me and my ex slept in." She said, her cheeks becoming red.
"Oo girl." Aaliyah shook her head looking at her in disapproval. I just shook my head." What? Don't judge me." She looked down in embarrassment. "The bed yall sleep in.. Now girl thats just foul. If you wanted to cheat you should've done it in his bed or yours."
"I know, I know but anyway we got caught in the act and my ex was very pissed, they got into a brawl, Michael stormed out of the house and I tried to hold my ex back and tried to talk but he wasn't listening and left after minutes of screaming at me...." She gulped." Our breakup wasn't the only that crushed me but the news I got three days later is what really crushed me.. Michael was in a fatal car accident.."
"We are so sorry." Me and Aaliyah said at the same time. She waved us off again." It's okay. He is in a better place now.. Where nobody can hurt him." She said.
"Well I hope you find somebody who can be there for you and makes you feel special." I smiled at her as I put my hand on top of hers. "So do I." Aaliyah said smiling. The girl looked down at our hands before, looking at me in the eyes and had a tiny smirk on her face.
"So do I." She said while staring at me. I took my hand from hers, starting to feel slight uncomfortable. My phone started ringing and I took it and answered it.
"Where are you?" I heard his deep velvety voice. "I'm at the mall." I told him as I sipped on my soda. "With who?" He asked again.
"With a couple of friends."
"Who?" He asked again." With Aaliyah and a girl I met.." I glanced at Aaliyah and the girl before looking back at my food. "So you are with your hating friend and some stranger?" He asked.
"Yes we are just talking. I met her two days ago and we decided to talk again."
"You.. Don't even know the girl.. You probably don't know her name either, huh?"
"So what?" I asked. He scoffed." You could be talking to an axe murderer." He said, I glanced at the girl and she was already looking back at me.
"Nahh I don't think so.." Told him while biting onto my frie. "Don't judge a book by it's cover but anyway I'm coming to get you."
"Why?" I asked." I got few people I want you to meet.." he said. "Oh, ok but you can drop Li on the way too."
He scoffed." She can walk." I rolled my eyes." Yes you are." I said. He kissed his teeth in response." Fine. I'm on my way now."
"Alright, bye." We hung up. "Boyfriend, coming to pick you up?" The girl asked and I nodded. Aaliyah rolled her eyes." Dumbo can drop me off too."
I laughed and playfully nudged her." Leave my babys ears alone and yes he is going to drop you off home."
The girl forced a smiled before she started gathering her stuff. " Well this was fun.." she started before looking at her wrist watch as she stood up." I should get going but we should definetly do this again." She smiled and put on her jacket before waving.
Before she could leave, I called out for her." Hey." She turned around." I still don't know your name?" I laughed awkwardly.
She smiled." Jane.. just call me jane anndd..." she reached to her back pocket and pulled out a marker and grabbed my arm." Here is my number." She wrote it down on my arm.
"You guys." She pointed at me and Aaliyah with the marker before putting it back into her back pocket." Can call me anytime. It would be very nice to get couple of new friends after being away for 2 years." She gave us a genuine smile and we gave one back to her before waving and saying our goodbyes.
What did you guys thiiinkkk?🔥 [Not proofread]
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